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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Telomere Shortening During Aging; Attenuation by Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Agents. Prasad KN1, Wu M2, Bondy SC3 Mech Ageing Dev. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
What's the secret behind the benefits of whole-body vibration training in patients with COPD? A randomized, controlled trial. Gloeckl R1, Jarosch I2, Bengsch U3, Claus M3, Schneeberger T4, Andrianopoulos V2, Christle JW5, Hitzl W6, Kenn K4 Respir Med. 2017 May VIEW
Neuronal oscillations and synchronicity associated with gamma-hydroxybutyrate during resting-state in healthy male volunteers. von Rotz R1, Kometer M2, Dornbierer D1, Gertsch J3, Salomé Gachet M3, Vollenweider FX2, Seifritz E1, Bosch OG4, Quednow BB5 Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2017 Apr 20 VIEW
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) reduces oxidative stress and improves functional and psychological status in ischemic stroke patients. Cichoń N1, Bijak M1, Miller E2,3, Saluk J1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Apr 21 VIEW
Subjective perceived impact of Tai Chi training on physical and mental health among community older adults at risk for ischemic stroke: a qualitative study. Zheng G1, Xiong Z2, Zheng X2, Li J2, Duan T3, Qi D3, Ling K3, Chen L4 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Apr 20 VIEW
Commentary: A Breathing-Based Meditation Intervention for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Following Inadequate Response to Antidepressants: A Randomized Pilot Study. McKennon S1,2, Levitt SE3,4, Bulaj G5 Front Med (Lausanne). 2017 Apr 6 VIEW
National Clinical Guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset low back pain or lumbar radiculopathy. Stochkendahl MJ1,2,3, Kjaer P4,5, Hartvigsen J4,6, Kongsted A4,6, Aaboe J5, Andersen M7, Andersen MØ8, Fournier G9, Højgaard B5,10, Jensen MB11, Jensen LD12, Karbo T13, Kirkeskov L14, Melbye M15, Morsel-Carlsen L16,17, Nordsteen J18, Palsson TS19, Rasti Z16, Silbye PF20, Steiness MZ21, Tarp S5,22, Vaagholt M23 Eur Spine J. 2017 Apr 20 VIEW
Mindfulness and its efficacy for psychological and biological responses in women with breast cancer. Kenne Sarenmalm E1, Mårtensson LB2, Andersson BA3, Karlsson P4, Bergh I2 Cancer Med. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Acupuncture on Renal Function in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Single-Blinded, Randomized, Preliminary Controlled Study. Yu JS1,2,3, Ho CH4,5, Wang HY6,7, Chen YH1, Hsieh CL1,8,9,10 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr 19 VIEW
Routine Yoga Practice Impacts Whole Body Protein Utilization in Healthy Women. Colletto M1, Rodriguez N1,2 J Aging Phys Act. 2017 Apr 19 VIEW
Energy Expenditure in Vinyasa Yoga versus Walking. Sherman SA1, Rogers RJ1, Davis KK1, Minster RL2, Creasy SA1, Mullarkey NC1, O'Dell M1, Donahue P1, Jakicic JM1 J Phys Act Health. 2017 Apr 19 VIEW
Secular Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Efficacy and Neurobiology. Schmidtman EA1, Hurley RA1, Taber KH1 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2017 Spring VIEW
Radiofrequency versus microwave ablation for treatment of the lung tumours: LUMIRA (lung microwave radiofrequency) randomized trial. Macchi M1, Belfiore MP2, Floridi C3, Serra N4, Belfiore G5, Carmignani L6, Grasso RF7, Mazza E8, Pusceddu C9, Brunese L10, Carrafiello G11 Med Oncol. 2017 May VIEW
Secular Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Efficacy and Neurobiology Emily A. Schmidtman, Ph.D., Robin A. Hurley, M.D., Katherine H. Taber, Ph.D. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2017 Spring VIEW
The chemical basis for electrical signaling. Catterall WA1, Wisedchaisri G1, Zheng N1,2 Nat Chem Biol. 2017 Apr 13 VIEW
Stress is associated with an increased risk of recurrent seizures in adults. Baldin E1,2, Hauser WA1,3,4, Pack A3, Hesdorffer DC1,4 Epilepsia. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Slow Yogic Breathing and Long-Term Cardiac Autonomic Adaptations: A Pilot Study. Bertisch SM1,2, Hamner J2, Taylor JA2,3 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Development and Feasibility of a Group-Based Therapeutic Yoga Program for Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain. Huang AJ1,2, Rowen TS3, Abercrombie P4, Subak LL2,3, Schembri M2,3, Plaut T1,2, Chao MT1,5 Pain Med. 2017 Apr 15 VIEW
Nonsinusoidal beta oscillations reflect cortical pathophysiology in Parkinson's disease. Cole SR1, van der Meij R2, Peterson EJ2, de Hemptinne C3, Starr PA3, Voytek B4,2,5,6 J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 17 VIEW
Osteogenic differentiation Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells cultured on Nanofibrous Scaffold Improved in the Presence of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. Arjmand M1,2, Ardeshirylajimi A3, Maghsoudi H4, Azadian E2 J Cell Physiol. 2017 Apr 17 VIEW
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