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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Higher DHEAS Levels Associated with Long-Term Practicing of Tai Chi. Lai HM1, Liu MSY2, Lin TJ1, Tsai YL1, Chien EJ2,3,4 Chin J Physiol. 2017 Apr 30 VIEW
Deqi Induction by HT7 Acupuncture Alters Theta and Alpha Band Coherence in Human Healthy Subjects. Lee GE1, Yun JM2, Yang SB3,4, Kang Y5, Kang HW6, Choi KH7, Kim J7, Kwon OS7, Park JE7, Kim JH3 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Acupuncture Points and Their Relationship with Multireceptive Fields of Neurons. Quiroz-González S1, Torres-Castillo S2, López-Gómez RE2, Jiménez Estrada I3 J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2017 Apr VIEW
The effects of Tai Chi on physical function and well-being among persons with Parkinson's Disease: A systematic review. Ćwiękała-Lewis KJ1, Gallek M1, Taylor-Piliae RE2 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2017 Apr VIEW
Kripalu Yoga for Military Veterans With PTSD: A Randomized Trial. Reinhardt KM1, Noggle Taylor JJ1,2, Johnston J3, Zameer A4, Cheema S5, Khalsa SBS1 J Clin Psychol. 2017 May 19 VIEW
Telomere length correlates with disease severity and inflammation in sickle cell disease. Colella MP1, Santana BA2, Conran N1, Tomazini V1, Costa FF1, Calado RT2, Saad STO3 Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter. 2017 Apr - Jun VIEW
Effect of whole body vibration training on quadriceps strength, bone mineral density, and functional capacity in children with hemophilia: a randomized clinical trial. El-Shamy S1 J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2017 Jun 1 VIEW
Mobile phone use, school electromagnetic field levels and related symptoms: a cross-sectional survey among 2150 high school students in Izmir. Durusoy R1, Hassoy H2, Özkurt A3, Karababa AO2 Environ Health. 2017 Jun 2 VIEW
Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields. Grossman N1, Bono D2, Dedic N3, Kodandaramaiah SB4, Rudenko A5, Suk HJ6, Cassara AM7, Neufeld E7, Kuster N8, Tsai LH9, Pascual-Leone A10, Boyden ES11 Cell. 2017 Jun 1 VIEW
Neural Sources and Underlying Mechanisms of Neural Responses to Heartbeats, and their Role in Bodily Self-consciousness: An Intracranial EEG Study. Park HD1, Bernasconi F1, Salomon R2, Tallon-Baudry C3, Spinelli L4, Seeck M4, Schaller K5, Blanke O1,6 Cereb Cortex. 2017 Jun 7 VIEW
Electromicrobiology: realities, grand challenges, goals and predictions. Nealson KH1, Rowe AR1 Microb Biotechnol. 2016 Sep VIEW
[Associations between depression, anxiety and telomere length in a large Dutch psychiatric cohort study]. Verhoeven JE, van Oppen P, Penninx BWJH Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2017 VIEW
Promising Links between Meditation and Reduced (Brain) Aging: An Attempt to Bridge Some Gaps between the Alleged Fountain of Youth and the Youth of the Field. Kurth F1, Cherbuin N2, Luders E1,2 Front Psychol. 2017 May 30 VIEW
Yoga for the management of pain and sleep in rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Ward L1,2, Stebbings S2, Athens J3, Cherkin D4, David Baxter G1 Musculoskeletal Care. 2017 Jun 16 VIEW
Detecting large-scale networks in the human brain using high-density electroencephalography. Liu Q1,2,3, Farahibozorg S3,4, Porcaro C2,5,6, Wenderoth N1,2, Mantini D1,2,3 Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Jun 20 VIEW
Physical Exercise with Music Reduces Gray and White Matter Loss in the Frontal Cortex of Elderly People: The Mihama-Kiho Scan Project. Tabei KI1,2, Satoh M1, Ogawa JI3, Tokita T4, Nakaguchi N5, Nakao K6, Kida H1, Tomimoto H1,2 Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Jun 7 VIEW
Being Present: Focusing on the Present Predicts Improvements in Life Satisfaction But Not Happiness. Felsman P, Verduyn P, Ayduk O, Kross E Emotion. 2017 Jun 26 VIEW
Effects of a T'ai Chi-Based Health Promotion Program on Metabolic Syndrome Markers, Health Behaviors, and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Male Office Workers: A Randomized Trial. Choi YS1, Song R2, Ku BJ3 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Jun 27 VIEW
Effect of Cell Phone Radiations on Orofacial Structures: A Systematic Review. Mishra SK1, Chowdhary R2, Kumari S3, Rao SB4 J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 May VIEW
Electric Fields and Enzyme Catalysis. Fried SD1, Boxer SG2 Annu Rev Biochem. 2017 Jun 20 VIEW
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