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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The Effects of a 6-Month Tai Chi Qigong Training Program on Temporomandibular, Cervical, and Shoulder Joint Mobility and Sleep Problems in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Survivors. Fong SS1, Ng SS2, Lee HW3, Pang MY2, Luk WS4, Chung JW5, Wong JY6, Masters RS7. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014 Nov 18 VIEW
Bone Mineral Density, Balance Performance, Balance Self-Efficacy, and Falls in Breast Cancer Survivors With and Without Qigong Training. Fong SS1, Choi AW2, Luk WS3, Yam TT1, Leung JC1,4, Chung JW5. Integr Cancer Ther. 2016 Dec 1 VIEW
Perceived Exertion and Affect From Tai Chi, Yoga, and Stretching Classes for Elderly Women. Follador L1, Alves RC1, Ferreira SDS1, Silva AC1, Silva SGD1 Percept Mot Skills. 2019 Jan 14 VIEW
The pathophysiology of hyperventilation syndrome. Folgering H Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 1999 VIEW
Therapeutic Sensations: A New Unifying Concept Florian Beissner1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Aug 6 VIEW
Relaxation or Regulation: The Acute Effect of Mind-Body Exercise on Heart Rate Variability and Subjective State in Experienced Qi Gong Practitioners Florens Goldbeck1, Ye Lei Xie2, Martin Hautzinger3, Andreas J Fallgatter1,4, Gorden Sudeck4,5, Ann-Christine Ehlis1,4 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Jun 8 VIEW
Fundamental change in the nature of chemical bonding by isotopic substitution. Fleming DG1, Manz J, Sato K, Takayanagi T. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2014 Dec 8 VIEW
Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical tria Flegal KE, Kishiyama S, Zajdel D, Haas M, Oken BS BMC Complement Altern Med 2007 Nov 9 VIEW
Evidence and Feasibility of Implementing an Integrated Wellness Program in Northeast Georgia. Flanigan A1, Salm Ward T1 Health Soc Work. 2017 Aug 1 VIEW
Take a break from your worries: why qigong feels like an instant vacation. (Gotta Try It) Fistner C 2002 VIEW
Does homeopathy have anything to contribute to hormesis? Fisher P. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2010 Jul VIEW
Combined isometric and vibration training does not enhance strength beyond that of isometric training alone. Fisher J1, Van-Dongen M, Sutherland R. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2014 Oct 8 VIEW
Long-Term Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Human Gait: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Fischer M1,2, Vialleron T1,2, Laffaye G1,2, Fourcade P1,2, Hussein T3, Chèze L4, Deleu PA4, Honeine JL5, Yiou E1,2, Delafontaine A1,2 Front Neurol. 2019 Jun 19 VIEW
Improvement of Interoceptive Processes after an 8-Week Body Scan Intervention. Fischer D1, Messner M1, Pollatos O1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Sep 12 VIEW
Exercise and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Fiorentino G1,2, Esquinas AM3,4, Annunziata A5 Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020 VIEW
Fetal response to abbreviated relaxation techniques. A randomized controlled study. Fink NS, Urech C, Isabel F, Meyer A, Hoesli I, Bitzer J, Alder J. Early Hum Dev. 2010 Dec 23 VIEW
Mind-body interventions: applications for social work practice Finger W//Arnold EM Soc Work Health Care 2002 VIEW
Whole-body vibration exercise training reduces arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with prehypertension and hypertension. Figueroa A, Kalfon R, Madzima TA, Wong A. Menopause. 2013 May 24 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration exercise training on aortic wave reflection and muscle strength in postmenopausal women with prehypertension and hypertension. Figueroa A, Kalfon R, Madzima TA, Wong A. J Hum Hypertens. 2013 Jul 4 VIEW
Electroacupuncture stimulation using different frequencies (10 and 100 Hz) changes the energy metabolism in induced hyperglycemic rats. Figueiredo LM, Silva AH, Prado Neto AX, Hissa MN, Vasconcelos PR, Guimarães SB. Acta Cir Bras. 2011 VIEW
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