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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Always in Tune: The Unforgettable Memory for Music in Alzheimer's Disease. Fornazzari L1, Mansur A2, Acuna KO2, Schweizer TA2, Fischer CE2 Can J Neurol Sci. 2017 Mar VIEW
Lifestyle Advice and Self-Care Integral to Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with Chronic Neck Pain: Secondary Analysis of Outcomes Within a Randomized Controlled Trial. MacPherson H1, Elliot B2, Hopton A1, Lansdown H1, Birch S3, Hewitt C1 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar 2 VIEW
Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Dong Y1, Liao J2, Yao K1, Jiang W1, Wang J1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Physical Activity Domains/Recommendations and Leukocyte Telomere Length in US Adults. Ogawa EF1, Leveille SG, Wright JA, Shi L, Camhi SM, You T Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Mar 3 VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of adjunct non-pharmacological interventions for osteoarthritis of the knee. Woods B1, Manca A1, Weatherly H1, Saramago P1, Sideris E1, Giannopoulou C1, Rice S2, Corbett M2, Vickers A3, Bowes M4, MacPherson H5, Sculpher M1 PLoS One. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Lower Back Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Nonspecific Neck Pain. Armstrong K1, Gokal R2, Chevalier A3, Todorsky W4, Lim M5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Yin yoga and mindfulness: a five week randomized controlled study evaluating the effects of the YOMI program on stress and worry. Hylander F1, Johansson M1, Daukantaitė D1, Ruggeri K2 Anxiety Stress Coping. 2017 Mar 13 VIEW
The Efficacy of Acupuncture for Treating Depression-Related Insomnia Compared with a Control Group: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Dong B1, Chen Z1, Yin X1, Li D2, Ma J1, Yin P1, Cao Y1, Lao L3, Xu S1 Biomed Res Int. 2017 VIEW
Music Therapy as a Nonpharmacological Intervention for Anxiety in Patients with a Thought Disorder. Pavlov A1, Kameg K2, Cline TW3, Chiapetta L4, Stark S4, Mitchell AM5 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2017 Mar VIEW
SHOCK-WAVE THERAPY APPLICATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (REVIEW). Sheveleva N1, Minbayeva L1, Belyayeva Y1 Georgian Med News. 2016 Mar VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Association of Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity With Leukocyte Telomere Length Among Older Women. Shadyab AH1, LaMonte MJ2, Kooperberg C3, Reiner AP4, Carty CL5, Manini TM6, Hou L7, Di C3, LaCroix AZ1 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017 Mar 9 VIEW
Transcendental Meditation and Reduced Trauma Symptoms in Female Inmates: A Randomized Controlled Study. Nidich S1, Seng A2, Compton B3, O'connor T4, Salerno JW5, Nidich R6 Perm J. 2017 VIEW
Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network. Niu X1,2, Zhang M2, Liu Z3, Bai L1,4, Sun C1, Wang S1, Wang X1, Chen Z1, Chen H5, Tian J3 Mol Pain. 2017 Jan VIEW
The effect of a whole-body vibration therapy on the sitting balance of subacute stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Lee JH1, Kim SB1, Lee KW1, Lee SJ1, Park H2, Kim DW1 Top Stroke Rehabil. 2017 Mar 23 VIEW
Very low frequency electromagnetic exposure may link to motor neurone disease. Wise J1 BMJ. 2017 Mar 29 VIEW
Pain, hedonic regulation, and opioid misuse: Modulation of momentary experience by Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement in opioid-treated chronic pain patients. Garland EL1, Bryan CJ2, Finan PH3, Thomas EA2, Priddy SE2, Riquino MR2, Howard MO4 Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 Apr 1 VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Yeh AM1, Wren A2, Golianu B3 Children (Basel). 2017 Apr 3 VIEW
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