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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Feasibility Analysis on the Use of Ultrasonic Communications for Body Sensor Networks. Li M1, Kim YT2 Sensors (Basel). 2018 Dec 19 VIEW
Beneficial Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Brain Functions in Mice and Humans. Boerema AS1,2, Heesterbeek M2, Boersma SA1,2, Schoemaker R2, de Vries EFJ1, van Heuvelen MJG3, Van der Zee EA2 Dose Response. 2018 Dec 4 VIEW
The effect of Baduanjin qigong combined with CBT on physical fitness and psychological health of elderly housebound. Jing L1, Jin Y2, Zhang X2, Wang F2, Song Y2, Xing F2 Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Dec VIEW
Impact of Tai Chi on Peripheral Neuropathy Revisited: A Mixed-Methods Study. Hermanns M1, Haas BK1, Rath L1, Murley B2, Arce-Esquivel AA1, Ballard JE1, Wang YT1 Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2018 Dec 17 VIEW
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Therapeutic Option for Neurologic and Psychiatric Illnesses. Habib S1, Hamid U2, Jamil A3, Zainab AZ4, Yousuf T5, Habib S6, Tariq SM7, Ali F6 Cureus. 2018 Oct 16 VIEW
Effectiveness of auricular acupuncture in the treatment of cancer pain: randomized clinical trial. Ruela LO1, Iunes DH2, Nogueira DA3, Stefanello J4, Gradim CVC1 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2018 Dec 13 VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi Yunshou exercise on community-based stroke patients: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Xie G#1,2, Rao T#3, Lin L1, Lin Z1, Xiao T1,4, Yang M1,4, Xu Y1,2, Fan J1, Lin S3, Wu J1,5, Feng X6, Li L7, Tao J1,4,5, Chen L1,2,4 Eur Rev Aging Phys Act. 2018 Dec 12 VIEW
Effects of Mind-Body Exercises on Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis. Wu C1, Yi Q2, Zheng X1, Cui S3, Chen B4, Lu L5, Tang C1 J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 Dec 18 VIEW
Children and Adults Tai Chi Study (CF-CATS2): a randomised controlled feasibility study comparing internet-delivered with face-to-face Tai Chi lessons in cystic fibrosis. Carr SB1,2, Ronan P3,2, Lorenc A3,4, Mian A3, Madge SL5,2, Robinson N3,2 ERJ Open Res. 2018 Dec 14 VIEW
The effect of wheelchair Tai Chi on balance control and quality of life among survivors of spinal cord injuries: A randomized controlled trial. Qi Y1, Zhang X2, Zhao Y2, Xie H2, Shen X2, Niu W3, Wang Y4 Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 Nov VIEW
Stress and Blood Pressure in Dementia Caregivers: The Moderator Role of Mindfulness. Vara-García C1, Romero-Moreno R1, Márquez-González M2, Mausbach BT3, von Känel R3,4, Gallego-Alberto L2, Olmos R2, Losada A1 Clin Gerontol. 2018 Dec 18 VIEW
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Improves Executive Function and Music Rhythm. Padala KP1, Hunter CR1, Parkes CM1, Lensing SY1, Padala PR1 J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2018 Dec 18 VIEW
Relevance of Whole-Body Vibration Exercises on Muscle Strength/Power and Bone of Elderly Individuals. Bemben D1, Stark C2, Taiar R3, Bernardo-Filho M4 Dose Response. 2018 Dec 6 VIEW
Autonomic Neuromodulation Acutely Ameliorates Left Ventricular Strain in Humans. Tran N1, Asad Z1, Elkholey K1, Scherlag BJ1, Po SS1, Stavrakis S2 J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2018 Dec 17 VIEW
Insular Resting State Functional Connectivity is Associated with Gut Microbiota Diversity. Curtis K1,2, Stewart CJ3, Robinson M4, Molfese DL1,2, Gosnell SN1,2, Kosten TR1,2,5, Petrosino JF3, De La Garza R II1,2,5, Salas R1,2,5 Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Dec 16 VIEW
Providing mindfulness meditation for patients with depression and anxiety in a community pharmacy: A pilot study. Perepelkin J, Antunes K, Boechler L, Remillard AJ, Mildenberger L J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2018 Dec 11 VIEW
Meditation, stress processes, and telomere biology. Conklin QA1, Crosswell AD2, Saron CD3, Epel ES4 Curr Opin Psychol. 2018 Nov 19 VIEW
In adults with osteoarthritis of the knee, is conservative management more effective than intra-articular corticosteroid injections in relieving pain? Jones DF1, Hodgden JD1, Onarecker CD1 J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018 Aug-Sep VIEW
In the Eyes of Those Who Were Randomized: Perceptions of Disadvantaged Older Adults in a Tai Chi Trial. Lo OY1,2, Conboy LA3, Rukhadze A3, Georgetti C4, Gagnon MM1, Manor B1,2, Lachman ME5, Lipsitz LA1,2, Wayne PM2,6 Gerontologist. 2018 Dec 13 VIEW
Delivery of Fall Prevention Interventions for At-Risk Older Adults in Rural Areas: Findings from a National Dissemination. Smith ML1,2,3, Towne SD4,5,6,7,8, Herrera-Venson A9, Cameron K10, Horel SA11, Ory MG12,13, Gilchrist CL14, Schneider EC15,16, DiCocco C17, Skowronski S18 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 10 VIEW
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