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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18838 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Feasibility Analysis on the Use of Ultrasonic Communications for Body Sensor Networks. Li M1, Kim YT2 Sensors (Basel). 2018 Dec 19 VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation on sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Rusch HL1,2, Rosario M2, Levison LM3, Olivera A2, Livingston WS2, Wu T4, Gill JM2 Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2018 Dec 21 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Physical Exercise on Bone Density in Osteoporotic Patients. Benedetti MG1, Furlini G1, Zati A1, Letizia Mauro G2 Biomed Res Int. 2018 Dec 23 VIEW
Human Ultraweak Photon Emission: Key Analytical Aspects, Results and Future Trends - A Review. Calcerrada M1, Garcia-Ruiz C1,2 Crit Rev Anal Chem. 2018 Dec 24 VIEW
A Review of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Therapeutic Applications. Jiang X, Savchenko O, Li Y, Qi S, Yang T, Zhang W, Chen J IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2018 Dec 25 VIEW
Mitochondrial regulation of cardiac aging. Wang Y1, Li Y2, He C3, Gou B3, Song M4 Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
The effect of a six-week focused meditation training on depression and anxiety symptoms in Brazilian university students with 6 and 12 months of follow-up. Carpena MX1, Tavares PS2, Menezes CB3 J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
Relationship between interoception and emotion regulation: New evidence from mixed methods. Zamariola G1, Frost N2, Van Oost A3, Corneille O3, Luminet O4 J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
Tai Chi: a promising adjunct nursing intervention to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and improve psychosocial well-being in adults with hypertension. Smith GD1 Evid Based Nurs. 2018 Dec 27 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan can improve balance and reduce fear of falling in community dwelling older adults: a randomized control trial. Hosseini L1, Kargozar E2, Sharifi F3, Negarandeh R4, Memari AH5, Navab E6 J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Dec 27 VIEW
The neuroanatomy of long-term meditators. Luders E1, Kurth F2 Curr Opin Psychol. 2018 Dec 27 VIEW
How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment. An Y1, Schoebi D2, Xu W1 Psychol Health. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Comparing the Effects of Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM), Music and LKM Plus Music on Psychological Well-Being. Sorensen S1, Steindl SR2, Dingle GA1, Garcia A3 J Psychol. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Mind-Body Exercise (Wuqinxi) for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Wang K1, Liu S2, Kong Z3, Zhang Y4,5, Liu J6 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Exploring Emptiness and its Effects on Non-Attachment, Mystical Experiences, and Psycho-spiritual Wellbeing: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Advanced Meditators. Van Gordon W1, Shonin E2, Dunn TJ3, Sapthiang S4, Kotera Y5, Garcia-Campayo J6, Sheffield D5 Explore (NY). 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Impact of diaphragm function parameters on balance maintenance. Kocjan J1, Gzik-Zroska B2, Nowakowska K3, Burkacki M3, Suchoń S3, Michnik R3, Czyżewski D1, Adamek M1 PLoS One. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
The efficacy of a brief app-based mindfulness intervention on psychosocial outcomes in healthy adults: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Champion L1, Economides M2, Chandler C1 PLoS One. 2018 Dec 31 VIEW
Cardiac Vagus and Exercise. Gourine AV1, Ackland GL2 Physiology (Bethesda). 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Music as a Therapy to Alleviate Anxiety During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Stroke. Le Danseur M1, Crow AD1, Stutzman SE1, Villarreal MD2, Olson DM1 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jan/Feb VIEW
Impact of an Active Music Therapy Intervention on Intensive Care Patients. Golino AJ1, Leone R2, Gollenberg A2, Christopher C2, Stanger D2, Davis TM2, Meadows A2, Zhang Z2, Friesen MA2 Am J Crit Care. 2019 Jan VIEW
AKI and the Neuroimmune Axis. Tanaka S1, Okusa MD2 Semin Nephrol. 2019 Jan VIEW
Longitudinal associations between mindfulness and well-being in people with multiple sclerosis. Pagnini F1,2, Cavalera C1, Rovaris M3, Mendozzi L3, Molinari E1,4, Phillips D2, Langer E2 Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2019 Jan VIEW
Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields of High Voltage Overhead Power Lines and Female Infertility. Esmailzadeh S1, Delavar MA1, Aleyassin A2, Gholamian SA3, Ahmadi A4 Int J Occup Environ Med. 2019 Jan VIEW
Effects of taijiquan and qigong practice over behavioural disorders in school-age children: A pilot study. Rodrigues JMSM1, Mestre MICP2, Matos LC3, Machado JP4 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jan VIEW
Effects of Online Yoga and Tai Chi on Physical Health Outcome Measures of Adult Informal Caregivers. Martin AC1, Candow D1 Int J Yoga. 2019 Jan-Apr VIEW
Comparing the Changes in Blood Pressure After Acute Exposure to Tai Chi and Walking. Maris SA1,2, Winter CR1, Paolone VJ1, Headley SAE1 Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Effects of a Nintendo Wii exercise program versus Tai Chi Chuan on standing balance in older adults: a preliminary study. Gatica-Rojas V1, Cartes-Velásquez R2,3, Albornoz-Verdugo ME4, Soto-Poblete A5, Monteiro-Junior RS6, Elgueta-Cancino E7 J Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Jan VIEW
Not Just Mind Over Matter: Reviewing With Patients How Mindfulness Relieves Chronic Low Back Pain. Morone NE1 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Human Biofield Therapy and the Growth of Mouse Lung Carcinoma. Yang P1, Jiang Y1, Rhea PR1, Coway T1, Chen D1, Gagea M1, Harribance SL2, Cohen L1 Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Breath Qigong Improves Recognition in Seniors With Vascular Cognitive Impairment. Niu Y, Wan C, Zhou B, Zhang J, Ma H, Bo Y, Zhang Y, Liu H Altern Ther Health Med. 2019 Jan VIEW
Dancing for Healthy Aging: Functional and Metabolic Perspectives. Rodrigues-Krause J, Krause M, Reischak-Oliveira A Altern Ther Health Med. 2019 Jan VIEW
Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Restructures Reward Processing and Promotes Interoceptive Awareness in Overweight Cancer Survivors: Mechanistic Results From a Stage 1 Randomized Controlled Trial. Thomas EA1, Mijangos JL2, Hansen PA2, White S2, Walker D2, Reimers C2, Beck AC2, Garland EL2 Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Meditation Versus Progressive Relaxation Meditation: Impact on Chronic Pain in Older Female Patients With Diabetic Neuropathy. Hussain N1, Said ASA1 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
The Efficacy of Acupuncture in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Chien TJ1,2, Liu CY2,3,4,5, Fang CJ6,7, Kuo CY2 Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Noninvasive Optical Studies of the Brain: Contributions From Systemic Physiology SergioFantini1 AlexanderRuesch 2 Jana M.Kainerstorfe r2 ScienceDirect 2019 Jan VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic fields: promising treatment for osteoporosis. Wang T1,2, Yang L1,2, Jiang J1,2, Liu Y3, Fan Z1,2, Zhong C1,2, He C4,5 Osteoporos Int. 2019 Jan 2 VIEW
A Review on the Nonpharmacological Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Antihypertensive Effects. Fan H1, Lu F2, Yang A1, Dong Y1, Liu P1, Wang Y1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Jan 2 VIEW
Effectiveness of backward walking training on balance performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Wang J1, Xu J2, An R3 Gait Posture. 2019 Jan 3 VIEW
Physical functioning and mindfulness skills training in chronic pain: a systematic review. Jackson W1, Zale EL2, Berman SJ3, Malacarne A1, Lapidow A4, Schatman ME5,6, Kulich R1,7, Vranceanu AM2 J Pain Res. 2019 Jan 3 VIEW
Tai chi for treating osteopenia and primary osteoporosis: a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Zhang Y1,2, Chai Y3, Pan X4, Shen H1, Wei X5, Xie Y1 Clin Interv Aging. 2019 Jan 3 VIEW
A basic solution to activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway via the mesothelium? Mannon EC1, Sun J1, Wilson K1, Brands M1, Martinez-Quinones P2, Baban B3, O'Connor PM1 Pharmacol Res. 2019 Jan 4 VIEW
Low‑frequency pulsed electromagnetic field promotes functional recovery, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, and enhances HSP70 expression following spinal cord injury. Wang C1, Liu Y2, Wang Y2, Wei Z2, Suo D1, Ning G2, Wu Q2, Feng S2, Wan C1 Mol Med Rep. 2019 Jan 4 VIEW
Effect of a Qigong Intervention on Telomerase Activity and Mental Health in Chinese Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cheung DST1, Deng W1, Tsao SW2, Ho RTH3,4, Chan CLW4, Fong DYT1, Chau PH1, Hong AWL1, Fung HYKY5, Ma JLC6, Tiwari AFY7 JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Jan 4 VIEW
The next generation of mindfulness-based intervention research: what have we learned and where are we headed? Rosenkranz MA1, Dunne JD2, Davidson RJ2 Curr Opin Psychol. 2019 Jan 4 VIEW
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). Teoli D1, An J2 StatPearls [Internet]. 2019 Jan 6 VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions, Psychological Stressors, and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors. Love MF1, Sharrief A2, Chaoul A3,4, Savitz S2, Beauchamp JES1 Stroke. 2019 Jan 7 VIEW
Analysis of Light Propagation on Physiological Properties of Neurons for Nanoscale Optogenetics. Wirdatmadja S, Johari P, Desai A, Bae Y, Stachowiak E, Stachowiak M, Jornet JM, Balasubramaniam S IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2019 Jan 7 VIEW
Vagus Nerve Stimulation As an Adjunctive Neurostimulation Tool in Treatment-resistant Depression. Moeller S1, Lücke C2, Heinen C3, Bewernick BH4, Aydin M2, Lam AP2, Grömer TW5, Philipsen A2, Müller HHO2 J Vis Exp. 2019 Jan 7 VIEW
Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study. Walsh KM1, Saab BJ2,3,4,5, Farb NA6 JMIR Ment Health. 2019 Jan 8 VIEW
Oxytocin administration prevents cellular aging caused by social isolation. Stevenson JR1, McMahon EK2, Boner W3, Haussmann MF2 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Jan 8 VIEW
A Brief Mindfulness-Based Self-Care Curriculum for an Interprofessional Group of Palliative Care Providers. Podgurski L1, Greco C1, Croom A2, Arnold R1, Claxton R1 J Palliat Med. 2019 Jan 9 VIEW
The effect of Tai Chi on balance and functional mobility in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Cetin SY1, Erel S2, Bas Aslan U2 Disabil Rehabil. 2019 Jan 9 VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of a therapeutic Tai Ji Quan fall prevention intervention for older adults at high risk of falling. Li F1, Harmer P2, Eckstrom E3, Fitzgerald K4, Akers L1, Chou LS5, Pidgeon D6, Voit J7, Winters-Stone K3 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 Jan 9 VIEW
Therapeutic Presence: Its Contribution to the Doctor-Patient Encounter. Krogh E1, Langer Á, Schmidt C J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2019 Jan 10 VIEW
Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates the impact of fibromyalgia. Pleman B1, Park M1, Han X1, Price LL2,3, Bannuru RR1,4, Harvey WF1, Driban JB1, Wang C5 Clin Rheumatol. 2019 Jan 14 VIEW
Perceived Exertion and Affect From Tai Chi, Yoga, and Stretching Classes for Elderly Women. Follador L1, Alves RC1, Ferreira SDS1, Silva AC1, Silva SGD1 Percept Mot Skills. 2019 Jan 14 VIEW
Biophysical stimulation of bone and cartilage: state of the art and future perspectives. Massari L1, Benazzo F2, Falez F3, Perugia D4, Pietrogrande L5, Setti S6, Osti R7, Vaienti E8, Ruosi C9, Cadossi R6 Int Orthop. 2019 Jan 15 VIEW
Efficacy of Biophysical Energies on Healing of Diabetic Skin Wounds in Cell Studies and Animal Experimental Models: A Systematic Review. Kwan RL1, Lu S2, Choi HM3, Kloth LC4, Cheing GL5 Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 16 VIEW
Mental Training Affects Electrophysiological Markers of Attention Resource Allocation in Healthy Older Adults. Isbel BD1, Lagopoulos J2, Hermens DF3, Summers MJ4 Neurosci Lett. 2019 Jan 16 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field and relief of hypoxia-induced neuronal cell death: The signaling pathway. Gessi S1, Merighi S1, Bencivenni S1, Battistello E1, Vincenzi F1, Setti S2, Cadossi M2, Borea PA1, Cadossi R2, Varani K1,3 J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jan 17 VIEW
Association of mindfulness and stress with menopausal symptoms in midlife women. Sood R1, Kuhle CL1, Kapoor E1,2, Thielen JM1, Frohmader KS3, Mara KC4, Faubion SS1 Climacteric. 2019 Jan 17 VIEW
Different Modulation Effects of Tai Chi Chuan and Baduanjin on Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Older Adults. Liu J1,2,3, Tao J2,3,4, Liu W2,4, Huang J2,4, Xue X5, Li M5, Yang M4, Zhu J4, Lang C3, Park J3, Tu Y3, Wilson G3, Chen L2,4, Kong J3 Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2019 Jan 18 VIEW
The Biological Measurements of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A Systematic Review. Reive C1 Explore (NY). 2019 Jan 18 VIEW
The use of mind-body medicine among US individuals with sleep problems: analysis of the 2017 National Health Interview Survey data. Voiß P1, Höxtermann MD2, Dobos G1, Cramer H3 Sleep Med. 2019 Jan 18 VIEW
Effects of Electromagnetic Field on Proliferation, Differentiation and Mineralization of MC3T3 Cells. Suryani L1,2, Too JH3, Hassanbhai AM1,4, Wen F1,5, Lin DJ6, Yu N7,8, Teoh SH1,9,10 Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2019 Jan 19 VIEW
Effects of auricular acupuncture on chronic pain in people with back musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized clinical trial. Moura CC1, Chaves ECL2, Chianca TCM3, Ruginsk SG4, Nogueira DA5, Iunes DH6 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019 Jan 21 VIEW
Telomere shortening in blood leukocytes of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Avetyan D1, Zakharyan R2, Petrek M3, Arakelyan A2 J Psychiatr Res. 2019 Jan 21 VIEW
Non-invasive High Frequency Median Nerve Stimulation Effectively Suppresses Olfactory Intensity Perception in Healthy Males. Maharjan A1, Peng M2, Cakmak YO1,3,4 Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Jan 21 VIEW
The Effect of 20-Minute Mindful Breathing on the Rapid Reduction of Dyspnoea at Rest in Patients with Lung Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Tan SB1, Liam CK1, Pang YK1, Leh-Ching Ng D2, Wong TS1, Wei-Shen Khoo K1, Ooi CY1, Chai CS3 J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 Jan 23 VIEW
Changes in eudaimonic well-being and the conserved transcriptional response to adversity in younger breast cancer survivors. Boyle CC1, Cole SW2, Dutcher JM3, Eisenberger NI4, Bower JE5 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Jan 23 VIEW
The impact of meditation on healthy ageing - the current state of knowledge and a roadmap to future directions. Klimecki O1, Marchant NL2, Lutz A3, Poisnel G4, Chételat G4, Collette F5 Curr Opin Psychol. 2019 Jan 23 VIEW
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Acupuncture Points Improves Myofascial Pain, Moods, and Sleep Quality. Chiou YF1, Yeh ML2, Wang YJ3 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jan 25 VIEW
Integrative Group Medical Visits: A National Scoping Survey of Safety-Net Clinics. Thompson-Lastad A1, Gardiner P2, Chao MT3 Health Equity. 2019 Jan 25 VIEW
Neuroanatomy, Cranial Nerve 10 (Vagus Nerve). Kenny BJ1, Bordoni B2 StatPearls [Internet]. 2019 Jan 25 VIEW
Mindfulness Improves Emotion Regulation and Executive Control on Bereaved Individuals: An fMRI Study. Huang FY1, Hsu AL2, Hsu LM3, Tsai JS4,5, Huang CM6, Chao YP7, Hwang TJ8, Wu CW9,10 Front Hum Neurosci. 2019 Jan 28 VIEW
Exercise, stress, and the immune conversation. Moseley PL. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2000 ul VIEW
The spiritual aspect of caring--an integral part of health and healing Krebs K Nurs Adm Q 2001 Spring VIEW
Mindfulness: A Proposed Operational Definition Scott R. Bishop Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2004 Autumn VIEW
Methodological challenges in meditation research. Caspi O, Burleson KO. Adv Mind Body Med 2005 Spring VIEW
Impact of breathing awareness meditation on ambulatory blood pressure and sodium handling in prehypertensive African American adolescents Barnes VA, Pendergrast RA, Harshfield GA, Treiber FA Ethn Dis. 2008 winter VIEW
Therapeutic effects of yoga for children: a systematic review of the literature Galantino ML, Galbavy R, Quinn L Pediatr Phys Ther. 2008 Spring VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol. 2008 Spring VIEW
Traditional Indian spices and their health significance. Krishnaswamy K Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2008 17 Suppl 1 VIEW
Reflecting on spirituality in the context of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment Gould J, Wilson S, Grassau P Can Oncol Nurs J. 2008 Winter VIEW
The Effect of Music Relaxation versus Progressive Muscular Relaxation on Insomnia in Older People and Their Relationship to Personality Trait Ziv N, Rotem T, Arnon Z, Haimov I J Music Ther. 2008 Fall VIEW
Effects of live music therapy sessions on quality of life indicators, medications administered and hospital length of stay for patients undergoing elective surgical procedures for brai Walworth D, Rumana CS, Nguyen J, Jarred J J Music Ther. 2008 Fall VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol 2008 Spring VIEW
Orthodontics in a quantum world III: electromagnetic field theory and oral parafunction James G. Int J Orthod Milwaukee. 2008 Fall VIEW
Healing touch as a supportive intervention for adult acute leukemia patients: a pilot investigation of effects on distress and symptoms. Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Holder P, Miller C, Jesse MT. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2008 Summer VIEW
The heart field effect: Synchronization of healer-subject heart rates in energy therapy. Bair CC. Adv Mind Body Med. 2008 Winter VIEW
Pilot, Randomized, Modified, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Cancer-Related Fatigue. Balk J, Day R, Rosenzweig M, Beriwal S. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2009 Winter 01 VIEW
Topical review: placebo responses and therapeutic responses. How are they related? Greene CS, Goddard G, Macaluso GM, Mauro G. J Orofac Pain. 2009 Spring VIEW
Pilot, randomized, modified, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of acupuncture for cancer-related fatigue. Balk J, Day R, Rosenzweig M, Beriwal S. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2009 Winter VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of acupuncture for myofascial pain of the jaw muscles. Shen YF, Younger J, Goddard G, Mackey S. J Orofac Pain 2009 Fall VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of acupuncture for myofascial pain of the jaw muscles. Shen YF, Younger J, Goddard G, Mackey S. J Orofac Pain. 2009 Fall VIEW
Quantum Physics and Mind-Body Medicine. Nachman-Hunt N. Adv Mind Body Med 2009 fall VIEW
Acupuncture for temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review. Cho SH, Whang WW. J Orofac Pain 2010 Spring VIEW
The effects of music relaxation on sleep quality and emotional measures in people living with schizophrenia. Bloch B, Reshef A, Vadas L, Haliba Y, Ziv N, Kremer I, Haimov I. J Music Ther. 2010 Spring VIEW
The effect of music therapy on relaxation, anxiety, pain perception, and nausea in adult solid organ transplant patients. Madson AT, Silverman MJ. J Music Ther. 2010 Fall VIEW
Music therapy as an adjunctive treatment in the management of stress for patients being weaned from mechanical ventilation. Hunter BC, Oliva R, Sahler OJ, Gaisser D, Salipante DM, Arezina CH. J Music Ther. 2010 Fall VIEW
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