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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18837 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The effects of a mindfulness-based lifestyle program for adults with Parkinson’s disease: a mixed methods, wait list controlled randomised control study Jenny Advocat Email author, Joanne Enticott, Brooke Vandenberg, Craig Hassed, Jennifer Hester and Grant Russell BMC Neurology 2016 Sep 8 VIEW
The Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Emotional Distress, Quality-of-Life, and HbA1c in Outpatients With Diabetes (DiaMind): A randomized controlled trial. van Son J, Nyklícek I, Pop VJ, Blonk MC, Erdtsieck RJ, Spooren PF, Toorians AW, Pouwer F. Diabetes Care. 2012 Nov 27 VIEW
The effects of a mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction program on mood and symptoms of stress in cancer outpatients: 6-month follow-up Carlson LE//Ursuliak Z//Goodey E//Angen M//// Support Care Cancer 2001 VIEW
The Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation Program on Quality of Life in Cancer Outpatients. Chang YY1,2, Wang LY3, Liu CY1,3, Chien TJ1,3, Chen IJ1,3, Hsu CH1,3,4 Integr Cancer Ther. 2017 Feb 1 VIEW
The effects of a mindfulness intervention on obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a non-clinical student population Hanstede M, Gidron Y, Nyklícek I J Nerv Ment Dis. 2008 Oct VIEW
The effects of a medical hypnotherapy on clothing industry employees suffering from chronic pain. Roja Z, Kalkis V, Roja I, Kalkis H. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2013 Sep 25 VIEW
The effects of a light bicycle exercise on bioimpedance and grip strength Yoshida K//Yoshihuku Y//Aoki T//Adachi Y Japanese Mind-Body Science 1998 VIEW
The effects of a Light Bicycle Exercise on Bio-impedance and Grip Strength Yoshida Y//Yoshihuku Y//Aoki T//Adachi Y J Mind-Body Science 1998 VIEW
The Effects of a Gentle Yoga Program on Sleep, Mood, and Blood Pressure in Older Women with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. Innes KE, Selfe TK. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
The effects of a complex yoga-based intervention on healthy psychological functioning Adam Koncz1,2, Eszter Nagy3, Barbara Csala1, János Körmendi1,2,4, Vera Gál1,2, Csilla Suhaj1,2, Csongor Selmeci5, Ágota Selmeciné Bogdán5, Szilvia Boros1, Ferenc Köteles6,2 Front Psychol 2023 Mar 30 VIEW
The Effects of a 6-Month Tai Chi Qigong Training Program on Temporomandibular, Cervical, and Shoulder Joint Mobility and Sleep Problems in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Survivors. Fong SS1, Ng SS2, Lee HW3, Pang MY2, Luk WS4, Chung JW5, Wong JY6, Masters RS7. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Nov 18 VIEW
The effects of a 6-month moderate-intensity Hatha yoga-based training program on health-related fitness in middle-aged sedentary women: a randomized controlled study Michał T Boraczyński1, Tomasz W Boraczyński2, Zbigniew Wójcik3, Jan Gajewski4, James J Laskin5 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
The effects of a 1.8 GHz continuous electromagnetic fields on mucociliary transport of human nasal mucosa. n SM, Kim HJ, Park RW, Kim W, Gimm YM, Park I, Hong S, Hong JJ, Oh JH, Kahng H, Park EY. Laryngoscope. 2012 Oct 11 VIEW
The effects and post effects of qi on the perfume components of a flower extract Lu Zuyin 1//Wong Yonghua 2//Xin Yan 3 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
The effectiveness, suitability, and sustainability of non-pharmacological methods of managing pain in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review Tang SK1, Tse MMY2, Leung SF2, Fotis T3 BMC Public Health. 2019 Nov 8 VIEW
The effectiveness, acceptability, and sustainability of non-pharmacological interventions for chronic pain management in older adults in mainland China: A systematic review Jiafan He1, Mimi Mun Yee Tse2, Tyrone Tai On Kwok1 Geriatr Nurs 2024 Apr 18 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Yoga on Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jihong Song1, Tao Wang2, Yujie Wang3, Rong Li4, Sitian Niu5, Litao Zhuo5, Qian Guo1, Xiaomei Li1 Oncol Nurs Forum 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
The effectiveness of yoga in modifying risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Chu P1, Gotink RA2, Yeh GY3, Goldie SJ4, Hunink MM5. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014 Dec 15 VIEW
The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. Hartfiel N, Havenhand J, Khalsa SB, Clarke G, Krayer A. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2010 Apr 6 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Whole-Body-Vibration Training in Improving Hamstring Flexibility in Physically Active Adults. Houston MN1, Hodson VE, Adams K KE, Hoch JM. J Sport Rehabil. 2015 Feb VIEW
The Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Yijinjing Qigong Exercise for the Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis on the Pain, Dysfunction, and Mood Disorder: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Shuaipan Zhang1,2, Guangxin Guo1,2, Xing Li3, Fei Yao1, Zhiwei Wu2,4, Qingguang Zhu2,4, Min Fang1,2,4 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Jan 11 VIEW
The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine-based lifestyle interventions on biomedical, psychosocial, and behavioral outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Yu X1, Chau JPC2, Huo L3 Int J Nurs Stud. 2018 Feb 19 VIEW
The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine-based exercise on physical performance, balance and muscle strength among older adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis Cenyi Wang1, Jiling Liang2, Yuhao Si3, Zeyun Li4, Aming Lu5 Aging Clin Exp Res 2021 Aug 22 VIEW
The effectiveness of therapeutic touch: a meta-analytic review Peters RM Nurs Sci Q 1999 VIEW
The effectiveness of therapeutic touch for decreasing pain in elders with degenerative arthritis Eckes Peck SD J Holist Nurs 1997 VIEW
The effectiveness of tai chi, yoga, meditation, and reiki healing sessions in promoting health and enhancing problem solving abilities of registered nurses Raingruber B, Robinson C Issues Ment Health Nurs 2007 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi on the depressive symptom of young adults with subthreshold depression: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Xiaoting Xie#1,2, Jian Song#1,2,3, Jingfang Zhu1,2,3, Mengyu Han1,2, Youze He1,2, Jia Huang1,2,3,4, Jing Tao1,2,3,4, Jingsong Wu5,6,7,8 Trials 2021 Jan 30 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Tai Chi in Breast Cancer Patients: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Jinke Huang1, Haolin Liu1, Jiajie Chen1, Xiaowen Cai2, Yong Huang3 J Pain Symptom Manage 2020 Oct 14 VIEW
The effectiveness of tai chi in breast cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Liu L1, Tan H2, Yu S3, Yin H4, Baxter GD5 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2020 Feb VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi for short-term cognitive function improvement in the early stages of dementia in the elderly: a systematic literature review. Lim KH1, Pysklywec A2, Plante M3, Demers L3,4 Clin Interv Aging. 2019 May 8 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi for postpartum depression: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis Haoyu Tian1, Shengnan Han1, Jing Hu1, Xiangyu Peng1, Wei Zhang1, Wanyu Wang1, Xianghua Qi2, Jing Teng1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2021 Dec 10 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Tai Chi for Knee Osteoarthritis: An Overview of Systematic Reviews Yuntian Ye1,2, Aifeng Liu1,2 Int J Gen Med 2023 Oct 4 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Tai Chi for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Hall A1, Copsey B2, Richmond H3, Thompson J4, Ferreira M5, Latimer J6, Maher CG7 Phys Ther. 2016 Sep 15 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi for chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hall A, Maher C, Latimer J, Ferreira M. Arthritis Rheum. 2009 Jun 15 VIEW
The effectiveness of tai chi exercise in improving aerobic capacity: an updated meta-analysis. Taylor-Piliae RE Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi Chuan on fear of movement, prevention of falls, physical activity, and cognitive status in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial Canan Birimoglu Okuyan1, Ebru Deveci2 Perspect Psychiatr Care 2020 Nov 13 VIEW
The effectiveness of Tai Chi as a fall prevention intervention for older adults: a systematic review H Gregory, MC Watson International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 2009 VIEW
The effectiveness of self-help mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in a student sample: A randomised controlled trial. Lever Taylor B1, Strauss C2, Cavanagh K3, Jones F4. Behav Res Ther. 2014 Sep 22 VIEW
The effectiveness of selected Tai Chi exercises in a program of strategic rehabilitation aimed at improving the self-care skills of patients aroused from prolonged coma after severe TBI. Mańko G, Ziółkowski A, Mirski A, Kłosiński M. Med Sci Monit. 2013 Sep 16 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Qigong in Managing a Cluster of Symptoms (Breathlessness-Fatigue-Anxiety) in Patients with Lung Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial Alex Molassiotis1, Dau Van Vu2, Shirley Siu Yin Ching1 Integr Cancer Ther Jan-Dec 2021 VIEW
The effectiveness of Q-G maneuver Zhang SX//Guo HZ//Jing BS//// Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 1989 VIEW
The effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with asthma: A systematic review of the literature. Bruurs ML, van der Giessen LJ, Moed H. Respir Med. 2013 Jan 17 VIEW
The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic interventions in treatment of frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis: A systematic review. Jain TK, Sharma NK. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2013 Nov 27 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy, Restricted to Electrotherapy and Exercise, for Osteoarthritis of the Knee [Internet]. The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy, Restricted to Electrotherapy and Exercise, for Osteoarthritis of the Knee [Internet]. NIPH Systematic Reviews: Executive Summaries.2004 2004 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients. Benedetti MG1, Furlini G1, Zati A1, Letizia Mauro G2 Biomed Res Int. 2018 Dec 23 VIEW
The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving well-being across office-based workplace settings: a systematic review. Abdin S1, Welch RK2, Byron-Daniel J3, Meyrick J3 Public Health. 2018 May 8 VIEW
The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving higher education students' mental health: A systematic review Samantha Donnelly1, Kay Penny2, Mary Kynn3 Health Promot Int 2024 Apr 1 VIEW
The effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions for informal dementia caregivers: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Cheng ST1, Li KK2, Losada A3, Zhang F1, Au A4, Thompson LW5, Gallagher-Thompson D5 Psychol Aging. 2020 Feb VIEW
The effectiveness of nonoperative treatment for frozen shoulder: a systematic review. Tashjian RZ. Clin J Sport Med. 2012 Mar VIEW
The Effectiveness of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Upon Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Ioannis Koukoulithras Sr1, Alexandra Stamouli2, Spyridon Kolokotsios2, Minas Plexousakis Sr2, Christine Mavrogiannopoulou2 Cureus 2021 Jan 30 VIEW
The effectiveness of music therapy for patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Li Y1,2, Xing X3, Shi X4,5, Yan P6, Chen Y1, Li M1,2, Zhang W1,2, Li X1,2, Yang K1,2,6,7 J Adv Nurs. 2020 Feb 3 VIEW
The effectiveness of music in relieving pain in cancer patients: A randomized controlled trial. Huang ST, Good M, Zauszniewski JA. Int J Nurs Stud. 2010 Apr 17 VIEW
The effectiveness of music in pediatric healthcare: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Treurnicht Naylor K, Kingsnorth S, Lamont A, McKeever P, Macarthur C. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
The effectiveness of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial Lemstra M//Olszynski WP Clin J Pain 2005 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction for Military Cadets on Perceived Stress Yeh-Hung Chen1,2, Fa-Chung Chiu3,2, Yao-Nan Lin4,2, Yu-Lin Chang2 Psychol Rep 2021 Apr 20 VIEW
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention on physical function in individuals with chronic low back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials K Soundararajan1, Venkatesan Prem2, Thomas J Kishen3 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Jun 23 VIEW
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based meditation treatments for late life anxiety: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Stacey Hatch1, Jodi Webber1, Soham Rej2, Marcia Finlayson1, Dorothy Kessler1 Aging Ment Health 2022 Jul 31 VIEW
The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions among cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Xunlin NG1, Lau Y2, Klainin-Yobas P3 Support Care Cancer. 2019 Dec 13 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training in Improving the Quality of Life of the War Victims with Post Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Azad Marzabadi E1, Hashemi Zadeh SM1. Iran J Psychiatry. 2014 Oct VIEW
The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for nurses and nursing students: An integrated literature review. van der Riet P1, Levett-Jones T2, Aquino-Russell C3 Nurse Educ Today. 2018 Mar 24 VIEW
The effectiveness of low-dosed outpatient biopsychosocial interventions compared to active physical interventions on pain and disability in adults with nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis Martin Hochheim1,2, Philipp Ramm2, Volker Amelung1 Pain Pract 2022 Dec 23 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Individualized Acupuncture Protocols in the Treatment of Gulf War Illness: A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial. Conboy L1, Gerke T2, Hsu KY1, St John M1, Goldstein M3, Schnyer R4. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 31 VIEW
The effectiveness of immersive virtual reality (VR) based mindfulness training on improvement mental-health in adults: A narrative systematic review Jingni Ma1, Dongrong Zhao2, Naihong Xu2, Jinmei Yang3 Explore (NY) 2022 Aug 5 VIEW
The Effectiveness of High-Energy Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Versus Ultrasound-Guided Needling Versus Arthroscopic Surgery in the Management of Chronic Calcific Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review. Louwerens JK1, Veltman ES2, van Noort A2, van den Bekerom MP3 Arthroscopy. 2016 Jan VIEW
The Effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis. Sebastian B1, Nelms J2 Explore (NY). 2017 Jan - Feb VIEW
The Effectiveness of Electrical Acupuncture Stimulation in Reducing Levels of Self-reported Anxiety of Lung Cancer Patients during Palliative Care: A Pilot Study. Hu YQ1, Wu YF1, Hou LL1 Iran J Public Health. 2017 Aug VIEW
The Effectiveness of Daily Mindful Breathing Practices on Test Anxiety of Students. Cho H1, Ryu S1, Noh J1, Lee J2 PLoS One. 2016 Oct 20 VIEW
The effectiveness of Commiphora mukul for osteoarthritis of the knee: an outcomes study Singh BB//Mishra LC//Vinjamury SP//Aquilina N//// Altern Ther Health Med 2003 VIEW
The effectiveness of Baduanjin exercise for hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Bao-Yi Shao1, Xia-Tian Zhang2, Robin W M Vernooij3,4, Qiu-Yi Lv5, Yao-Yang Hou5, Qi Bao6, Li-Xing Lao7, Jian-Ping Liu8, Ying Zhang9, Gordon H Guyatt10 BMC Complement Med Ther 2020 Oct 8 VIEW
The effectiveness of Baduanjin exercise for hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Bao-Yi Shao1, Xia-Tian Zhang2, Robin W M Vernooij3,4, Qiu-Yi Lv5, Yao-Yang Hou5, Qi Bao6, Li-Xing Lao7, Jian-Ping Liu8, Ying Zhang9, Gordon H Guyatt10 BMC Complement Med Ther 2020 Oct 8 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture on the sleep quality of elderly with dementia: a within-subjects trial. Kwok T, Leung PC, Wing YK, Ip I, Wong B, Ho DW, Wong WM, Ho F. Clin Interv Aging. 2013 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture on pain and mobility in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study Maa SH, Sun MF, Wu CC J Nurs Res. 2008 Jun VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review of the literature. Hutchinson AJ, Ball S, Andrews JC, Jones GG. J Orthop Surg Res. 2012 Oct 30 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture in prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cheong KB1, Zhang JP1, Huang Y1, Zhang ZJ2. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 13 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture in prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cheong KB1, Zhang JP1, Huang Y1, Zhang ZJ2. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 13 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture for plantar heel pain: a systematic review. Clark RJ, Tighe M. Acupunct Med. 2012 Oct 25 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Lam M, Curry P, Galvin R. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Sep 10 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture for depression—a systematic review of randomised controlled trials Mukaino, Y., White, A., & Ernst, E. Acupuncture Medicine 2005 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic daily headache: an outcomes study. Plank S, Goodard J. Mil Med 2009 Dec VIEW
The effectiveness of acupressure on relieving pain: a systematic review. Chen YW1, Wang HH2. Pain Manag Nurs. 2014 Jun VIEW
The effectiveness of acupressure for the control and management of chemotherapy-related acute and delayed nausea: a randomized controlled trial. Molassiotis A1, Russell W2, Hughes J3, Breckons M4, Lloyd-Williams M3, Richardson J4, Hulme C5, Brearley SG6, Campbell M2, Garrow A7, Ryder WD8. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2014 Jan VIEW
The Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality-Based Tai Chi Exercise on Cognitive and Physical Function in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment. Hsieh CC1, Lin PS2,3, Hsu WC4,5, Wang JS1,6, Huang YC1, Lim AY1, Hsu YC1 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2018 Dec 11 VIEW
The effectiveness of a stress coping program based on mindfulness meditation on the stress, anxiety, and depression experienced by nursing students in Korea. Kang YS, Choi SY, Ryu E. Nurse Educ Today. 2009 Jul VIEW
The effectiveness of a stress coping program based on mindfulness meditation on the stress, anxiety, and depression experienced by nursing students in Korea. Kang YS, Choi SY, Ryu E. Nurse Educ Today. 2009 Jan 12 VIEW
The effectiveness of a single session of Whole-Body Vibration in improving the balance and the strength in type 2 diabetic patients with mild to moderate degree of peripheral neuropathy: A pilot study. Kordi Yoosefinejad A1, Shadmehr A2, Olyaei G3, Talebian S4, Bagheri H5. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2014 Jan VIEW
The Effectiveness of a Hybrid Exercise Program on the Physical Fitness of Frail Elderly Ziyi Wang1, Deyu Meng1, Shichun He1, Hongzhi Guo2,3, Zhibo Tian4, Meiqi Wei1, Guang Yang1, Ziheng Wang1,3,5 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 Sep 4 VIEW
The effectiveness of a comprehensive mind body weight loss intervention for overweight and obese adults: A pilot study. Alert MD, Rastegar S, Foret M, Slipp L, Jacquart J, Macklin E, Baim M, Fricchione G, Benson H, Denninger J, Yeung A. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Aug VIEW
The Effectiveness of a Community-based, Mind-Body Group for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety. Jacquart J, Miller KM, Radossi A, Haime V, Macklin E, Gilburd D, Nelson Oliver M, Mehta DH, Yeung A, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Denninger JW. Adv Mind Body Med. 2014 Summer VIEW
The Effectiveness of a Community-Based Exercise Program on Balance Performance and Fear of Falling in Older Non-Fallers at Risk of Falling: A Randomized, Controlled Study. Zhao Y1, Chung PK, Tong TK. J Aging Phys Act. 2016 Jan 18 VIEW
The effectiveness of a combined exercise intervention on physical fitness factors related to falls in community-dwelling older adults. Zhuang J1, Huang L2, Wu Y3, Zhang Y4. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 VIEW
The effectiveness and safety of acupuncture therapy in depressive disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhang ZJ, Chen HY, Yip KC, Ng R, Wong VT. J Affect Disord. 2009 Jul 24 VIEW
The Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture for Patients With Alzheimer Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zhou J1, Peng W, Xu M, Li W, Liu Z. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Jun VIEW
The effect on the immune functions in mice by qigong “waiqi” Feng Lida//Wang Yunsheng//Chen Shuying//Chen Haixing 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
The Effect on Serotonin and MDA Levels in Depressed Patients with Insomnia when Far-Infrared Rays are Applied to Acupoints. Chang Y, Liu YP, Liu CF. Am J Chin Med. 2009 VIEW
The effect of yoga therapy on selected psychological variables among male patients with insomnia. Sobana R, Parthasarathy S, Duraisamy, Jaiganesh K, Vadivel S. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Jan VIEW
The Effect of Yoga on Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Women. Shohani M1, Badfar G2, Nasirkandy MP3, Kaikhavani S4, Rahmati S5, Modmeli Y6, Soleymani A7, Azami M8 Int J Prev Med. 2018 Feb 21 VIEW
The effect of yoga on sleep quality and insomnia in women with sleep problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang WL1, Chen KH1, Pan YC1, Yang SN2, Chan YY3,4 BMC Psychiatry. 2020 May 1 VIEW
The effect of yoga on respiratory functions, symptom control and life quality of asthma patients: A randomized controlled study. Bahçecioğlu Turan G1 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019 Oct 28 VIEW
The effect of yoga on pulmonary function in patients with asthma: A meta-analysis Anshu1, Narendra Singh2, Sangeeta Deka3, Priyanka Saraswati4, Girish Sindhwani5, Arun Goel6, Ranjeeta Kumari7 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
The effect of yoga on neuroticism in an Indian population varies with socio-demographic factors. Telles S, Naveen KV, Kumar N, Balkrishna A, Acharya. J Cult Divers. 2012 Winter VIEW
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