Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19062 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of a taiji and qigong intervention on the antibody response to influenza vaccine in older adults Yang Y//Verkuilen J//Rosengren KS//Mariani RA//// Am J Chin Med 2007 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation alleviates depressive symptoms in women with fibromyalgia: results of a randomized clinical trial Sephton S//Salmon P//Weissbecker I//Ulmer C//// Arthritis Rheum 2007 VIEW
Randomized trial of a meditation-based stress reduction program and cognitive behavior therapy in generalized social anxiety disorder Koszycki D//Benger M//Shlik J//Bradwejn J Behav Res Ther 2007 May 3 VIEW
Mindfulness meditation for the treatment of chronic low back pain in older adults: A randomized controlled pilot study Morone NE//Greco CM//Weiner DK Pain 2007 May 31 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Tai Chi for Tension Headaches Abbott RB//Hui KK//Hays RD//Li MD//// Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2007 VIEW
Tai Chi-based exercise for older adults with Parkinson's disease: a pilot-program evaluation Li F//Harmer P//Fisher KJ//Xu J//Fitzgerald K//// J Aging Phys Act 2007 VIEW
Qigong for hypertension: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials Lee MS//Pittler MH//Guo R//Ernst E J Hypertens 2007 VIEW
The health and fitness benefits of tai chi. Yan HJ Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 1995 VIEW
Psychotherapeutic aspects of martial arts Weiser M//Kutz IK//Kutz SJ//Weiser D American Journal of Psychotherapy 1995 VIEW
The application of traditional martial arts practice and theory to the treatment of violent adolescents Tremlow S W//Sacco FC Adolescence 2002 VIEW
Should the main objective of adapted physical education be the development of motor skills or the development of self-esteem? Stein JU//Matthew-Sanders J//Williamson P The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 2013 Mar VIEW
The effects of a task-oriented physical education program on the Newsham SL Unpublished doctoral dissertation, San Diego, CA 1989 VIEW
The main focus of adapted physical education should be on the development of self-esteem Matthews-Saunders//// None 2003 VIEW
Does aerobic exercise really enhance self-esteem in children? Martin JE//Walters ST Journal of Sport Behavior. 2000 VIEW
The effect of a physical activity intervention package on the self-esteem of pre-adolescent and adolescent females Boyd KR//Hyrcaiko DW Journal of Adolescence 1997 VIEW
An effective approach to violence prevention: traditional martial arts in middle school Ziven, G//Hassan, N//DePaula, G.F//Monti DA//// Adolescence 2001 Fall VIEW
Examination of the effects of traditional and modern martial arts training on aggressiveness Nosanchuk TA//MacNeil C Aggressive Behavior 1989 VIEW
Teaching balance with tai chi, strategies for college and secondary school instruction Chen DD//Sherman CP Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. JOPERD. Volume 73, Issue 9 2002 VIEW
Physical activity and self-esteem development in children: A meta-analysis Gruber JJ American Academy of Physical Education papers 1986 VIEW
Somatic literacy, bring somatic education into physical education. Linden The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 1994 VIEW
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