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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Eastern medicine approaches to male infertility. Hu M, Zhang Y, Ma H, Ng EH, Wu XK. Semin Reprod Med. 2013 Jul VIEW
Eastern Integrative Medicine and Ancient Sound Healing Treatments for Stress: Recent Research Advances Tamara L Goldsby1, Michael E Goldsby2 Integr Med (Encinitas) 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Eastern Approaches for Enhancing Women\'s Sexuality: Mindfulness, Acupuncture, and Yoga (CME) Brotto LA, Krychman M, Jacobson P J Sex Med 2008 Dec VIEW
Eastern and Western paradigms: the holistic nature of traditional Chinese medicine Griffiths V. Aust J Holist Nurs 1999 VIEW
Eastern And Western Orthopaedic Management In Shoulder Disorder Chin RM 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
East Meets West in Therapeutic Approaches to the Management of Chronic Pain Eleni G Hapidou1,2,3,4, Ting Qi Amy Huang5 Int J Yoga Jan-Apr 2022 VIEW
Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth's surface electrons. Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Sokal K, Sokal P. J Environ Public Health. 2012 VIEW
Earthing the human organism influences bioelectrical processes. Sokal K, Sokal P. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Mar VIEW
Earthing the human body influences physiologic processes. Sokal K, Sokal P. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Apr VIEW
Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease Gae ́ tan Chevalier, PhD,1 Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, FACN,2 James L. Oschman, PhD,3 and Richard M. Delany, MD, FACC4 THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2013 VIEW
Early-Life Adversity and Physical and Emotional Health Across the Lifespan: A Neuroimmune Network Hypothesis Robin Nusslock1, Gregory E Miller2 Biol Psychiatry 2016 Jul 1 VIEW
Early telomerase inactivation accelerates aging independently of telomere length. Xie Z1, Jay KA2, Smith DL2, Zhang Y1, Liu Z1, Zheng J3, Tian R4, Li H5, Blackburn EH6. Cell. 2015 Feb 26 VIEW
Early Post-Operative Intervention of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Pilot Study. Hsiao YH1, Chien SH2, Tu HP3, Fu JC1, Tsai ST1, Chen YS1, Chen YJ1,4,5, Chen CH1,4,6,7 J Clin Med. 2019 Nov 7 VIEW
Early life stress and telomere length: Investigating the connection and possible mechanisms: A critical survey of the evidence base, research methodology and basic biology. Shalev I. Bioessays 2012 Sep 19 VIEW
Early intervention for autism with a parent-delivered Qigong massage program: a randomized controlled trial. Silva LM, Schalock M, Gabrielsen K. Am J Occup Ther. 2011 Sep-Oct VIEW
Early gamma oscillations. Khazipov R1, Minlebaev M, Valeeva G. Neuroscience. 2013 Oct 10 VIEW
Early Cortical Changes in Gamma Oscillations in Alzheimer's Disease. Klein AS1, Donoso JR2, Kempter R2, Schmitz D3, Beed P4 Front Syst Neurosci. 2016 Oct 26 VIEW
Early bioelectric activities mediate redox-modulated regeneration. Ferreira F1,2, Luxardi G3, Reid B3, Zhao M1,4 Development. 2016 Nov 8 VIEW
Early application of pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of postoperative delayed union of long-bone fractures: a prospective randomized controlled study. Shi HF, Xiong J, Chen YX, Wang JF, Qiu XS, Wang YH, Qiu Y. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2013 Jan 19 VIEW
Ear-Body Point Electron-Conductivity Diagnosis and Therapy for Chemical-Caused Deafness Wu Yueming//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1993 VIEW
Ear-acupressure for allergic rhinitis: a systematic review. Zhang CS, Yang AW, Zhang AL, Fu WB, Thien FU, Lewith G, Xue CC. Clin Otolaryngol. 2010 Feb VIEW
Ear your heart: transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy young participants Giuseppe Forte#1,2, Francesca Favieri#1,2, Erik Leemhuis1,2, Maria Luisa De Martino1,2, Anna Maria Giannini2, Luigi De Gennaro1,2, Maria Casagrande3, Mariella Pazzaglia1,2 PeerJ 2022 Nov 21 VIEW
Ear acupuncture or local anaesthetics as pain relief during postpartum surgical repair: a randomised controlled trial. Kindberg S, Klünder L, Strøm J, Henriksen TB. BJOG 2008 Dec 19 VIEW
Ear acupuncture in unilateral migraine pain. Allais G, Romoli M, Rolando S, Castagnoli Gabellari I, Benedetto C. Neurol Sci 2010 Jun VIEW
Ear acupuncture in the treatment of migraine attacks: a randomized trial on the efficacy of appropriate versus inappropriate acupoints. Allais G, Romoli M, Rolando S, Airola G, Castagnoli Gabellari I, Allais R, Benedetto C. Neurol Sci. 2011 May VIEW
Ear Acupuncture for Immediate Pain Relief-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Murakami M1, Fox L2,3, Dijkers MP4 Pain Med. 2017 Mar 1 VIEW
Ear Acupuncture for Acute Sore Throat: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Moss DA1, Crawford P2. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
Ear acupuncture and fMRI: a pilot study for assessing the specificity of auricular points. Romoli M1, Allais G, Airola G, Benedetto C, Mana O, Giacobbe M, Pugliese AM, Battistella G, Fornari E. Neurol Sci. 2014 May VIEW
Ear acupoint detection before and after hysteroscopy: is it possible to clarify the representation of the uterus on the outer ear? Romoli M, Allais G, Bellu D, De Ramundo B, Gabellari IC, Giommi A, Benedetto C. Acupunct Med. 2010 Oct 5 VIEW
Each Moment of Touch Brill C//Kashurba M Nursing Administration Quarterly 2001 VIEW
E-noise: An increasingly relevant health risk. Hu CS1, Tkebuchava T2 J Integr Med. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
E ect of the pulsed electromagnetic field on the release of inflammatory mediators from adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in rats. Baranowska A1, Skowron B1, Gil K1, Kaszuba-Zwoińska J2 Folia Med Cracov. 2018 VIEW
Dyspnea self-management in African Americans with chronic lung disease Nield M Heart Lung 2000 VIEW
Dysfunctional breathing and asthma. Trial shows benefits of Buteyko breathing techniques. Author:., Volume:323 Issue:7313, Page:631-2 Year:2001 Sep 15 Source:BMJ Kuiper D British Medical Journal 2001 VIEW
Dynamics of telomerase activity in response to acute psychological stress. Epel ES, Lin J, Dhabhar FS, Wolkowitz OM, Puterman E, Karan L, Blackburn EH. Brain Behav Immun. 2009 Dec 14 VIEW
Dynamics of electrocorticographic (ECoG) activity in human temporal and frontal cortical areas during music listening. Potes C, Gunduz A, Brunner P, Schalk G Neuroimage. 2012 Apr 14 VIEW
Dynamics of consciousness and healing Dossey B Journal of Holistic Nursing 1994 VIEW
Dynamics of brain electrical activity Paul E. Rapp, Theodore R. Bashore, Jacques M. Martinerie, A. M. Albano, I. D. Zimmerman & Alistair I. Mees Brain Topography 1989 VIEW
Dynamical Properties of BOLD Activity from the Ventral Posteromedial Cortex Associated with Meditation and Attentional Skills. Pagnoni G. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 11 VIEW
Dynamical energy systems and modern physics: fostering the science and spirit of complementary and alternative medicine Schwartz GE//Russek LG Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 1997 VIEW
Dynamical Casimir effect in a Josephson metamaterial. Lähteenmäki P, Paraoanu GS, Hassel J, Hakonen PJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 12 VIEW
Dynamic task-linked switching between brain networks - A tri-network perspective Saurabh Bhaskar Shaw1, Margaret C McKinnon2, Jennifer Heisz3, Suzanna Becker4 Brain Cogn 2021 Jul 1 VIEW
Dynamic Studies of Magnetic Signals under Qigong State in Zero-Magnetic Space Laboratory Wu Ben-Jie//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1991 VIEW
Dynamic network participation of functional connectivity hubs assessed by resting-state fMRI. Schaefer A1, Margulies DS2, Lohmann G3, Gorgolewski KJ2, Smallwood J4, Kiebel SJ5, Villringer A6. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 May 6 VIEW
Dynamic imaging demonstrates that pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) suppress IL-6 transcription in bovine nucleus pulposus cells. Tang X1, Alliston T1, Coughlin D1, Miller S1, Zhang N2, Waldorff EI2, Ryaby JT2, Lotz JC1 J Orthop Res. 2017 Aug 29 VIEW
Dynamic fascial release and the role of mechanical/vibrational assist devices in manual therapies. Comeaux Z. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Jan VIEW
Dynamic correlations between heart and brain rhythm during Autogenic meditation. Kim DK, Lee KM, Kim J, Whang MC, Kang SW. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 Jul 31 VIEW
Dynamic characteristics of physiological changes under the qigong state Song Kongzhi//Zhi Tingxian//Zhou Liangzhong//Yan Xiaoxia 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Dynamic Change of Awareness during Meditation Techniques: Neural and Physiological Correlates. Jerath R, Barnes VA, Dillard-Wright D, Jerath S, Hamilton B. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
Duality and nonduality in meditation research. Josipovic Z. Conscious Cogn. 2010 Dec VIEW
Dual-Task Walking Capacity Mediates Tai Ji Impact on Physical and Cognitive Function. Li F1, Harmer P2, Chou LS3 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May 31 VIEW
Dual-task training on cognition and resistance training improved both balance and working memory in older people. Norouzi E1, Vaezmosavi M2, Gerber M3, Pühse U3, Brand S3,4,5,6 Phys Sportsmed. 2019 Nov VIEW
Dry needle stimulation of myofascial trigger points evokes segmental anti-nociceptive effects. Srbely JZ, Dickey JP, Lee D, Lowerison M. J Rehabil Med. 2010 May VIEW
Drugs, clocks and exercise in aging: hype and hope, facts and fiction Regula Furrer1, Christoph Handschin1 J Physiol 2022 Sep 16 VIEW
Drug and gene delivery across the blood-brain barrier with focused ultrasound. Timbie KF1, Mead BP1, Price RJ2 J Control Release. 2015 Dec 10 VIEW
Dr. Sha’s power healing: four Chinese secrets to heal body, mind, and soul Sha Zg 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Double-blind tests of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (6) the personality dynamics of chinese qigong mesters by the projective technique Sadakata Akio 1//Yamashita Takahisa 2 Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Double-blind tests of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (3) analysis of qi emitted fromthe human body Nomura Harehido Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Double-blind tests of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (2) changes in the brain waves of qi-receivers Kawano Kimiko//Wang Fengfong//Duan Liye Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Double-blind tests of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (1) an outline of simultaneous polygraph measurements, biochemical blood tests, and psychological tests Kashiwasake Masaki Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Double-blind test of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (4) results of peripheral blood flow rate, skin electric potential, and meridian function measurements, during qi transmission Kobayashi Keisuke//Itagaki Yoshiko Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Double-blind test of emitted qi on tumor formation of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line in nude mice Chen Xiaojun 1//Yi Qing 1//Liu Kela 1//Zhang Jinmei 2//Chen Yusheng 3 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Double-blind randomised controlled trial of two different breathing techniques in the management of asthma Slader CA//Reddel HK//Spencer LM//Belousova EG//// 2006 VIEW
Double exercises of mind and life by Taoism qigong and contributions to longevity science Pei Xirong//Li Xiangmian 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Doubl-blind tests of qi transmission from qigong masters to untrained volunteers: (5) measurement of qigong by blood analysis Shibata Takashi//Furiya Kei Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Dose-Response Effects of Tai Chi and Physical Therapy Exercise Interventions in Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. Lee AC1, Harvey WF1, Price LL2, Han X1, Driban JB1, Iversen MD3, Desai SA4, Knopp HE4, Wang C5 PM R. 2018 Jan 30 VIEW
Dose-Response Association of Tai Chi and Cognition among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Mei-Lan Chen1,2, Stephanie B Wotiz1, Starr M Banks1, Sabine A Connors1, Yuyin Shi3 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
Dose-remission of pulsating electromagnetic fields as augmentation in therapy-resistant depression: a randomized, double-blind controlled study. Straasø B1, Lauritzen L1, Lunde M1, Vinberg M2, Lindberg L1, Larsen ER3, Dissing S4, Bech P1. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2014 Oct VIEW
Dose-Dependent ATP Depletion and Cancer Cell Death following Calcium Electroporation, Relative Effect of Calcium Concentration and Electric Field Strength. Hansen EL1, Sozer EB2, Romeo S3, Frandsen SK1, Vernier PT2, Gehl J1. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 8 VIEW
Dopamine Is Signaled by Mid-frequency Oscillations and Boosts Output Layers Visual Information in Visual Cortex. Zaldivar D1, Goense J2, Lowe SC3, Logothetis NK4, Panzeri S5 Curr Biol. 2017 Dec 30 VIEW
Dopamine and Brain Function Itoh M 1//Yamaguchi K 1//Masud M 1//Watanuki S 2//// J Soc Life Info Sci 2003 VIEW
Don't stop focusing when it gets harder! The positive effects of focused attention on affective experience at high intensities Julia Limmeroth1, Linda Schücker2, Norbert Hagemann1 J Sports Sci 2022 Oct 8 VIEW
Does yoga therapy reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension?: an integrative review. Okonta NR. Holist Nurs Pract. 2012 May VIEW
Does whole-body vibration training have a positive effect on balance and walking function in patients with stroke? A meta-analysis Yikun Yin1,2, Jialin Wang2, Zhengze Yu1, Lina Zhou1, Xiaoman Liu2, Hejia Cai1, Junzhi Sun2 Front Hum Neurosci 2023 Jan 4 VIEW
Does Whole-Body Vibration Training Have a Concurrent Effect on Bone and Muscle Health? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Christel Harijanto1,2, Anthony Lim1,2, Sara Vogrin1,3, Gustavo Duque1,2,3 Gerontology 2021 Nov 15 VIEW
Does Whole-Body Vibration Improve the Functional Exercise Capacity of Subjects With COPD? A Meta-Analysis. Cardim AB1, Marinho PE1, Nascimento JF Jr1, Fuzari HK1, Dornelas de Andrade A2 Respir Care. 2016 Sep 20 VIEW
Does whole-body vibration improve risk of falls, balance, and heart rate variability in post-COVID-19 patients? A randomized clinical trial Natalia Tarcila Santos Amorim1, Frederico Castelo Branco Cavalcanti2, Elaine Cristina Santa Cruz de Moura1, Dário Sobral Filho3, Clézio Cordeiro de Sá Leitão4, Marcella Markman de Almeida5, Patrícia Érika de Melo Marinho6 J Bodyw Mov Ther 2024 Jul 1 VIEW
Does trait mindfulness mediate the relationship between borderline personality symptoms and emotion dysregulation? Alison Roberts1,2, Richard de Visser3, Claire Rosten4, Helen Startup5,6, Clara Strauss5,6 Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul 2023 Jun 8 VIEW
Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Pattern Affect Acupoint Specific Effect? Analysis of Data from a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial for Primary Dysmenorrhea. Liu YQ, Ma LX, Xing JM, Cao HJ, Wang YX, Tang L, Li M, Wang Y, Liang Y, Pu LY, Yu XM, Guo LZ, Jin JL, Wang Z, Ju HM, Jiang YM, Liu JJ, Yuan HW, Li CH, Zhang P, She YF, Liu JP, Zhu J. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 23 VIEW
Does therapeutic touch help reduce pain and anxiety in patients with cancer? Jackson E, Kelley M, McNeil P, Meyer E, Schlegel L, Eaton M. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2008 Jan VIEW
Does the Use of Mobile Phone Affect Male Fertility? A Mini-Review Chidiebere Emmanuel Okechukwu1 J Hum Reprod Sci Jul-Sep 2020 VIEW
Does the effect of acupuncture depend on needling sensation and manipulation? Choi YJ, Lee JE, Moon WK, Cho SH. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Jun VIEW
Does the body give the brain an attentional boost? Examining the relationship between attentional and cardiac gating. Li X1, Swallow K2, Chiu M3, De Rosa E3, Anderson AK3 Biol Psychol. 2018 Oct 21 VIEW
Does the addition of deep breathing exercises to physiotherapy-directed early mobilisation alter patient outcomes following high-risk open upper abdominal surgery? Silva YR, Li SK, Rickard MJ. Physiotherapy. 2012 Dec 1 VIEW
Does Taichi-quan reduce psychosomatic stress? Shuichi HASHIZUME1, Kimiko KAWANO2,3,4, Hidetsugu KATSURAGAWA3, Hideyuki KOKUBO3,4, Mikio YAMAMOTO3,4, Akihiko KAMADA5 and Tsuneo WATANABE3 J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci. March 2008 VIEW
Does Tai Chi/Qi Gong help patients with multiple sclerosis? Mills N//Allen J//Morgan SC Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2000 VIEW
Does Tai Chi relieve fatigue? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Xiang Y1, Lu L2, Chen X2, Wen Z2,3 PLoS One. 2017 Apr 5 VIEW
Does Tai Chi improve psychological well-being and quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease and/or cardiovascular risk factors? A systematic review protocol. Yang G1,2, Li W2, Cao H2, Klupp N1, Liu J2, Bensoussan A1, Kiat H3,4,5,6, Chang D1 BMJ Open. 2017 Aug 18 VIEW
Does tai chi improve psychological well-being and quality of life in patients with cardiovascular disease and/or cardiovascular risk factors? A systematic review Guoyan Yang1, Wenyuan Li2, Nerida Klupp1,3, Huijuan Cao4, Jianping Liu4, Alan Bensoussan1, Hosen Kiat5,6, Diana Karamacoska1, Dennis Chang7 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Jan 4 VIEW
Does Tai Chi improve plantar sensory ability? A pilot study Richerson S, Rosendale K Diabetes Technol Ther 2007 Jun VIEW
Does Tai Chi improve balance and reduce falls incidence in neurological disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Winser SJ1, Tsang WW1, Krishnamurthy K1, Kannan P1 Clin Rehabil. 2018 May 1 VIEW
Does Tai Chi Chuan improve psychological well-being and quality of life in patients with breast cancer? Protocol for a systematic review of randomized controlled trials: A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Guo J1,2,3, Shen Y1,2, Li B1,2, Wang F1,2, Jiang Y3,4, Lin Y5, Chen J1,2,3,5 Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Apr VIEW
Does T'ai Chi Gait Reduce External Knee Adduction Moment? Liu W1, Kovaleski JE2, Kepple TM3, Wolfe J2, Decoux B4, McCarthy JP5, Singh J6, Lewis CE7 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Jun 27 VIEW
Does T'ai Chi Chuan Improve Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Patients Aickin M J Altern Complement Med 2007 Dec VIEW
Does Suggestion Change the Effects of Qigong? Tsuda Yasutami//Sugano Hisanobu//Shirouzu Shigenori J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
Does social participation decrease the risk of frailty? Impacts of diversity in frequency and types of social participation on frailty in middle-aged and older populations Ju Sun1, Xuying Kong1, Haomiao Li2, Jiangyun Chen3, Qiang Yao1, Hanxuan Li1, Feng Zhou4, Hua Hu5 BMC Geriatr 2022 Jul 2 VIEW
Does removal of deep breathing exercises from a physiotherapy program including pre-operative education and early mobilisation after cardiac surgery alter patient outcomes? Brasher PA//McClelland KH//Denehy L//Story I Aust J Physiother 2003 VIEW
Does religious activity improve health outcomes? A critical review of the recent literature Coruh B//Ayele H//Pugh M//Mulligan T Explore 2005 VIEW
Does Reiki Benefit Mental Health Symptoms Above Placebo? Sonia Zadro1, Peta Stapleton1 Front Psychol 2022 Jul 12 VIEW
Does regular massage from late pregnancy to birth decrease maternal pain perception during labour and birth?--A feasibility study to investigate a programme of massage, controlled breathing and visualization, from 36 weeks of pregnancy until birth Nabb MT//Kimber L//Haines A//McCourt C Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2006 VIEW
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