Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 ... 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958
The database contains 19160 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Depression and immunity: a meta-analytic review Herbert TB//Cohen S Psychol Bull 1993 VIEW
The emergence of depressive symptoms in late life: the importance of declining health and increasing disability Kennedy GJ//Kelman HR//Thomas C J Community Health 1990 VIEW
Appearance of high-frequency alpha band with disappearance of low-frequency alpha band in EEG is produced during voluntary abdominal breathing in an eyes-closed condition Fumoto M//Sato-Suzuki I//Seki Y//Mohri Y//// Neurosci Res 2004 VIEW
Effects of Qi-training (Qigong) on forearm blood gas concentrations Lee MS//Ryu H//Song J//Moon SR Int J Neurosci 2004 VIEW
Effects of tai chi mind-body movement therapy on functional status and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial Yeh GY//Wood MJ//Lorell BH//Stevenson LW//// Am J Med 2004 VIEW
A pilot study of mind-body changes in adults with asthma who practice mental imagery Epstein GN//Halper JP//Barrett EA//Birdsall C//// Altern Ther Health Med 2004 VIEW
The effect of tai-chi-qui-gong exercises on patients' pulmonary function, exercise capacity, and quality of life after lobectomy Jong SY//Fang YY//Chao YF//Jong SY//// Hu Li Za Zhi 2004 VIEW
Injuries in martial arts: a comparison of five styles Zetaruk MN//Violan MA//Zurakowski D//Micheli LJ Br J Sports Med 2005 VIEW
Specially programmed respiratory muscle training for singers by using respiratory muscle training device (Ultrabreathe) Nam do H//Lim JY//Ahn CM//Choi HS Yonsei Med J 2004 VIEW
Thread-like structures in the aorta and coronary artery of swine Cho Sung-Jin 2//Kim Byeong-Soo 1//Park Young-Seok 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Bonghan system and hypothesis on oncogenesis Lee Jong-Su J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Magnetic separation processes in living organisms and embryo development Norina Svetlana//Soh Kwang-Sup//Yoon Young-Zoon//Ogay Vyacheslav J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Stress, depression and immunity: the role of defense and coping styles Olff M Psychiatry Res 1999 VIEW
Bonghan Ducts and Corpuscles with DNA-contained Granules on the Internal Organs-Surfaces of Rabbits Baik Ku-Youn//Sung Baeckkyoung//Lee Byung-Cheon//Johng Hyeon-Min //// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Histology Of Unique Tubular Structures Believed To Be Meridian Line Kim Soyean 1, Lee Kyu-Jae 2, Jung Tae-Eul 2, Jin Dan 3//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Migration of lipiodol along the meridian line Park Joong-Wha 1//Hong In-Soo 1//Yoon Jin-Ha 2//Kim Hyun-Won 3 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Analysis of EKG for fetus affected by mother's heartbeat signal Kim Cheol-Hyun 1//Kim Soo-Yong 1//Lee Hyoung 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
The trend analysis of Hurst exponent of heartbeat Lee H 1//Kang K 1//Yang YJ 1//Kim EH 2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Nonlinear analysis of EEG for brain respiration trained students during learning activities Jin Seung-Hyun 1//Kim Soo-Yong 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
The effect of odor presentation on immune function after stress loading Han Jae-Do 1//Uchiyama Akihiko 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
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