Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
INFLUENCE OF SELF-CONTROL TREATMENT ON THE CELL IMMUNE FUNCTION OF CANCER PATIENTS Zhang Longmin 1//Wan Xiuqing 1//Yu Yi 2//Ge Yanlu 2//// 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
What's 'natural recovery power'? Yamada Chizuko 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Qualitative study of cancer patients' experiences with and reasons for intensively pursuing qigong, a Chinese meditative exercise therapy Conboy L 1//Junghans L//Rones R//Kerr C 1 Soc Acupuncture Research, 10th Symposium 2003 VIEW
Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer Pathak S//Multani AS//Banerji P//Banerji P Int J Oncol 2003 VIEW
Predictors of yoga use among patients with breast cancer. Desai K, Bowman MA, Galantino ML, Hughes-Halbert C, Vapiwala N, Demichele A, Mao JJ. Explore (NY). 2010 Nov-Dec VIEW
Mind matters in cancer survival. Spiegel D. Psychooncology. 2012 Mar 21 VIEW
Detecting and Destroying Cancer Cells in More than One Way with Noble Metals and Different Confinement Properties on the Nanoscale. Dreaden EC, El-Sayed MA Acc Chem Res. 2012 Apr 30 VIEW
Physical activity in patients with advanced-stage cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Albrecht TA, Taylor AG. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2012 Jun 1 VIEW
Cancer and radiation therapy: current advances and future directions. Baskar R, Lee KA, Yeo R, Yeoh KW. Int J Med Sci. 2012 VIEW
Genetic and lifestyle influence on telomere length and subsequent risk of colon cancer in a case control study. Pellatt AJ, Wolff RK, Lundgreen A, Cawthon R, Slattery ML. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet. 2012 VIEW
Qigong improves quality of life in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Chen Z, Meng Z, Milbury K, Bei W, Zhang Y, Thornton B, Liao Z, Wei Q, Chen J, Guo X, Liu L, McQuade J, Kirschbaum C, Cohen L. Cancer. 2013 Jan 25 VIEW
Mindfulness-based intervention for teenagers with cancer: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Malboeuf-Hurtubise C, Achille M, Sultan S, Vadnais M. Trials 2013 May 10 VIEW
Shoulder Mobility, Muscular Strength, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors with and without Tai Chi Qigong Training. Fong SS, Ng SS, Luk WS, Chung JW, Chung LM, Tsang WW, Chow LP. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effects of Qigong Exercise on Upper Limb Lymphedema and Blood Flow in Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study. Fong SS, Ng SS, Luk WS, Chung JW, Ho JS, Ying M, Ma AW. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Jun 7 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use and Benefit Finding Among Cancer Patients. Garland SN, Valentine D, Desai K, Li S, Langer C, Evans T, Mao JJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
The effect of complementary and alternative medicine on the quality of life of cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Shneerson C, Taskila T, Gale N, Greenfield S, Chen YF. Complement Ther Med. 2013 Aug VIEW
The reverse Warburg effect: aerobic glycolysis in cancer associated fibroblasts and the tumor stroma. Pavlides S, Whitaker-Menezes D, Castello-Cros R, Flomenberg N, Witkiewicz AK, Frank PG, Casimiro MC, Wang C, Fortina P, Addya S, Pestell RG, Martinez-Outschoorn UE, Sotgia F, Lisanti MP. Cell Cycle. 2009 Dec VIEW
Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Integrating Traditional Korean Medicine Into Modern Cancer Care. Yoon SW, Jeong JS, Kim JH, Aggarwal BB. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Nov 25 VIEW
Physical exercise and therapy in terminally ill cancer patients: a retrospective feasibility analysis. Jensen W, Bialy L, Ketels G, Baumann FT, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Dec 7 VIEW
Music therapy in supportive cancer care. Stanczyk MM. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2011 Jun 8 VIEW
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