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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Start With the Body or the Mind? Differential Benefits of Mindfulness and Qigong Practices for Colorectal Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study Adrian H Y Wan1, Rainbow T H Ho, Joshua C Y Yau, Elzer F K Yau Cancer Nurs 2023 Oct 6 VIEW
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Depression in Patients With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Chuntana Reangsing1,2, Sasinun Punsuwun3, Kristine Keller4 Integr Cancer Ther 2023 Jan-Dec VIEW
Health benefits of yoga for cancer survivors: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis Niu Niu1, Ruirui Huang2, Junwen Zhao3, Yingchun Zeng4 Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs 2023 Oct 13 VIEW
Effect of exercise based interventions on sleep and circadian rhythm in cancer survivors-a systematic review and meta-analysis Rachita Gururaj1, Stephen Rajan Samuel2,3, K Vijaya Kumar2, Ravishankar Nagaraja4, Justin W L Keogh2,5,6 PeerJ 2024 Mar 8 VIEW
Current and future trends of acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy in cancer: A bibliometric and visual analysis Rui Shang1, Ting Pan2, Fengyang Wang3, Hui Jin1, Xi Nan1, Chenyu Song1 Medicine (Baltimore) 2024 Jul 19 VIEW
Yoga as a Therapeutic Intervention in Cancer Care: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Selvaraj Giridharan1, Jawaher Ansari1, Nandan M Shanbhag2,3, Khalid Balaraj4 Cureus 2024 Jun 19 VIEW
Measurement of Cognitive Function in Exercise Oncology Studies in Patients Treated With Chemotherapy: A Scoping Review Crisann Moon1, Rebekah L Wilson2,3, Paola Gonzalo-Encabo2,3, Dong-Woo Kang2,3, Sara Mithani1, Christina M Dieli-Conwright2,3, Darpan I Patel4 Integr Cancer Ther 2024 Jan-Dec VIEW
Treatment of cancer by Guo Lin's moving qigong Guan Yuanchao 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
New insights on pathogenesis and Prognosis of Breast Cancer---An Investigation from the TCM Perspective Ni Yongli Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in early-stage breast cancer Tagliaferri M//Cohen I//Tripathy D Semin Oncol 2001 VIEW
Facilitation of self-transcendence in a breast cancer support group Coward DD Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
Stored qi gong energy in various materials and characteristics of 2 types((+)&(-)) of qi gong energy which have opposite effects:clinical applications of (+) qi gong energy for the treatment of intractable medical problems including pain, infection, cardiovascular disease & cancer Omura Y 3rd International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 1997 VIEW
The homeopathic approach to symptom control in the cancer patient: a prospective observational study Thompson EA//Reillly D Palliat Med 2002 VIEW
Clinical Improvement in cancer patients through alternative medicine, mainly Fucoidan Nishimoto Shinji J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Qigong for cancer treatment: A systematic review of controlled clinical trials Lee MS//Chen KW//Sancier KM//Ernst E Acta Oncol 2007 VIEW
Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) for cancer pain in adults Robb KA, Bennett MI, Johnson MI, Simpson KJ, Oxberry SG Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Jul VIEW
Effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on immune function, quality of life and coping in women newly diagnosed with early stage breast cancer Witek-Janusek L, Albuquerque K, Chroniak KR, Chroniak C, Durazo-Arvizu R, Mathews HL Brain Behav Immun. 2008 Aug VIEW
An evidence-based review of yoga as a complementary intervention for patients with cancer Smith KB, Pukall CF Psychooncology. 2008 Sep 26 VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with breast cancer: findings from a randomized pilot study. Danhauer SC, Mihalko SL, Russell GB, Campbell CR, Felder L, Daley K, Levine EA. Psychooncology. 2009 Feb 25 VIEW
Impact of Medical Qigong on quality of life, fatigue, mood and inflammation in cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. Oh B, Butow P, Mullan B, Clarke S, Beale P, Pavlakis N, Kothe E, Lam L, Rosenthal D. Ann Oncol. 2009 Oct 30 VIEW
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