Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Qigong Yangsheng: A comprehensive system and its application in healthcare, therapy, pedogogy and art Hildenbrand Gisela 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Qigong and behavioral medicine: an integrated approach to pain Mayer Michael J. Trad Eastern Health & Fitness 1996-97 VIEW
Relationship between Taiji Diagram Theory and Qi to provide a comparison with studies conducted at Lianhua Mountain and lrino Valley Sasaki S//Miao T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Influence of emission from a 80 khz quartz resonance system on electrical impedance of a human body Aoki T Japanese Mind-Body Science 1996 VIEW
Emission of extremely strong magnetic fields from the head and whole body during oriental breathing exercises. Hisamitsu T; Seto A; Nakazato S; Yamamoto T; Aung SK Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 VIEW
Effect of conscious intention on human DNA Rein G Proc.Internat.Forum on New Science 1996 VIEW
Five questions on intentionality, science, and mind-body medicine Benor DJ ADVANCES: The Journal of Mind-Body Health 1996 VIEW
Energy work and the mind-body connection: a path for psychologists White G//Carson A San Diego Psychologist 1996 VIEW
Reiki: an ancient touch therapy Sell SVL RN 1996 VIEW
Therapeutic touch with adolescent psychiatric patients Hughes PP//Meize-Grochowski R//Harris CN J Holist Nurs 1996 VIEW
Cardiorespiratory function, flexibility, and body composition among geriatric Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Lan C//Lai JS//Wong MK//Yu ML Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 VIEW
Reducing frailty and falls in older persons: an investigation of Tai Chi and computerized balance training. Atlanta FICSIT Group. Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques Wolf SL//Barnhart HX//Kutner NG//McNeely E//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1996 VIEW
Clinical case report: efficacy of yogic techniques in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders Shannahoff-Khalsa DS//Beckett LR Int J Neurosci 1996 VIEW
Treatment of Diabetes by the Chinese Lotus Qigong Zeng X Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
Qigong Rehabilitation therapy in Treating Diabetes Jin D Qigong Science Journal of China 1996 VIEW
Harnessing the power of the placebo effect and renaming it "remembered wellness" H Benson1, R Friedman Annu Rev Med 1996 Feb 19 VIEW
Topographic EEG mapping of the relaxation response Jacobs GD, Benson H, Friedman R. Biofeedback Self Regul 1996 Jun VIEW
The somatic marker hypothesis and the possible functions of the prefrontal cortex A R Damasio1 Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1996 Oct 29 VIEW
Application of a Single Square Voltage Pulse Method Kido Mami J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
EEG Spectral Analysis on Qigong Meditation Xiangi XZ 1//Miyzaki H 2//Itoh M 3//Tashiro M 3//Omori H 1 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
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