Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18849 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effectiveness of Tai Chi on quality of life, depressive symptoms and physical function among community-dwelling older adults with chronic disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Yu Ting Choo1, Ying Jiang2, Jingfang Hong3, Wenru Wang4 Int J Nurs Stud 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
Application of a mind-body tool in a rural population to improve post-operative outcomes in women with breast cancer: A pilot study David J Linshaw1, Erin G Floyd2, Kari M Rosenkranz3, James E Stahl4 Surg Oncol 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
Effects of Wu Qin xi Qigong exercise on physical functioning in elderly people with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial Chunmei Xiao1, Yongchang Zhuang2, Yong Kang3 Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020 Sep 4 VIEW
Learning to Be Conscious Axel Cleeremans1, Dalila Achoui2, Arnaud Beauny2, Lars Keuninckx2, Jean-Remy Martin2, Santiago Muñoz-Moldes2, Laurène Vuillaume2, Adélaïde de Heering2 Trends Cogn Sci 2020 Feb 1 VIEW
Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self Anil K Seth1 Trends Cogn Sci 2013 Nov 1 VIEW
An interoceptive predictive coding model of conscious presence Anil K Seth1, Keisuke Suzuki, Hugo D Critchley Front Psychol 2012 Jan 10 VIEW
The Safety of Laser Acupuncture: A Systematic Review Juan Yang1,2, Molly J Mallory1, Qinglong Wu3, Sara E Bublitz1, Alexander Do1, Donglin Xiong2, Christina Ying Ying Chen4, Peter T Dorsher5, Tony Y Chon1, Brent A Bauer1 Med Acupunct 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
Cardiac Sympathetic-Parasympathetic Interaction: The Endless Story of Yin and Yang Veronica Dusi1, Gaetano Maria De Ferrari2, Douglas L Mann3 JACC Basic Transl Sci 2020 Aug 24 VIEW
Tai Chi for the Prevention of Falls Among Older Adults: A Critical Analysis of the Evidence Samuel R Nyman J Aging Phys Act 2020 Aug 24 VIEW
Eight Weeks of Device Guided Slow Breathing Decreases Sympathetic Nervous Reactivity to Stress in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Ida T Fonkoue1, Yingtian Hu2, Toure Jones1, Monica Vemulapalli1, Justin D Sprick1, Barbara Rothbaum3, Jeanie Park1 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2020 Aug 26 VIEW
Effect of laying on of hands as a complementary therapy for pain and functioning in older women with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled clinical trial Katy Andrade Monteiro Zacaron1,2, Cláudia Soares Dos Santos1, Cyntia Pace Schmitz Corrêa1,3, Yuri Cotta E Silva1, Isabel Cristina Fonseca Reis1, Maryana Sant'Ana Simões1, Giancarlo Lucchetti1 Int J Rheum Dis 2020 Aug 27 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the Management of Chronic Pain and Its Comorbid Depression Cynthia Marske, Samantha Shah, Aaron Chavira, Caleb Hedberg, Raelin Fullmer, Christopher James Clark, Olivia Pipitone, Paulina Kaiser J Am Osteopath Assoc 2020 Sep 1 VIEW
Changes in Continuous, Long-Term Heart Rate Variability and Individualized Physiological Responses to Wellness and Vacation Interventions Using a Wearable Sensor Abhishek Pratap1,2, Steve Steinhubl3, Elias Chaibub Neto1, Stephan W Wegerich4, Christine Tara Peterson5, Lizzy Weiss6, Sheila Patel5,7, Deepak Chopra5,6, Paul J Mills5 Front Cardiovasc Med 2020 Jul 31 VIEW
Acute effects of inspiratory muscle training at different intensities in healthy young people Aylin Tanriverdi1,2, Buse Ozcan Kahraman3, Ismail Ozsoy4, Ebru Ozpelit5, Sema Savci3 Ir J Med Sci 2020 Aug 26 VIEW
Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community: an abridged Cochrane systematic review Cathie Sherrington1, Nicola Fairhall2, Geraldine Wallbank2, Anne Tiedemann2, Zoe A Michaleff2, Kirsten Howard3, Lindy Clemson4, Sally Hopewell5, Sarah Lamb5 Br J Sports Med 2020 Aug 1 VIEW
Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Gateway to Interoception Albertyna Paciorek1, Lina Skora2,3 Front Psychol 2020 Jul 29 VIEW
A Systematic Review of Associations Between Interoception, Vagal Tone, and Emotional Regulation: Potential Applications for Mental Health, Wellbeing, Psychological Flexibility, and Chronic Conditions Thomas Pinna1, Darren J Edwards1 Front Psychol 2020 Aug 5 VIEW
Molecules of Silence: Effects of Meditation on Gene Expression and Epigenetics Sabrina Venditti1, Loredana Verdone2, Anna Reale3, Valerio Vetriani1, Micaela Caserta2, Michele Zampieri3 Front Psychol 2020 Aug 11 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan for Subjective Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Yuhao Si1,2, Cenyi Wang2,3, Heng Yin4, Jinghui Zheng5, Yang Guo1, Guihua Xu6, Yong Ma7,8 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Aug 11 VIEW
A 12-Week Multi-Modal Exercise Program: Feasibility of Combined Exercise and Simplified 8-Style Tai Chi Following Lung Cancer Surgery Ting Lu1, Linda Denehy2,3, Yuejiao Cao1, Qirui Cong1, En Wu1, Catherine L Granger2,4, Jun Ni1,5, Lara Edbrooke2,3 Integr Cancer Ther 2020 Jan-Dec VIEW
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