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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Beneficial Effect of Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy in Patients With Breast Cancer-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Jang SH1, Kang SY2, Lee HJ2, Lee SY3 Explore (NY). 2016 Jun 21 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Stress Management Intervention for Cancer Care: A Systematic Review. Rush SE1, Sharma M2 J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2016 Aug 3 VIEW
Qigong/tai chi for sleep and fatigue in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy: A randomized controlled trial. McQuade J1, Prinsloo S2, Chang DZ3, Spelman A2, Wei Q2, Basen-Engquist K4, Harrison C4, Zhang Z5, Kuban D6, Lee A7, Cohen L2 Psychooncology. 2016 Aug 22 VIEW
Mechanisms and therapeutic effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in oncology. Vadalà M1, Morales-Medina JC2, Vallelunga A3, Palmieri B1, Laurino C1, Iannitti T4 Cancer Med. 2016 Oct 17 VIEW
Exercise Recommendations for the Management of Symptoms Clusters Resulting From Cancer and Cancer Treatments. Mustian KM, Cole CL, Lin PJ, Asare M, Fung C, Janelsins MC, Kamen CS, Peppone LJ, Magnuson A Semin Oncol Nurs. 2016 Oct 21 VIEW
Connecting (T)issues: How Research in Fascia Biology Can Impact Integrative Oncology. Langevin HM1, Keely P2, Mao J3, Hodge LM4, Schleip R5, Deng G6, Hinz B7, Swartz MA8, de Valois BA9, Zick S10, Findley T11 Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 1 VIEW
Exploratory outcome assessment of Qigong/Tai Chi Easy on breast cancer survivors. Larkey LK1, Roe DJ2, Smith L3, Millstine D4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Dec VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction added to care as usual for lung cancer patients and/or their partners: A multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Schellekens MP1, van den Hurk DG2, Prins JB3, Donders AR4, Molema J2, Dekhuijzen R2, van der Drift MA2, Speckens AE1 Psychooncology. 2017 Mar 23 VIEW
Mind-Body Medicine and Lifestyle Modification in Supportive Cancer Care: a Cohort Study on a Day Care Clinic Program for Cancer Patients. Jeitler M1,2, Jaspers J1, von Scheidt C2, Koch B2, Michalsen A1,2, Steckhan N1, Kessler CS1,2 Psychooncology. 2017 Mar 31 VIEW
Mindfulness practice reduces cortisol blunting during chemotherapy: A randomized controlled study of colorectal cancer patients. Black DS1,2, Peng C1, Sleight AG3, Nguyen N1, Lenz HJ2, Figueiredo JC1,4 Cancer. 2017 Apr 7 VIEW
Mindfulness and its efficacy for psychological and biological responses in women with breast cancer. Kenne Sarenmalm E1, Mårtensson LB2, Andersson BA3, Karlsson P4, Bergh I2 Cancer Med. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Feasibility of Mind-Body Movement Programs for Cancer Survivors. Browning KK1, Kue J1, Lyons F2, Overcash J1 Oncol Nurs Forum. 2017 Jul 1 VIEW
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Breast Cancer Cell Line MCF 7 Using Absorption Spectroscopy. Alcantara DZ1, Soliman IJS1, Pobre RF1, Naguib RNG2,3 Anticancer Res. 2017 Jul VIEW
Effect of acupuncture on hot flush and menopause symptoms in breast cancer- A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chien TJ1,2,3, Hsu CH1,3,4, Liu CY1,3, Fang CJ5 PLoS One. 2017 Aug 22 VIEW
Review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life in cancer survivors. Duncan M1, Moschopoulou E2, Herrington E3,4, Deane J1, Roylance R5, Jones L6, Bourke L7,8, Morgan A9, Chalder T10, Thaha MA3,4, Taylor SC11, Korszun A12, White PD12, Bhui K, SURECAN Investigators BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 28 VIEW
Yoga for the Management of Cancer Treatment-Related Toxicities. Lin PJ1, Peppone LJ1, Janelsins MC1, Mohile SG2, Kamen CS1, Kleckner IR1, Fung C2, Asare M1, Cole CL3, Culakova E1, Mustian KM4 Curr Oncol Rep. 2018 Feb 1 VIEW
Women with hereditary breast cancer predispositions should avoid using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops at night. Mortazavi SAR1, Mortazavi SMJ2 Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2018 Feb VIEW
Music Therapy Reduces Radiotherapy-Induced Fatigue in Patients With Breast or Gynecological Cancer: A Randomized Trial. Alcântara-Silva TR1, de Freitas-Junior R1, Freitas NMA2, de Paula Junior W3, da Silva DJ1,4, Machado GDP3, Ribeiro MKA5, Carneiro JP6, Soares LR1 Integr Cancer Ther. 2018 Apr 1 VIEW
A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis to Explore the Effectiveness of Exercise-Based Interventions in Improving Fatigue, Dyspnea, and Depression in Lung Cancer Survivors. Henshall CL1, Allin L, Aveyard H Cancer Nurs. 2018 May 21 VIEW
Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Compared With Treatment as Usual in Reducing Psychological Distress in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Compen F1, Bisseling E1, Schellekens M1, Donders R1, Carlson L1, van der Lee M1, Speckens A1 J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jun 28 VIEW
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