The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Tai Chi and Yoga for Improving Balance on One Leg: A Neuroimaging and Biomechanics Study | Xin-Peng Chen1,2, Le-Jun Wang3, Xiao-Qian Chang2, Kuan Wang1,2, Hui-Fang Wang1, Ming Ni4, Wen-Xin Niu1,2, Ming Zhang5 | Front Neurol | 2021 Oct 13 | VIEW |
Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions for Insomnia in Veterans and Military Populations | Julie K Staples1,2,3, Courtney Gibson1, Madeline Uddo1 | Psychol Rep | 2021 Dec 2 | VIEW |
Focused Ultrasound-Induced Neurogenesis Requires an Increase in Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. | Mooney SJ1, Shah K1, Yeung S1, Burgess A1, Aubert I2,3, Hynynen K1,4 | PLoS One. | 2016 Jul 26 | VIEW |
Immediate Dose-Response Effect of High-Energy Versus Low-Energy Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Cutaneous Microcirculation. | Kraemer R1, Sorg H2, Forstmeier V3, Knobloch K4, Liodaki E5, Stang FH5, Mailaender P5, Kisch T5 | Ultrasound Med Biol. | 2016 Dec | VIEW |
Efficacy of rhythmic exercise and walking exercise in older adults' exercise participation rates and physical function outcomes. | Park YS1,2, Koh K2, Yang JS3, Shim JK2,4,5,6 | Geriatr Gerontol Int. | 2017 Dec | VIEW |
Epithelial Tissue Geometry Directs Emergence of Bioelectric Field and Pattern of Proliferation | Brian B Silver, Abraham E Wolf, Junuk Lee, Mei-Fong Pang, Celeste M Nelson | Mol Biol Cell | 2020 Jun 10 | VIEW |
Physical Activity, a Modulator of Aging Through Effects on Telomere Biology | Maria Donatella Semeraro, Cassandra Smith, Melanie Kaiser, Itamar Levinger, Gustavo Duque, Hans-Juergen Gruber, Markus Herrmann | Aging | 2020 Jun 23 | VIEW |
Telomerase and telomeres in aging theory and chronographic aging theory (Review) | Mayya P Razgonova1, Alexander M Zakharenko1, Kirill S Golokhvast1, Maria Thanasoula2, Evangelia Sarandi2, Konstantinos Nikolouzakis3, Persefoni Fragkiadaki3, Dimitris Tsoukalas2, Demetrios A Spandidos4, Aristidis Tsatsakis3 | Mol Med Rep | 2020 Sep | VIEW |
TaiChi and Qigong for Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis | Wei Jiang1,2, Shaojun Liao3, Xiankun Chen2,4,5, Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg4, Gaetano Marrone4, Zehuai Wen5,6, Weihui Lu1,2 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med | 2021 Jun 24 | VIEW |
Brain Mechanisms of Virtual Reality Breathing Versus Traditional Mindful Breathing in Pain Modulation: Observational Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study | Xiao-Su Hu1, Katherine Beard1, Mary Catherine Sherbel1,2, Thiago D Nascimento1, Sean Petty3, Eddie Pantzlaff1, David Schwitzer1, Niko Kaciroti1,4, Eric Maslowski5, Lawrence M Ashman1,6, Stephen E Feinberg1,6, Alexandre F DaSilva1 | J Med Internet Res | 2021 Oct 12 | VIEW |
The Effects of Qigong for Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials | Xiaosheng Dong1, Zhenguo Shi1, Meng Ding2, Xiangren Yi1 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med | 2021 Oct 8 | VIEW |
Effects of multi-component exercise on older adults with chronic conditions | Chakravarthy M Sadacharan1 | J Sports Med Phys Fitness | 2022 Mar 25 | VIEW |
History of bioelectrical study and the electrophysiology of the primo vascular system. | Park SH1, Kim EH, Chang HJ, Yoon SZ, Yoon JW, Cho SJ, Ryu YH. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2013 | VIEW |
Nature's Electric Potential: A Systematic Review of the Role of Bioelectricity in Wound Healing and Regenerative Processes in Animals, Humans, and Plants. | Tyler SEB1 | Front Physiol. | 2017 Sep 4 | VIEW |
Music Therapy in Parkinson's Disease. | García-Casares N1, Martín-Colom JE2, García-Arnés JA3 | J Am Med Dir Assoc. | 2018 Dec | VIEW |
Tai Chi: a promising adjunct nursing intervention to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and improve psychosocial well-being in adults with hypertension. | Smith GD1 | Evid Based Nurs. | 2018 Dec 27 | VIEW |
Comparative Effectiveness of Three Exercise Types to Treat Clinical Depression in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. | Miller KJ1, Gonçalves-Bradley DC2, Areerob P3, Hennessy D3, Mesagno C3, Grace F3 | Ageing Res Rev. | 2019 Dec 11 | VIEW |
Implementing Music Therapy Through Telehealth: Considerations for Military Populations | Rebecca Vaudreuil, Diane G Langston, Wendy L Magee, Donna Betts, Sara Kass, Charles Levy | Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol | 07/01/2020 | VIEW |
Bioresonance therapy may treat depression | Daniela Muresan1, Andreea Salcudean2, Daniela Claudia Sabau3, Cristina Raluca Bodo4, Iosif Gabos Grecu5 | J Med Life | Mar-Apr 2021 | VIEW |
Effect of Healing Meditation on stress and eating behavior in overweight and obese women: A randomized clinical trial | Cynthia Vieira Sanches Sampaio1, Guilherme Magnavita2, Ana Marice Ladeia3 | Complement Ther Clin Pract | 2021 Jul 30 | VIEW |