The Effects of a Multimodal Intervention on Outcomes of Persons With Early-Stage Dementia

Author: Burgener SC, Yang Y, Gilbert R, Marsh-Yant S
Conference/Journal: Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen.
Date published: 2008 May 4
Other: Word Count: 147

Theories supporting the existence of a use-dependent neuroplasticity in the older brain were used to guide this pilot study. A repeated-measures randomized design was used to test the effectiveness of a multimodal (Taiji exercises, cognitive-behavioral therapies, support group) intervention on cognitive functioning, physical functioning, and behavioral outcomes in persons with dementia. The treatment group (n = 24 persons with dementia) participated in a 40-week intervention, with outcomes assessed at 20 and 40 weeks to assess optimal treatment length. Control group subjects (n = 19 persons with dementia) received attention-control educational programs. At 20 weeks, differences between groups were found for mental ability and self-esteem, with gains in balance being evident. Also, stability in depression and physical health were evident at 20 and 40 weeks for treatment group subjects. Continued improvement in outcomes was not observed at 40 weeks. However, findings support further testing of the intervention along with potential for achieving positive outcomes in early-stage dementia.

PMID: 18453642