Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
A 10-week Tai-Chi program improved the blood pressure, lipid profile and SF-36 scores in Hong Kong Chinese women Ko, G., Tsang, P. & Chan, H. Medical Science Monitor 2006 VIEW
A 10-week Yoga Practice Has No Effect on Cognition, but Improves Balance and Motor Learning by Attenuating Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Older Adults Agnė Čekanauskaitė, Albertas Skurvydas, Laura Žlibinaitė, Dalia Mickevičienė, Sandra Kilikevičienė, Rima Solianik Exp Gerontol 2020 Jun 13 VIEW
A 100-channel hermetically sealed implantable device for chronic wireless neurosensing applications. Ming Yin, Borton DA, Aceros J, Patterson WR, Nurmikko AV. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2013 Apr VIEW
A 12-week Baduanjin Qigong exercise improves symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: A randomized controlled trial. Xie Y1, Guo F2, Lu Y3, Guo Y1, Wei G1, Lu L1, Ji W1, Qian X1 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019 Aug VIEW
A 12-Week Iyengar Yoga Program Improved Balance and Mobility in Older Community-Dwelling People: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Tiedemann A, O'Rourke S, Sesto R, Sherrington C. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Jul 2 VIEW
A 12-Week Multi-Modal Exercise Program: Feasibility of Combined Exercise and Simplified 8-Style Tai Chi Following Lung Cancer Surgery Ting Lu1, Linda Denehy2,3, Yuejiao Cao1, Qirui Cong1, En Wu1, Catherine L Granger2,4, Jun Ni1,5, Lara Edbrooke2,3 Integr Cancer Ther 2020 Jan-Dec VIEW
A 12-week Taijiquan practice improves balance control and functional fitness in fall-prone postmenopausal women Xiaorong Bai1, Wensheng Xiao1, Kim Geok Soh2, Yang Zhang3 Front Public Health 2024 Jun 26 VIEW
A 15O-H2O PET study of meditation and the resting state of normal consciousness Lou HC//Kjaer TW//Friberg L//Wildschiodtz G//// Hum Brain Mapp 1999 VIEW
A 2-year follow-up study of patients participating in our transcranial pulsating electromagnetic fields augmentation in treatment-resistant depression. Bech P1, Lindberg L1, Straasø B1, Larsen ER2. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2015 Jan 13 VIEW
A Bayesian model for chronic pain Anna-Lena Eckert1, Kathrin Pabst1, Dominik M Endres1 Front Pain Res (Lausanne) 2022 Sep 16 VIEW
A beam analysis of 100 cases of headache treated by Qigong and guasha Liu Juan 1//Chen Jun 1//Li Daoqian 1//Cong Jing 2//Jia Shipeng 2//Wei Fenghua 2//Fu Guangsheng 2 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
A beam analysis of 30 cases of headache treated by qigong and gua sha Chen Jun//Liu Juan//Cong Jing//// 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
A Bibliography of Recent Medical Research on Qigong McGee, RW The Economics of Qigong Series 2020 Aug 31 VIEW
A Bibliometric Analysis of Acupuncture Treatment of Tension-Type Headache from 2003 to 2022 Daocheng Zhu#1,2, Wei Xu#1,2, Qiangjian Mao2, Genping Zhong1, Rixin Chen1, Lin Jiao1 J Pain Res 2023 May 18 VIEW
A Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis of Mindfulness and Meditation Research from 1900 to 2021 Yuzheng Wang1,2,3, Lingqiu Liao1,2, Xiaoxiao Lin1,2, Yabin Sun1,2, Ning Wang1,2, Jinyan Wang1,2, Fei Luo1,2 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Dec 13 VIEW
A biostatistical approach to ayurveda: quantifying the tridosha Joshi RR J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
A blind climber: The first evidence of ultrasonic echolocation in arboreal mammals. Panyutina AA1,2, Kuznetsov AN2, Volodin IA2,3, Abramov AV4,5, Soldatova IB2 Integr Zool. 2017 Mar VIEW
A blinded randomised trial of acupuncture (manual and electroacupuncture) compared with a non-penetrating sham for the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee Jubb R, Tukmachi E, Jones P, Dempsey E, Waterhouse L, Brailsford S. Acupunct Med. 2008 Jun VIEW
A body-mind-spirit model in health: an Eastern approach Chan C//Ho PS//Chow E Soc Work Health Care 2001 VIEW
A Breathing-Based Meditation Intervention for Patients With Major Depressive Disorder Following Inadequate Response to Antidepressants: A Randomized Pilot Study. Sharma A1,2, Barrett MS2, Cucchiara AJ3, Gooneratne NS4, Thase ME2 J Clin Psychiatry. 2016 Nov 22 VIEW
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