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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18844 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Effect of low level microwave radiation exposure on cognitive function and oxidative stress in rats. Deshmukh PS, Banerjee BD, Abegaonkar MP, Megha K, Ahmed RS, Tripathi AK, Mediratta PK. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2013 Apr VIEW
A novel acetylcholine bioensor and its electrochemical behavior. Wang W, Deng Y, Li S, Liu H, Lu Z, Zhang L, Lin L, Xu L. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2013 Apr VIEW
Electrical stimulation and electromagnetic field use in patients with diabetic neuropathy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Stein C, Eibel B, Sbruzzi G, Lago PD, Plentz RD. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2013 Apr VIEW
Advances in Integrative Nanomedicine for Improving Infectious Disease Treatment in Public Health. Bell IR, Schwartz GE, Boyer NN, Koithan M, Brooks AJ. Eur J Integr Med. 2013 Apr 1 VIEW
[Research on current situation of standardization of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Oceania]. Yang Y, Wang ZX, Guo Y. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2013 Apr VIEW
[Clinical observation on electroacupuncture for arousing consciousness of comatose patients with severe trauma brain injury]. Zhang YM, Chen AL, Tang CZ, Zhang YQ, Yin HB, Chen SX. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2013 Apr VIEW
A 100-channel hermetically sealed implantable device for chronic wireless neurosensing applications. Ming Yin, Borton DA, Aceros J, Patterson WR, Nurmikko AV. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. 2013 Apr VIEW
Electrical stimulation of acupoint combinations against deep venous thrombosis in elderly bedridden patients after major surgery. Hou L, Chen C, Xu L, Yin P, Peng W. J Tradit Chin Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
Stress: Neurobiology, consequences and management. Kumar A, Rinwa P, Kaur G, Machawal L. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2013 Apr VIEW
Impact of short term yoga intervention on mental well being of medical students posted in community medicine: a pilot study. Bansal R, Gupta M, Agarwal B, Sharma S. Indian J Community Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
[Influence of electroacupuncture on p38-mitogen activated protein kinase in substantia nigra cells of rats with Parkinson disease model]. Wang SJ, Fang JQ, Ma J, Wang YC, Zeng XL, Zhou D, Sun GJ. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2013 Apr VIEW
Role of complementary and alternative medicine to achieve fertility in uninsured patients. Perry TE, Hirshfeld-Cytron J. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2013 Apr VIEW
Effects of acute and long-term slow breathing exercise on muscle sympathetic nerve activity in untreated male patients with hypertension. Hering D, Kucharska W, Kara T, Somers VK, Parati G, Narkiewicz K. J Hypertens. 2013 Apr VIEW
Effect of light with different wavelengths on Nostoc flagelliforme cells in liquid culture. Dai YJ, Li J, Wei SM, Chen N, Xiao YP, Tan ZL, Jia SR, Yuan NN, Tan N, Song YJ. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013 Apr VIEW
Computationally efficient simulation of electrical activity at cell membranes interacting with self-generated and externally imposed electric fields. Agudelo-Toro A, Neef A. J Neural Eng. 2013 Apr VIEW
Annual Research Review: The neurobiology and physiology of resilience and adaptation across the life course. Karatsoreos IN, McEwen BS. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr VIEW
Annual Research Review: What is resilience within the social ecology of human development? Ungar M, Ghazinour M, Richter J. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr VIEW
New innovative techniques in radiotherapy for breast cancer. Murphy JO, Sacchini VS. Minerva Chir. 2013 Apr VIEW
Auricular acupressure for pain relief in adolescents with dysmenorrhea: a placebo-controlled study. Yeh ML, Hung YL, Chen HH, Wang YJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Apr VIEW
Male reproductive health under threat: Short term exposure to radiofrequency radiations emitted by common mobile jammers. Mortazavi S, Parsanezhad M, Kazempour M, Ghahramani P, Mortazavi A, Davari M. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2013 Apr VIEW
Development and evaluation of a bio-ion measurement system on acupoints for meridian diagnosis. Kim SB, Shin TM, Lee YH. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2013 Apr VIEW
Stress management techniques in the prison setting. Kristofersson GK, Kaas MJ. J Forensic Nurs. 2013 Apr-Jun VIEW
The effect of vocal and instrumental music on cardio respiratory variables, energy expenditure and exertion levels during sub maximal treadmill exercise. Savitha D, Sejil TV, Rao S, Roshan CJ, Roshan CJ. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013 Apr-Jun VIEW
The Antidepressant Effect of Laser Acupuncture: A Comparison of the Resting Brain's Default Mode Network in Healthy and Depressed Subjects During Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Quah-Smith I1, Suo C2, Williams MA3, Sachdev PS4. Med Acupunct. 2013 Apr VIEW
Yoga for Patients with Early Breast Cancer and its Impact on Quality of Life - a Randomized Controlled Trial. Siedentopf F1, Utz-Billing I2, Gairing S2, Schoenegg W1, Kentenich H3, Kollak I4. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2013 Apr VIEW
A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities. Middleton KR, Ward MM, Haaz S, Velummylum S, Fike A, Acevedo AT, Tataw-Ayuketah G, Dietz L, Mittleman BB, Wallen GR. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2013 Apr 2 VIEW
The effect of physical exercise on bone density in middle-aged and older men: A systematic review. Bolam KA, van Uffelen JG, Taaffe DR. Osteoporos Int. 2013 Apr 4 VIEW
Telomerase as a useful target in cancer fighting-the breast cancer case. Holysz H, Lipinska N, Paszel-Jaworska A, Rubis B. Tumour Biol. 2013 Apr 5 VIEW
Leukocyte telomere length is independently associated with gait speed in elderly women. Lee JY, Bang HW, Ko JH, Kim JH, Lee DC. Maturitas. 2013 Apr 5 VIEW
What are demographic and EEG differences between responding and non-responding panic disorder patients. Kamaradova D, Prasko J, Brunovsky M, Grambal A, Diveky T, Latalova K. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2013 Apr 5 VIEW
Separation of Low-Voltage EEG-Activity During Mental Activation from that During Transition to Drowsiness. Jödicke J, Olbrich S, Sander C, Minkwitz J, Chittka T, Himmerich H, Hegerl U. Brain Topogr. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
Electromagnetic-pulse-induced activation of p38 MAPK pathway and disruption of blood-retinal barrier. Li HJ, Guo LM, Yang LL, Zhou YC, Zhang YJ, Guo J, Xie XJ, Guo GZ. Toxicol Lett. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
The effect of acupressure on nausea and vomiting after cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Noroozinia H, Mahoori A, Hasani E, Gerami-Fahim M, Sepehrvand N. Acta Med Iran. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
The association between meditation practice and treatment outcome in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for bipolar disorder. erich T, Manicavasagar V, Mitchell PB, Ball JR. Behav Res Ther. 2013 Apr 6 VIEW
Do Cardiorespiratory Variables Predict the Antinociceptive Effects of Deep and Slow Breathing? Zunhammer M, Eichhammer P, Busch V. Pain Med. 2013 Apr 8 VIEW
Can taichi reshape the brain? A brain morphometry study. Wei GX, Xu T, Fan FM, Dong HM, Jiang LL, Li HJ, Yang Z, Luo J, Zuo XN. PLoS One 2013 Apr 9 VIEW
Non Ionising Radiation as a Non Chemical Strategy in Regenerative Medicine: Ca(2+)-ICR "In Vitro" Effect on Neuronal Differentiation and Tumorigenicity Modulation in NT2 Cells. Ledda M, Megiorni F, Pozzi D, Giuliani L, D'Emilia E, Piccirillo S, Mattei C, Grimaldi S, Lisi A. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 9 VIEW
Music therapy improves sleep quality in acute and chronic sleep disorders: A meta-analysis of 10 randomized studies. Wang CF, Sun YL, Zang HX. Int J Nurs Stud. 2013 Apr 9 VIEW
Acupuncture in the treatment of upper-limb lymphedema: Results of a pilot study. Cassileth BR, Van Zee KJ, Yeung KS, Coleton MI, Cohen S, Chan YH, Vickers AJ, Sjoberg DD, Hudis CA. Cancer 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Effect of an office worksite-based yoga program on heart rate variability: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Cheema BS, Houridis A, Busch L, Raschke-Cheema V, Melville GW, Marshall PW, Chang D, Machliss B, Lonsdale C, Bowman J, Colagiuri B. BMC Complement Altern Med 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Complementary medicine and general practice in an urban setting: a decade on. Perry R, Dowrick C, Ernst E Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2013 Apr 10 VIEW
Neural Pathway Interference by Retained Acupuncture: A Functional MRI Study of a Dog Model of Parkinson's Disease. Lee SH, Jahng GH, Choe IH, Choi CB, Kim DH, Kim HY. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
Is Mindful Reflective Practice the way forward to reduce medication errors? Pezzolesi C, Ghaleb M, Kostrzewski A, Dhillon S. Int J Pharm Pract. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
A relaxation response training for women undergoing breast biopsy: Exploring integrated care. Park ER, Traeger L, Willett J, Gerade B, Webster A, Rastegar S, Denninger JW, Lee JM. Breast 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
Electroacupuncture for Moderate and Severe Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Wang Y, Liu B, Yu J, Wu J, Wang J, Liu Z. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
Non-Thermal Radio Frequency and Static Magnetic Fields Increase Rate of Hemoglobin Deoxygenation in a Cell-Free Preparation. Muehsam D, Lalezari P, Lekhraj R, Abruzzo P, Bolotta A, Marini M, Bersani F, Aicardi G, Pilla A, Casper D. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 12 VIEW
The incidence rate and mortality of malignant brain tumors after 10 years of intensive cell phone use in Taiwan. Hsu MH, Syed-Abdul S, Scholl J, Jian WS, Lee P, Iqbal U, Li YC. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2013 Apr 14 VIEW
The Effects of Music Therapy on Vital Signs, Feeding, and Sleep in Premature Infants. Loewy J, Stewart K, Dassler AM, Telsey A, Homel P. Pediatrics. 2013 Apr 15 VIEW
Effect of 1 mT Sinusoidal Electromagnetic Fields on Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Liu C, Yu J, Yang Y, Tang X, Zhao D, Zhao W, Wu H. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Apr 15 VIEW
Complexity-based measures inform tai chi's impact on standing postural control in older adults with peripheral neuropathy. Manor B, Lipsitz LA, Wayne PM, Peng CK, Li L. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Apr 16 VIEW
Impact of Fear of Falling in Long Term Care: An Integrative Review. Lach HW, Parsons JL. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 Apr 16 VIEW
A systematic review on physical therapy interventions for patients with binge eating disorder. Vancampfort D, Vanderlinden J, De Hert M, Adámkova M, Skjaerven LH, Catalán-Matamoros D, Lundvik-Gyllensten A, Gómez-Conesa A, Ijntema R, Probst M. Disabil Rehabil. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
A Pilot Study of Group Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). King AP, Erickson TM, Giardino ND, Favorite T, Rauch SA, Robinson E, Kulkarni M, Liberzon I. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Fifty-Hertz electromagnetic fields facilitate the induction of rat bone mesenchymal stromal cells to differentiate into functional neurons. Bai WF, Xu WC, Feng Y, Huang H, Li XP, Deng CY, Zhang MS. Cytotherapy. 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Rapid Gene Expression Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes upon Practice of a Comprehensive Yoga Program. Qu S, Olafsrud SM, Meza-Zepeda LA, Saatcioglu F. PLoS One 2013 Apr 17 VIEW
Digital media, the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of neuroplasticity. Choudhury S, McKinney KA. Transcult Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Self-reported efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine: the Akershus study of chronic headache. Kristoffersen ES, Aaseth K, Grande RB, Lundqvist C, Russell MB. J Headache Pain. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
BioPatRec: A modular research platform for the control of artificial limbs based on pattern recognition algorithms. Ortiz-Catalan M, Brånemark R, Håkansson B. Source Code Biol Med. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Comprehensive Approach to Lower Blood Pressure (CALM-BP): a randomized controlled trial of a multifactorial lifestyle intervention. Ziv A, Vogel O, Keret D, Pintov S, Bodenstein E, Wolkomir K, Doenyas K, Mirovski Y, Efrati S. J Hum Hypertens. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Loving-Kindness Meditation Practice Associated with Longer Telomeres in Women. Hoge Md EA, Chen Bs MM, Bs EO, Metcalf Ba CA, Fischer Ba LE, Pollack Md MH, Devivo I, Md NM. Brain Behav Immun. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Tracking and Fixed Ranking of Leukocyte Telomere Length across the Adult Life Course. Benetos A, Kark JD, Susser E, Kimura M, Sinnreich R, Chen W, Steenstrup T, Christensen K, Herbig U, V B Hjelmborg J, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS, Labat C, Aviv A. Aging Cell. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions: towards mindful clinical integration. Shonin E, Van Gordon W, Griffiths MD. Front Psychol. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Therapeutic effects of 15 Hz pulsed electromagnetic field on diabetic peripheral neuropathy in streptozotocin-treated rats. Lei T, Jing D, Xie K, Jiang M, Li F, Cai J, Wu X, Tang C, Xu Q, Liu J, Guo W, Shen G, Luo E. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 18 VIEW
Mind-Body Practices for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Kim SH, Schneider SM, Kravitz L, Mermier C, Burge MR. J Investig Med. 2013 Apr 19 VIEW
Putting mind and body back together: A human-systems approach to the integration of the physical and cognitive dimensions of task design and operations. Marras WS, Hancock PA. Appl Ergon. 2013 Apr 19 VIEW
Efficacy of tai chi on pain, stiffness and function in patients with osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis. Yan JH, Gu WJ, Sun J, Zhang WX, Li BW, Pan L. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 19 VIEW
A novel magnetic stimulator increases experimental pain tolerance in healthy volunteers - a double-blind sham-controlled crossover study. Kortekaas R, van Nierop LE, Baas VG, Konopka KH, Harbers M, van der Hoeven JH, van Wijhe M, Aleman A, Maurits NM. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 19 VIEW
Phone-Delivered Mindfulness Training for Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: Results of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Crawford SL, Carmody J, Rosenthal L, Yeh G, Stanley M, Rose K, Browning C, Ockene IS. Ann Behav Med. 2013 Apr 20 VIEW
[Auricular acupuncture in patients with detrusor overactivity : A pilot study.] Bschleipfer T, Lüdecke G, Durschnabel M, Wagenlehner FM, Weidner W, Pilatz A. Urologe A. 2013 Apr 20 VIEW
Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial of Physiotherapy and Acupuncture on Motor Function and Daily Activities in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. Bai YL, Li L, Hu YS, Wu Y, Xie PJ, Wang SW, Yang M, Xu YM, Zhu B. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Apr 21 VIEW
Placing acupuncture in perspective-reply. Vickers AJ; Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Placing acupuncture in perspective. Ziegelstein RC. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Complexity of sham acupuncture. Huang W, Kutner N, Bliwise D. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Brook RD, Appel LJ, Rubenfire M, Ogedegbe G, Bisognano JD, Elliott WJ, Fuchs FD, Hughes JW, Lackland DT, Staffileno BA, Townsend RR, Rajagopalan S; on behalf of the American Heart Association Professional Education Committee of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity. Hypertension. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid Radiofrequency Applicator for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and RF Induced Hyperthermia: Electromagnetic Field Simulations up to 14.0 Tesla and Proof-of-Concept at 7.0 Tesla. Winter L, Ozerdem C, Hoffmann W, Santoro D, Müller A, Waiczies H, Seemann R, Graessl A, Wust P, Niendorf T. PLoS One 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Look Again: Effects of Brain Images and Mind-Brain Dualism on Lay Evaluations of Research. Hook CJ, Farah MJ. J Cogn Neurosci. 2013 Apr 22 VIEW
Proteomic Analysis of Differential Proteins Related to Anti-nociceptive Effect of Electroacupuncture in the Hypothalamus Following Neuropathic Pain in Rats. Gao Y, Chen S, Xu Q, Yu K, Wang J, Qiao L, Meng F, Liu J. Neurochem Res. 2013 Apr 23 VIEW
Effects of Movement Music Therapy with the Naruko Clapper on Psychological, Physical and Physiological Indices among Elderly Females: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Shimizu N, Umemura T, Hirai T, Tamura T, Sato K, Kusaka Y. Gerontology. 2013 Apr 23 VIEW
Effects of tai chi in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: preliminary evidence. Yan JH, Guo YZ, Yao HM, Pan L. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 23 VIEW
Using Music as a Signal for Biofeedback. Bergstrom I, Seinfeld S, Arroyo-Palacios J, Slater M, Sanchez-Vives MV. Int J Psychophysiol. 2013 Apr 23 VIEW
Acupuncture and/or sweeping of the fetal membranes before induction of labor: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Andersen BB, Knudsen B, Lyndrup J, Fælling AE, Illum D, Johansen M, Borgen A, Jager H, Bjerre C, Secher NJ. J Perinat Med. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Physical comorbidities in men with mood and anxiety disorders: a population-based study. Sanna L, Stuart AL, Pasco JA, Kotowicz MA, Berk M, Girardi P, Brennan SL, Williams LJ. BMC Med. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Mindfulness Meditation-Related Anxiety Relief. Zeidan F, Martucci KT, Kraft RA, McHaffie JG, Coghill RC. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Xenomelia: a social neuroscience view of altered bodily self-consciousness. Brugger P, Lenggenhager B, Giummarra MJ. Front Psychol. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Quantifying and predicting meat and meat products quality attributes using electromagnetic waves: An overview. Damez JL, Clerjon S. Meat Sci. 2013 Apr 24 VIEW
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Tai Chi Chih Randomized Controlled Trial in Senior Female Cancer Survivors. Campo RA, O'Connor K, Light KC, Nakamura Y, Lipschitz DL, Lastayo PC, Pappas L, Boucher K, Irwin MR, Agarwal N, Kinney AY. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
Optical magnetic imaging of living cells. Le Sage D, Arai K, Glenn DR, DeVience SJ, Pham LM, Rahn-Lee L, Lukin MD, Yacoby A, Komeili A, Walsworth RL. Nature. 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
Electron Holography: phases matter. Lichte H. J Electron Microsc (Tokyo). 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
Escaping the behavioural 'spin' of evidence-based psychiatry: Merleau-Ponty's ontology of truth. Morstyn R. Australas Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
Beneficial outcome from EEG-neurofeedback on creative music performance, attention and well-being in school children. Gruzelier JH, Foks M, Steffert T, Chen MJ, Ros T. Biol Psychol. 2013 Apr 25 VIEW
The Impact of Music Interventions on Anxiety for Adult Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Nightingale CL, Rodriguez C, Carnaby G. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Apr 26 VIEW
Individual music therapy for agitation in dementia: an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Ridder HM, Stige B, Qvale LG, Gold C. Aging Ment Health. 2013 Apr 27 VIEW
Yoga for the sinoatrial node: Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release confers flexibility. Cummins MA, Devenyi RA, Sobie EA. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013 Apr 27 VIEW
Stress and telomere biology: A lifespan perspective. Shalev I, Entringer S, Wadhwa PD, Wolkowitz OM, Puterman E, Lin J, Epel ES. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Apr 29 VIEW
Telomere length, telomere-related genes, and breast cancer risk: The breast cancer health disparities study. Pellatt AJ, Wolff RK, Torres-Mejia G, John EM, Herrick JS, Lundgreen A, Baumgartner KB, Giuliano AR, Hines LM, Fejerman L, Cawthon R, Slattery ML. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
Age-independent telomere shortening and ion-channel defects in SCD. Banerjee B, Hande MP. Nat Rev Cardiol 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
A Systematic Review of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Interventions for the Management of Cancer-Related Fatigue. Finnegan-John J, Molassiotis A, Richardson A, Ream E. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
Expertise modulates local regional homogeneity of spontaneous brain activity in the resting brain: An fMRI study using the model of skilled acupuncturists. Dong M, Qin W, Zhao L, Yang X, Yuan K, Zeng F, Sun J, Yu D, Deneen KM, Liang F, Tian J. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
Embodied health: the effects of a mind-body course for medical students. Bond AR, Mason HF, Lemaster CM, Shaw SE, Mullin CS, Holick EA, Saper RB. Med Educ Online. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
Meta-Analysis: Aerobic Exercise for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Bartley CA, Hay M, Bloch MH. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr 30 VIEW
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