Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19155 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Dysfunctional breathing and asthma. Trial shows benefits of Buteyko breathing techniques. Author:., Volume:323 Issue:7313, Page:631-2 Year:2001 Sep 15 Source:BMJ Kuiper D British Medical Journal 2001 VIEW
Qigong and energy medicine: a challenge to the peer-review process Wootton JC J. Alt. Compl. Med. 1999 VIEW
Body, discourse, and the cultural politics of contemporary Chinese qigong Xu J Journal of Asian Studies 1999 VIEW
Effect of Qi-training on blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate Lee MS//Kim BG//Huh HJ//Ryu H//Lee HS//Chung HT Clinical Physiology 2000 VIEW
Chinese Qigong research: An overview Dorcas A 1997 VIEW
[Effect of special regulated respiratory exercises on autonomic support of functional state of the cardio-vascular system][Article in Ukrainian] Sydorchuk LP,//ryniak MH Lik Sprava 2005 VIEW
Qigong therapy in the treatment of metastatic colon cancer Loh SH Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 1999 VIEW
Aerobic exercise and its impact on musculoskeletal pain in older adults: a 14 year prospective, longitudinal study Bruce B 1//Fries JF 1//Lubeck DP 2 Arthritis Research & Therapy 2005 VIEW
Biological Effects of Quantum Fields and their Role in the Natural Healing Process Rein G Frontier Perspectives 1998 VIEW
Chinese hypnosis can cause qigong induced mental disorders Lee S British Medical Journal 2000 VIEW
Qigong: a personal experience Leschot NJ Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 2000 VIEW
Multi-site electromyographic analysis of non-contact therapeutic touch Wirth DP//Cram JR Int J Psychosom 1993 VIEW
Production of sound waves by bacterial cells and the response of bacterial cells to sound Matsuhashi/// J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol 1998 VIEW
Effects of hypoxia and qigong on urine malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and circulating endothelial cell in humans during simulated weightlessness Peng Y//He S//Zhang X//Liu G//Xie J Space Med Med Eng (Beijing) 1998 VIEW
A study on the counteracting effect of hypoxia and Qigong on simulated weightlessness and orthostatic tolerance after bedrest Zhang J//Wang C//Xie J//Zhang B//Yan X//Shan Y Space Med Med Eng China 1997 VIEW
The efficacy of Tai Chi Chuan in older adults: a systematic review Verhagen Arianne P//Immink Monique//van der Meulen Annemieke//Bierma-Zeinstra Sita MA Family Practice 2004 VIEW
Qigong database Sancier KM Adv Mind Body Med 2000 VIEW
Changes in cytokine production in healthy subjects practicing Guolin Qigong : a pilot study. Jones BM Complement Altern Med 2001 VIEW
Dyspnea self-management in African Americans with chronic lung disease Nield M Heart Lung 2000 VIEW
Breathing-control lowers blood pressure. Grossman E//Grossman A//Schein MH//Zimlichman R//Gavish B J Hum Hypertens 2001 VIEW
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