The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Wearable Dual Polarized Electromagnetic Knee Imaging System | Kamel Sultan, Amin M Abbosh | IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst | 2022 Apr 5 | VIEW |
"Making Peace with Our Bodies": A Qualitative Analysis of Breast Cancer Survivors' Experiences with Qigong Mind-Body Exercise | Kamila Osypiuk1, Karen Kilgore2, Jennifer Ligibel3, Gloria Vergara-Diaz4, Paolo Bonato4, Peter M Wayne1 | J Altern Complement Med | 2020 Sep 1 | VIEW |
Device and nondevice-guided slow breathing to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Kamila S de Freitas Gonçalves1, Ana C Queiroz Godoy Daniel1, José L Tatagiba Lamas2, Henrique C Oliveira2, Lyne Cloutier3, Renata C De Campos Pereira Silveira1, Eugenia V Veiga1 | Health Sci Rep | 2022 May 16 | VIEW |
Acute effects of singing on cardiovascular biomarkers | Kamila Somayaji1, Mogen Frenkel2, Luai Tabaza3, Alexis Visotcky4, Tanya Kruse Ruck5, Ernest Kwesi Ofori6, Michael E Widlansky1, Jacquelyn Kulinski1 | Front Cardiovasc Med | 2022 Jul 18 | VIEW |
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over primary motor cortex leg area promotes dynamic balance task performance. | Kaminski E1, Steele CJ2, Hoff M3, Gundlach C4, Rjosk V1, Sehm B1, Villringer A5, Ragert P6 | Clin Neurophysiol. | 2016 Jun | VIEW |
Effect of Yoga Breathing (Pranayama) on Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. | Kaminsky DA1,2, Guntupalli KK3, Lippmann J2, Burns SM2, Brock MA3, Skelly J4, DeSarno M4, Pecott-Grimm H2, Mohsin A3, LaRock-McMahon C2, Warren P5, Whitney MC6, Hanania NA3 | J Altern Complement Med. | 2017 Jul 17 | VIEW |
Effectiveness of music therapy: a summary of systematic reviews based on randomized controlled trials of music interventions. | Kamioka H1, Tsutani K2, Yamada M3, Park H4, Okuizumi H5, Tsuruoka K6, Honda T7, Okada S8, Park SJ8, Kitayuguchi J9, Abe T9, Handa S5, Oshio T10, Mutoh Y11. | Patient Prefer Adherence. | 2014 May 16 | VIEW |
Effectiveness of Yoga on Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Clinical Controlled Study | Kamli Prakash1, Sunil K Saini2, Sanchita Pugazhendi1 | Indian J Palliat Care | Jul-Sep 2020 | VIEW |
Brain stimulation in psychiatry: methods and magnets, patients and parameters. | Kammer T, Spitzer M. | Curr Opin Psychiatry. | 2012 Sep 18 | VIEW |
Telomere shortening in breast cancer correlates with the pathological features of tumor progression. | Kammori M1, Sugishita Y2, Okamoto T3, Kobayashi M4, Yamazaki K2, Yamada E5, Yamada T1. | Oncol Rep. | 2015 Aug | VIEW |
The Effects of Yoga on Pain, Mobility, and Quality of Life in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. | Kan L1, Zhang J2, Yang Y3, Wang P3 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2016 | VIEW |
Use of and attitudes toward complementary and alternative medicine among osteopathic medical students. | Kanadiya MK, Klein G, Shubrook JH Jr. | J Am Osteopath Assoc. | 2012 Jul | VIEW |
Magnetotherapy in hand osteoarthritis: A pilot trial. | Kanat E, Alp A, Yurtkuran M. | Complement Ther Med. | 2013 Dec | VIEW |
Restorative yoga and metabolic risk factors: The Practicing Restorative Yoga vs. Stretching for the Metabolic Syndrome (PRYSMS) randomized trial. | Kanaya AM1, Araneta MR2, Pawlowsky SB3, Barrett-Connor E2, Grady D3, Vittinghoff E3, Schembri M3, Chang A3, Carrion-Petersen ML2, Coggins T3, Tanori D2, Armas JM3, Cole RJ4. | J Diabetes Complications. | 2013 Dec 10 | VIEW |
Psychoneuroimmunology: A Dialogue between the Brain and Immune System | Kanba S | J Intl Soc Life Info Science | 2001 | VIEW |
Impact of a Yogic Breathing Technique on the Well-Being of Healthcare Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Kanchibhotla Divya1, Saisudha Bharathi2, Ramrakhyani Somya3, Mehta H Darshan4 | Glob Adv Health Med | 2021 Feb 9 | VIEW |
The effect of listening to music on human transcriptome. | Kanduri C1, Raijas P2, Ahvenainen M1, Philips AK1, Ukkola-Vuoti L1, Lähdesmäki H3, Järvelä I1. | Peer J. | 2015 Mar 12 | VIEW |
Heart rate variability and hemodynamic change in the superior mesenteric artery by acupuncture stimulation of lower limb points: a randomized crossover trial. | Kaneko S1, Watanabe M1, Takayama S2, Numata T1, Seki T3, Tanaka J4, Kanemura S4, Kagaya Y2, Ishii T4, Kimura Y1, Yaegashi N1. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2013 | VIEW |
The Effect of Meditation on Brain Structure: Cortical Thickness Mapping and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. | Kang DH, Jo HJ, Jung WH, Kim SH, Jung YH, Choi CH, Lee US, An SC, Jang JH, Kwon JS. | Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. | 2012 May 7 | VIEW |
Changes in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Across Cancer Treatment and Relationship to Stress, Mood, and Quality of Life. | Kang DH1, McArdle T, Suh Y. | J Altern Complement Med. | 2014 Oct 24 | VIEW |