The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Yoga in school sports improves functioning of autonomic nervous system in young adults: A non-randomized controlled pilot study. | Frank J1,2, Seifert G2, Schroeder R3, Gruhn B1, Stritter W2, Jeitler M4,5, Steckhan N4,5, Kessler CS4,5, Michalsen A4,5, Voss A3 | PLoS One. | 2020 Apr 13 | VIEW |
Yoga in Sedentary Adults with Arthritis: Effects of a Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial. | Moonaz SH1, Bingham CO 3rd1, Wissow L1, Bartlett SJ1. | J Rheumatol. | 2015 Apr 1 | VIEW |
Yoga in the Management of Chronic Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. | Desveaux L1, Lee A, Goldstein R, Brooks D. | Med Care. | 2015 May 6 | VIEW |
Yoga in the schools: a systematic review of the literature. | Serwacki ML, Cook-Cottone C. | Int J Yoga Therap. | 2012 | VIEW |
Yoga in the workplace and health outcomes: a systematic review. | Puerto Valencia LM1,2, Weber A2, Spegel H2, Bögle R3,4, Selmani A2, Heinze S2,5, Herr C2,5 | Occup Med (Lond). | 2019 Mar 18 | VIEW |
Yoga increases the volume of the hippocampus in elderly subjects. | Hariprasad VR, Varambally S, Shivakumar V, Kalmady SV, Venkatasubramanian G, Gangadhar BN. | Indian J Psychiatry. | 2013 Jul | VIEW |
Yoga Interventions Involving Older Adults: Integrative Review | Nancy L Martens | J Gerontol Nurs | 2022 Feb 1 | VIEW |
Yoga is effective for treating chronic pain in veterans with Gulf War Illness at long-term follow-up | Santiago Allende1,2, Danielle C Mathersul3,4,5, Jay R Schulz-Heik3,6, Timothy J Avery3,7, Louise Mahoney3, Peter J Bayley3,8 | BMC Complement Med Ther | 2023 Sep 13 | VIEW |
Yoga is effective in treating symptoms of Gulf War illness: A randomized clinical trial | Peter J Bayley1, R Jay Schulz-Heik2, Rachael Cho2, Danielle Mathersul3, Linda Collery2, Kamala Shankar4, J Wesson Ashford3, Jennifer S Jennings2, Julia Tang2, Melinda S Wong2, Timothy J Avery3, Michael Vicente Stanton5, Hillary Meyer6, Marcelle Friedman6, Stephan Kim2, Booil Jo7, Jarred Younger8, Binil Mathews4, Matra Majmundar9, Louise Mahoney2 | J Psychiatr Res | 2020 Nov 11 | VIEW |
Yoga is found hazardous to the meniscus for Chinese women. | Zhu JK, Wu LD, Zheng RZ, Lan SH. | Chin J Traumatol. | 2012 Jun 1 | VIEW |
Yoga lessons for consciousness research: a paralimbic network balancing brain resource allocation. | Lou HC, Joensson M, Kringelbach ML. | Front Psychol. | 2011 | VIEW |
Yoga lifestyle intervention reduces blood pressure in HIV-infected adults with cardiovascular disease risk factors. | Cade WT, Reeds DN, Mondy KE, Overton ET, Grassino J, Tucker S, Bopp C, Laciny E, Hubert S, Lassa-Claxton S, Yarasheski KE. | HIV Med | 2010 Jul 1 | VIEW |
Yoga may be noninferior to physical therapy for disability and pain at 12 weeks and both might improve function more than education in low resource adults with chronic nonspecific low back pain. | Ostrovsky DA | Explore (NY). | 2017 Oct 12 | VIEW |
Yoga may improve asthma symptoms, Cochrane review finds. | Wise J1 | BMJ. | 2016 Apr 28 | VIEW |
Yoga May Mitigate Decreases in High School Grades. | Butzer B1, van Over M2, Noggle Taylor JJ1, Khalsa SB1. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2015 | VIEW |
Yoga meditation (YoMed) and its effect on proprioception and balance function in elders who have fallen: A randomized control study. | Wooten SV1, Signorile JF2, Desai SS3, Paine AK4, Mooney K5 | Complement Ther Med. | 2018 Feb | VIEW |
Yoga Meditation Enhances Proprioception and Balance in Individuals Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease | Nicholas P Cherup1, Keri L Strand1, Lucrezia Lucchi1, Savannah V Wooten1, Corneliu Luca2, Joseph F Signorile1 3 | Percept Mot Skills | 2020 Aug 3 | VIEW |
Yoga meditation practitioners exhibit greater gray matter volume and fewer reported cognitive failures: results of a preliminary voxel-based morphometric analysis. | Froeliger B, Garland EL, McClernon FJ. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2012 | VIEW |
Yoga meets positive psychology: Examining the integration of hedonic (gratitude) and eudaimonic (meaning) wellbeing in relation to the extent of yoga practice. | Ivtzan I1, Papantoniou A2. | J Bodyw Mov Ther. | 2014 Apr | VIEW |
Yoga might be an alternative training for the quality of life and balance in postmenopausal osteoporosis. | Tüzün S, Aktas I, Akarirmak U, Sipahi S, Tüzün F. | Eur J Phys Rehabil Med | 2010 Feb 18 | VIEW |