Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Baduanjin -- an ancient Chinese exercise T C Koh Am J Chin Med 1982 Apr 23 VIEW
Coherent oscillations in biological systems: Interaction with extremely low frequency fields F. Kaiser Radio Sci. 1982 Sep-Oct VIEW
Healing and meditation in medical practice Magarey, C Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1983 VIEW
[Chinese breathing exercises (qigong)] Chinesische Atemubungen (Qigong). Werner R Offentl Gesundheitswes 1984 VIEW
Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during Tai Chi Chuan exercise Zhuo D//Shephard RJ//Plyley MJ//Davis GM Can J Appl Sport Sci 1984 VIEW
Ventilatory response to CO2. II. Studies in neurotic psychiatric patients and practitioners of transcendental meditation Singh BS Psychosom Med 1984 VIEW
Striking EEG profiles from single episodes of glossolalia and transcendental meditation Persinger MA Percept Mot Skills 1984 VIEW
[Neurophysiologic and respiratory changes during the practice of relaxation technics][Article in French] Gallois P Encephale 1984 VIEW
[Hormonal changes during relaxation][Article in French] Gallois P//Forzy G//Dhont JL Encephale 1984 VIEW
Text composition by the physically disabled: A rate prediction model for scanning input Damper R Appl Ergon 1984 VIEW
Biophoton emission. New evidence for coherence and DNA as source. Popp FA, Nagl W, Li KH, Scholz W, Weingärtner O, Wolf R. Cell Biophys. 1984 Mar VIEW
Effects of in vivo triiodothyronine and long acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) administration on the vitro thyroid cAMP response to thyrotrophin and LATS H Ikeda, S C Chiu, N Kuzuya, H Uchimura, S Nagataki Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1984 Jun 1 VIEW
The managed heart: the commercialization of human feelings Hothschild A 1985 VIEW
Yoga for bronchial asthma: a controlled study Nagarathna R//Nagendra HR Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1985 VIEW
The clinical use of mindfulness meditation for the self-regulation of chronic pain Kabat-Zinn J//Lipworth L//Burney R Journal of Behavioral Medicine 1985 VIEW
Hormonal and biochemical responses to transcendental meditation Cooper R//Joffe BI//Lamprey JM//Botha A Postgrad Med J 1985 VIEW
'Psychic sensitivity', mystical experience, head injury and brain pathology Fenwick P//Galliano S//Coate MA//Rippere V//// Br J Med Psychol 1985 VIEW
Involvement of the nerve growth factor-inducible large external glycoprotein (NILE) in neurite fasciculation in primary cultures of rat brain W B Stallcup, L Beasley Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1985 Feb 1 VIEW
Biophysical significance of human body surface infrared radiation Lin Yagu 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
Preliminary experimental results of the investigation on the materialistic basis of 'Therapy of Qi mobilization' in qigong Lin Housheng 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
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