Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19164 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Clinical and Benefit-Cost Outcomes of Teaching a Mindfulness-Based Procedure to Adult Offenders With Intellectual Disabilities Singh NN, Lancioni GE, Winton AS, Singh AN, Adkins AD, Singh J. Behav Modif. 2008 Mar 24 VIEW
Surface electrostimulation of acupuncture points for sedation of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit - a pilot stud Nayak S, Wenstone R, Jones A, Nolan J, Strong A, Carson J Acupunct Med 2008 Mar VIEW
Trigger point acupuncture for treatment of knee osteoarthritis - a preliminary RCT for a pragmatic trial Itoh K, Hirota S, Katsumi Y, Ochi H, Kitakoji H Acupunct Med 2008 Mar VIEW
Manual acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment of nausea in patients with cancer in palliative care - a prospective, observational pilot study Nystrom E, Ridderstrom G, Leffler AS. Acupunct Med. 2008 Mar VIEW
[Effectiveness of respiratory kinesiotherapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] Osiadło GM, Dzierzega JE. Wiad Lek. 2007 VIEW
Evaluating distance education of a mindfulness-based meditation programme for chronic pain management Gardner-Nix J, Backman S, Barbati J, Grummitt J J Telemed Telecare. 2008 VIEW
Stress Reduction Programs in Patients with Elevated Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Rainforth MV, Schneider RH, Nidich SI, Gaylord-King C, Salerno JW, Anderson JW Curr Hypertens Rep. 2007 Dec VIEW
Modulation of cardiac autonomic balance with adjuvant yoga therapy in patients with refractory epilepsy Sathyaprabha TN, Satishchandra P, Pradhan C, Sinha S, Kaveri B, Thennarasu K, Murthy BT, Raju TR Epilepsy Behav. 2008 Feb 12 VIEW
Effect of Breathwalk on body composition, metabolic and mood state in chronic hepatitis C patients with insulin resistance syndrome V?zquez-Vandyck M, Roman S, V?zquez JL, Huacuja L, Khalsa G, Troyo-Sanrom?n R, Panduro A World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Dec 14 VIEW
Self-Management Strategies to Reduce Pain and Improve Function among Older Adults in Community Settings: A Review of the Evidence Reid MC, Papaleontiou M, Ong A, Breckman R, Wethington E, Pillemer K Pain Med. 2008 Mar 11 VIEW
Immediate Effect of Specific Nostril Manipulating Yoga Breathing Practices on Autonomic and Respiratory Variables Raghuraj P, Telles S. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2008 Mar 18 VIEW
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and yoga for drug-refractory epilepsy: A randomized controlled trial Lundgren T, Dahl J, Yardi N, Melin L Epilepsy Behav. 2008 Mar 13 VIEW
Joint kinetics during Tai Chi gait and normal walking gait in young and elderly Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Wu G, Millon D Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2008 Mar 12 VIEW
Mind-body interventions during pregnancy Beddoe AE, Lee KA J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2008 Mar-Apr VIEW
Acupuncture modulates resting state connectivity in default and sensorimotor brain networks Dhond RP, Yeh C, Park K, Kettner N, Napadow V Pain 2008 Mar 10 VIEW
The internal process of therapeutic touch Coppa D. J Holist Nurs. 2008 Mar VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review Wayne PM, Kiel DP, Krebs DE, Davis RB, Savetsky-German J, Connelly M, Buring JE Archives Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation May 2007 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan training improves the pulmonary function of asthmatic children Chang YF, Yang YH, Chen CC, Chiang BL J. Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2008 Feb VIEW
Electromagnetic field therapy delays cellular senescence and death by enhancement of the heat shock response Perez FP, Zhou X, Morisaki J, Jurivich D Exp Gerontol 2008 Jan 29 VIEW
[Effects of tai chi exercise in elderly with knee osteoarthritis.] Lee HY, Lee KJ Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 2008 Feb VIEW
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