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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18843 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Abstracts from the Society for Acupuncture Research 2013 International Conference Impact of Acupuncture Research on 21st Century Healthcare April 18-21, 2013 The Michigan League Ann Arbor, MI. [No authors listed] J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jul VIEW
Exploration of whole brain networks modulated by acupuncture at analgesia acupoint ST36 using scale-specific wavelet correlation analysis. Cheng H, Yan H, Bai LJ, Wang BG. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013 Jul VIEW
MicroRNA expression profiling of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic differentiation reveals Osterix regulation by miR-31. Baglìo SR, Devescovi V, Granchi D, Baldini N. Gene 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
Effect of skill level on cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during Tai Chi training. Xiong KY, He H, Ni GX. Eur J Sport Sci. 2013 Jul VIEW
Qigong improves balance in young women: a pilot study. González López-Arza MV, Varela-Donoso E, Montanero-Fernández J, Rodríguez-Mansilla J, González-Sánchez B, González López-Arza L. J Integr Med. 2013 Jul VIEW
Proton therapy for breast cancer after mastectomy: early outcomes of a prospective clinical trial. MacDonald SM, Patel SA, Hickey S, Specht M, Isakoff SJ, Gadd M, Smith BL, Yeap BY, Adams J, Delaney TF, Kooy H, Lu HM, Taghian AG. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Accelerates Tooth Movement via Activation of the BMP-2 Signaling Pathway. Xue H, Zheng J, Cui Z, Bai X, Li G, Zhang C, He S, Li W, Lajud SA, Duan Y, Zhou H. PLoS One. 2013 Jul VIEW
Placebo and the new physiology of the doctor-patient relationship. Benedetti F. Physiol Rev. 2013 Jul VIEW
Effects of Yoga Interventions on Fatigue in Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Sadja J, Mills PJ. Explore (NY). 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
Characteristics of Exclusive Users of Mind-Body Medicine vs. Other Alternative Medicine Approaches in the United States. Prasad K, Ziegenfuss JY, Cha SS, Sood A, Tilburt JC. Explore (NY). 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
Can yoga be used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease? Kaswala D, Shah S, Mishra A, Patel H, Patel N, Sangwan P, Chodos A, Brelvi Z. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
Additional effect of iyengar yoga and EMG biofeedback on pain and functional disability in chronic unilateral knee osteoarthritis. Nambi GS, Shah AA. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction program in coronary heart disease: A randomized control trial. Parswani MJ, Sharma MP, Iyengar S. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
Effect of fast and slow pranayama on perceived stress and cardiovascular parameters in young health-care students. Sharma VK, Trakroo M, Subramaniam V, Rajajeyakumar M, Bhavanani AB, Sahai A. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
Male reproductive health and yoga. Sengupta P, Chaudhuri P, Bhattacharya K. Int J Yoga. 2013 Jul VIEW
In brief: cell senescence. Coates PJ. J Pathol. 2013 Jul VIEW
Auricular Acupuncture for Drug Dependence: An Open-label Randomized Investigation on Clinical Outcomes, Health-related Quality of Life, and Patient Acceptability. Lua PL, Talib NS. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized, Sham-controlled Trial With Single-blinded Design. Ng SM, Yiu YM. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
Acupuncture in asthmatic children: a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial of efficacy. Karlson G, Bennicke P. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
The role of mitochondria in cellular iron–sulfur protein biogenesis: mechanisms, connected processes, and diseases. Stehling O, Lill R. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2013 Jul VIEW
Targeting neurons and photons for optogenetics. Packer AM, Roska B, Häusser M. Nat Neurosci. 2013 Jul VIEW
"Decentering" reflects psychological flexibility in people with chronic pain and correlates with their quality of functioning. McCracken LM, Gutiérrez-Martínez O, Smyth C. Health Psychol. 2013 Jul VIEW
Effect of yoga therapy on plasma oxytocin and facial emotion recognition deficits in patients of schizophrenia. Jayaram N, Varambally S, Behere RV, Venkatasubramanian G, Arasappa R, Christopher R, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Cortisol and antidepressant effects of yoga. Thirthalli J, Naveen GH, Rao MG, Varambally S, Christopher R, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Positive therapeutic and neurotropic effects of yoga in depression: A comparative study. Naveen GH, Thirthalli J, Rao MG, Varambally S, Christopher R, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Yoga increases the volume of the hippocampus in elderly subjects. Hariprasad VR, Varambally S, Shivakumar V, Kalmady SV, Venkatasubramanian G, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Effect of yoga therapy on anxiety and depressive symptoms and quality-of-life among caregivers of in-patients with neurological disorders at a tertiary care center in India: A randomized controlled trial. Umadevi P, Ramachandra, Varambally S, Philip M, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Efficacy of yoga as an add-on treatment for in-patients with functional psychotic disorder. Manjunath RB, Varambally S, Thirthalli J, Basavaraddi IV, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
Development and feasibility of yoga therapy module for out-patients with depression in India. Naveen GH, Rao MG, Vishal V, Thirthalli J, Varambally S, Gangadhar BN. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jul VIEW
PTSD symptom reduction with mindfulness-based stretching and deep breathing exercise: randomized controlled clinical trial of efficacy. Kim SH, Schneider SM, Bevans M, Kravitz L, Mermier C, Qualls C, Burge MR. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jul VIEW
Efficacy of yoga in treatment of migraine. Kankane A. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2013 Jul VIEW
Development of a uni-acupoint transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation device for electroacupuncture-like neuromodulation. Sun C, Hu C, Hao H, Niu C, Li L. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
A high reliability detection algorithm for wireless ECG systems based on compressed sensing theory. Balouchestani M, Raahemifar K, Krishnan S. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
The solution for the independence of bioelectric and biomagnetic signals is confirmed. Malmivuo JA. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Noninvasive imaging of internal muscle activities from multi-channel surface EMG recordings. Zhang Y. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Spinal cord evoked magnetic field measurement using a magnetospinography system equipped with a cryocooler. Adachi Y, Oyama D, Kawai J, Kawabata S, Uehara G. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Applicability of the "Emotiv EEG Neuroheadset" as a user-friendly input interface. Boutani H, Ohsuga M. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Biological effects of ultrasound stimulus on cells derived from human ovarian follicular liquid. Omes C, Fassina L, Magenes G, Ogliari D, Tinelli C, Riva F. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Wireless patch sensor for remote monitoring of heart rate, respiration, activity, and falls. Chan AM, Selvaraj N, Ferdosi N, Narasimhan R. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Electromagnetic and thermal effects of IR-UWB wireless implant systems on the human head. Thotahewa KM, Redoute JM, Yuce MR. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
A study on transmission characteristics and specific absorption rate using impedance-matched electrodes for various human body communication. Machida Y, Yamamoto T, Koshiji K. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Calculating the induced electromagnetic fields in real human head by deep transcranial magnetic stimulation. Lu M, Ueno S. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Effects of whole body vibration on spinal proprioception in normal individuals. Lee TY, Chow DH. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013 Jul VIEW
Yoga for High-Risk Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Deshpande C, Rakshani A, Nagarathna R, Ganpat T, Kurpad A, Maskar R, Nagendra H, Sudheer D, Abbas R, Raghuram N, Anura K, Rita M, Ramarao N. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2013 Jul VIEW
Use of microwave in diagnostic pathology. Shruthi BS, Vinodhkumar P, Kashyap B, Reddy PS. J Cancer Res Ther. 2013 Jul-Sep VIEW
The physiological basis of rehabilitation in chronic heart and lung disease. Vogiatzis I, Zakynthinos S. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
Tumor treating fields: a new frontier in cancer therapy. Davies AM, Weinberg U, Palti Y. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Jul VIEW
Mitochondrial DNA damage as a biomarker for ultraviolet radiation exposure and oxidative stress. Birch-Machin MA, Russell EV, Latimer JA. Br J Dermatol. 2013 Jul VIEW
Measuring membrane voltage with fluorescent proteins. Patti J, Isacoff EY. Cold Spring Harb Protoc. 2013 Jul 1 VIEW
[Protein conformational dynamics of crambin in crystal, solution and in the trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations]. [No authors listed] Biofizika 2013 Jul-Aug VIEW
Autonomic system modification in zen practitioners. Fiorentini A, Ora J, Tubani L. Indian J Med Sci. 2013 Jul VIEW
Efficacy of Yoga for sustained attention in university students. Sheela1, Nagendra HR2, Ganpat TS3. Ayu. 2013 Jul VIEW
Transcranial direct current stimulation ameliorates tactile sensory deficit in multiple sclerosis. Mori F, Nicoletti CG, Kusayanagi H, Foti C, Restivo DA, Marciani MG, Centonze D. Brain Stimul. 2013 Jul VIEW
Yoga and acupressure help control blood pressure in people with atrial fibrillation. [No authors listed] Harv Womens Health Watch. 2013 Jul VIEW
Biology, Genes, and Resilience: Toward a Multidisciplinary Approach Lucy Bowes, Sara R Jaffee Trauma Violence Abuse 2013 Jul VIEW
Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Proteins: Multiple Domains for Multiple Functions. Dickey TH, Altschuler SE, Wuttke DS. Structure. 2013 Jul 2 VIEW
A 12-Week Iyengar Yoga Program Improved Balance and Mobility in Older Community-Dwelling People: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Tiedemann A, O'Rourke S, Sesto R, Sherrington C. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Jul 2 VIEW
Discrimination and Participation in Traditional Healing for American Indians and Alaska Natives. Moghaddam JF, Momper SL, Fong T. J Community Health. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Lateralisation of cerebral response to active acupuncture in patients with unilateral ischaemic stroke: an fMRI study. Huang Y, Chen JQ, Lai XS, Tang CZ, Yang JJ, Chen H, Wu JX, Xiao HL, Qu SS, Zhang YD, Zhang ZJ. Acupunct Med. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Not Depression Is Associated with Shorter Leukocyte Telomere Length: Findings from 3,000 Participants in the Population-Based KORA F4 Study. Ladwig KH, Brockhaus AC, Baumert J, Lukaschek K, Emeny RT, Kruse J, Codd V, Häfner S, Albrecht E, Illig T, Samani NJ, Wichmann HE, Gieger C, Peters A. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Association between Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from High Voltage Transmission Lines and Neurobehavioral Function in Children. Huang J, Tang T, Hu G, Zheng J, Wang Y, Wang Q, Su J, Zou Y, Peng X. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Yoga Breathing Exercises on Respiratory Muscle Function in Institutionalized Frail Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cebrià I Iranzo MD, Arnall DA, Igual Camacho C, Tomás JM. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Are conduits superconductor-like and supported by tetrahedra structure of hyaluronic matrix in living systems? New perspectives. Fromknecht R, Goncalves M, Greten HJ, Machado J. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 Jul 3 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration exercise training on aortic wave reflection and muscle strength in postmenopausal women with prehypertension and hypertension. Figueroa A, Kalfon R, Madzima TA, Wong A. J Hum Hypertens. 2013 Jul 4 VIEW
A systematic review of physical therapy interventions for patients with anorexia and bulemia nervosa. Vancampfort D, Vanderlinden J, De Hert M, Soundy A, Adámkova M, Skjaerven LH, Catalán-Matamoros D, Lundvik Gyllensten A, Gómez-Conesa A, Probst M Disabil Rehabil. 2013 Jul 4 VIEW
The effect of healing touch on the pain and mobility of persons with osteoarthritis: A feasibility study. Lu DF, Hart LK, Lutgendorf SK, Perkhounkova Y. Geriatr Nurs. 2013 Jul 5 VIEW
The effect of Tai Chi exercise on gait initiation and gait performance in persons with Parkinson's disease. Amano S, Nocera JR, Vallabhajosula S, Juncos JL, Gregor RJ, Waddell DE, Wolf SL, Hass CJ. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2013 Jul 5 VIEW
Maximizing the efficacy of interoceptive exposure by optimizing inhibitory learning: A randomized controlled trial. Deacon B, Kemp JJ, Dixon LJ, Sy JT, Farrell NR, Zhang AR. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Jul 6 VIEW
Whole body vibration induces forepaw and hind paw behavioral sensitivity in the rat. Baig HA, Guarino BB, Lipschutz D, Winkelstein BA. J Orthop Res. 2013 Jul 7 VIEW
Short-term Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Functional Mobility and Flexibility in Healthy, Older Adults: A Randomized Crossover Study. Tsuji T, Kitano N, Tsunoda K, Himori E, Okura T, Tanaka K. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2013 Jul 8 VIEW
A Tactile Stimulation Device for EEG Measurements in Clinical Use. Pokorny C, Breitwieser C, Muller-Putz GR. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2013 Jul 9 VIEW
Meditation effects within the hippocampal complex revealed by voxel-based morphometry and cytoarchitectonic probabilistic mapping. Luders E, Kurth F, Toga AW, Narr KL, Gaser C. Front Psychol. 2013 Jul 9 VIEW
The impact of a brief mindfulness meditation intervention on cognitive control and error-related performance monitoring. Larson MJ, Steffen PR, Primosch M. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 Jul 9 VIEW
Laser acupuncture in treatment of childhood bronchial asthma. Elseify MY, Mohammed NH, Alsharkawy AA, Elseoudy ME. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 Jul 9 VIEW
A chinese mind-body exercise improves self-control of children with autism: a randomized controlled trial. Chan AS, Sze SL, Siu NY, Lau EM, Cheung MC. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 10 VIEW
Electroacupuncture improves burn-induced impairment in gastric motility mediated via the vagal mechanism in rats. Song J, Yin J, Sallam HS, Bai T, Chen Y, Chen JD. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Effects of Exercise Training on Airway Hyperreactivity in Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Eichenberger PA, Diener SN, Kofmehl R, Spengler CM. Sports Med. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Participation of Nitric Oxide Pathway in the Relaxation Response Induced by E-cinnamaldehyde Oxime in Superior Mesenteric Artery Isolated From Rats. Veras RC, Rodrigues KG, Alustau MD, Araújo IG, de Barros AL, Alves RJ, Nakao LS, Braga VA, Silva DF, de Medeiros IA. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Comparison of a Mindful Eating Intevention to a Diabetes Self-Mangement Intevention Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Miller CK, Kristeller JL, Headings A, Nagaraja H. Health Educ Behav. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Monitoring Emotion Through Body Sensation: A Review of Awareness in Goenka's Vipassana. Zeng X, Oei TP, Liu X. J Relig Health. 2013 Jul 12 VIEW
Nitric oxide synthase inhibition and oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases: Possible therapeutic targets? Rochette L, Lorin J, Zeller M, Guilland JC, Lorgis L, Cottin Y, Vergely C. Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Jul 13 VIEW
Predictors of yoga use among internal medicine patients. Cramer H, Lauche R, Langhorst J, Paul A, Michalsen A, Dobos G. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Jul 13 VIEW
Music to Reduce Pain and Distress in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Hartling L, Newton AS, Liang Y, Jou H, Hewson K, Klassen TP, Curtis S. JAMA Pediatr. 2013 Jul 15 VIEW
Ultrasensitive Telomerase Activity Detection by Telomeric Elongation Controlled Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Zong S, Wang Z, Chen H, Cui Y. Small. 2013 Jul 15 VIEW
Participation in a 10-week course of yoga improves behavioural control and decreases psychological distress in a prison population. Bilderbeck AC, Farias M, Brazil IA, Jakobowitz S, Wikholm C. J Psychiatr Res. 2013 Jul 15 VIEW
Association between oxidative stress and telomere length in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. Ma D, Zhu W, Hu S, Yu X, Yang Y. J Endocrinol Invest. 2013 Jul 15 VIEW
A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship between Exposure to ELF-EMFs and the Risk of Female Breast Cancer. Chen Q, Lang L, Wu W, Xu G, Zhang X, Li T, Huang H. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 15 VIEW
Increased Anxiety Induced by Listening to Unpleasant Music during Stress Exposure is Associated with Reduced Blood Pressure and ACTH Responses in Healthy Men. Jezova D, Hlavacova N, Makatsori A, Duncko R, Loder I, Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Neuroendocrinology. 2013 Jul 16 VIEW
Prospective registration, bias risk and outcome-reporting bias in randomised clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine: an empirical methodological study. Liu JP, Han M, Li XX, Mu YJ, Lewith G, Wang YY, Witt CM, Yang GY, Manheimer E, Snellingen T, Berman B, Gluud C. BMJ Open 2013 Jul 16 VIEW
Impact of relaxation training according to the Yoga In Daily Life® system on anxiety after breast cancer surgery. Kovačič T, Zagoričnik M, Kovačič M. J Complement Integr Med. 2013 Jul 16 VIEW
The Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Veterans With Mental Health Conditions. Kluepfel L, Ward T, Yehuda R, Dimoulas E, Smith A, Daly K. J Holist Nurs. 2013 Jul 17 VIEW
Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on mobility, balance ability and general health status in frail elderly patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Zhang L, Weng C, Liu M, Wang Q, Liu L, He Y. Clin Rehabil. 2013 Jul 17 VIEW
Walking or Dancing: Patterns of Physical Activity by Cross-Sectional Age Among U.S. Women. Fan JX, Kowaleski-Jones L, Wen M. J Aging Health. 2013 Jul 17 VIEW
The relationship between ultra-short telomeres, aging of articular cartilage and the development of human hip osteoarthritis. Harbo M, Delaisse J, Kjaersgaard-Andersen P, Soerensen FB, Koelvraa S, Bendix L. Mech Ageing Dev. 2013 Jul 17 VIEW
Could radiotherapy effectiveness be enhanced by electromagnetic field treatment? Francisco AC, Mar SA, Irene C, Sandra RA, Josefa L, Elisa RM, Nicolás O, Isabel NM. Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Jul 17 VIEW
Auricular Acupressure for Analgesia in Perioperative Period of Total Knee Arthroplasty. He BJ, Tong PJ, Li J, Jing HT, Yao XM. Pain Med. 2013 Jul 18 VIEW
How will telomeric complex be further contributed to our longevity? - The potential novel biomarkers of telomere complex counteracting both aging and cancer. Lu Y, Wei B, Zhang T, Chen Z, Ye J. Protein Cell. 2013 Jul 18 VIEW
Effects of whole body vibration training on balance in adolescents with and without Down syndrome. Villarroya MA, González-Agüero A, Moros T, Gómez-Trullén E, Casajús JA. Res Dev Disabil. 2013 Jul 18 VIEW
What is the evidence for the use of acupuncture as an intervention for symptom management in cancer supportive and palliative care: an integrative overview of reviews. Towler P, Molassiotis A, Brearley SG. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Jul 19 VIEW
AcuTrials(R): an online database of randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews of acupuncture. Marx BL, Milley R, Cantor D, Ackerman D, Hammerschlag R. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Jul 19 VIEW
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