Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18979 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
The interdependent relationship between the nitric oxide signaling pathway and primary cilia in pulse electromagnetic field-stimulated osteoblastic differentiation Wen-Fang He1,2,3, Rong Qin1, Yu-Hai Gao1, Jian Zhou1, Juan-Juan Wei1, Jing Liu1, Xue-Feng Hou1, Hui-Ping Ma1, Cory J Xian4, Xue-Yan Li2, Ke-Ming Chen1,3 FASEB J 2022 Jun 1 VIEW
The internal process of therapeutic touch Coppa D. J Holist Nurs. 2008 Mar VIEW
The Interoceptive Sensitivity and Attention Questionnaire: Evaluating aspects of self-reported interoception in patients with persistent somatic symptoms, stress-related syndromes and healthy controls Katleen Bogaerts1, Marta Walentynowicz, Maaike Van Den Houte, Elena Constantinou, Omer Van den Bergh Psychosom Med 2021 Nov 24 VIEW
The Interplay between Autonomic Nervous System and Inflammation across Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Chiara Bellocchi1,2, Angelica Carandina1,2, Beatrice Montinaro1, Elena Targetti1, Ludovico Furlan1,2, Gabriel Dias Rodrigues2,3, Eleonora Tobaldini1,2, Nicola Montano1,2 Int J Mol Sci 2022 Feb 23 VIEW
The interplay between genetic and bioelectrical signaling permits a spatial regionalisation of membrane potentials in model multicellular ensembles. Cervera J1, Meseguer S2, Mafe S1 Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 12 VIEW
The interplay between Sleep and Gut Microbiota Mengqi Han1, Shiying Yuan2, Jiancheng Zhang3 Brain Res Bull 2022 Jan 12 VIEW
The interplay of excitation and electroporation in nanosecond pulse stimulation Andrei G Pakhomov1, Olga N Pakhomova2 Bioelectrochemistry 2020 Jul 15 VIEW
The interrelationship between balance, Tai Chi and depression in Latino older adults. Siu KC1, Padilla C2, Rajaram SS3,4 Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016 Jun 18 VIEW
The intersection of the two complimentary fields of preventive cardiology and integrative cardiology: A Fellow's voice Brian Cheung1,2 Am J Prev Cardiol 2022 Nov 19 VIEW
The joint moment distribution of the lower extremity during tai chi chuan. Liu W1, Pearlman R, Singh J, Lewis C. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 May VIEW
The journey of women with breast cancer who engage in mindfulness-based stress reduction: a qualitative exploration. Weitz MV, Fisher K, Lachman VD. Holist Nurs Pract. 2012 Jan-Feb VIEW
The Koestler Parapsychology Unit and the Study of Consciousness Morris RL J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
The Kuala Lumpur Qigong Trial for Women in the Cancer Survivorship Phase-Efficacy of a Three-Arm RCT to Improve QOL. Loh SY1, Lee SY, Murray L. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014 VIEW
The language of music: Common neural codes for structured sequences in music and natural language. Chiang JN1, Rosenberg MH1, Bufford CA1, Stephens D2, Lysy A2, Monti MM3 Brain Lang. 2018 Aug 4 VIEW
The Latest Progress in Somatic Science Zhu R//Zhu YY J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
The legacy effects of electromagnetic fields on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and multiple differentiation potential. Tu C1, Xiao Y2, Ma Y1, Wu H3, Song M4 Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Aug 9 VIEW
The level of circle of qi Luo Sen 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
The Leveraging Exercise to Age in Place (LEAP) Study: Engaging Older Adults in Community-Based Exercise Classes to Impact Loneliness and Social Isolation Allison Moser Mays1, Sungjin Kim2, Katrina Rosales3, Tam Au4, Sonja Rosen5 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 Oct 16 VIEW
The life mission theory VI. A theory for the human character: healing with holistic medicine through recovery of character and purpose of life Ventegodt S//Kromann M//Andersen NJ//Merrick J ScientificWorldJournal 2004 VIEW
The Limbic-Prefrontal Network Modulated by Electroacupuncture at CV4 and CV12. Fang J, Wang X, Liu H, Wang Y, Zhou K, Hong Y, Liu J, Wang L, Xue C, Song M, Liu B, Zhu B. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
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