Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19164 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Acupuncture for acute non-specific low back pain: A pilot randomised non-penetrating sham controlled tria Kennedy S, Baxter GD, Kerr DP, Bradbury I, Park J, McDonough SM Complement Ther Med. 2008 Jun VIEW
Effect of Healing Touch on stress perception and biological correlates Maville JA, Bowen JE, Benham G Holist Nurs Pract. 2008 Mar-Apr VIEW
Safety and efficacy of acupuncture in children: a review of the evidence Jindal V, Ge A, Mansky PJ J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2008 Jun VIEW
A randomized, controlled pilot study of acupuncture treatment for menopausal hot flashes Avis NE, Legault C, Coeytaux RR, Pian-Smith M, Shifren JL, Chen W, Valaskatgis P Menopause 2008 Jun 2 VIEW
The effectiveness of acupuncture on pain and mobility in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study Maa SH, Sun MF, Wu CC J Nurs Res. 2008 Jun VIEW
Manual Acupuncture Improved Quality of Life in Cancer Patients with Radiation-Induced Xerostomia Cho JH, Chung WK, Kang W, Choi SM, Cho CK, Son CG J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jun 4 VIEW
Acupuncture and related techniques for postoperative pain: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Sun Y, Gan TJ, Dubose JW, Habib Br J Anaesth 2008 Jun 2 VIEW
Therapeutic touch affects DNA synthesis and mineralization of human osteoblasts in culture Jhaveri A, Walsh SJ, Wang Y, McCarthy M, Gronowicz G J Orthop Res. 2008 Jun 3 VIEW
Relaxation training for anxiety: a ten-years systematic review with meta-analysis Manzoni GM, Pagnini F, Castelnuovo G, Molinari E BMC Psychiatry 2008 Jun 2 VIEW
Effects of yoga on inflammation and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure Pullen PR, Nagamia SH, Mehta PK, Thompson WR, Benardot D, Hammoud R, Parrott JM, Sola S, Khan BV J Card Fail. 2008 Jun VIEW
Reiki as a clinical intervention in oncology nursing practice Bossi LM, Ott MJ, Decristofaro S Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008 Jun VIEW
Translation of an Effective Tai Chi Intervention Into a Community-Based Falls-Prevention Program Li F, Harmer P, Glasgow R, Mack KA, Sleet D, Fisher KJ, Kohn MA, Millet LM, Mead J, Xu J, Lin ML, Yang T, Sutton B, Tompkins Y Am J Public Health 2008 May 29 VIEW
A systematic review with procedural assessments and meta-analysis of Low Level Laser Therapy in lateral elbow tendinopathy (tennis elbow) Bjordal JM, Lopes-Martins RA, Joensen J, Ljunggren AE, Couppe C, Stergioulas A, Johnson MI BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2008 May 29 VIEW
Tactile acuity in experienced Tai Chi practitioners: evidence for use dependent plasticity as an effect of sensory-attentional training Kerr CE, Shaw JR, Wasserman RH, Chen VW, Kanojia A, Bayer T, Kelley JM. Exp Brain Res. 2008 May 30 VIEW
Standard Evaluation Method of Non-contact Healing Using Biophotons Hideyuki KOKUBO1, Mikio YAMAMOTO1 and Kimiko KAWANO1,2 J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci 2007 March VIEW
Effect of yoga on cognitive functions in climacteric syndrome: a randomised control study Chattha R, Nagarathna R, Padmalatha V, Nagendra H BJOG. 2008 May 22 VIEW
Spectral analysis of the microcirculatory laser Doppler signal at the Hoku acupuncture point Hsiu H, Hsu WC, Huang SM, Hsu CL, Lin Wang YY. Lasers Med Sci. 2008 May 27 VIEW
Acupuncture for Tension-Type Headache: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials Davis MA, Kononowech RW, Rolin SA, Spierings EL. J Pain. 2008 May 20 VIEW
Tai chi exercise and muscle strength and endurance in older people Xu DQ, Hong Y, Li JX. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
Muscle action pattern and knee extensor strength of older tai chi exercisers Wu G. Med Sport Sci. 2008 VIEW
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