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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Whole Body Vibration Treatments in Postmenopausal Women Can Improve Bone Mineral Density: Results of a Stimulus Focussed Meta-Analysis. Fratini A1, Bonci T1, Bull AM2 PLoS One. 2016 Dec 1 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration therapy on pain, functionality, postural stability, and proprioception in patients with subacute and chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review Franziska Remer1, Mohammad Keilani1, Philipp Kull1, Richard Crevenna2 Wien Med Wochenschr 2023 Nov 24 VIEW
Demonstration of 2 kinds of qigong: 1) opening energy gates of the body and 2) Long Hiu gong ( Dragon-Tiger qigong) Frantzis Kumar 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Integrating qigong with acupuncture to deal with an aging population Frantzis Kumar 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Touch medicine: bridging the gap between recent insights from touch research and clinical medicine and its special significance for the treatment of affective disorders Francis McGlone1,2, Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg3, Henrik Norholt4, Michael Eggart5,6, Bruno Müller-Oerlinghausen7,8 Front Psychiatry 2024 May 22 VIEW
Placebo and Nocebo Effects as Bayesian-Brain Phenomena: The Overlooked Role of Likelihood and Attention Francesco Pagnini1, Diletta Barbiani2, Cesare Cavalera1, Eleanora Volpato1,3, Francesca Grosso1, Giacomo Andrea Minazzi1, Francesco Vailati Riboni1, Francesca Graziano4,5, Sonia Di Tella1, Gian Mauro Manzoni6, Maria Caterina Silveri1, Giuseppe Riva7,8, Deborah Phillips9 Perspect Psychol Sci 2023 Jan 19 VIEW
"BreaThink": breathing affects production and perception of quantities Francesco Belli1, Arianna Felisatti2, Martin H Fischer2 Exp Brain Res 2021 Jun 12 VIEW
Mind-Body Therapies for Sleep Disturbances in Women at Midlife. Frame KO, Alexander IM. J Holist Nurs. 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
Meditation Experience Predicts Introspective Accuracy. Fox KC, Zakarauskas P, Dixon M, Ellamil M, Thompson E, Christoff K. PLoS One 2012 VIEW
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Flexibility and Stiffness: A Literature Review. Fowler BD1, Palombo KTM1, Feland JB2, Blotter JD1 Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 May 1 VIEW
A pilot study of the feasibility and outcomes of yoga for lung cancer survivors. Fouladbakhsh JM1, Davis JE2, Yarandi HN3. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2014 Mar 1 VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Modalities to Relieve Osteoarthritis Symptoms: A review of the evidence on several therapies often used for osteoarthritis management. Fouladbakhsh J. Orthop Nurs. 2012 Mar VIEW
Are the DSM-IV personality disorders related to mindfulness? An Italian study on clinical participants. Fossati A, Vigorelli Porro F, Maffei C, Borroni S. J Clin Psychol. 2012 Jun VIEW
Meditation in medical practice: a review of the evidence and practice. Fortney L, Taylor M. Prim Care 2010 Mar VIEW
"The Mind Is Willing, but the Flesh Is Weak": The Effects of Mind-Body Dualism on Health Behavior. Forstmann M, Burgmer P, Mussweiler T. Psychol Sci. 2012 Sep 12 VIEW
Range of Yoga Intensities From Savasana to Sweating: A Systematic Review. Forseth B, Hunter SD J Phys Act Health. 2019 Dec 18 VIEW
Dielectric characterization of healthy and malignant colon tissues in the 0.5-18 GHz frequency band. Fornes-Leal A1, Garcia-Pardo C, Frasson M, Pons Beltrán V, Cardona N Phys Med Biol. 2016 Oct 3 VIEW
Integrating a relaxation response-based curriculum into a public high school in Massachusetts. Foret MM, Scult M, Wilcher M, Chudnofsky R, Malloy L, Hasheminejad N, Park ER. J Adolesc. 2011 Sep 3 VIEW
6th college of surgeons lecture† the philosophy of balance: the art of healing. Foo KT. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2012 Feb VIEW
Radioelectric asymmetric stimulation of tissues as treatment for post-traumatic injury symptoms. Fontani V, Castagna A, Mannu P, Rinaldi S. Int J Gen Med. 2011 VIEW
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