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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Reiki and related therapies in the dialysis ward: an evidence-based and ethical discussion to debate if these complementary and alternative medicines are welcomed or banned. Ferraresi M, Clari R, Moro I, Banino E, Boero E, Crosio A, Dayne R, Rosset L, Scarpa A, Serra E, Surace A, Testore A, Colombi N, Piccoli BG. BMC Nephrol. 2013 Jun 21 VIEW
Reiki as a clinical intervention in oncology nursing practice Bossi LM, Ott MJ, Decristofaro S Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008 Jun VIEW
Reiki as a pain management adjunct in screening colonoscopy. Bourque AL, Sullivan ME, Winter MR. Gastroenterol Nurs. 2012 Sep VIEW
Reiki Brief Report: Using Reiki to Reduce Stress Levels in a Nine-Year-Old Child. Bukowski EL1, Berardi D2. Explore (NY). 2014 Jul-Aug VIEW
Reiki for Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy in a Brazilian Hospital: A Pilot Study. Siegel P1, da Motta PM, da Silva LG, Stephan C, Lima CS, de Barros NF Holist Nurs Pract. 2016 May-Jun VIEW
Reiki for depression and anxiety. Joyce J1, Herbison GP. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Apr 3 VIEW
Reiki for promotion of health and sleep quality in hospital nursing professionals Josane Rosenilda da Costa1, Sonia Silva Marcon2, Rosane Gonçalves Nitschke3, Fátima Helena do Espírito Santo4, Diéssica Roggia Piexak5, Stefanie Griebeler Oliveira6, Herbert Leopoldo de Freitas Goes2, Pablo Jesús Lopez Soto7 Rev Bras Enferm 2022 Aug 15 VIEW
Reiki for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Assefi N, Bogart A, Goldberg J, Buchwald D J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Nov 8 VIEW
Reiki Improves Heart Rate Homeostasis in Laboratory Rats Baldwin AL, Wagers C, Schwartz GE J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Apr 25 VIEW
Reiki intervention for supporting healthcare professional care behaviors in pediatric palliative care: A pilot study Giulia Zucchetti1, Sabrina Ciappina1, Cristina Bottigelli2, Gabriela Campione2, Annalisa Parrinello2, Paola Piu2, Stefano Lijoi1, Paola Quarello1,3, Franca Fagioli1,3 Palliat Support Care 2023 Dec 22 VIEW
Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy. McManus DE1 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Jan 1 VIEW
Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy. McManus DE1 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Oct VIEW
Reiki practitioners' perceptions of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experience, practice and future of Reiki Fatma Abdurahman1, Nicola Payne2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2021 Dec 30 VIEW
Reiki Reduces Burnout Among Community Mental Health Clinicians. Rosada RM1, Rubik B1, Mainguy B2, Plummer J3, Mehl-Madrona L1,2,3,4. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Aug VIEW
Reiki therapy for pain, anxiety and quality of life. Billot M1,2, Daycard M3, Wood C4, Tchalla A5,2 BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019 Apr 4 VIEW
Reiki therapy for postoperative oral pain in pediatric patients: Pilot data from a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Kundu A1, Lin Y2, Oron AP3, Doorenbos AZ4. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Feb VIEW
Reiki Therapy for Symptom Management in Children Receiving Palliative Care: A Pilot Study. Thrane SE, Maurer SH, Ren D, Danford CA, Cohen SM Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2016 Feb 7 VIEW
Reiki Therapy for Very Young Hospitalized Children Receiving Palliative Care Susan E Thrane1, Elisha Williams2, Daniel H Grossoehme3,4, Sarah Friebert3,5 J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Nurs Jan-Feb 2022 VIEW
Reiki therapy: a nursing intervention for critical care. Toms R. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2011 Jul-Sep VIEW
Reiki therapy: the benefits to a nurse/Reiki practitioner Whelan KM//Wishnia GS Holist Nurs Pract 2003 VIEW
Reiki training for caregivers of hospitalized pediatric patients: A pilot program. Kundu A, Dolan-Oves R, Dimmers MA, Towle CB, Doorenbos AZ. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Feb VIEW
Reiki Vibrational Healing Miles P First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Reiki--review of a biofield therapy history, theory, practice, and research Miles P//True G Altern Ther Health Med 2003 VIEW
Reiki-plus natural healing: An ethnographic/experimental study. Source Schlitz MJ//Braud J//William G PSI Research 1985 VIEW
Reiki: an ancient touch therapy Sell SVL RN 1996 VIEW
Reiki's effect on patients with total knee arthroplasty: A pilot study. Notte BB1, Fazzini C, Mooney RA. Nursing. 2016 Feb VIEW
Rejuvenating effects of meditation on brainwave activity Hou Can 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Related factors with Sa-Sang constitution Kim Jeongseon 1//Kang Hye-Jung 1//Kim Jung-Min 1//Kim Ee-Hwa 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Relation between different stages of quiet qigong exercises and its influence on the elctrical fields around acupoints Bongart Marcus 1//Szymanski ? 2//Garnuszewski ? 3 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Relation Between Leukocyte Telomere Length and Incident Coronary Heart Disease Events (from the 1995 Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey) Ye S, Shaffer JA, Kang MS, Harlapur M, Muntner P, Epel E, Guernsey D, Schwartz JE, Davidson KW, Kirkland S, Honig LS, Shimbo D. Am J Cardiol. 2013 VIEW
Relation Between Physiological Change and Breathing in Qigong Hirokazu YOSHIDA, Chao LIU, Yoshio MACHI Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)? September 2006 VIEW
Relation of high heart rate variability to healthy longevity. Zulfiqar U, Jurivich DA, Gao W, Singer DH. Am J Cardiol 2010 Apr 15 VIEW
Relation of qigong to immunity and anti-tumor action Li Wenjian 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Relational mindfulness, spirituality, and the therapeutic bond. Falb MD, Pargament KI. Asian J Psychiatr. 2012 Dec VIEW
Relations among EEG-alpha asymmetry, BIS/BAS, and dispositional Optimism. De Pascalis V, Cozzuto G, Caprara GV, Alessandri G. Biol Psychol. 2013 Jun 1 VIEW
Relations Among Parent-Reported Physical Activity and Interoception in Children Carissa Wengrovius1, Suzanna Zick2, Adriene M Beltz3, Erin E Wentz4, Dale A Ulrich5, Leah E Robinson6 Physiol Behav 2022 Jun 27 VIEW
Relationship between abnormal magnetic phenomena of human body and biological photon by internal Qigong Hisamichisei ? 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Relationship between arterial oxygen saturation and hematocrit, and effect of slow deep breathing on oxygen saturation in Himalayan high altitude populations. Nepal O, Pokharel BR, Khanal K, Mallik SL, Kapoor BK, Koju R. Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ). 2012 Jul-Sep VIEW
Relationship Between Body Posture and Lung Fluid Volume Assessed Using a Novel Noninvasive Remote Dielectric Sensing System Teruhiko Imamura1, Masakazu Hori1, Takatoshi Koi1, Takuya Fukui1, Akira Oshima1, Hayato Fujioka1, Yohei Ueno1, Hiroshi Onoda1, Shuhei Tanaka1, Nobuyuki Fukuda1, Hiroshi Ueno1, Koichiro Kinugawa1 Circ Rep 2021 Dec 3 VIEW
Relationship between dysfunctional breathing patterns and ability to achieve target heart rate variability with features of "coherence" during biofeedback. Courtney R, Cohen M, van Dixhoorn J. Altern Ther Health Med. 2011 May-Jun VIEW
Relationship between interoception and emotion regulation: New evidence from mixed methods. Zamariola G1, Frost N2, Van Oost A3, Corneille O3, Luminet O4 J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
Relationship between jinyuan qigong physiomedicine Huang Ruisen 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Relationship between leukocyte telomere length and personality traits in healthy subjects. Sadahiro R1, Suzuki A2, Enokido M1, Matsumoto Y1, Shibuya N1, Kamata M1, Goto K3, Otani K1. Eur Psychiatry. 2014 Apr 24 VIEW
Relationship between leukocyte telomere length, telomerase activity, and hippocampal volume in early aging. Jacobs EG1, Epel ES2, Lin J3, Blackburn EH3, Rasgon NL4. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Jul 1 VIEW
Relationship between medicine and Yi about the Eight Diagrams Tanjitu Li Shewei 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Relationship between Meditative Practice and Self-Reported Mindfulness: The MINDSENS Composite Index. Soler J1, Cebolla A2, Feliu-Soler A1, Demarzo MM3, Pascual JC1, Baños R4, García-Campayo J5. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 22 VIEW
Relationship Between Mindfulness and Physical Activity in College Students: The Mediating Effect of Eudaimonic Well-Being Zhanjia Zhang1, Zhonghui He1, Junwei Qian1, Xin Qi1, Jiajin Tong2 Percept Mot Skills 2023 Jan 2 VIEW
Relationship Between Physical Exercise and Cognitive Function Among Older Adults in China: Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study Fubaihui Wang1, Changqing Gao2, Yantao Wang3, Zhuo Li4, Feiran Zheng5, Yanan Luo6 JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024 May 30 VIEW
Relationship between Qigong and acupuncture Yamada ? 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Relationship between qigong and choleresis Wang Jialin 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Relationship between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and cognitive functioning in hypertensive subjects: an extension of previous findings Vanderploeg RD//Goldman H//Kleinman KM Arch Clin Neuropsychol 1987 VIEW
Relationship between Taiji Diagram Theory and Qi to provide a comparison with studies conducted at Lianhua Mountain and lrino Valley Sasaki S//Miao T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Relationship between the hemoglobin concentration of the cerebral cortex and breath during qigong Chen W 1,2,3//Zhang T 3//Yoichi H 3//Kokubo H 3//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Relationship Between the Practice of Tai Chi for More Than 6 Months With Mental Health and Brain in University Students: An Exploratory Study Xiaoyuan Li1,2, Jintao Geng1, Xiaoyu Du1, Hongyu Si2, Zhenlong Wang3 Front Hum Neurosci 2022 Jun 24 VIEW
Relationship characteristics and sexual practices of African American adolescent girls who desire pregnancy Davies SL//DiClemente RJ//Wingood GM//Person SD//// Health Educ Behav 2004 VIEW
Relationship of acupuncture points and meridians to connective tissue planes. Langevin HM, Yandow JA. Anat Rec. 2002 Dec 15 VIEW
Relationships Among Exercise, Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Academic Achievement Among Prelicensure Nursing Students Josie Niedermeier1, Mercy Ngosa Mumba, Keri Barron, Mudasir Andrabi, Rebecca Martin, Alex McDiarmid Nurse Educ 2021 Sep 17 VIEW
Relationships Between Amount of Post-Intervention of Mindfulness Practice and Follow-up Outcome Variables in an Acceptance-Based Behavior Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The Importance of Informal Practice. Morgan LP1, Graham JR1, Hayes-Skelton SA1, Orsillo SM2, Roemer L1. J Contextual Behav Sci. 2014 Jul 1 VIEW
Relationships between bioelectric impedance and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness measured by LIPOMETER and skinfold calipers in childrenRelationships between bioelectric impedance and subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness measured by LIPOMETER and skinfold calipers in children Jurimae T//Sudi K//Payerl D//Leppik A//// Eur J Appl Physiol 2003 VIEW
Relationships Between Flow Experience, IKIGAI, and Sense of Coherence in Tai Chi Practitioners. Iida K, Oguma Y. Holist Nurs Pract. 2013 Sep-Oct VIEW
Relationships between level of spiritual transformation and medical outcome Mainguy B, Valenti Pickren M, Mehl-Madrona L. Adv Mind Body Med. 2013 Winter VIEW
Relative Efficacy of Different Exercises for Pain, Function, Performance and Quality of Life in Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Goh SL1,2, Persson MSM1, Stocks J1, Hou Y3, Welton NJ4, Lin J3, Hall MC5, Doherty M1, Zhang W6 Sports Med. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Relative Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention, Standard Relapse Prevention, and Treatment as Usual for Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Bowen S1, Witkiewitz K2, Clifasefi SL1, Grow J1, Chawla N1, Hsu SH1, Carroll HA1, Harrop E1, Collins SE3, Lustyk MK4, Larimer ME5. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Mar 19 VIEW
Relative exercise intensity of Tai Chi Chuan is similar in different ages and gender Lan, C., Chen, S. & Lai, J. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2004 VIEW
Relative importance of vision and proprioception in maintaining standing balance in people with multiple sclerosis. Yang F1, Liu X2 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Dec 20 VIEW
Relaxation and imagery in the treatment of breast cancer Bridge LR//Benson P//Patrick C//Pietroni PC//// British Medical Journal 1988 VIEW
Relaxation and related therapies for people with multiple sclerosis (MS): A systematic review Ian I Kneebone1, Brooke E Van Zanden1, Diana S Dorstyn2, Rachel M Roberts2, Stephen R Lord3, Dawn Querstret4, Alice Theadom5, David S Kennedy1, Jay Raman1,6, Roshan das Nair7 Clin Rehabil 2022 Apr 12 VIEW
Relaxation Breathing Improves Human Glycemic Response. Wilson T, Baker SE, Freeman MR, Garbrecht MR, Ragsdale FR, Wilson DA, Malone C. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jan 29 VIEW
Relaxation for perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms. Saensak S1, Vutyavanich T, Somboonporn W, Srisurapanont M. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Jul 20 VIEW
Relaxation methods Tutock Thomas 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Relaxation or Regulation: The Acute Effect of Mind-Body Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Subjective State in Experienced Qi Gong Practitioners Florens Goldbeck1, Ye Lei Xie2, Martin Hautzinger3, Andreas J Fallgatter1,4, Gorden Sudeck4,5, Ann-Christine Ehlis1,4 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jun 8 VIEW
Relaxation Practice for Health in the United States: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey. Lee EK, Yeo Y. J Holist Nurs. 2013 Mar 5 VIEW
Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training and Its Effect on Healthcare Resource Utilization. Stahl JE1, Dossett ML2, LaJoie AS3, Denninger JW4, Mehta DH5, Goldman R6, Fricchione GL4, Benson H6. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 13 VIEW
Relaxation response and spirituality: Pathways to improve psychological outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation. Chang BH, Casey A, Dusek JA, Benson H. J Psychosom Res 2010 Aug VIEW
Relaxation response for Veterans Affairs patients with congestive heart failure: results from a qualitative study within a clinical trial Chang BH//Jones D//Hendricks A//Boehmer U//// Prev Cardiol 2004 VIEW
Relaxation response in femoral angiography Mandle CL, Domar AD, Harrington DP, Leserman J, Bozadjian EM, Friedman R, Benson H. Radiology 1990 Mar VIEW
Relaxation Response in Stressed Volunteers: Psychometric Tests and Neurotrophin Changes in Biological Fluids Miriam Zappella1,2, Filippo Biamonte3, Bijorn Omar Balzamino4, Rocco Manieri5, Magdalena Cortes6,7, Daniela Santucci8, Enrico Di Stasio3,5, Maurizio Rizzuto1, Alessandra Micera4 Front Psychiatry 2021 Jun 17 VIEW
Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways. Bhasin MK, Dusek JA, Chang BH, Joseph MG, Denninger JW, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Libermann TA. PLoS One. 2013 May 1 VIEW
Relaxation Response-Based Yoga Improves Functioning in Young Children with Autism: A Pilot Study. Rosenblatt LE, Gorantla S, Torres JA, Yarmush RS, Rao S, Park ER, Denninger JW, Benson H, Fricchione GL, Bernstein B, Levine JB. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Oct 12 VIEW
Relaxation skills for the patient, dentist, and auxiliaries. Schutt NL//Bernstein DA Dent Clin North Am 1986 VIEW
Relaxation strategies for patients during dermatologic surgery. Shenefelt PD. J Drugs Dermatol. 2010 Jul VIEW
Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour. Smith CA, Levett KM, Collins CT, Crowther CA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Dec 7 VIEW
Relaxation techniques for pain management in labour. Smith CA, Levett KM, Collins CT, Crowther CA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Dec 7 VIEW
Relaxation Techniques in Low Back Pain Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Semira Manolaki1, Ioannis Gkiatas2, Spyridon Sioutis3, Jimmy Georgoulis3, Andreas F Mavrogenis4, George S Sapkas4, Evangelos Alexopoulos1, Christine Darviri1 J Long Term Eff Med Implants 2021 Aug 9 VIEW
Relaxation therapies for asthma: a systematic review Huntley A//White AR//Ernst E Thorax 2002 VIEW
Relaxation therapy and continuous ambulatory blood pressure in mild hypertension: a controlled study van Montfrans GA//Karemaker JM//Wieling W//Dunning AJ BMJ 1990 VIEW
Relaxation therapy for far-advanced cancer Fleming U The Practitioner 1985 VIEW
Relaxation therapy for preventing and treating preterm labour. Khianman B, Pattanittum P, Thinkhamrop J, Lumbiganon P. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
Relaxation therapy in adult asthma. Is there new evidence for its effectiveness? Ritz T Behav Modif 2001 VIEW
Relaxation therapy reduces anxiety in child and adolescent psychiatric patients Platania-Solazzo A//Field TM//Blank J//Seligman F//// Acta Paedopsychiatr 1992 VIEW
Relaxation to assist sleep medication withdrawal Lichstein KL//// Behavior Modification 1999 VIEW
Relaxation training for anxiety: a ten-years systematic review with meta-analysis Manzoni GM, Pagnini F, Castelnuovo G, Molinari E BMC Psychiatry 2008 Jun 2 VIEW
Relaxation training inhibits fear and arousal during in vivo exposure to phobia-cue stimuli McGlynn FD//Moore PM//Lawyer S//Karg R Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry 1999 VIEW
Relaxation: mapping an uncharted world Smith JC//Amutio A,//Anderson JP//Aria LA Biofeedback Self Regul 1996 VIEW
Relaxing music as pre-medication before surgery: a randomised controlled trial. Bringman H, Giesecke K, Thörne A, Bringman S. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009 Apr 14 VIEW
Relaxing music counters heightened consolidation of emotional memory. Rickard NS, Wong W, Velik L. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2011 Dec 21 VIEW
Relaxing music for anxiety control. Elliott D, Polman R, McGregor R. J Music Ther. 2011 Fall VIEW
RELEVANCE OF WHOLE BODY VIBRATION EXERCISE IN SPORT: A SHORT REVIEW WITH SOCCER, DIVER AND COMBAT SPORT. Morel DS1,2, Dionello CDF1,2, Moreira-Marconi E3,2, Brandão-Sobrinho-Neto S2,4, Paineiras-Domingos LL1,2, Souza PL1,2, Sá-Caputo DDC1,2, Dias G2, Figueiredo C2,4, Carmo RCR2, Paiva PC2,4, Sousa-Gonçalves CR1,2, Kütter CR2,4, Guedes-Aguiar EO2, Cloak R5, Bernardo-Filho M2 Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jul 7 VIEW
Relevance of Whole-Body Vibration Exercises on Muscle Strength/Power and Bone of Elderly Individuals. Bemben D1, Stark C2, Taiar R3, Bernardo-Filho M4 Dose Response. 2018 Dec 6 VIEW
Reliability of AcuGraph system for measuring skin conductance at acupoints. Mist SD, Aickin M, Kalnins P, Cleaver J, Batchelor R, Thorne T, Chamberlin S, Tippens K, Colbert AP. Acupunct Med. 2011 Sep VIEW
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