Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Human Biofield Therapy and the Growth of Mouse Lung Carcinoma. Yang P1, Jiang Y1, Rhea PR1, Coway T1, Chen D1, Gagea M1, Harribance SL2, Cohen L1 Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Lymphatic Function in Autoimmune Diseases. Schwartz N1,2, Chalasani MLS1, Li TM1, Feng Z1, Shipman WD1,3, Lu TT1,2,4,5 Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 20 VIEW
Quantitative Data for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Acupuncture Effectiveness in Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Yüksel M1, Ayaş Ş2, Cabıoğlu MT3, Yılmaz D4, Cabıoğlu C5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Mar 4 VIEW
Reiki therapy for pain, anxiety and quality of life. Billot M1,2, Daycard M3, Wood C4, Tchalla A5,2 BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019 Apr 4 VIEW
Tai Chi for heart attack survivors: qualitative insights. Conboy L1,2, Krol J3, Tomas J, Yeh GY4,5, Wayne P5, Salmoirago-Blotcher E3 BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019 Apr 4 VIEW
Tai Chi for heart attack survivors: qualitative insights. Conboy L1,2, Krol J3, Tomas J, Yeh GY4,5, Wayne P5, Salmoirago-Blotcher E3 BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019 Apr 4 VIEW
Neurobiological mechanisms of TENS-induced analgesia. Peng WW1, Tang ZY2, Zhang FR3, Li H1, Kong YZ2, Iannetti GD4, Hu L5 Neuroimage. 2019 Apr 1 VIEW
Long-term Chinese calligraphic handwriting reshapes the posterior cingulate cortex: A VBM study. Chen W1,2,3,4, Chen C5, Yang P6, Bi S7,8, Liu J2,3, Xia M2,3, Lin Q2,3, Ma N2, Li N2, He Y2,3, Zhang J4, Wang Y7, Wang W2,3 PLoS One. 2019 Apr 4 VIEW
Implementation of Intentional Touch for Geriatric Patients with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Stöckigt B1, Suhr R2, Sulmann D2, Teut M3, Brinkhaus B3 Complement Med Res. 2019 Apr 3 VIEW
Not Just Mind Over Matter: Reviewing With Patients How Mindfulness Relieves Chronic Low Back Pain. Morone NE1 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Tai Chi as an Alternative Exercise to Improve Physical Fitness for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability. Kong Z1, Sze TM2, Yu JJ3, Loprinzi PD4, Xiao T5, Yeung AS6, Li C7, Zhang H8, Zou L9 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Mar 30 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions for adolescent health. Lin J1, Chadi N2, Shrier L1 Curr Opin Pediatr. 2019 Apr 1 VIEW
Interoceptive awareness in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Kutscheidt K1,2, Dresler T3,4, Hudak J1,5, Barth B1,6, Blume F5,7, Ethofer T1, Fallgatter AJ1,5,8, Ehlis AC1,5 Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 2019 Apr 1 VIEW
Electromagnetic Brain Stimulation in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness. Bourdillon P1,2,3,4,5, Hermann B2,3,4,5,6, Sitt JD3,4,5, Naccache L2,3,4,5,7 Front Neurosci. 2019 Mar 18 VIEW
The effects of a short-term mindfulness meditation intervention on coping flexibility. Jones DR1, Lehman BJ1, Noriega A1, Dinnel DL1 Anxiety Stress Coping. 2019 Mar 30 VIEW
Mindfulness training for healthcare professionals and trainees: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Spinelli C1, Wisener M2, Khoury B2 J Psychosom Res. 2019 May VIEW
A Systematic Review: Mindfulness Intervention for Cancer-Related Pain. Ngamkham S1, Holden JE2, Smith EL2 Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019 Apr-Jun VIEW
Yoga for symptom management in oncology: A review of the evidence base and future directions for research. Danhauer SC1, Addington EL2, Cohen L3, Sohl SJ1, Van Puymbroeck M4, Albinati NK5, Culos-Reed SN5 Cancer. 2019 Apr 1 VIEW
Music Intervention Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of the Literature. Leggieri M1,2, Thaut MH3, Fornazzari L1,4, Schweizer TA1,2,5, Barfett J1,6, Munoz DG1,2,7, Fischer CE1,2,8 Front Neurosci. 2019 Mar 12 VIEW
Immunoresolvents signaling molecules at intersection between the brain and immune system. Dalli J1, Serhan CN2 Curr Opin Immunol. 2018 Feb VIEW
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