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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Participant perceptions of a mindful movement program for older women with breast cancer: focus group results. Crane-Okada R, Kiger H, Anderson NL, Carroll-Johnson RM, Sugerman F, Shapiro SL, Wyman-McGinty W. Cancer Nurs. 2012 May-Jun VIEW
Participant Characteristics Associated with Symptomatic Improvement from Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain. Stein KM1, Weinberg J2, Sherman KJ3, Lemaster CM4, Saper R5. J Yoga Phys Ther. 2014 Jan 11 VIEW
Partial independence of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields and its implications for encephalography and cardiography. Irimia A, Swinney KR, Wikswo JP. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2009 May VIEW
Partial correlation investigation on the default mode network involved in acupuncture: an fMRI study. Liu P, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Yuan K, Qin W, Zhuo L, Liang J, Chen P, Dai J, Liu Y, Tian J. Neurosci Lett. 2009 Oct 25 VIEW
Part I: The Effects of Music for the Symptom Management of Anxiety, Pain, and Insomnia in Critically Ill Patients: An Integrative Review of Current Literature. Meghani N1, Tracy MF, Hadidi NN, Lindquist R Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 2017 Jul/Aug VIEW
Parsing brain activity associated with acupuncture treatment in Parkinson\'s diseases. Chae Y, Lee H, Kim H, Kim CH, Chang DI, Kim KM, Park HJ. Mov Disord 2009 Jun 16 VIEW
Parser Combinators: a Practical Application for Generating Parsers for NMR Data. Fenwick M1, Weatherby G2, Ellis HJ, Gryk MR. Proc Int Conf Inf Technol New Gener. 2013 VIEW
Parkinson's Disease and Gut Microbiota Masaaki Hirayama1, Kinji Ohno2 Ann Nutr Metab 2021 Sep 9 VIEW
Parkinson disease: Tai chi improves balance in Parkinson disease. Parekh V. Nat Rev Neurol. 2012 Mar 20 VIEW
Parent-pediatrician communication about complementary and alternative medicine use for children Sibinga EM//Ottolini MC//Duggan AK//Wilson MH Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2004 VIEW
Parapsychology, Kirlian photography and creating healing Moss T Journal of Holistic Health 1982 VIEW
Paranormal health claims Skrabanek P Experientia 1988 VIEW
Parallel in-vitro and in-vivo techniques for optimizing cellular microenvironments by implementing biochemical, biomechanical and electromagnetic stimulations. Shamloo A, Heibatollahi M, Ghafar-Zadeh E. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug VIEW
Paradigm of vascular aging: conceptual strides slowed by technical limitations Forman DE Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2002 VIEW
Pandimensional field pattern changes in healers and healees: experiencing therapeutic touch Smith DW, Broida JP J Holis Nurs 2007 Dec VIEW
Pain: Is It All in the Brain or the Heart? Alshami AM1 Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2019 Nov 14 VIEW
Pain, hedonic regulation, and opioid misuse: Modulation of momentary experience by Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement in opioid-treated chronic pain patients. Garland EL1, Bryan CJ2, Finan PH3, Thomas EA2, Priddy SE2, Riquino MR2, Howard MO4 Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017 Apr 1 VIEW
Pain-Evoked Reorganization in Functional Brain Networks. Zheng W1,2, Woo CW3,4, Yao Z1, Goldstein P5,6,7, Atlas LY8,9,10, Roy M11, Schmidt L12, Krishnan A13, Jepma M14, Hu B1, Wager TD5,6,15 Cereb Cortex. 2019 Dec 9 VIEW
Pain Sensitivity and Analgesic Effects of Mindful States in Zen Meditators: A Cross-Sectional Study Grant JA, Rainville P Psychosom Med. 2008 Dec 10 VIEW
Pain Science in Practice (Part 6): <i>How Does Descending Modulation of Pain Work?</i> Morten Hoegh1, Kirsty Bannister2 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2024 Feb 1 VIEW
Pain Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Australia: A Critical Review. Zheng Z, Xue CC. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug 14 VIEW
Pain relief effect of qigong on patients after surgical operations Chu WZ//// 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
Pain relief by touch: a quantitative approach. Mancini F1, Nash T2, Iannetti GD3, Haggard P4. Pain 2014 Mar VIEW
Pain relief by applying transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on acupuncture points during the first stage of labor: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial Chao, S. A., Chao, A., Wang, T., Chang, Y., Peng, H., Chang, S. Chao, A., Chang, C., Lai, C. & Wong, A. ( Pain 2006 VIEW
Pain reduction of acupoint electrical stimulation for patients with spinal surgery: a placebo-controlled study. Yeh ML, Chung YC, Chen KM, Chen HH. Int J Nurs Stud. 2011 Jun VIEW
Pain Reduction After Laser Acupuncture Treatment in Geriatric Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Helianthi DR1, Simadibrata C, Srilestari A, Wahyudi ER, Hidayat R Acta Med Indones. 2016 Apr VIEW
Pain Perception Can Be Modulated by Mindfulness Training: A Resting-State fMRI Study. Su IW1, Wu FW2, Liang KC3, Cheng KY4, Hsieh ST5, Sun WZ6, Chou TL7 Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Nov 10 VIEW
Pain modulation induced by respiration: phase and frequency effects. Arsenault M, Ladouceur A, Lehmann A, Rainville P, Piché M. Neuroscience. 2013 Jul 29 VIEW
Pain modulation in patients with fibromyalgia undergoing acupuncture treatment is associated with fluctuations in serum neuropeptide Y levels. Iannuccelli C1, Guzzo MP2, Atzeni F3, Mannocci F2, Alessandri C2, Gerardi MC4, Valesini G2, Di Franco M2 Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2017 May 31 VIEW
Pain management program outcomes in veterans with chronic pain and comparison with nonveterans Jane Jomy1, Eleni G Hapidou1,2 Can J Pain 2020 Aug 4 VIEW
Pain management for women in labour: an overview of systematic reviews. Jones L, Othman M, Dowswell T, Alfirevic Z, Gates S, Newburn M, Jordan S, Lavender T, Neilson JP. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Mar 14 VIEW
Pain Is Associated With Poor Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Tatsuya Hirase1, Yoshiro Okubo2, Daina L Sturnieks2, Stephen R Lord2 J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 May 1 VIEW
Pain intensity and cervical range of motion in women with myofascial pain treated with acupuncture and electroacupuncture: a double-blinded, randomized clinical trial. Aranha MF1, Müller CE1, Gavião MB2. Braz J Phys Ther. 2014 Nov 28 VIEW
Pain intensity and cervical range of motion in women with myofascial pain treated with acupuncture and electroacupuncture: a double-blinded, randomized clinical trial. Aranha MF1, Müller CE1, Gavião MB2. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015 Jan-Feb VIEW
Pain in the Body. Altered Interoception in Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review Daniele Di Lernia, Silvia Serino, Giuseppe Riva Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2016 Dec VIEW
Pain in relationship to Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Henk M Koning1, Bas C Ter Meulen2 Int Tinnitus J 2022 Mar 3 VIEW
Pain Catastrophizing Mediates the Association between Mindfulness and Psychological Distress in Chronic Pain Syndrome. Conti Y1, Vatine JJ2,3, Levy S1, Levin Meltz Y3, Hamdan S1, Elkana O1 Pain Pract. 2020 Apr 14 VIEW
Pain and the Non-Pharmacological Management of Pain in People with Parkinson&#x27;s Disease Natalie Elizabeth Allen1, Oksana Romaliiska2, Jenni Naisby3 J Parkinsons Dis 2024 Mar 4 VIEW
Pain and the neuromatrix in the brain. Melzack R1 J Dent Educ. 2001 Dec VIEW
Pain and the neuromatrix in the brain. Melzack R1 J Dent Educ. 2001 Dec VIEW
Pain and sensory detection threshold response to acupuncture is modulated by coping strategy and acupuncture sensation. Lee J, Napadow V, Park K. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014 Sep 1 VIEW
Pain and respiration: a systematic review. Jafari H1, Courtois I, Van den Bergh O, Vlaeyen JWS, Van Diest I Pain. 2017 Jun VIEW
Pain and related suffering reduce attention toward others Ana María González-Roldán1,2, Smadar Bustan3, Sandra Kamping3,4, Herta Flor3, Fernand Anton2 Pain Pract 2023 Jun 9 VIEW
Pain and Pain-Related Disability Associated With Proprioceptive Impairment in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients: A Systematic Review. Ghamkhar L1, Kahlaee AH2 J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019 Apr 24 VIEW
Pain and Functional Trajectories in Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis over up to 12 Weeks of Exercise Exposure. Lee AC1, Harvey WF1, Han X1, Price LL2, Driban JB1, Bannuru RR3, Wang C4 Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2018 Jan 29 VIEW
Pain and Functional Scores in Patients Affected by Knee OA After Treatment With Pulsed Electromagnetic and Magnetic Fields: A Meta-Analysis Marco Viganò, Carlotta Perucca Orfei, Enrico Ragni, Alessandra Colombini, Laura de Girolamo Cartilage 2020 Jun 8 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Pain and function in patients with chronic low back pain and leg pain after Zhineng Qigong - a quasi-experimental feasibility study Gabriella Pozarek1, Björn Strömqvist2, Eva Ekvall Hansson3, Gerd Ahlström3 BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2023 Jun 13 VIEW
Paced respiration for vasomotor and other menopausal symptoms: a randomized, controlled trial. Carpenter JS, Burns DS, Wu J, Otte JL, Schneider B, Ryker K, Tallman E, Yu M. J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Feb VIEW
Paced breathing compared with usual breathing for hot flashes. Sood R, Sood A, Wolf SL, Linquist BM, Liu H, Sloan JA, Satele DV, Loprinzi CL, Barton DL. Menopause. 2012 Sep 17 VIEW
P6 stimulation for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with cesarean delivery under neuraxial anesthesia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Allen TK, Habib AS Anesth Analg. 2008 Oct VIEW
P6 acupressure effectiveness on acute vertiginous patients: a double blind randomized study. Alessandrini M, Napolitano B, Micarelli A, de Padova A, Bruno E. J Altern Complement Med 2012 Dec VIEW
P300 amplitude and antidepressant response to Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) Naga Venkatesha Murthy PJ//Janakiramaiah N//Gangadhar BN//Subbakrishna DK J Affect Disord 1998 VIEW
p25/CDK5 is partially involved in neuronal injury induced by Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field exposure. Zhang Y, She F, Li L, Chen C, Xu S, Luo X, Li M, He M, Yu Z. Int J Radiat Biol. 2013 Jun 20 VIEW
Oxytocin Signaling Pathway: From Cell Biology To Clinical Implications Michele Iovino 1, Tullio Messana 2, Anna Tortora 1, Consuelo Giusti 1, Giuseppe Lisco 3, Vito Angelo Giagulli 1, Edoardo Guastamacchia 1, Giovanni De Pergola 4, Vincenzo Triggiani 1 Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2020 May 19 VIEW
Oxytocin Modulation in Mindfulness-Based Pain Management for Chronic Pain Oytun Aygün1, Emily Mohr2, Colin Duff3, Sophie Matthew3, Poppy Schoenberg2 Life (Basel) 2024 Feb 15 VIEW
Oxytocin and cardiometabolic interoception: Knowing oneself affects ingestive and social behaviors Justin A Smith1, Sophia A Eikenberry2, Karen A Scott1, Caitlin B Harrison2, Guillaume de Lartigue3, Annette D de Kloet2, Eric G Krause4 Appetite 2022 Apr 18 VIEW
Oxytocin administration prevents cellular aging caused by social isolation. Stevenson JR1, McMahon EK2, Boner W3, Haussmann MF2 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Jan 8 VIEW
Oxygen consumption during pranayamic type of very slow-rate breathing Telles S//Desiraju T Indian J Med Res 1991 VIEW
Oxygen consumption and respiration following two yoga relaxation techniques Telles S//Reddy SK//Nagendra HR Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2000 VIEW
Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration. Oliver PL, Finelli MJ, Edwards B, Bitoun E, Butts DL, Becker EB, Cheeseman MT, Davies B, Davies KE. PLoS Genet. 2011 Sep VIEW
Oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and telomere length in patients with periodontitis. Masi S, Salpea KD, Li K, Parkar M, Nibali L, Donos N, Patel K, Taddei S, Deanfield JE, D'Aiuto F, Humphries SE. Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 Dec 29 VIEW
Oxidative Stress-Mediated Skeletal Muscle Degeneration: Molecules, Mechanisms, and Therapies. Choi MH1, Ow JR1, Yang ND2, Taneja R1. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016 VIEW
Oxidative stress response elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction: Implication in the pathophysiology of aging. Wang CH, Wu SB, Wu YT, Wei YH. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2013 May 1 VIEW
Oxidative stress of brain and liver is increased by Wi-Fi (2.45GHz) exposure of rats during pregnancy and the development of newborns. Çelik Ö1, Kahya MC2, Nazıroğlu M3. J Chem Neuroanat. 2015 Oct 28 VIEW
Oxidative stress induces persistent telomeric DNA damage responsible for nuclear morphology change in Mammalian cells. Coluzzi E1, Colamartino M1, Cozzi R1, Leone S1, Meneghini C1, O'Callaghan N2, Sgura A1. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 29 VIEW
Oxidative Stress in Human Facial Skin Observed by Ultraweak Photon Emission Imaging and Its Correlation With Biophysical Properties of Skin Katsuhiko Tsuchida, Masaki Kobayashi Sci Rep 2020 Jun 15 VIEW
Oxidative stress &amp; FoxO transcription factors in cardiovascular aging. Kim J1, Cho SY, Cho D, Kim SH, Seo DB, Shin SS Curr Med Chem. 2016 Dec 12 VIEW
Oxidative species-induced excitonic transport in tubulin aromatic networks: Potential implications for neurodegenerative disease. Kurian P1, Obisesan TO2, Craddock TJA3 J Photochem Photobiol B. 2017 Aug 24 VIEW
Oxidative effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field and radio frequency radiation on testes tissues of diabetic and healthy rats. Kuzay D, Ozer C, Sirav B, Canseven AG, Seyhan N Bratisl Lek Listy. 2017 VIEW
Overview of systematic reviews: yoga as a therapeutic intervention for adults with acute and chronic health conditions. McCall MC, Ward A, Roberts NW, Heneghan C. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Overview of Systematic Reviews of Mindfulness Meditation-based Interventions for People With Long-term Conditions. Long J, Briggs M, Astin F Adv Mind Body Med. 2017 Fall VIEW
Overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of acupuncture for stroke Zhang JH, Wang D, Liu M. Neuroepidemiology 2014 VIEW
Overview of Integrative Medicine Practices and Policies in NATO Participant Countries. Hegyi G1, Petri RP Jr2, di Sarsina PR3, Niemtzow RC4. Med Acupunct. 2015 Oct 1 VIEW
Overview of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Chinese Medicine Therapy Chuwen Feng1,2, Shuoyan Zhou1, Yuanyuan Qu1, Qingyong Wang1, Shengyong Bao3, Yang Li1,2, Tiansong Yang1,2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2021 Mar 17 VIEW
Overtone chanting meditation Towler S 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Overproduction of free radical species in embryonal cells exposed to low intensity radiofrequency radiation. Burlaka A, Tsybulin O, Sidorik E, Lukin S, Polishuk V, Tsehmistrenko S, Yakymenko I. Exp Oncol. 2013 Sep VIEW
Overcoming Challenges to Implementing Mindfulness-Based Pain Interventions Dan Cherkin1 JAMA Intern Med 2024 Aug 19 VIEW
Outgrowing Back Pain, Asthma, Depression, and other Conditions: The Somatic Paradigm Shafarman Steven Whole Person Health Summit, 2nd Qigong Summit 2005 VIEW
Outcomes of touch therapies during bone marrow transplant Smith MC//Reeder F//Daniel L//Baramee J//// Altern Ther Health Med 2003 VIEW
Outcomes of therapeutic massage for hospitalized cancer patients Smith MC//Kemp J//Hemphill L//Vojir CP J Nurs Scholarsh 2002 VIEW
Outcomes of Music Therapy Interventions on Symptom Management in Palliative Medicine Patients. Gallagher LM1,2, Lagman R2, Rybicki L3 Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2017 Jan 1 VIEW
Outcomes of a pilot training program in a qigong massage intervention for young children with autism Silva LM, Ayres R, Schalock M Am J Occup Ther. 2008 Sep-Oct VIEW
Outcome Expectations and Osteoarthritis: Perceived Benefits of Exercise Are Associated with Self-Efficacy and Depression. Marszalek J1, Price LL2,3, Harvey WF1, Driban JB1, Wang C1 Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Jul 7 VIEW
Our Mental Health Is Determined by an Intrinsic Interplay between the Central Nervous System, Enteric Nerves, and Gut Microbiota Leon M T Dicks1 Int J Mol Sci 2023 Dec 19 VIEW
Our growing understanding of subtle energies and their function in the evolving universe Anderson M World Futures 2003 VIEW
Our brains are not us. Glannon W. Bioethics 2009 Jul VIEW
Our (Mother's) Mitochondria and Our Mind. Kramer P1, Bressan P1 Perspect Psychol Sci. 2017 Sep 1 VIEW
Osteosarcopenic obesity and fall prevention strategies. Hita-Contreras F1, Martínez-Amat A2, Cruz-Díaz D3, Pérez-López FR4. Maturitas. 2014 Nov 25 VIEW
Osteoporosis: current modes of prevention and treatment Lane JM//Nydick M. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999 VIEW
Osteoporosis and gait and balance disturbances in older sarcopenic obese New Zealanders. Waters DL, Hale L, Grant AM, Herbison P, Goulding A. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Feb VIEW
Osteopathy and Mental Health: An Embodied, Predictive, and Interoceptive Framework Lucas Bohlen1, Robert Shaw2,3, Francesco Cerritelli3,4, Jorge E Esteves4,5,6 Front Psychol 2021 Oct 27 VIEW
Osteopathy and Low Back Pain, Acupuncture and in Vitro Fertilization, Tai Chi and Osteoarthritis, Andrographis Paniculata and Ulcerative Colitis, and Acupressure and Vertigo. Pettit J, Glickman-Simon R. Explore (NY). 2014 Jan-Feb VIEW
Osteopathy and (hatha) yoga. Liem T. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Jan VIEW
Osteogenic effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on rat adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. Jiang T, Xu T, Gu F, Chen A, Xiao Z, Zhang D. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2012 Feb VIEW
Osteogenic differentiation Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells cultured on Nanofibrous Scaffold Improved in the Presence of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. Arjmand M1,2, Ardeshirylajimi A3, Maghsoudi H4, Azadian E2 J Cell Physiol. 2017 Apr 17 VIEW
Osteogenic differentiation of bone mesenchymal stem cells regulated by osteoblasts under EMF exposure in a co-culture system. Yu JZ1, Wu H, Yang Y, Liu CX, Liu Y, Song MY. J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2014 Apr VIEW
Osteogenic differentiation of amniotic epithelial cells: synergism of pulsed electromagnetic field and biochemical stimuli. Wang Q, Wu W, Han X, Zheng A, Lei S, Wu J, Chen H, He C, Luo F, Liu X. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014 Aug 11 VIEW
Osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells prompted by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound. Yue Y, Yang X, Wei X, Chen J, Fu N, Fu Y, Ba K, Li G, Yao Y, Liang C, Zhang J, Cai X, Wang M. Cell Prolif. 2013 Jun VIEW
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