Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18844 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The Lived Experience of Learning Mindfulness as Perceived by People Living With Long-Term Conditions: A Community-Based, Longitudinal, Phenomenological Study Gillian Mathews1, Charles Anderson1 Qual Health Res 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
Interpretation of acupoint location in traditional Chinese medicine teaching: Implications for acupuncture in research and clinical practice Yi Zhang1 Anat Rec (Hoboken) 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
The Integration of Yoga in Physical Therapy Clinical Practice Allie Thomas1, Lindsey Kirschbaum2, Brandi M Crowe3, Marieke Van Puymbroeck3, Arlene A Schmid4 Complement Ther Med 2021 Mar 17 VIEW
Brief induction of loneliness decreases vagal regulation during social information processing Aleksandra Piejka1, Marcelina Wiśniewska1, Julian F Thayer2, Łukasz Okruszek3 Int J Psychophysiol 2021 Mar 18 VIEW
Heartbeats entrain breathing via baroreceptor-mediated modulation of expiratory activity William H Barnett1, David M Baekey2, Julian F R Paton3, Thomas E Dick4,5, Erica A Wehrwein6, Yaroslav I Molkov1,7 Exp Physiol 2021 Mar 21 VIEW
Qigong mind-body program for caregivers of cancer patients: design of a pilot three-arm randomized clinical trial Pinky Shani1, Kristin Raeesi2, Eli Walter3, Kai Lewis4, Wanyi Wang2, Lorenzo Cohen5, Gloria Y Yeh6,7, Cecile A Lengacher8, Peter M Wayne7 Pilot Feasibility Stud 2021 Mar 19 VIEW
The effects of sitting Tai Chi on physical and psychosocial health outcomes among individuals with impaired physical mobility: A systematic review and meta-analysis Jie Zhao1, Janita Pak Chun Chau2, Suzanne Hoi Shan Lo3, Kai Chow Choi3, Surui Liang3 Int J Nurs Stud 2021 Mar 3 VIEW
The Theta Rhythm of the Hippocampus: From Neuronal and Circuit Mechanisms to Behavior Angel Nuñez1, Washington Buño2 Front Cell Neurosci 2021 Mar 4 VIEW
The role of biophysical stimulation with pemfs in fracture healing: from bench to bedside G Vicenti#1, D Bizzoca#1, G Solarino1, F Moretti2, G Ottaviani1, F Simone1, G Zavattini1, G Maccagnano3, G Noia3, B Moretti1 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents Sep-Oct 2020 VIEW
Cognitive Load and the Effectiveness of Distraction for Acute Pain in Children W M Gaultney1, L M Dahlquist1, R L Quiton1 Eur J Pain 2021 Mar 23 VIEW
Yoga improves mitochondrial health and reduces severity of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis: A randomized controlled trial Surabhi Gautam1, Uma Kumar2, Manoj Kumar3, Deeksha Rana4, Rima Dada5 Mitochondrion 2021 Mar 16 VIEW
A rapid evidence assessment of recent therapeutic touch research Bernie Garrett1, Marliss Riou1 Nurs Open 2021 Mar 20 VIEW
Synchronous Firing and Its Influence on the Brain's Electromagnetic Field Evidence for an Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness Mcfadden, JJ Journal of Consciousness Studies 2001 Nov VIEW
Bundles of Brain Microtubules Generate Electrical Oscillations María del Rocío Cantero1, Cecilia Villa Etchegoyen2, Paula L. Perez1, Noelia Scarinci1 & Horacio F. Cantiello1 Scientific Reports 2018 Aug 9 VIEW
Effectiveness of Electroacupuncture or Auricular Acupuncture vs Usual Care for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Among Cancer Survivors: The PEACE Randomized Clinical Trial Jun J Mao1, Kevin T Liou1, Raymond E Baser2, Ting Bao1, Katherine S Panageas2, Sally A D Romero3, Q Susan Li1, Rollin M Gallagher4, Philip W Kantoff5 JAMA Oncol 2021 Mar 18 VIEW
Endogenous electric fields may guide neocortical network activity Flavio Fröhlich1, David A McCormick Neuron 2010 Jul 15 VIEW
Brain-to-brain communication: the possible role of brain electromagnetic fields (As a Potential Hypothesis) Ehsan Hosseini1 Heliyon 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Transcendental Meditation as Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans Mayer Bellehsen1,2, Valentina Stoycheva1, Barry H Cohen3, Sanford Nidich4 J Trauma Stress 2021 Mar 18 VIEW
Assessing the Accuracy of Popular Commercial Technologies That Measure Resting Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Jason D Stone1, Hana K Ulman1,2, Kaylee Tran1,3, Andrew G Thompson1, Manuel D Halter1, Jad H Ramadan1, Mark Stephenson1,4, Victor S Finomore Jr1, Scott M Galster1, Ali R Rezai1, Joshua A Hagen1 Front Sports Act Living 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
Long-Term Effect of Device-Guided Slow Breathing on Blood Pressure Regulation and Chronic Inflammation in Patients with Essential Hypertension Using a Wearable ECG Device Chen-Hsu Wang1,2, Hui-Wen Yang3, Han-Luen Huang1,4, Cheng-Yi Hsiao1, Bun-Kai Jiu1, Chen Lin1,5, Men-Tzung Lo1,5 Acta Cardiol Sin 2021 Mar 1 VIEW
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