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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Yoga of Immortals Intervention Reduces Symptoms of Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety Sadhna Verma1, James Donovan1, Hari S Tunuguntla2, Renuka Tunuguntla3, Babu V Gupta4, Ayon Nandi5, Ishan Shivanand6 Front Psychiatry 2021 Jun 22 VIEW
Yoga on our minds: a systematic review of yoga for neuropsychiatric disorders. Balasubramaniam M, Telles S, Doraiswamy PM. Front Psychiatry. 2012 VIEW
Yoga Practice Improves Executive Function by Attenuating Stress Levels. Gothe N1, Keswani RK2, McAuley E2 Biol Psychol. 2016 Oct 26 VIEW
Yoga practice in the UK: a cross-sectional survey of motivation, health benefits and behaviours. Cartwright T1, Mason H2, Porter A3, Pilkington K3,4 BMJ Open. 2020 Jan 12 VIEW
Yoga Practice Reduces the Psychological Distress Levels of Prison Inmates. Sfendla A1, Malmström P2, Torstensson S2, Kerekes N2 Front Psychiatry. 2018 Sep 3 VIEW
Yoga reduces inflammatory signaling in fatigued breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Bower JE1, Greendale G2, Crosswell AD3, Garet D4, Sternlieb B5, Ganz PA6, Irwin MR7, Olmstead R8, Arevalo J9, Cole SW10. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 May VIEW
Yoga respiratory training improves respiratory function and cardiac sympathovagal balance in elderly subjects: a randomised controlled trial. Santaella DF, Devesa CR, Rojo MR, Amato MB, Drager LF, Casali KR, Montano N, Lorenzi-Filho G. BMJ Open. 2011 Jan 1 VIEW
Yoga stretching for improving salivary immune function and mental stress in middle-aged and older adults. Eda N1, Ito H2, Shimizu K3, Suzuki S4, Lee E4, Akama T1 J Women Aging. 2017 Apr 3 VIEW
Yoga Therapy and Polyvagal Theory: The Convergence of Traditional Wisdom and Contemporary Neuroscience for Self-Regulation and Resilience. Sullivan MB1, Erb M2, Schmalzl L3, Moonaz S4, Noggle Taylor J5, Porges SW6,7 Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Feb 27 VIEW
Yoga therapy as an adjunctive treatment for schizophrenia: a randomized, controlled pilot study. Visceglia E, Lewis S. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul VIEW
Yoga therapy for breast cancer patients: A prospective cohort study. Sudarshan M, Petrucci A, Dumitra S, Duplisea J, Wexler S, Meterissian S. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Nov VIEW
Yoga therapy for Schizophrenia. Bangalore NG, Varambally S. Int J Yoga 2012 Jul VIEW
Yoga Therapy in Cancer Care via Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Smitha Mallaiah1, Santhosshi Narayanan1, Richard Wagner1, Chiara Cohen1, Aimee J Christie1, Eduardo Bruera1, Gabriel Lopez1, Lorenzo Cohen1 Integr Cancer Ther 2022 Jan-Dec VIEW
Yoga Therapy in Children with Cystic Fibrosis Decreases Immediate Anxiety and Joint Pain. McNamara C1, Johnson M2, Read L2, Vander Velden H2, Thygeson M2, Liu M2, Gandrud L2, McNamara J3. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016 VIEW
Yoga therapy in chronic bronchitis Behera D J Assoc Physicians India 1998 VIEW
Yoga Training Improves Quality of Life in Women with Asthma. Bidwell AJ, Yazel B, Davin D, Fairchild TJ, Kanaley JA. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Yoga Training in Junior Primary School-Aged Children Has an Impact on Physical Self-Perceptions and Problem-Related Behavior. Richter S1, Tietjens M2, Ziereis S1, Querfurth S2, Jansen P1. Front Psychol. 2016 Feb 23 VIEW
Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Supriya R1, Yu AP2, Lee PH3, Lai CW1, Cheng KK1, Yau SY4, Chan LW1, Yung BY1, Siu PM2 Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Yoga Treatment For Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain (2017). Whitehead A1, Gould Fogerite S2 Explore (NY). 2017 Apr 22 VIEW
Yoga treatment of diabetes Carl HM 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
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