Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19063 abstracts.
Showing results per page.
Title Author Journal Date
Effects of dialogue and therapeutic touch on preoperative and postoperative experiences of breast cancer surgery: an exploratory study Samarel N//Fawcett J//Davis MM//Ryan FM Oncol Nurs Forum 1998 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic touch on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee Gordon A//Merenstein JH//D'Amico F//Hudgens D. J Fam Pract 1998 VIEW
Experiences of administering and receiving therapeutic touch in intensive care Cox C//Hayes J Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 1998 VIEW
Effect of therapeutic touch on the well-being of persons with terminal cancer Giasson M//ouchard L J Holist Nurs 1998 VIEW
The efficacy of therapeutic touch for improving functional ability in elders with degenerative arthritis Peck SD Nurs Sci Q 1998 VIEW
Network Spinal Analysis: A Research Perspective Epstein D Chiropractic Journal 2000 VIEW
A study to test the effectiveness of placebo Reiki standardization procedures developed for a planned Reiki efficacy study Mansour AA//Beuche M//Laing G//Leis A//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
Effects of therapeutic touch on biochemical and mood indicators in women Lafreniere KD//Mutus B//Cameron S//Tannous M//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
An integrative review and meta-analysis of therapeutic touch research Winstead-Fry P//Kijek J Altern Ther Health Med 1999 VIEW
Is the scientific publishing of complementary and alternative medicine objective? Eskinazi D//Muehsam D J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
[Therapeutic touch][Article in French] Giasson M//Leroux G//Tardif H//Bouchard L Infirm Que 1999 VIEW
Influence of Qigong on Blood Rheology in Patient with Radicular Cervical Spondylopathy Yuan S//Fang L//Chen Z Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2000 VIEW
The experience of therapeutic touch from a nursing perspective Hayes J//Cox C Br J Nurs 1999 VIEW
Massage therapy and therapeutic touch in children: state of the science Ireland M//Olson M Altern Ther Health Med 2000 VIEW
Surgery and complementary therapies: a review Petry JJ Altern Ther Health Med 2000 VIEW
Healing touch: applications in the acute care setting Umbreit AW AACN Clin Issues 2000 VIEW
Physiologic and behavioral effects of gentle human touch on preterm infants Harrison LL//Williams AK//Berbaum ML//Stem JT//// Res Nurs Health 2000 VIEW
Physiologic and psychodynamic responses to the administration of therapeutic touch in critical care Cox C//Hayes J Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 1999 VIEW
Biological correlates of Reiki Touch(sm) healing Wardell DW//Engebretson J J Adv Nurs 2001 VIEW
A literature review on the concept of intimacy in nursing Williams A J Adv Nurs 2001 VIEW
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