Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Acupuncture reduces relapse to cocaine-seeking behavior via activation of GABA neurons in the ventral tegmental area. Jin W1, Kim MS2, Jang EY1,3, Lee JY1, Lee JG1, Kim HY1, Yoon SS4, Lee BH1, Chang S1, Kim JH5, Choi KH6, Koo H2, Gwak YS1,3, Steffensen SC7, Ryu YH8, Kim HY1, Yang CH1,3 Addict Biol. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Effectiveness of a Novel Qigong Meditative Movement Practice for Impaired Health in Flight Attendants Exposed to Second-Hand Cigarette Smoke. Payne P1, Fiering S1, Leiter JC2, Zava DT3, Crane-Godreau MA1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Feb 21 VIEW
Ultra-weak photon emission of hands in aging prediction. Zhao X1, van Wijk E2, Yan Y3, van Wijk R2, Yang H4, Zhang Y5, Wang J6 J Photochem Photobiol B. 2016 Sep VIEW
Mobile phone types and SAR characteristics of the human brain. Lee AK1, Hong SE, Kwon JH, Choi HD, Cardis E Phys Med Biol. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Multidimensional Aspects of de qi Sensations in MASS and ASQ Assessment: A Pilot Study. Jang JC1, Jung J2, Lee H3, Park YB4, Kim H5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Evidence and expert opinions: Dry needling versus acupuncture (II) : The American Alliance for Professional Acupuncture Safety (AAPAS) White Paper 2016. Fan AY1,2, Xu J3,4, Li YM3,4 Chin J Integr Med. 2017 Feb VIEW
Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Lower Back Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Nonspecific Neck Pain. Armstrong K1, Gokal R2, Chevalier A3, Todorsky W4, Lim M5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of adjunct non-pharmacological interventions for osteoarthritis of the knee. Woods B1, Manca A1, Weatherly H1, Saramago P1, Sideris E1, Giannopoulou C1, Rice S2, Corbett M2, Vickers A3, Bowes M4, MacPherson H5, Sculpher M1 PLoS One. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Analysis of muscle activation in each body segment in response to the stimulation intensity of whole-body vibration. Lee DY1 J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Feb VIEW
Physical Activity Domains/Recommendations and Leukocyte Telomere Length in US Adults. Ogawa EF1, Leveille SG, Wright JA, Shi L, Camhi SM, You T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Mar 3 VIEW
Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from cell phone causes defective testicular function in male Wistar rats. Oyewopo AO1, Olaniyi SK2, Oyewopo CI3, Jimoh AT1 Andrologia. 2017 Mar 6 VIEW
Randomized Controlled Trial of Inner Resources Meditation for Family Dementia Caregivers. Waelde LC1, Meyer H1, Thompson JM1, Thompson L2, Gallagher-Thompson D2 J Clin Psychol. 2017 Mar 6 VIEW
Effects of local vibration and pulsed electromagnetic field on bone fracture: A comparative study. Bilgin HM1, Çelik F1, Gem M2, Akpolat V3, Yıldız İ4, Ekinci A5, Özerdem MS6, Tunik S7 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Feb 25 VIEW
The Long-term Effect of Acupuncture for Migraine Prophylaxis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Zhao L1, Chen J1, Li Y1, Sun X2, Chang X3, Zheng H1, Gong B4, Huang Y5, Yang M1, Wu X1, Li X4, Liang F1 JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Feb 20 VIEW
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Dong Y1, Liao J2, Yao K1, Jiang W1, Wang J1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
The case for Tai Chi in the repertoire of strategies to prevent falls among older people. Nyman S, Skelton D Perspect Public Health. 2017 Mar VIEW
Mind-Body Training for At-Risk Populations: Preventive Medicine at its Best. Elder C1 Perm J. 2017 VIEW
Can active music making promote health and well-being in older citizens? Findings of the music for life project. Hallam S1, Creech A1 London J Prim Care (Abingdon). 2016 Mar 11 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Unipolar Depression in Patients With Chronic Pain. de Jong M1,2,3,4, Peeters F3, Gard T5,6,7, Ashih H2, Doorley J2, Walker R2, Rhoades L8, Kulich RJ9, Kueppenbender KD9, Alpert JE2, Hoge EA10, Britton WB11, Lazar SW6, Fava M2, Mischoulon D2 J Clin Psychiatry. 2017 Feb 28 VIEW
Lifestyle Advice and Self-Care Integral to Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with Chronic Neck Pain: Secondary Analysis of Outcomes Within a Randomized Controlled Trial. MacPherson H1, Elliot B2, Hopton A1, Lansdown H1, Birch S3, Hewitt C1 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar 2 VIEW
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