Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Studies on Decreasing Body Weight by Qigong Part III. Changes of Cholesterol, Triglyceride, beta-Lipoprotein and alpha-Lipoprotein Ran Bifang//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1992 VIEW
Studies on Decreasing Body Weight by Qigong Part IV. Change of Serum Albumin Zheng Shanshan//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1992 VIEW
Studies on Decreasing Body Weight by Qigong Part V. Changes of Serum Total IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE Zheng Shanshan//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1992 VIEW
STUDIES ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF THE EMITTED QI ON TUMOR Lu Xueya//Sun Chenglin//Mei Xing//Li Xiaoming 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Studies on the selection of antibiotic producing strains by treatment with qigong Shan Longyun 1//Sun Ying 1//Zhang Lanying 1//Hu Yujun 1//Li Shengping 2//Sun Mengyin 2//Dai Zongying 2//Meng Guirong 2//Zhang Peiling 2//Yan Xin 3 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Study design exploring Qigong and Tai Chi Easy (QTC) on cardiometabolic risk factors Ramya Rameshkumar1, Linda Larkey2, Kate Alperin1, Danielle Martin1, Antonia Primus1, Dara James3 Contemp Clin Trials 2022 May 16 VIEW
Study of application of computer to qigong energy Guo Deyuan 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Study of changes in H reflex latency during qigong Hou Shili//// 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Study of EEGs on the effects of aromas in comparison with EEGs during meditation Kawano K J Mind-Body Science 2001 VIEW
Study of effect on normal human peripheral blood lymphocyte by Shaolin Nia Jin Ye Zhi Zhan qigong Yue Qian 1//Zhao Shumei 1//Ma Weili 1//Wu Guoqing 1//Li Zailian 1//Hong Shunhua 2//Tao Chun 3//Su Diaguo 3 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Study of enhancement in inducing anti-tumor lymphokines by qigong waiqi on immunosupressed mice Zhang li//// 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
STUDY OF MECHANISM OF QIGONG TREATMENT Liu Xilong 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Study of molecular biology of functional mechanism of emitted qi on proteins Zhang Fengde//Zhao Jing//Yue Huiqin//Liu Guiqin//Liu Anxi 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Study of prevention of cardiac function disorder due to immediate entry into highlands by qigong exercise Mo Feifan//Xu Yongchun//Lu Yongpin//Xu Guang 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Study of qigong for preventing thrombus Gang Tiezheng//// 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Study of qigong harmonizing of the human circulating system Bao Guojing//Wei Shaoxing//Zhang Shenru//Li Shugang 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Study of qigong in treatment of impotence and its wonderful efficacy Huang Chengmo 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Study of qigong on hypertension and reduction of hypotensor Wu Renzhao//Liu Zhewei 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
Study of relationship between magnetic and myoelelectrical signals of human body under qigong state Wu Benjie//// Chinese J Somatic Science 1995 VIEW
Study of synchronous qigong that cures myopia Xing Lianjun//Luan Shuwen 4th Intl Conf on Qigong 1995 VIEW
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