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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Music as a Therapy to Alleviate Anxiety During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Stroke. Le Danseur M1, Crow AD1, Stutzman SE1, Villarreal MD2, Olson DM1 Rehabil Nurs. 2019 Jan/Feb VIEW
AKI and the Neuroimmune Axis. Tanaka S1, Okusa MD2 Semin Nephrol. 2019 Jan VIEW
Effects of taijiquan and qigong practice over behavioural disorders in school-age children: A pilot study. Rodrigues JMSM1, Mestre MICP2, Matos LC3, Machado JP4 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Jan VIEW
Comparing the Changes in Blood Pressure After Acute Exposure to Tai Chi and Walking. Maris SA1,2, Winter CR1, Paolone VJ1, Headley SAE1 Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Effects of a Nintendo Wii exercise program versus Tai Chi Chuan on standing balance in older adults: a preliminary study. Gatica-Rojas V1, Cartes-Velásquez R2,3, Albornoz-Verdugo ME4, Soto-Poblete A5, Monteiro-Junior RS6, Elgueta-Cancino E7 J Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Jan VIEW
Not Just Mind Over Matter: Reviewing With Patients How Mindfulness Relieves Chronic Low Back Pain. Morone NE1 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Human Biofield Therapy and the Growth of Mouse Lung Carcinoma. Yang P1, Jiang Y1, Rhea PR1, Coway T1, Chen D1, Gagea M1, Harribance SL2, Cohen L1 Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Dancing for Healthy Aging: Functional and Metabolic Perspectives. Rodrigues-Krause J, Krause M, Reischak-Oliveira A Altern Ther Health Med. 2019 Jan VIEW
Cardiac Vagus and Exercise. Gourine AV1, Ackland GL2 Physiology (Bethesda). 2019 Jan 1 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Meditation Versus Progressive Relaxation Meditation: Impact on Chronic Pain in Older Female Patients With Diabetic Neuropathy. Hussain N1, Said ASA1 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec VIEW
Effects of Online Yoga and Tai Chi on Physical Health Outcome Measures of Adult Informal Caregivers. Martin AC1, Candow D1 Int J Yoga. 2019 Jan-Apr VIEW
The efficacy of a brief app-based mindfulness intervention on psychosocial outcomes in healthy adults: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Champion L1, Economides M2, Chandler C1 PLoS One. 2018 Dec 31 VIEW
How does mindfulness modulate daily stress response: evidences from ambulatory assessment. An Y1, Schoebi D2, Xu W1 Psychol Health. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Comparing the Effects of Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM), Music and LKM Plus Music on Psychological Well-Being. Sorensen S1, Steindl SR2, Dingle GA1, Garcia A3 J Psychol. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Mind-Body Exercise (Wuqinxi) for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Wang K1, Liu S2, Kong Z3, Zhang Y4,5, Liu J6 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Impact of diaphragm function parameters on balance maintenance. Kocjan J1, Gzik-Zroska B2, Nowakowska K3, Burkacki M3, Suchoń S3, Michnik R3, Czyżewski D1, Adamek M1 PLoS One. 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Exploring Emptiness and its Effects on Non-Attachment, Mystical Experiences, and Psycho-spiritual Wellbeing: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Advanced Meditators. Van Gordon W1, Shonin E2, Dunn TJ3, Sapthiang S4, Kotera Y5, Garcia-Campayo J6, Sheffield D5 Explore (NY). 2018 Dec 28 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan can improve balance and reduce fear of falling in community dwelling older adults: a randomized control trial. Hosseini L1, Kargozar E2, Sharifi F3, Negarandeh R4, Memari AH5, Navab E6 J Exerc Rehabil. 2018 Dec 27 VIEW
Relationship between interoception and emotion regulation: New evidence from mixed methods. Zamariola G1, Frost N2, Van Oost A3, Corneille O3, Luminet O4 J Affect Disord. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
Mitochondrial regulation of cardiac aging. Wang Y1, Li Y2, He C3, Gou B3, Song M4 Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2018 Dec 26 VIEW
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