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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
A mechanism converting psychosocial stress into mononuclear cell activation ierhaus A, Wolf J, Andrassy M, Rohleder N, Humpert PM, Petrov D, Ferstl R, von Eynatten M, Wendt T, Rudofsky G, Joswig M, Morcos M, Schwaninger M, McEwen B, Kirschbaum C, Nawroth PP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Feb 18 VIEW
Review: Acupuncture Analgesia in Clinical Trials. Lin JG, Chen WL. Am J Chin Med. 2009 VIEW
Acupuncture for functional gastrointestinal disorders Tkahashi T Journal of Gastroenterology 2006 VIEW
Improving spatial abilities through mindfulness: effects on the mental rotation task. Geng L, Zhang L, Zhang D. Conscious Cogn. 2011 Sep VIEW
EEG abnormalities in psychopath and non-psychopath violent offenders. Calzada-Reyes A, Alvarez-Amador A, Galán-García L, Valdés-Sosa M. J Forensic Leg Med. 2013 Jan VIEW
A Sub-10 nA DC-Balanced Adaptive Stimulator IC With Multi-Modal Sensor for Compact Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation. Kiseok Song, Hyungwoo Lee, Sunjoo Hong, Hyunwoo Cho, Unsoo Ha, Hoi-Jun Yoo. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2012 Dec VIEW
Prolonged repeated acupuncture stimulation induces habituation effects in pain-related brain areas: an FMRI study. Li C1, Yang J2, Park K3, Wu H4, Hu S5, Zhang W1, Bu J6, Xu C1, Qiu B5, Zhang X6. PLoS One. 2014 May 12 VIEW
Music therapy for service users with dementia: a critical review of the literature. Blackburn R1, Bradshaw T. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2014 Oct 10 VIEW
Effects on regional cerebral blood flow of transcendental meditation Jevning R//Anand R//Biedebach M//Fernando G Physiol Behav 1996 VIEW
Acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathy use in Australia: a national population study Xue CC, Zhang AL, Lin V, Myers R, Polus B, Story DF BMC Public Health 2008 Apr 1 VIEW
Topographic EEG mapping of the relaxation response Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Biofeedback Self Regul 1996 Jun VIEW
The Acupuncture on Hot Flushes Among Menopausal Women (ACUFLASH) study, a randomized controlled trial. Borud EK, Alraek T, White A, Fonnebo V, Eggen AE, Hammar M, Astrand LL, Theodorsson E, Grimsgaard S. Menopause 2009 May/June VIEW
Acupuncture for depression. Smith CA, Hay PP, Macpherson H. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20 VIEW
Community-based interventions to reduce falls among older adults in Taiwan - long time follow-up randomised controlled study. Huang HC, Liu CY, Huang YT, Kernohan WG. J Clin Nurs 2010 Apr VIEW
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy improves frontal control in bipolar disorder: a pilot EEG study. Howells FM, Ives-Deliperi VL, Horn NR, Stein DJ. BMC Psychiatry. 2012 Feb 29 VIEW
The neuromodulative role of earthing. Sokal P, Sokal K. Med Hypotheses. 2011 Nov VIEW
Emergence of a signal from background noise in the "memory of water" experiments: how to explain it? Beauvais F. Explore (NY). 2012 May VIEW
Low-pressure pulsed focused ultrasound with microbubbles promotes an anticancer immunological response. Liu HL, Hsieh HY, Lu LA, Kang CW, Wu MF, Lin CY. J Transl Med. 2012 Nov 11 VIEW
The association between meditation practice and treatment outcome in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for bipolar disorder. erich T, Manicavasagar V, Mitchell PB, Ball JR. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
In brief: cell senescence. Coates PJ. J Pathol. 2013 Jul VIEW
Preventive effect of electrical acupoint stimulation on lower-limb thrombosis: a prospective study of elderly patients after malignant gastrointestinal tumor surgery. Hou LL, Yao LW, Niu QM, Xu L, Yu QH, Sun WQ, Yin PH, Li Q. Cancer Nurs. 2013 Mar-Apr VIEW
The effect of baduanjin on promoting the physical fitness and health of adults. Li R1, Jin L2, Hong P1, He ZH1, Huang CY1, Zhao JX1, Wang M1, Tian Y1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Transcranial direct current stimulation changes resting state functional connectivity: A large-scale brain network modeling study. Kunze T, Hunold A, Haueisen J, Jirsa V, Spiegler A Neuroimage. 2016 Feb 13 VIEW
Perceived relaxation as a function of restorative yoga combined with Reiki for cancer survivors. DiScipio WJ1 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions, Psychological Stressors, and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors. Love MF1, Sharrief A2, Chaoul A3,4, Savitz S2, Beauchamp JES1 Stroke. 2019 Jan 7 VIEW
Telomerase: key regulator of inflammation and cancer. Wu L1, Fidan K2, Um JY3, Ahn KS4 Pharmacol Res. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Internet-based Mindfulness Meditation for Cognition and Mood in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Wahbeh H, Goodrich E, Oken BS Altern Ther Health Med. 2016 Mar VIEW
Role of yoga for patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Kumar V1, Jagannathan A2, Philip M3, Thulasi A4, Angadi P5, Raghuram N6 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Apr VIEW
Qigong Exercise Improves Japanese Old Adults' Quality of Life: 174 Board #11 June 1, 9: 30 AM - 11: 00 AM. Suzuki S1, Uematsu A, Shimazaki T, Kobayashi H, Nakamura M, Hortobagyi T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 May VIEW
Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts Beverly Rubik, PhD; David Muehsam, PhD; Richard Hammerschlag, PhD; Shamini Jain, PhD Global Adv Health Med. 2015 VIEW
Use and perceived effectiveness of complementary therapies in Parkinson's disease. Donley S1, McGregor S2, Wielinski C3, Nance M4 Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018 Aug 7 VIEW
Taking rejection to heart: Associations between blood pressure and sensitivity to social pain. Inagaki TK1, Jennings JR2, Eisenberger NI3, Gianaros PJ4 Biol Psychol. 2018 Oct 20 VIEW
Effects of Meditation and Mind-Body Exercises on Older Adults' Cognitive Performance: A Meta-analysis. Chan JSY1, Deng K1, Wu J1, Yan JH1 Gerontologist. 2019 Feb 23 VIEW
Effect of qigong on the heart function Huang Zuofu 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Observation of Cerebral Activation by Meridian Point Stimulus - Using Functional-MRI Ueda Y 1//Hayashi K 1//Kuroiwa K 1// Machi 2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Can we evaluate electrodermal testing? Lewith GT Complement Ther Med 2003 VIEW
Analysis on Treatment of Phobia in 33 Cases Jin P//Jin S New Chinese Medicine Science 1996 VIEW
Effect of acupressure on nausea and vomiting during pregnancy Can G?rkan O, Arslan H. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2008 Feb VIEW
Effects of acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on children with asthma. Lin CH, Wang MH, Chung HY, Liu CF. J Asthma 2010 Sep 13 VIEW
Effect of T'ai Chi Exercise on Biochemical Profiles and Oxidative Stress Indicators in Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Chen SC, Ueng KC, Lee SH, Sun KT, Lee MC. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct 25 VIEW
The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory. Mitchell DJ, Cusack R. Front Hum Neurosci. 2011 Feb VIEW
Acupuncture improves cognitive deficits and increases neuron density of the hippocampus in middle-aged SAMP8 mice. Li G, Zhang X, Cheng H, Shang X, Xie H, Zhang X, Yu J, Han J. Acupunct Med. 2012 Sep 12 VIEW
Acupuncture in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: a randomized trial. Brinkhaus B, Ortiz M, Witt CM, Roll S, Linde K, Pfab F, Niggemann B, Hummelsberger J, Treszl A, Ring J, Zuberbier T, Wegscheider K, Willich SN. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Feb 19 VIEW
Telomere length and telomerase activity; a yin and yang of cell senescence. Axelrad MD, Budagov T, Atzmon G. J Vis Exp. 2013 May 22 VIEW
Cancer as a metabolic disease Thomas N Seyfried 1 and Laura M Shelton 1 Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 Jan 27 VIEW
Acupuncture point specificity. Xing JJ, Zeng BY, Li J, Zhuang Y, Liang FR. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2013 VIEW
Study of brain functional network based on sample entropy of EEG under magnetic stimulation at PC6 acupoint. Guo L, Wang Y, Yu H, Yin N, Li Y. Biomed Mater Eng. 2014 VIEW
Laser Acupuncture Therapy in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Temporomandibular Disorders. Hu WL1, Chang CH2, Hung YC3, Tseng YJ4, Hung IL4, Hsu SF5. PLoS One 2014 Oct 17 VIEW
Healing through the human energy field Bolstad R New Zealand Nursing Journal 1990 VIEW
Influences of a relaxation intervention on perceived stress and power spectral analysis of heart rate variability Sneed NV//Olson M//Bubolz B//Finch N Prog Cardiovasc Nurs 2001 VIEW
Determining the efficacy of auricular acupuncture for reducing anxiety in patients withdrawing from psychoactive drugs. Black S, Carey E, Webber A, Neish N, Gilbert R. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2011 May 30 VIEW
Acupuncture intervention in ischemic stroke: a randomized controlled prospective study. Shen PF, Kong L, Ni LW, Guo HL, Yang S, Zhang LL, Zhang ZL, Guo JK, Xiong J, Zhen Z, Shi XM. Am J Chin Med. 2012 VIEW
Principle and applications of terahertz molecular imaging. Son JH. Nanotechnology 2013 May 31 VIEW
Low- and high-frequency transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation induces different effects on cerebral μ-opioid receptor availability in rhesus monkeys. Xiang XH, Chen YM, Zhang JM, Tian JH, Han JS, Cui CL. J Neurosci Res. 2014 Jan 31 VIEW
Effect of Health Qigong Baduanjin on Fall Prevention in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease. Xiao C1, Zhuang Y2, Kang Y3 J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Sep 14 VIEW
Improvement in Stroke-induced Motor Dysfunction by Music-supported Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Zhang Y1,2, Cai J1,2, Zhang Y1,2, Ren T2, Zhao M1, Zhao Q1,2 Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 5 VIEW
Group Qigong for Adolescent Inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa: Incentives and Barriers. Gueguen J1,2, Piot MA2,3, Orri M1,2, Gutierre A3, Le Moan J3, Berthoz S1,3, Falissard B1,2, Godart N1,3 PLoS One. 2017 Feb 2 VIEW
The Effect of Mind-Body Therapies on Insomnia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wang X1, Li P1, Pan C1, Dai L1, Wu Y1, Deng Y2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019 Feb 13 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training in Improving the Quality of Life of the War Victims with Post Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Azad Marzabadi E1, Hashemi Zadeh SM1. Iran J Psychiatry. 2014 Oct VIEW
Electromagnetic fields in the treatment of chronic lower back pain in patients with degenerative disc disease. Arneja AS1, Kotowich A2, Staley D3, Summers R4, Tappia PS5 Future Sci OA. 2016 Feb 11 VIEW
Effects of tai chi on physiology, balance and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Zhou Z1, Zhou R, Zhu Y, Li K, Luo Y, Zhang Z, Luan R J Rehabil Med. 2019 Apr 10 VIEW
Whole Body Vibration Training on Muscle Strength and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Elderly Woman With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Simão AP1, Mendonça VA2,3,4, Avelar NCP5, da Fonseca SF2,3, Santos JM2,3, de Oliveira ACC2,4, Tossige-Gomes R2,3, Ribeiro VGC2,3, Neves CDC2,3, Balthazar CH2,3, Leite HR2,3,4, Figueiredo PHS2,3,4, Bernardo-Filho M6, Lacerda ACR2,3,4 Front Physiol. 2019 Jun 25 VIEW
Discrepancies between dimensions of interoception in autism: Implications for emotion and anxiety. Garfinkel SN1, Tiley C2, O'Keeffe S2, Harrison NA3, Seth AK4, Critchley HD3 Biol Psychol. 2016 Feb VIEW
RS photography and characteristic of 'waiqi' Seng Jinchuan//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1996 VIEW
The unified field of space and life Bian Yanping 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Soul Study, Accessing Your Highest Powers Sha ZO 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
A Method for in Vivo Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Biological Tissues Fuji Motoo//Zhang Xing//Takehiko//Ohkusu Makoto J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
Ultimate Biophysics: Biofield as the Carrier of the General Control System of the Organism Savva SL First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Sustaining Faculty of Living Functions and Its Biophoton Observation Yanagawa T//Sakaguchi H//Ueno M//Nitta K J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2000 VIEW
The impact of physical therapy on functional outcomes after stroke: what's the evidence? Van Peppen RP//Kwakkel G//Wood-Dauphinee S//Hendriks HJ//// Clin Rehabil 2004 VIEW
Think Beyond Drug Therapy for Treating ADHD UNKNOWN American Medical News April19, 2004 VIEW
Acupuncture mobilizes the brain\'s default mode and its anti-correlated network in healthy subjects. Hui KK, Marina O, Claunch JD, Nixon EE, Fang J, Liu J, Li M, Napadow V, Vangel M, Makris N, Chan ST, Kwong KK, Rosen BR. Brain Res 2009 Jun 24 VIEW
Retraining the Addicted Brain: A Review of Hypothesized Neurobiological Mechanisms of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention. Witkiewitz K, Lustyk MK, Bowen S. Psychol Addict Behav. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Tai Chi training is effective in reducing balance impairments and falls in patients with Parkinson's disease. Tsang WW. J Physiother. 2013 VIEW
Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public Health. Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Boyer NN, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Eur J Integr Med. 2013 Apr 1 VIEW
A study of curative effect and mechanism of danzhong kai-bi gong (daoyin practise) to coronary heart disease Liu WenQing 1//Zhao Cao Yun 1//Wang SongZang 1//WuKai Min 1//Zhaohui Zhen 2//Lu Ouleng 2//Liu Debo 2//Xu Yelu 2 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
Analysis of the Effects of 'External Qi' of Qigong on the Humand Hepatocarcinoma Cell BEL-7042 Using the Flow Cytometry Cheng Yuanfung Chinese J Somatic Science 1993 VIEW
Consciousness interactions with remote biological systems: anomalous intentionality effects Braud WG Subtle Energies 1991 VIEW
Kaya Kalpa methods adopted by Siddars: a scientific approach Rajalakshmi S//Veluchamy G Bull Indian Inst Hist Med Hyderabad 2000 VIEW
Mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia: effective therapy for musculoskeletal pain? Staud R. Curr Rheumatol Rep 2007 Dec VIEW
Electromagnetic field therapy delays cellular senescence and death by enhancement of the heat shock response Perez FP, Zhou X, Morisaki J, Jurivich D Exp Gerontol 2008 Jan 29 VIEW
Cell responses to oxidative stressors. Cataldi A. Curr Pharm Des. 2010 VIEW
Gene expression of human lung cancer cell line CL1-5 in response to a direct current electric field. Huang CW, Chen HY, Yen MH, Chen JJ, Young TH, Cheng JY. PLoS One. 2011 VIEW
Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving. Ostafin BD, Kassman KT. Conscious Cogn. 2012 Apr 5 VIEW
Getting started with taiji: investigating students expectations and teachers appraisals of taiji beginners courses. Nedeljkovic M, Bürgler C, Wirtz PH, Seiler R, Streitberger KM, Ausfeld-Hafter B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Group Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). King AP, Erickson TM, Giardino ND, Favorite T, Rauch SA, Robinson E, Kulkarni M, Liberzon I. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Telomerase: central regulator of all of the hallmarks of cancer. Low KC, Tergaonkar V. Trends Biochem Sci. 2013 Aug 6 VIEW
[Epigenic modifications associated with low benzene exposure]. Fustinoni S, Bollati V, Bertazzi PA. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2013 Oct-Dec VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi on Physical Function, Fall Rates and Quality of Life among Older Stroke Survivors. Taylor-Piliae RE1, Hoke TM2, Hepworth JT2, Latt LD3, Najafi B3, Coull BM3. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Jan 16 VIEW
Efficacy of auricular therapy for pain management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Yeh CH1, Chiang YC2, Hoffman SL1, Liang Z1, Klem ML3, Tam WW4, Chien LC5, Suen LK6. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Stress and telomere shortening among central Indian conservation refugees. Zahran S1, Snodgrass JG2, Maranon DG3, Upadhyay C4, Granger DA5, Bailey SM3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Feb 17 VIEW
A pilot study: the effect of healing touch on anxiety, stress, pain, pain medication usage, and physiological measures in hospitalized sickle cell disease adults experiencing a vaso-occlusive pain episode. Thomas LS1, Stephenson N, Swanson M, Jesse DE, Brown S. J Holist Nurs 2013 Dec VIEW
A single bout of meditation biases cognitive control but not attentional focusing: Evidence from the global-local task. Colzato LS1, van der Wel P2, Sellaro R2, Hommel B2. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Nov 27 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of two simple mind-body programs, Kirtan Kriya meditation and music listening, for adults with subjective cognitive decline: Feasibility and acceptability. Innes KE1, Selfe TK2, Khalsa DS3, Kandati S4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Long-term Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field and Melatonin Production by Blood Cells. Seifpanahi-Shabani H1, Abbasi M, Salehi I, Yousefpour Z, Zamani A Int J Occup Environ Med. 2016 Jul 1 VIEW
Changes in fatigue, autonomic functions, and blood biomarkers due to sitting isometric yoga in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Oka T1,2, Tanahashi T2, Sudo N2, Lkhagvasuren B2, Yamada Y1 Biopsychosoc Med. 2018 Apr 10 VIEW
Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation for the Treatment of Withdrawal Syndrome in Heroin Addicts. Ma D1,2, Han JS1,2, Diao QH3, Deng GF3, Ping XJ1,2, Jin WJ1,2, Wu LZ1,2, Cui CL1,2, Li XD4. Pain Med 2015 May VIEW
Systematic Review of Mindfulness Practice for Reducing Job Burnout. Luken M1, Sammons A2. Am J Occup Ther. 2016 Mar-Apr VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Depression and Anxiety among Pregnant Women: a Randomized Clinical Trial. Yazdanimehr R1, Omidi A1, Sadat Z2, Akbari H3 J Caring Sci. 2016 Sep 1 VIEW
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