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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18838 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Cognitive, social, and physiological determinants of emotional state. SCHACHTER S, SINGER JE Psychol Rev. 1962 Sep VIEW
Cognitive-behavioral, behavioral, and mindfulness-based therapies for menopausal depression: A review. Green SM1, Key BL2, McCabe RE2. Maturitas. 2014 Oct 18 VIEW
Cognitive-Affective Neural Plasticity following Active-Controlled Mindfulness Intervention. Allen M, Dietz M, Blair KS, van Beek M, Rees G, Vestergaard-Poulsen P, Lutz A, Roepstorff A. J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 31 VIEW
Cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and behavior therapy for the treatment of chronic pain: a single-blind randomized controlled trial John W Burns1, Mark P Jensen, Beverly E Thorn, Teresa A Lillis, James Carmody, Andrea K Newman, Francis Keefe Pain 2021 Jun 1 VIEW
Cognitive Science Below the Neck: Toward an Integrative Account of Consciousness in the Body Leonardo Christov-Moore1,2,3, Alex Jinich-Diamant3,4,5, Adam Safron1,6,7,8, Caitlin Lynch1, Nicco Reggente1 Cogn Sci 2023 Mar 1 VIEW
Cognitive processes mediate the relation between mindfulness and social anxiety within a clinical sample. Schmertz SK, Masuda A, Anderson PL. J Clin Psychol. 2012 Mar VIEW
Cognitive Processes Are Central in Compassion Meditation. Dahl CJ1, Lutz A2, Davidson RJ3. Trends Cogn Sci. 2016 Jan 4 VIEW
Cognitive Predictors of Change in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression. Manicavasagar V, Perich T, Parker G. Behav Cogn Psychother. 2011 Oct 24 VIEW
Cognitive Network Science for Understanding Online Social Cognitions: A Brief Review Massimo Stella1,2 Top Cogn Sci 2021 Jun 12 VIEW
Cognitive Load and the Effectiveness of Distraction for Acute Pain in Children W M Gaultney1, L M Dahlquist1, R L Quiton1 Eur J Pain 2021 Mar 23 VIEW
Cognitive interference can be mitigated by consonant music and facilitated by dissonant music. Masataka N, Perlovsky L. Sci Rep. 2013 Jun 19 VIEW
Cognitive functioning before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): A quantitative meta-analysis in healthy adults. Patel R1, Silla F2, Pierce S2, Theule J2, Girard TA3 Neuropsychologia. 2020 Mar 3 VIEW
Cognitive function, mood and sleep changes in response to a Tai Chi/Qigong intervention among older breast cancer survivors: an exploratory analysis Dara L. James 1, Molly Maxfield 2, SeungYong Han 3, Nanako Hawley 4, Megan Petrov 2 Dorothy Sears 5, David Vance 6, Linda Larkey 1 Front. Cognit 14 August 2024 VIEW
Cognitive Change during the Life Course and Leukocyte Telomere Length in Late Middle-Aged Men. Rask L1, Bendix L2, Harbo M3, Fagerlund B4, Mortensen EL5, Lauritzen MJ1, Osler M6 Front Aging Neurosci. 2016 Dec 9 VIEW
Cognitive biases explain religious belief, paranormal belief, and belief in life's purpose. Willard AK, Norenzayan A. Cognition. 2013 Aug 22 VIEW
Cognitive Benefit of a Multidomain Intervention for Older Adults at Risk of Cognitive Decline: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial Xiaomei Liu1, Zhuoya Ma1, Xinyi Zhu1, Zhiwei Zheng1, Jing Li1, Jiangning Fu1, Qi Shao1, Xiaoyan Han2, Xiaoning Wang2, Zhihui Wang3, Zhaoxue Yin3, Chengxuan Qiu4, Juan Li5 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2022 Nov 1 VIEW
Cognitive behavioural therapy for cyclothymia: cognitive regulatory control as a mediator of mood change. Totterdell P, Kellett S, Mansell W. Behav Cogn Psychother. 2012 Jul VIEW
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. Tai Chi for Late Life Insomnia and Inflammatory Risk: A Randomized Controlled Comparative Efficacy Trial. Irwin MR1, Olmstead R1, Carrillo C1, Sadeghi N1, Breen EC1, Witarama T1, Yokomizo M1, Lavretsky H1, Carroll JE1, Motivala SJ1, Bootzin R2, Nicassio P1. Sleep 2014 Sep 1 VIEW
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Tai Chi Reverse Cellular and Genomic Markers of Inflammation in Late Life Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Michael R. Irwin , Richard Olmstead , Elizabeth C. Breen , Tuff Witarama , Carmen Carrillo , Nina Sadeghi, Jesusa M.G. Arevalo , Jeffrey Ma , Perry Nicassio , Richard Bootzin , Steve Cole Biological Psychiatry 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depressive symptoms in patients with diabetes: design of a randomized controlled trial K Annika Tovote 1*, Joke Fleer 1, Evelien Snippe 1, Irina V Bas 2, Thera P Links 3, Paul MG Emmelkamp 24, Robbert Sanderman 1 and Maya J Schroevers 1 BMC Psychology 2013 VIEW
Cognitive behavior therapy for the anxiety triad. Jablonka O, Sarubbi A, Rapp AM, Albano AM. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2012 Jul VIEW
Cognitive and Mind-Body Therapies for Chronic Low Back Pain and Neck Pain: Effectiveness and Value. Cherkin DC1, Herman PM2 JAMA Intern Med. 2018 Apr 1 VIEW
Cognitive and emotional control of pain and its disruption in chronic pain. Bushnell MC, Ceko M, Low LA. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2013 May 30 VIEW
Cognitive and brain reserve for mind-body therapeutic approaches in multiple sclerosis: A review. Crescentini C1, Urgesi C2, Fabbro F2, Eleopra R3. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2014 Jul 11 VIEW
Cognitive and behavioural effects of music-based exercises in patients with dementia Van de Winckel A//Feys H//De Weerdt W//Dom R Clin Rehabil 2004 VIEW
Cognition and brain function in elderly Tai Chi practitioners: A case-control study. Port AP1, Santaella DF2, Lacerda SS1, Speciali DS1, Balardin JB1, Lopes PB1, Afonso RF1, Radvany J1, Amaro E Jr1, Kozasa EH1 Explore (NY). 2018 Jul 20 VIEW
Coffee Consumption Is Positively Associated with Longer Leukocyte Telomere Length in the Nurses' Health Study. Liu JJ1, Crous-Bou M2, Giovannucci E3, De Vivo I4 J Nutr. 2016 Jun 8 VIEW
Cochrane systematic reviews examine P6 acupuncture-point stimulation for nausea and vomiting Ezzo, J., Streitberger, K. & Schneider, A. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2006 VIEW
Cochrane review: relaxation and yoga may decrease pain during labour and increase satisfaction with pain relief, but better quality evidence is needed. Reis P. Evid Based Nurs. 2012 Jun 29 VIEW
Cochrane review summary for cancer nursing: acupuncture-point stimulation for chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting. Konno R. Cancer Nurs. 2010 Nov-Dec VIEW
Cochrane in CORR (®): Ultrasound and Shockwave Therapy for Acute Fractures in Adults (Review). Aleem IS1,2, Bhandari M3 Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Jul VIEW
Co-emergence Reinforcement and Its Relevance to Interoceptive Desensitization in Mindfulness and Therapies Aiming at Transdiagnostic Efficacy Bruno A Cayoun1, Alice G Shires2,3 Front Psychol 2020 Dec 22 VIEW
CNN-LSTM Model for Recognizing Video-Recorded Actions Performed in a Traditional Chinese Exercise Jing Chen1, Jiping Wang2, Qun Yuan3, Zhao Yang3 IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med 2023 Jun 2 VIEW
Closed-loop optogenetic control of thalamus as a tool for interrupting seizures after cortical injury. Paz JT, Davidson TJ, Frechette ES, Delord B, Parada I, Peng K, Deisseroth K, Huguenard JR. Nat Neurosci. 2013 Jan VIEW
Clinician-patient interaction and health outcome: a potential impact on symptoms and quality of life in patients with pain? Finset A. Patient Educ Couns. 2012 Nov VIEW
Clinician Perspectives of Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) in Mental Health Physical Therapy: An International Qualitative Study Amanda Lundvik Gyllensten, Lene Nyboe Jacobsen, Gunvor Gard J Bodyw Mov Ther 2019 Oct VIEW
Clinically-derived vagus nerve stimulation enhances cerebrospinal fluid penetrance. Cheng KP1, Brodnick SK1, Blanz SL1, Zeng W2, Kegel J1, Pisaniello JA1, Ness JP1, Ross E3, Nicolai EN4, Settell ML4, Trevathan JK4, Poore SO5, Suminski AJ6, Williams JC6, Ludwig KA7 Brain Stimul. 2020 Mar 26 VIEW
Clinically relevant effectiveness of focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis: a randomized, controlled multicenter study. Gollwitzer H, Saxena A, DiDomenico LA, Galli L, Bouché RT, Caminear DS, Fullem B, Vester JC, Horn C, Banke IJ, Burgkart R, Gerdesmeyer L J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 May 6 VIEW
Clinically meaningful nocebo effect occurs in acupuncture treatment: a systematic review. Koog YH1, Lee JS2, Wi H3. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014 Apr 25 VIEW
Clinically defined non-specific symptoms in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: A retrospective before-after study. Baliatsas C1, van Kamp I2, Bolte J3, Kelfkens G4, van Dijk C5, Spreeuwenberg P6, Hooiveld M7, Lebret E8, Yzermans J9 Sci Total Environ. 2016 May 21 VIEW
Clinical utility of telomere length measurements in cancer. Pepper C1, Norris K2, Fegan C2 Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2020 Mar 25 VIEW
Clinical utility of paced breathing as a concentration meditation practice. Park YJ, Park YB. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Dec VIEW
Clinical utility of electrodermal activity at acupuncture points: a narrative review. Colbert AP, Spaulding KP, Ahn AC, Cutro JA. Acupunct Med. 2011 Oct 14 VIEW
Clinical use of tai chi in elderly populations Chen KM//Snyder M//Krichbaum K Geriatr Nurs 2001 VIEW
Clinical use of Qigong walking-as a physical exercise for diabetics Iwao Michiko 1997 VIEW
Clinical trials of meditation practices in health care: characteristics and quality. Ospina MB, Bond K, Karkhaneh M, Buscemi N, Dryden DM, Barnes V, Carlson LE, Dusek JA, Shannahoff-Khalsa D. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Dec VIEW
Clinical test for Attention Enhancement System Cho BH//Ku J//Jang D//Lee J//// Stud Health Technol Inform 2002 VIEW
Clinical team functioning and IT innovation: a study of the diffusion of a point-of-care online evidence system Gosling AS//Westbrook JI//Braithwaite J J Am Med Inform Assoc 2003 VIEW
Clinical styudy on restorative breathing exercises (qigong) for diabetics Zhang Jin//Peng Lin Zhong 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Clinical study on treatment of the earthquake-caused post-traumatic stress disorder by cognitive-behavior therapy and acupoint stimulation. Zhang Y, Feng B, Xie JP, Xu FZ, Chen J. J Tradit Chin Med. 2011 Mar VIEW
Clinical study on the treatment of medium-late staged esophageal cancer by Chinese-Western medicine and qigong therapy Cong Jing//Zhang Qiang//Chen Jun//Yang Aiying 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Clinical study on the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux by acupuncture. Zhang CX, Qin YM, Guo BR. Chin J Integr Med. 2010 Aug VIEW
Clinical Study on Qigong’s Effects in Treating Hyperglycemia Shen Z//Shi B Chinese Qigong 1990 VIEW
Clinical study on auricular acupoint penetration needling along the skin for treatment of a variety of pain syndrome and dysfunction. Jia CS, Ma XS, Li XF, Shi J, Li CF, Liu EJ, Zheng LY, Qin L, Xu XK. J Tradit Chin Med. 2011 Sep VIEW
Clinical Study on 20 Diabetes Cases Treated by Nourishing Internal-Qi Gong Li C//Liu S Chinese Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesavalu LN//Murthy KC//Duvall K//// Allergy Asthma Proc 1998 VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesava LN//Nuthy KC//Duvall K//// Alergy Athma Proc 1998 VIEW
Clinical study of the routine treatment of cancer coordinated by qigong Wang Shouhang//Wang Benrong//Shao Mengyang//Li Zhenqing 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical study of the effect of qigong practice on the Cu-Zn SOD activity in cancer patients Xu Hefen 1//Xue Huiling 1//Zhang Chengmin 1//Zhou Qijing 2//Shao Xangming 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Clinical study of the anti-aging effect of qigong Xu Hefen//Xue Huining//Bian Meiguang//Zhang Chengming//Zhou Shuying 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical study of qigong on the evoked cerebral potentials in patients with senile cerebral arteriosclerosis Cheng Kezhong//Zhu Ruifen//Zhu Jiayan//Ma Yumei//// 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Clinical study of qigong based on differentiation of syndromes of left ventricular function Li Zequan//Liu Lubong 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Clinical study of mental disorders induced by Qigong. [Chinese] Xie S//Zhang X//Zhai S//Yang D Chinese Mental Health Journal 2000 VIEW
Clinical study of cholelithiasis treated by qigong and ear-point therapies in 40 cases Ma Shuan 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Clinical Studies on Treatment of Earthquake-Caused Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using Electroacupuncture. Wang Y, Hu YP, Wang WC, Pang RZ, Zhang AR. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations. Jain S1, Hammerschlag R2, Mills P3, Cohen L4, Krieger R5, Vieten C6, Lutgendorf S7. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov VIEW
Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations Shamini Jain, PhD; Richard Hammerschlag, PhD; Paul Mills, PhD; Lorenzo Cohen, PhD; Richard Krieger, MD; Cassandra Vieten, PhD; Susan Lutgendorf, PhD Global Adv Health Med 2015 VIEW
Clinical research report on Nei Qi Lian Yang for improving aging Shen Henian 1//Qian Aizhu 1//Cheng Shongming 2 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Clinical research on abdominal acupuncture plus conventional acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis. Meng CR, Fan L, Fu WB, Li Y. J Tradit Chin Med. 2009 Dec VIEW
Clinical research on 50 cases of woman climacteric syndrome Wu Renzhao 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Clinical research of acupuncture on malignant tumor patients for improving depression and sleep quality. Feng Y, Wang XY, Li SD, Zhang Y, Wang HM, Li M, Cao K, Ye YF, Zhang Z. J Tradit Chin Med. 2011 Sep VIEW
Clinical research in treating spine-related diseases with qigong combined with Chinese and Western medicine Liu Lianghai 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Clinical Research in Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Cancer: Where's the evidence? Shiflett SC First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Clinical Research in 92 Cases On Cervical spondylosis Treated by Massage combined with practicing Qigong Lu L Journal of Zhejiang College of TCM 1996 VIEW
Clinical research evidence of tai chi: a systematic literature review. Yang G1, Wang L, Ren J, Zhang Y, Liu J. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 May VIEW
Clinical report of 75 cases of chronic hepatitis B treated with qigong Shen Fudao 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical relevance of genetic instability in prostatic cells obtained by prostatic massage in early prostate cancer Thuret R//Chantrel-Groussard K//Azzouzi AR//Villette JM//// Br J Cancer 2005 VIEW
Clinical practice guideline of acupuncture for herpes zoster. Liu ZS, Peng WN, Liu BY, Wang J, Wang Y, Mao M, Deng YH, Yu JN, Liaw Y, Mu Y, Luo Y, Xiao XL, Wu XD, Zi MJ. Chin J Integr Med. 2013 Jan VIEW
Clinical Policy Recommendations from the VHA State-of-the-Art Conference on Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Benjamin Kligler1,2, Matthew J Bair3,4, Ranjana Banerjea3, Lynn DeBar5,6, Stephen Ezeji-Okoye3, Anthony Lisi3,7, Jennifer L Murphy3, Friedhelm Sandbrink3, Daniel C Cherkin8 J Gen Intern Med 2018 May 1 VIEW
Clinical phenomenology of mental disorders caused by Qigong exercise Shan HH//Yan HQ//Xu SH//Zhang MD//Yu YP//Zhao JC//Chai HS Chin Med J (Engl) 1989 VIEW
Clinical pharmacology and toxicology of dichloroacetate. Stacpoole PW, Henderson GN, Yan Z, James MO. Environ Health Perspect. 1998 Aug VIEW
Clinical perspectives on vagus nerve stimulation: present and future Eibhlin Goggins1, Shuhei Mitani2, Shinji Tanaka2 Clin Sci (Lond) 2022 May 13 VIEW
Clinical Outcomes Following Exercise Rehabilitation in People with Multimorbidity: A Systematic Review Kathryn Barker1, Anne E Holland2, Elizabeth H Skinner3, Annemarie L Lee4 J Rehabil Med 2023 Mar 6 VIEW
Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy. Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy. Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Clinical observation on the treatment of hyperplasia of mamary glands by qigong combined with acupuncture therapy Lu Lijiang 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Clinical observation on the treatment of 158 cases of cerebral arteriosclerosis by qigong Liu Yuanliang//// 4th Int Sym on Qigong 1992 VIEW
Clinical Observation on the Effect of 51 Cases of Cervical spondylopathy Treated by Qigong-massage Combined with Therapeutic Exercise Gao CL Chinese Manipulation & Qigong Therapy 1994 VIEW
Clinical Observation on the 50 Cases of Type-II Diabetes Treated By Qigong Qian A//Zhang Z Shanghai Journal of Chinese Traditional Medicine 1997 VIEW
Clinical observation on qigong acupuncture for treatment of 108 cases of insomina Liu Yuanliang 1//He Shihai 2 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Clinical observation on post-stroke anxiety neurosis treated by acupuncture Wu P, Liu S J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Sep VIEW
Clinical observation on physiological and psychological effects of Eight-Section Brocade on type 2 diabetic patients. Wang F, Wang W, Zhang R, Lin Y, Hong L, Zhao Y, Ni Q, Zhang L, Isiiyasutomo, Tutiutitakuya, Kosikawafusako, Kisitaiti, Havukiyutaka, Suzukiakio. J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Jun VIEW
Clinical observation on effect of scalp electroacupuncture for mild cognitive impairment. Zhang H, Zhao L, Yang S, Chen Z, Li Y, Peng X, Yang Y, Zhu M. J Tradit Chin Med. 2013 Feb VIEW
Clinical observation on 30 cases of cancer treated by qigong therapy Wang Ying 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical Observation on 120 Cases of Neurasthenia Treated by Six-character Breathing Methods Qigong Ma M Qigong and Science 1997 VIEW
Clinical Observation of Treating 100 Cases of gallstones Zhang YC//Wang ZY//Ji YB//Dong XB 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Clinical observation of therapy of gastroptosis by the energy revitalizing treatment instrument Zhang Tian//Li Zhengyu//Zhou Xinwen 3rd Int Symp on Qigong 1990 VIEW
Clinical observation of the treatment of 158 cases of cerebral arteriosclerosis by qigong Liu Yuanliang//He Shihai//Xie Shanling 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Clinical observation of the effects on hypertension complicted by coronary heart disease treated by China Informative qigong Liu Juan//Chen Jun//Jia Shipeng 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
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