Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19096 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Shaolin qigong Halliburton TD 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Mind-body medicine and qigong Gordon J 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Total stress management: qigong-enhanced wellness in the workplace Garripoli F 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Yi jin jing tendons and muscles changing qigong Gao Q 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Cellatroniks and qi enhancement Gagnon TA 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Qitaky qigongtradition and modernity Florea A 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Intelligent qigongusing qigong to boost your intellectual potential Florea A 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Effect of non-contact therapeutic touch on the healing rate of full thickness dermal wounds Wirth DP Subtle Energies 1990 VIEW
Clinical styudy on restorative breathing exercises (qigong) for diabetics Zhang Jin//Peng Lin Zhong 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Structure and property changes in certain materials influenced by the external qi of qigong Yan X//Lin H//Li H//// Mat Res Innovat 1999 VIEW
EEG and Topography during Chinese qigong training Kawano K//Koito H//Fujik T//Shinagawa Y Neurosciences 1990 VIEW
Difference in EEG between mediation and Chinese qigong Shi MM//Luan LY//huang JL//Kawano K//Shinagawa Y Jpn J Physiol 1991 VIEW
A 'Stress Meter' assessment of the degree of relaxation in qigong vs. non-qigong mediation He HZ//Li DL//Xi WB//Zhang CL Frontier Perspectives 1999 VIEW
Qigong for CFIDS: Ancient wisdom meets modern science Cohen Kenneth S The CFIDS Chronicle 1998 VIEW
Hand movements above the unshielded tail of a shielded rat induces differences in voltage inside the animal Nordenstrom Bjorn EW Am J. Acupuncture 1992 VIEW
Physiology of mediation: a review, a wakeful hypometabolic interrated response Jevning R 1//Wallace RK 2//Beidebach M 3 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1992 VIEW
Randomized controlled trial of stress reduction for hypertension in older African Americans Schneider RH//Staggers F//Alexander CN//Sheppard W//// Hypertension 1995 VIEW
Mediation and blood pressure-Oakland research shows TM method can lower readings Perlman David 1996 VIEW
Effect of Chinese qigong on conformation of biomolecules Chu DY//He WG//Zhou YF//Yan WZ//Xen BC Chinese Chinese J Somatic Science 1998 VIEW
Clinical use of Qigong walking-as a physical exercise for diabetics Iwao Michiko 1997 VIEW
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