Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19062 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of Exercise on Sleep Quality and Insomnia in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Yi Xie1, Shuai Liu2, Xue-Jiao Chen1, Hai-Han Yu1, Yuan Yang1, Wei Wang1 Front Psychiatry 2021 Jun 7 VIEW
Older women and wellbeing through the pandemic: Examining the effect of daily online yoga lessons Samta P Pandya1 Health Care Women Int 2021 Jul 2 VIEW
Effects of external low intensity focused ultrasound on inflammatory markers in neuropathic pain Abigail Hellman1, Alicia Clum1, Teresa Maietta1, Adithya Srikanthan1, Vraj Patel1, Drishti Panse1, Olivia Zimmerman1, Paul Neubauer2, Julia Nalwalk1, Emery Williams2, Goutam Ghoshal2, Clif Burdette2, Julie G Pilitsis3 Neurosci Lett 2021 Jul 13 VIEW
Effects of Ai Chi on balance, quality of life, functional mobility, and motor impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease<sup/>. Kurt EE1, Büyükturan B2, Büyükturan Ö2, Erdem HR1, Tuncay F1 Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Apr VIEW
Effectiveness of music therapy with relaxation technique on stress management as measured by perceived stress scale. Ogba FN1, Ede MO2, Onyishi CN2, Agu PU2, Ikechukwu-Ilomuanya AB2, Igbo JN2, Egenti N2, Manafa I3, Amoke C2, Nwosu NC2, Omeke FC2, Nwafor BN2, Amadi KC4, Nwokenna EN5, Ugwoke SC2 Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Apr VIEW
Baroreceptor function during exercise: resetting the record. Joyner MJ1 Exp Physiol. 2006 Jan VIEW
Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of the Effects of Tai Chi on Blood Pressure Xiaosheng Dong1, Meng Ding2, Xiangren Yi1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Oct 7 VIEW
Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions Augment Diaphragmatic Breathing for Rumination Syndrome: A Proof-of-Concept Trial Helen Burton Murray1,2,3,4, Fengqing Zhang5,6, Christine C Call5,6, Ani Keshishian7, Rowan A Hunt5,6, Adrienne S Juarascio5,6, Jennifer J Thomas7,8 Dig Dis Sci 2020 Nov 11 VIEW
Physical Activity for Improving the Immune System of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Shahnaz Shahrbanian, Shahla Alikhani, Mina Ahmadi Kakavandi, Anthony C Hackney Altern Ther Health Med 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
An online non-meditative mindfulness intervention for people with ALS and their caregivers: a randomized controlled trial Francesco Pagnini1,2, Deborah Phillips2, Anne Haulman3, Matthew Bankert3, Zachary Simmons3, Ellen Langer2 Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 2021 May 22 VIEW
Exercise as medicine - evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases B K Pedersen1, B Saltin2 Scand J Med Sci Sports 2015 Dec 1 VIEW
The Effect of Mindfulness-based Programs on Cognitive Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Tim Whitfield1, Thorsten Barnhofer#2, Rebecca Acabchuk#3, Avi Cohen4, Michael Lee4, Marco Schlosser4,5, Eider M Arenaza-Urquijo6, Adriana Böttcher7, Willoughby Britton8, Nina Coll-Padros9, Fabienne Collette10, Gaël Chételat11, Sophie Dautricourt11, Harriet Demnitz-King4, Travis Dumais12, Olga Klimecki5, Dix Meiberth13, Inès Moulinet11, Theresa Müller13, Elizabeth Parsons4, Lauren Sager12, Lena Sannemann13, Jodi Scharf12, Ann-Katrin Schild13, Edelweiss Touron11, Miranka Wirth7, Zuzana Walker4,14, Ethan Moitra8, Antoine Lutz15, Sara W Lazar16, David Vago17, Natalie L Marchant4 Neuropsychol Rev 2021 Aug 4 VIEW
A short Mindfulness retreat can improve biological markers of stress and inflammation Concetta Gardi1, Teresa Fazia2, Blerta Stringa3, Fabio Giommi4 Psychoneuroendocrinology 2021 Nov 6 VIEW
Complementary and Integrative Health Interventions for Insomnia in Veterans and Military Populations Julie K Staples1,2,3, Courtney Gibson1, Madeline Uddo1 Psychol Rep 2021 Dec 2 VIEW
Adjustment of the lysosomal-mitochondrial axis for control of cellular senescence. Park JT1, Lee YS2, Cho KA3, Park SC4 Ageing Res Rev. 2018 Aug 21 VIEW
Peripheral Sensory Nerve Tissue but Not Connective Tissue Is Involved in the Action of Acupuncture. Chang S1, Kwon OS2, Bang SK1, Kim DH1, Baek MW1, Ryu Y2, Bae JH3, Fan Y1, Lee SM1, Kim HK1, Lee BH1, Yang CH1, Kim HY1,3 Front Neurosci. 2019 Feb 20 VIEW
Is a meditation retreat the better vacation? effect of retreats and vacations on fatigue, emotional well-being, and acting with awareness Gerhard Blasche1, Jessica deBloom2,3, Adrienne Chang4, Otto Pichlhoefer5 PLoS One 2021 Feb 8 VIEW
Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement improves negative emotion regulation among opioid-treated chronic pain patients by increasing interoceptive awareness R Lynae Roberts1, Katharina Ledermann2, Eric L Garland3 J Psychosom Res 2021 Nov 14 VIEW
Effects of cognitive behavior therapy combined with Baduanjin in patients with colorectal cancer Zheng-Gen Lin1, Ren-Dong Li2, Fu-Lu Ai3, Song Li4, Xin-An Zhang5 World J Gastrointest Oncol 2022 Jan 15 VIEW
The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human. Russo MA1, Santarelli DM1, O'Rourke D1,2 Breathe (Sheff). 2017 Dec VIEW
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