Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19155 abstracts.
Showing results per page.
Title Author Journal Date
Intention: an experimental focus Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Five questions on intentionality, science, and mind-body medicine Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Modern bioelectromagnetics & functions of the central nervous system Becker Robert O Subtle Energies 1992 VIEW
Qigong and suicide prevention Ismail K//Tsang HW Br J Psychiatry 2003 VIEW
The health beliefs and behaviors of three groups of complementary medicine and a general practice group of patients Furnham A//Vincent C//Wood R J Altern Complement Med 1995 VIEW
Use of alternative therapies by a low income population Krastins M//Ristinen E//Cimino JA//Mamtani R Acupunct Electrother Res 1998 VIEW
The use of alternative medicine in the treatment of hepatitis C Bean P Am Clin Lab 2002 VIEW
Complementary and alternative drug therapy in arthritis Chandrashekara S//Anilkumar T//Jamuna S J Assoc Physicians India 2002 VIEW
Alternative/complementary medicine: wider usage than generally appreciated Wolsko P//Ware L//Kutner J//Lin CT//Albertson G//Cyran L//Schilling L//Anderson RJ J Altern Complement Med 2000 VIEW
A body-mind-spirit model in health: an Eastern approach Chan C//Ho PS//Chow E Soc Work Health Care 2001 VIEW
Mind-body therapies for the treatment of fibromyalgia. A systematic review Hadhazy VA//Ezzo J//Creamer P//Berman BM J Rheumatol 2000 VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine in early-stage breast cancer Tagliaferri M//Cohen I//Tripathy D Semin Oncol 2001 VIEW
Medical validity in Eastern and Western traditions Fabrega H Jr Perspect Biol Med 2002 VIEW
[Influence of qigong therapy upon serum HDL-C in hypertensive patients][in Chinese] Wang CX//Xu DH Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1989 VIEW
A sense of control, health, and illness: exploring the mind-body relationship and the socio-cultural/spiritual context: reflections on Bali Shapiro DH Jr Int J Psychosom 1990 VIEW
Experience of a Reiki session Engebretson J//Wardell DW Altern Ther Health Med 2002 VIEW
Alternative/complementary therapies Freeman JW//Landis J S D J Med 1997 VIEW
Mind-body therapies for primary care physicians Chiarmonte DR Prim Care 1997 VIEW
Health care and consumer choice: medical and alternative therapies Kelner M//Wellman B Soc Sci Med 1997 VIEW
[Biological effect of qigong waiqi--a preliminary report of the anti-injurious effect of waiqi on ozone toxicity] Lu YC Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1989 VIEW
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