Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19106 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Monitoring Energy Levels during CAM treatment with GDV technique Wiesneski L//Korotkov K Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Tesla's Legacy: Electromagnetic Healing Devices Valone TF Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Tapping the Body's Healing Potential Tennant JJ Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Progress and Achievements of Research on the Phenomena Of Psi in China Chai Jianyu//Liu Wenyong J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
Therapeutic Electromagnetic Devices: Taxonomy, Characterization and Review of the Scientific Literature Slawecki Tania Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Endocrine and Immune Changes during Guolin New Qigong Higuchi Yuzo//Kotani Yasunori//Hibuchi Hironobu//Minegishi Yukiko//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
Electomagnetic Shock Waves in a Controlled Non-linear Environment: Fabrication and use for the Body's Mitogenic entropy Shinnick P//Obolensky G Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Electro-magnetic resonance: The discovery and use of the Omura 0-Ring Test (Bi-Digital 0-Ring Test) Shinnick P Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
An Experiential Workshop with Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques Specific for Treating Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depression Shannahoff-Khalsa David Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
A Highlight of Novel Studies in Mind-Body Medicine Based on Concepts and Techniques from Kundalini Shannahoff-Khalsa David Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Observation of electroencephalogram spectrum changes over one year of Qigong training Yang//SH Yang//QF//Shi JM Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1994 VIEW
Qigong and L-1 straining maneuver oxygen system requirements with and without positive pressure breathing. Zhang SX Guo HZ Zhu J Jing BS Aviat Space Environ Med 1994 VIEW
Outgrowing Back Pain, Asthma, Depression, and other Conditions: The Somatic Paradigm Shafarman Steven Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Heart-focused attention and heart-brain synchronization: energetic and physiological mechanisms. Song LZ//Schwartz GE//Russek LG Altern Ther Health Med 1998 VIEW
Comparisons of pain relief mechanisms between needling to the muscle, static magnetic field, external qigong and needling to the acupuncture point. Takeshige C//Sato M Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
Absence of an analgesic effect of qigong 'external qi' in rats. Zhang WB//Yu WL//Yang YJ Am J Chin Med 1998 VIEW
Emission of extremely strong magnetic fields from the head and whole body during oriental breathing exercises. Hisamitsu T; Seto A; Nakazato S; Yamamoto T; Aung SK Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
The effects of qigong and acupuncture on human cerebral evoked potentials and electroencephalogram. Xu M//Tomotake M//Ikuta T//Ishimoto Y//Okura M J Med Invest 1998 VIEW
[Chinese meditation pattern. Qi Gong: to learn from tigers and bears. Series: relaxation technic 1. Centers of vital energy] Wagner B Fortschr Med 1999 VIEW
Impression on observing psychic surgery and healing in Brazil which appear to incorporate (+) qi gong energy & the use of acupuncture points Omura Y Acupunct Electrother Res 1997 VIEW
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