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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
An orthomolecular approach to the prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders. Zell M, Grundmann O. Adv Mind Body Med. 2012 Fall VIEW
Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of Implementing Reiki Training in a Supported Residence for People Older Than 50 Years with HIV/AIDS. Mehl-Madrona L, Renfrew NM, Mainguy B. Perm J 2011 Summer VIEW
Spiritual well-being and spiritual practices in elderly depressed psychiatric inpatients. Piderman KM, Lapid MI, Stevens SR, Ryan SM, Somers KJ, Kronberg MT, Clark MM, Rummans TA. J Pastoral Care Counsel. 2011 Spring-Summer VIEW
Acupuncture for temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review. Cho SH, Whang WW. J Orofac Pain 2010 Spring VIEW
The effect of music therapy on relaxation, anxiety, pain perception, and nausea in adult solid organ transplant patients. Madson AT, Silverman MJ. J Music Ther. 2010 Fall VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of acupuncture for myofascial pain of the jaw muscles. Shen YF, Younger J, Goddard G, Mackey S. J Orofac Pain. 2009 Fall VIEW
Randomized clinical trial of acupuncture for myofascial pain of the jaw muscles. Shen YF, Younger J, Goddard G, Mackey S. J Orofac Pain 2009 Fall VIEW
Pilot, Randomized, Modified, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Cancer-Related Fatigue. Balk J, Day R, Rosenzweig M, Beriwal S. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2009 Winter 01 VIEW
Topical review: placebo responses and therapeutic responses. How are they related? Greene CS, Goddard G, Macaluso GM, Mauro G. J Orofac Pain. 2009 Spring VIEW
Pilot, randomized, modified, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of acupuncture for cancer-related fatigue. Balk J, Day R, Rosenzweig M, Beriwal S. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2009 Winter VIEW
The heart field effect: Synchronization of healer-subject heart rates in energy therapy. Bair CC. Adv Mind Body Med. 2008 Winter VIEW
Impact of breathing awareness meditation on ambulatory blood pressure and sodium handling in prehypertensive African American adolescents Barnes VA, Pendergrast RA, Harshfield GA, Treiber FA Ethn Dis. 2008 winter VIEW
Therapeutic effects of yoga for children: a systematic review of the literature Galantino ML, Galbavy R, Quinn L Pediatr Phys Ther. 2008 Spring VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol. 2008 Spring VIEW
Traditional Indian spices and their health significance. Krishnaswamy K Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2008 17 Suppl 1 VIEW
Reflecting on spirituality in the context of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment Gould J, Wilson S, Grassau P Can Oncol Nurs J. 2008 Winter VIEW
The Effect of Music Relaxation versus Progressive Muscular Relaxation on Insomnia in Older People and Their Relationship to Personality Trait Ziv N, Rotem T, Arnon Z, Haimov I J Music Ther. 2008 Fall VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol 2008 Spring VIEW
Healing touch as a supportive intervention for adult acute leukemia patients: a pilot investigation of effects on distress and symptoms. Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Holder P, Miller C, Jesse MT. J Soc Integr Oncol. 2008 Summer VIEW
Methodological challenges in meditation research. Caspi O, Burleson KO. Adv Mind Body Med 2005 Spring VIEW
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