Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Yoga therapy in chronic bronchitis Behera D J Assoc Physicians India 1998 VIEW
The efficacy of therapeutic touch for improving functional ability in elders with degenerative arthritis Peck SD Nurs Sci Q 1998 VIEW
Effects of dialogue and therapeutic touch on preoperative and postoperative experiences of breast cancer surgery: an exploratory study Samarel N//Fawcett J//Davis MM//Ryan FM Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
Alternative therapies in the treatment or oral self-injurious behavior: a case report Romer M//Dougherty N//Fruchter M Spec Care Dentist 1998 VIEW
Tai Chi as a method of fall prevention in the elderly Kessenich CR Orthop Nurs 1998 VIEW
12-month Tai Chi training in the elderly: its effect on health fitness Lan C//Lai JS//Chen SY//Wong MK Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998 VIEW
P300 amplitude and antidepressant response to Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) Naga Venkatesha Murthy PJ//Janakiramaiah N//Gangadhar BN//Subbakrishna DK J Affect Disord 1998 VIEW
Moderate-intensity aerobic training improves glucose tolerance in aging independent of abdominal adiposity DiPietro L//Seeman TE//Stachenfeld NS//Katz LD//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1998 VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesavalu LN//Murthy KC//Duvall K//// Allergy Asthma Proc 1998 VIEW
Qigong: An approach to health and longevity Tseng RK Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: the Sciences & Engineering; US: Univ Microfilms International 1998 VIEW
Biofeedback/relaxation training and exercise interventions for fibromyalgia: a prospective trial Buckelew SP//// Arthritis Care & Research 1998 VIEW
Twenty-four hour time domain heart rate variability and heart rate: relations to age and gender over nine decades Umetani K//Singer DH//McCraty R//Atkinson M Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1998 VIEW
The impact of a new emotional self-management program on stress, emotions, heart rate variability, DHEA and cortisol McCraty R//Barrios-Choplin B//Rozman//Atkinson M//// Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 1998 VIEW
A randomized trial of a lay person-led self-management group intervention for back pain patients in primary care Von Korff M//Moore JE//Lorig K//Cherkin DC//// Spine 1998 VIEW
Comparison of integrated group therapy and group relaxation training for fibromyalgia Keel PJ//Bodoky C//Gerhard U//Muller W Clin J Pain 1998 VIEW
A double-blind, controlled clinical trial of homeopathy and an analysis of lunar phases and postoperative outcome Smolle J//Prause G//Kerl H Arch Dermatol 1998 VIEW
[The cerebral control of the somatosensory and auditory afferent projections to the cerebral cortex in man and animals] [Article in Russian] Liubimov NN//Orlova TV//Liubimov SN Usp Fiziol Nauk 1998 VIEW
Analysis on Psychotic Disorders Caused by Qigong Shen S//Chen K ACTA Academiae Medicinae Suzhou 1998 VIEW
Clinical Analysis on Psychotic Disorders Caused by Qigong in 16 Cases Zhang P//Fan S Medical Journal of Qilu 1998 VIEW
Clinical Analysis on Psychotic Disorders Caused by Qigong in 51 Cases Luo X//Yang D Journal of North Sichuan Medical College 1998 VIEW
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