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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Pleasant music improves visual attention in patients with unilateral neglect after stroke. Chen MC, Tsai PL, Huang YT, Lin KC. Brain Inj. 2013 VIEW
Pluripotent stem cells escape from senescence-associated DNA methylation changes. Koch CM, Reck K, Shao K, Lin Q, Joussen S, Ziegler P, Walenda G, Drescher W, Opalka B, May T, Brummendorf TH, Zenke M, Saric T, Wagner W. Genome Res. 2012 Oct 18 VIEW
Point process time-frequency analysis of dynamic respiratory patterns during meditation practice. Kodituwakku S, Lazar SW, Indic P, Chen Z, Brown EN, Barbieri R. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2012 Feb 21 VIEW
Point selection and ziwuliuzhu in qigong treatment Yuan Wanli 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Point specificity in acupuncture. Choi EM, Jiang F, Longhurst JC. Chin Med. 2012 Feb 28 VIEW
Polychromatic spectral pattern analysis of ultra-weak photon emissions from a human body. Kobayashi M1, Iwasa T2, Tada M3 J Photochem Photobiol B. 2016 Apr 7 VIEW
Polysomnographic and Subjective Profiles of Sleep Continuity Before and After Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Partially Remitted Depression. Britton WB, Haynes PL, Fridel KW, Bootzin RR. Psychosom Med. 2010 May 13 VIEW
Polyvagal Theory and developmental psychopathology: emotion dysregulation and conduct problems from preschool to adolescence. Beauchaine TP1, Gatzke-Kopp L, Mead HK Biol Psychol. 2007 Feb VIEW
Polyvagal Theory: A Science of Safety Stephen W Porges1,2 Front Integr Neurosci 2022 May 10 VIEW
Popularization of the Meridian - Electrifying Method for Self Healthy Protection Atsunori M//Ai ZS//Humio E 8th Int Sym on Qigong 2001 VIEW
Population dynamics of the modified theta model: macroscopic phase reduction and bifurcation analysis link microscopic neuronal interactions to macroscopic gamma oscillation. Kotani K1, Yamaguchi I, Yoshida L, Jimbo Y, Ermentrout GB. J R Soc Interface. 2014 Mar 19 VIEW
Position of the Hip in Yoga. Mears SC1, Wilson MR1, Mannen EM1, Tackett SA1, Barnes CL1 J Arthroplasty. 2018 Feb 23 VIEW
Position-related false-positive renal imaging G M Rao, K G Nagesh, G H Guruprakash Clin Nucl Med 1980 Jul 1 VIEW
Positive affect and psychobiological processes relevant to health. Steptoe A, Dockray S, Wardle J. J Pers. 2009 Dec VIEW
Positive and Negative Effects of Administering a Magnetic Field to Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Jolanta Zwolińska1, Marta Kasprzak2, Aleksandra Kielar2, Michał Prokop2 J Clin Med 2024 Mar 12 VIEW
Positive Associations of Dispositional Mindfulness with Cardiovascular Health: the New England Family Study. Loucks EB1, Britton WB, Howe CJ, Eaton CB, Buka SL. Int J Behav Med. 2014 Oct 23 VIEW
Positive Effect of Abdominal Breathing Exercise on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Randomized, Controlled Study. Eherer AJ, Netolitzky F, Högenauer C, Puschnig G, Hinterleitner TA, Scheidl S, Kraxner W, Krejs GJ, Hoffmann KM. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Dec 6 VIEW
Positive effect of deep diaphragmatic breathing training on gastroesophageal reflux-induced chronic cough: a clinical randomized controlled study Shanshan Niu#1,2, Tongyangzi Zhang#1, Wanzhen Li#1, Siwan Wen1, Lei Dong1, Shengyuan Wang1, Wenbo Shi1, Cuiqin Shi1, Yuqin Shen3, Qianchun Huang3, Yaling Tan4, Xianghuai Xu5, Li Yu6,7 Respir Res 2024 Apr 18 VIEW
Positive effects of a qigong and aerobic exercise program on physical health in elderly Japanese women Sakata T, Li Q, Tanaka M and Tajima F Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2008 VIEW
Positive effects of brisk walking and Tai Chi on cognitive function in older adults: An fNIRS study Liping Qi1, Guo-Liang Wang2, Yu-Long Yang3, Shu-Ye Yang3, Li-Qing Liu3, Jian-Wei Zhang4 Physiol Behav 2023 Oct 25 VIEW
Positive impact of cyclic meditation on subsequent sleep. Patra S, Telles S. Med Sci Monit. 2009 Jul VIEW
Positive impact of Tai Chi Chuan participation on biopsychosocial quality of life compared to exercise and sedentary controls: a cross-sectional survey. Baxter A, J P Francis A. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 May 24 VIEW
Positive impact of yoga and pranayam on obesity, hypertension, blood sugar, and cholesterol: a pilot assessmen Gokal R, Shillito L, Maharaj SR J Altern Complement Med 2007 Dec VIEW
Positive impacts of psychological pain treatments: Supplementary analyses of a randomized clinical trial Erica J Ho1, Aaron P Turner1, Mark P Jensen2, Melissa A Day2, Dawn M Ehde2, Tracy M Anastas1, Rhonda M Williams1 Rehabil Psychol 2024 Mar 28 VIEW
Positive outcomes with the use of qigong; 3 lectures Shu K 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Positive psychological well-being and mortality: a quantitative review of prospective observational studies. Chida Y, Steptoe A. Psychosom Med. 2008 Sep VIEW
Positive therapeutic and neurotropic effects of yoga in depression: A comparative study. Naveen GH, Thirthalli J, Rao MG, Varambally S, Christopher R, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population Byrd RC Southern Medical J 1988 VIEW
Positive well-being changes associated with giving and receiving Johrei healing Reece K, Schwartz GE, Brooks AJ, Nangle G. J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Jun VIEW
Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric And Magnetic Fields. National Research Council (US) Committee on the Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Biologic Systems. Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric And Magnetic Fields. 1997 VIEW
Possible health effects on the human brain by various generations of mobile telecommunication: a review based estimation of 5G impact Hiie Hinrikus1, Tarmo Koppel2, Jaanus Lass1, Hans Orru3, Priit Roosipuu4, Maie Bachmann1 Int J Radiat Biol 2022 Jan 7 VIEW
Possible Influence of Infrasound on Glioma Cell Response to Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study GARRETYOUNT, Ph.D.//RYANTAFT, B.S.//JEREMYWEST, B.A.//DANMOORE, Ph.D. THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2004 VIEW
Possible Influence of Infrasound on Glioma Cell Response to Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study Yount G/Taft R//West J/Moore D J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Possible Influence of Infrasound on Glioma Cell Response to Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Possible mechanism for solid to generate macroscopic quantum waves Lee Sichen//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1996 VIEW
Possible Mechanisms for the Effects of Sound Vibration on Human Health Lee Bartel1, Abdullah Mosabbir1,2 Healthcare (Basel) 2021 May 18 VIEW
Possible mechanisms of auricular acupoint stimulation in the treatment of migraine by activating auricular vagus nerve Hao-Han Zhu1, Pei-Jing Rong1, Yu Chen1, Xing-Ke Song1, Jun-Ying Wang2 Zhen Ci Yan Jiu 2024 Apr 25 VIEW
Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Chervyakov AV1, Chernyavsky AY2, Sinitsyn DO3, Piradov MA1. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 Jun 16 VIEW
Possible molecular mechanism of promotion of repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture by low intensity-pulsed ultrasound treatment in a rat model. Kosaka T, Masaoka T, Yamamoto K. West Indian Med J. 2011 Jun VIEW
Possible opportunities and challenges for traditional Chinese medicine research in 2035 Nanqu Huang1, Wendi Huang1, Jingjing Wu1, Sheng Long2, Yong Luo1, Juan Huang3 Front Pharmacol 2024 Jun 21 VIEW
Possible reparative effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on injured meniscus. Kamatsuki Y1,2, Aoyama E2, Furumatsu T1, Miyazawa S3, Maehara A3, Yamanaka N4, Nishida T5, Kubota S2,5, Ozaki T1, Takigawa M6 J Cell Commun Signal. 2018 Nov 20 VIEW
Possible Roles of Cyclic Meditation in Regulation of the Gut-Brain Axis Debananda S. Ningthoujam1, Nilkamal Singh2* and Saikat Mukherjee1 Front. Psychol. 2021 Dec VIEW
Possible traces of resonance signaling in the genome Ivan Savelev1, Max Myakishev-Rempel2 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2020 Mar VIEW
Post traumatic stress symptoms and heart rate variability in Bihar flood survivors following yoga: a randomized controlled study. Telles S, Singh N, Joshi M, Balkrishna A. BMC Psychiatry. 2010 Mar 2 VIEW
Post-stimulation effect of electroacupuncture at Yintang (EX-HN3) and GV20 on cerebral functional regions in healthy volunteers: a resting functional MRI study. Zheng Y, Qu S, Wang N, Liu L, Zhang G, Jiang X, Chen J, Huang Y, Zhang Z. Acupunct Med. 2012 Dec VIEW
Post-transcriptional control of light-harvesting genes expression under light stress. Floris M, Bassi R, Robaglia C, Alboresi A, Lanet E. Plant Mol Biol. 2013 May VIEW
Postoperative analgesia after low-frequency electroacupuncture as adjunctive treatment in inguinal hernia surgery with abdominal wall mesh reconstruction. Dalamagka M1, Mavrommatis C2, Grosomanidis V3, Karakoulas K3, Vasilakos D3 Acupunct Med. 2015 Oct VIEW
Postoperative pain and respiratory function in patients treated with electroacupuncture following coronary surgery. Colak MC, Kavakli A, Kilinç A, Rahman A. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2010 Jan VIEW
Postoperative Pain: Acupuncture versus Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Gavronsky S, Koeniger-Donohue R, Steller J, Hawkins JW. Pain Manag Nurs. 2012 Sep VIEW
Poststroke Balance Improves With Yoga: A Pilot Study. Schmid AA, Van Puymbroeck M, Altenburger PA, Schalk NL, Dierks TA, Miller KK, Damush TM, Bravata DM, Williams LS. Stroke 2012 Jul 26 VIEW
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Not Depression Is Associated with Shorter Leukocyte Telomere Length: Findings from 3,000 Participants in the Population-Based KORA F4 Study. Ladwig KH, Brockhaus AC, Baumert J, Lukaschek K, Emeny RT, Kruse J, Codd V, Häfner S, Albrecht E, Illig T, Samani NJ, Wichmann HE, Gieger C, Peters A. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Temperament, and the Pathway to Cellular Senescence. Connolly SL1, Stoop TB2, Logue MW2,3, Orr EH4,5, De Vivo I4,5, Miller MW2,3, Wolf EJ2,3 J Trauma Stress. 2018 Oct 19 VIEW
Postulates on electromagnetic activity in biological systems and cancer. Pokorný J, Pokorný J, Kobilková J. Integr Biol (Camb). 2013 Oct 28 VIEW
Postural awareness and its relation to pain: validation of an innovative instrument measuring awareness of body posture in patients with chronic pain. Cramer H1,2, Mehling WE3, Saha FJ4, Dobos G4, Lauche R5 BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Apr 6 VIEW
Postural Changes on Heart Rate Variability among Older Population: A Preliminary Study Warawoot Chuangchai1, Wiraporn Pothisiri1 Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res 2021 Feb 27 VIEW
Postural control and balance in a cohort of healthy people living in Europe: An observational study. Patti A1, Bianco A1, Şahin N2, Sekulic D3, Paoli A4, Iovane A1, Messina G1,5, Gagey PM6, Palma A1,7 Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Dec VIEW
Postural control and T'ai Chi Anonymous American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1992 VIEW
Postural control is associated with muscle power in post-menopausal women with low bone mass. Stolzenberg N1, Felsenberg D1, Belavy DL2,3 Osteoporos Int. 2018 Oct VIEW
Postural instability and the condition of physical frailty in the elderly. Moraes DC1,2, Lenardt MH2, Seima MD2,3, Mello BH2,4, Setoguchi LS2,5, Setlik CM2,6 Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2019 Apr 29 VIEW
Postural Responses to Sudden Horizontal Perturbations in Tai Chi Practitioners Jernej Sever1, Jan Babič2, Žiga Kozinc3,4, Nejc Šarabon3,5,6 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Mar 7 VIEW
Postural Stability in Parkinson's Disease Patients Is Improved after Stochastic Resonance Therapy. Kaut O, Brenig D, Marek M, Allert N, Wüllner U Parkinsons Dis. 2016 VIEW
Postural Stability in Parkinson's Disease Patients Is Improved after Stochastic Resonance Therapy. Kaut O, Brenig D, Marek M, Allert N, Wüllner U Parkinsons Dis. 2016 VIEW
Postural Stability in Parkinson's Disease Patients Is Improved after Stochastic Resonance Therapy. Kaut O1, Brenig D1, Marek M1, Allert N2, Wüllner U3 Parkinsons Dis. 2016 VIEW
Potent alpha-amylase inhibitory activity of Indian Ayurvedic medicinal plants. P S, Zinjarde SS, Bhargava SY, Ravikumar A. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jan 20 VIEW
Potential Benefits and Safety of T'ai Chi for Balance and Functional Independence in People with Cerebellar Ataxia. Winser SJ1, Kannan P1, Pang M1, Smith C2, Tsang WW1 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Jun 5 VIEW
Potential clinical treatment prospects behind the molecular mechanism of alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) Haolu Sun1, Guijuan Chen2, Baochang Guo3, Shushu Lv4, Guojun Yuan2 J Cancer 2023 Jan 31 VIEW
Potential Cognitive Benefits From Playing Music Among Cognitively Intact Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Schneider CE1, Hunter EG1, Bardach SH1 J Appl Gerontol. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Potential health impacts of residential exposures to extremely low frequency magnetic fields in Europe. Grellier J, Ravazzani P, Cardis E. Environ Int. 2014 Jan VIEW
Potential Long-Term Effects of a Mind-Body Intervention for Women With Major Depressive Disorder: Sustained Mental Health Improvements With a Pilot Yoga Intervention. Kinser PA1, Elswick RK2, Kornstein S3. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2014 Dec VIEW
Potential Mind Power-The Placebo Effect Hirose H J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Potential of light-harvesting proton pumps for bioenergy applications. Walter JM, Greenfield D, Liphardt J. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2010 Apr 3 VIEW
Potential of Whole-Body Vibration in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Human and Animal Studies Y Laurisa Arenales Arauz1, Gargi Ahuja2,3, Ype P T Kamsma1, Arjan Kortholt3,4, Eddy A van der Zee2, Marieke J G van Heuvelen1 Biology (Basel) 2022 Aug 19 VIEW
Potential role of complementary and alternative health care providers in chronic disease prevention and health promotion: An analysis of National Health Interview Survey data. Hawk C, Ndetan H, Evans MW Jr. Prev Med 2011 Jul 13 VIEW
Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health. Gard T1, Noggle JJ2, Park CL3, Vago DR4, Wilson A5. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Sep 30 VIEW
Potential therapeutic effect and methods of traditional Chinese medicine on COVID-19-induced depression: A review Xiao-Li Da1, Li-Feng Yue2, Xiao-Juan Li1, Jian-Bei Chen3, Nai-Jun Yuan1, Jia-Xu Chen1 Anat Rec (Hoboken) 2021 Oct 12 VIEW
Potentized Mercuric chloride and Mercuric iodide enhance alpha-amylase activity in vitro Sukul NC/De A//Sukul A//Sinhababu SP Homeopathy 2002 VIEW
Power estimation predicts specific function action of acupuncture: an fMRI study. Liu P, Zhou G, Yang X, Liu J, Sun J, Dong M, Yuan K, Zhang Y, Qin W, Tian J. Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 Aug 15 VIEW
Power posing: brief nonverbal displays affect neuroendocrine levels and risk tolerance. Carney DR1, Cuddy AJ, Yap AJ Psychol Sci. 2010 Oct VIEW
Power Spectral Analysis of R-R Interval Variability during Wujijinggong Minegishi Yukiko//Watanabe Tsuyoshi//Yamaguchi Sachio//Higuchi Yuzo J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1998 VIEW
Power Spectral Analysis of R-R Interval Variability during Zazen Minegishi Y 1//Watanabe T 2//Higuchi Y 3 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
Powerline bioactivity - more than magnetism. Sidaway GH. Springerplus. 2013 Sep 11 VIEW
Practical and clinical utility of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (nVNS) for the acute treatment of migraine: a post hoc analysis of the randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind PRESTO trial. Grazzi L1,2, Tassorelli C3,4, de Tommaso M5, Pierangeli G6, Martelletti P7, Rainero I8, Geppetti P9, Ambrosini A10, Sarchielli P11, Liebler E12, Barbanti P, PRESTO Study Group J Headache Pain. 2018 Oct 19 VIEW
Practical Applications of Medical Qigong in Nursing and for Self-Healing Starr FC First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Practice and Theory of Qigong - China's Aerospace Medicine Guo HZ//Wang ZX//Li XQ 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Practice of contemporary dance improves cognitive flexibility in aging. Coubard OA, Duretz S, Lefebvre V, Lapalus P, Ferrufino L. Front Aging Neurosci. 2011 VIEW
Practice of traditional chinese medicine for psycho-behavioral intervention improves quality of life in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis Tao W1,2,3, Luo X1,2, Cui B1,2, Liang D1,2, Wang C1,2, Duan Y3, Li X4, Zhou S5, Zhao M6, Li Y7, He Y8, Wang S3, Kelley KW9,10, Jiang P11, Liu Q1,2. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 15 VIEW
Practice of Yangqigong Eye Exercise and Acupoints Hammer Treatment for Healthy Eyes Ma Xuzhou First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Practice of yoga may cause damage of both sciatic nerves: a case report. Dacci P, Amadio S, Gerevini S, Moiola L, Del Carro U, Radaelli M, Figlia G, Martinelli V, Comi G, Fazio R. Neurol Sci. 2012 Apr 24 VIEW
Practice Parameter: neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson disease (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Montgomery EB Jr Neurology. 2007 Jan 9 VIEW
Practicing qigong and cultivating my moral character -- my 60-years' realization Zhao Guang 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Practicing Reiki Does Not Appear to Routinely Produce High-Intensity Electromagnetic Fields from the Heart or Hands of Reiki Practitioners. Baldwin AL, Rand WL, Schwartz GE. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Dec 4 VIEW
Practicing Tai Chi had lower energy metabolism than walking but similar health benefits in terms of aerobic fitness, resting energy expenditure, body composition and self-perceived physical health. Hui SS1, Xie YJ2, Woo J3, Kwok TC4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Aug VIEW
Practitioner Review: Effective management of functional difficulties associated with sensory symptoms in children and adolescents. Lane AE1 J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 13 VIEW
Pranayama and Nursing Sümeyra Mihrap İlter1, Özlem Ovayolu Holist Nurs Pract 2021 Jan-Feb 01 VIEW
Pranayama increases grip strength without lateralized effects Raghuraj P//Nagarathna R//Nagendra HR//Telles S Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1997 VIEW
Pranic healing: an energy-based healing practice for the contemporary nurse Hofer W//Bruni N Aust J Holist Nurs 2002 VIEW
Pranic Meditation Affects Phagocyte Functions and Hormonal Levels of Recent Practitioners. Fernandes CA, Nóbrega YK, Tosta CE. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Prayer-for-health and complementary alternative medicine use among Malaysian breast cancer patients during chemotherapy. Chui PL, Abdullah KL, Wong LP, Taib NA. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014 Oct 30 VIEW
Prayer: A Helpful Aid in Recovery from Depression. Johnson KA1 J Relig Health. 2018 Jan 30 VIEW
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