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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Some types of exercise interventions are more effective than others in people with coronary heart disease: systematic review and network meta-analysis Mansueto Gomes-Neto1, Andre Rodrigues Durães2, Lino Sérgio Rocha Conceição3, Michelli Bernardone Saquetto2, Iura Gonzalez Alves4, Neil A Smart5, Vitor Oliveira Carvalho3 J Physiother 2024 Mar 18 VIEW
Some tentative ideas about the application of extraordinary power of human body in space flight Li Weiling 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Some Scientific Evidences Lewis MM First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Some physiotherapy treatments may relieve menstrual pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a systematic review. Kannan P1, Claydon LS2. J Physiother. 2014 Mar VIEW
Some Opinions of Arguments of External Qi of Qigong with PSI Mo Wendan Chinese J Somatic Science 1993 VIEW
Some implications of the reported effects of johrei on the viability and proliferation of cultured cancer cells in vitro. Bengston WF. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Mar VIEW
Some experiences about qigong therapy Fukuzaki Kazunori 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Some Challenges of Playing with Power: Does complex energy flow constrain neuromuscular performance? Roberts TJ1 Integr Comp Biol. 2019 Jun 26 VIEW
Somatosympathetic reflex and acupuncture-related analgesia. Huang CS, Tsai YF. Chin J Physiol. 2009 Nov 30 VIEW
Somatosensory Training Improves Proprioception and Untrained Motor Function in Parkinson's Disease. Elangovan N1, Tuite PJ2, Konczak J1 Front Neurol. 2018 Dec 10 VIEW
Somatosensory illusions elicited by sham electromagnetic field exposure: experimental evidence for a predictive processing account of somatic symptom perception Carolin Wolters1, Jana Harzem1, Michael Witthöft2, Alexander L Gerlach1, Anna Pohl1 Psychosom Med 2020 Nov 2 VIEW
Somatosensory deficits. Klingner CM1, Witte OW2 Handb Clin Neurol. 2018 VIEW
Somatics of Early Buddhist Mindfulness and How to Face Anxiety. Anālayo B1 Mindfulness (N Y). 2020 May 8 VIEW
Somatic literacy, bring somatic education into physical education. Linden The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 1994 VIEW
Somatic experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy. Payne P1, Levine PA2, Crane-Godreau MA1 Front Psychol. 2015 Feb 4 VIEW
Somatic dysfunction and the phenomenon of visceral disease simulation: a probable explanation for the apparent effectiveness of somatic therapy in patients presumed to be suffering from true visceral disease Nansel D//Szlazak M J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1995 VIEW
Somatic aphasia: Mismatch of body sensations with autonomic stress reactivity in psychopathy. Gao Y, Raine A, Schug RA. Biol Psychol. 2012 Apr 2 VIEW
Somatic acupuncture versus ear acupuncture in migraine therapy: a randomized, controlled, blind study. Ceccherelli F, Lovato A, Piana E, Gagliardi G, Roveri A. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2012 VIEW
Soma siddhas and alchemical enlightenment: psychedelic mushrooms in Buddhist tradition Hajicek-Dobberstein S J Ethnopharmacol 1995 VIEW
Solid Evidence of Psychic Power: Materiality of Consciousness (Sixteen Years Research on Psi Phenomena) Shen Jinchuan//Sun Chulin J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Solid Evidence of Psychic Power - Fifteen Years of Research on Sun Chulin Phenomena Shen JC First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Solid Ehrlich tumor growth treatment by magnetic waves. Ali FM, El Gebaly RH, El Hag MA, Rohaim AM. Technol Health Care. 2011 Jan 1 VIEW
Solar UV radiation reduces the barrier function of human skin. Biniek K, Levi K, Dauskardt RH. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 16 VIEW
Soft Tissue and Bony Injuries Attributed to the Practice of Yoga: A Biomechanical Analysis and Implications for Management. Lee M1, Huntoon EA2, Sinaki M1 Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Feb 6 VIEW
Socioeconomic status, health behavior, and leukocyte telomere length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2002. Needham BL, Adler N, Gregorich S, Rehkopf D, Lin J, Blackburn EH, Epel ES. Soc Sci Med. 2013 May VIEW
Socially intelligent machines that learn from humans and help humans learn Hyowon Gweon1, Judith Fan1,2, Been Kim3 Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci 2023 Jul 24 VIEW
Social Networks, Community Engagement, and Cognitive Impairment among Community-Dwelling Chinese Older Adults. Li J1, Wang Z1, Lian Z1, Zhu Z1, Liu Y1 Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2019 Sep 10 VIEW
Social Media for the Promotion of Holistic Self-Participatory Care: An Evidence Based Approach. Contribution of the IMIA Social Media Working Group. Miron-Shatz T, Hansen MM, Grajales FJ 3rd, Martin-Sanchez F, Bamidis PD. Yearb Med Inform. 2013 VIEW
So much research, so little application: Barriers to dissemination and practical implementation of Tai Ji Quan. Harmer PA. J Sport Health Sci. 2014 Mar 1 VIEW
Smoking Cessation Induced by Deep Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Prefrontal and Insular Cortices: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial. Dinur-Klein L1, Dannon P2, Hadar A3, Rosenberg O2, Roth Y3, Kotler M2, Zangen A4. Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 5 VIEW
Smartwatch-derived heart rate variability: a head-to-head comparison with the gold standard in cardiovascular disease Fabian Theurl1, Michael Schreinlechner1, Nikolay Sappler1, Michael Toifl1, Theresa Dolejsi1, Florian Hofer1, Celine Massmann1, Christian Steinbring1, Silvia Komarek2,3, Kurt Mölgg2,3, Benjamin Dejakum2,3, Christian Böhme2, Rudolf Kirchmair1, Sebastian Reinstadler1, Axel Bauer1 Eur Heart J Digit Health 2023 Mar 23 VIEW
Smartphone, Social Media, and Mental Health App Use in an Acute Transdiagnostic Psychiatric Sample. Beard C1, Silverman AL1, Forgeard M1,2, Wilmer MT1, Torous J3, Björgvinsson T1 JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019 Jun 7 VIEW
Small talk: microbial metabolites involved in the signaling from microbiota to brain. Caspani G1, Swann J2 Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 13 VIEW
Slowing progression of early stages of AD with alternative therapies: a feasibility study. Lu DF1, Hart LK, Lutgendorf SK, Oh H, Schilling M. Geriatr Nurs. 2013 Nov-Dec VIEW
Slowing progression of early stages of AD with alternative therapies: A feasibility study. Lu DF, Hart LK, Lutgendorf SK, Oh H, Schilling M. Geriatr Nurs 2013 Aug 22 VIEW
Slow-Theta-to-Gamma Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Human Hippocampus Supports the Formation of New Episodic Memories. Lega B1, Burke J2, Jacobs J3, Kahana MJ2. Cereb Cortex. 2014 Oct 14 VIEW
Slow-paced inspiration regularizes alpha phase dynamics in the human brain Shen-Mou Hsu1,2, Chih-Hsin Tseng3, Chao-Hsien Hsieh1,4, Chang-Wei Hsieh5 J Neurophysiol 2020 Jan 1 VIEW
Slow-Paced Breathing and Autonomic Function in People Post-stroke Mia Larson1, Daniel P Chantigian1, Ninitha Asirvatham-Jeyaraj2,3, Ann Van de Winckel1,3, Manda L Keller-Ross1,3 Front Physiol 2020 Oct 30 VIEW
Slow-Breathing Curriculum for Stress Reduction in High School Students: Lessons Learned From a Feasibility Pilot Tanya G K Bentley1, Cerena Seeber2, Emily Hightower1, Brian Mackenzie1, Rob Wilson1, Aly Velazquez1,3, Anna Cheng1, Nicholas N Arce1, Kent A Lorenz3 Front Rehabil Sci 2022 Jul 1 VIEW
Slow Yogic Breathing and Long-Term Cardiac Autonomic Adaptations: A Pilot Study. Bertisch SM1,2, Hamner J2, Taylor JA2,3 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr 18 VIEW
Slow yoga breathing improves mental load in working memory performance and cardiac activity among yoga practitioners Singh Deepeshwar1, Rana Bal Budhi1 Front Psychol 2022 Sep 14 VIEW
Slow stroke back massage: its effect on patients in a rehabilitation setting Holland B//Pokorny ME Rehabil Nurs 2001 VIEW
Slow oscillations in the mouse hippocampus entrained by nasal respiration. Yanovsky Y1, Ciatipis M, Draguhn A, Tort AB, Brankačk J. J Neurosci. 2014 Apr 23 VIEW
Slow Frequency Anuloma Viloma Pranayama Modulates Cardiac and Neural Oscillations in Yoga Practitioners V Malhotra1, A Deep, D Javed, R Singh, S Wakode, O L Bhagat, P K Porter Mymensingh Med J 2022 Jul 1 VIEW
Slow expiration reduces sternocleidomastoid activity and increases transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscle activity during abdominal curl-up. Yoon TL1, Kim KS2, Cynn HS1 J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2014 Apr VIEW
Slow deep breathing modulates cardiac vagal activity but does not affect peripheral glucose metabolism in healthy men Andreas Vosseler1,2,3, Dongxing Zhao2, Julia Hummel1,2,3, Ali Gholamrezaei4, Sarah Hudak1,2,3, Konstantinos Kantartzis1,2,3, Andreas Peter2,3,5, Andreas L Birkenfeld1,2,3, Hans-Ulrich Häring1,2,3, Robert Wagner1,2,3, Hubert Preißl2,3, Stephanie Kullmann2,3, Martin Heni6,7,8,9 Sci Rep 2021 Oct 13 VIEW
Slow breathing reduces chemoreflex response to hypoxia and hypercapnia, and increases baroreflex sensitivity. Bernardi L1, Gabutti A, Porta C, Spicuzza L J Hypertens. 2001 Dec VIEW
Slow breathing increases arterial baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failure Bernardi L//Porta C//Spicuzza L//Bellwon J//// Circulation 2002 VIEW
Slow breathing improves arterial baroreflex sensitivity and decreases blood pressure in essential hypertension. Joseph CN1, Porta C, Casucci G, Casiraghi N, Maffeis M, Rossi M, Bernardi L Hypertension. 2005 Oct VIEW
Slow breathing for reducing stress: The effect of extending exhale Gurjeet Birdee1, Katrina Nelson2, Ken Wallston3, Hui Naan4, Andre Diedrich5, Sachin Paranjape6, Robert Abraham7, Alfredo Gamboa6 Complement Ther Med 2023 Mar 3 VIEW
Slow breathing and hypoxic challenge: cardiorespiratory consequences and their central neural substrates. Critchley HD1, Nicotra A2, Chiesa PA3, Nagai Y4, Gray MA5, Minati L6, Bernardi L7. PLoS One. 2015 May 14 VIEW
sLORETA intracortical lagged coherence during breath counting in meditation-naïve participants. Milz P, Faber PL, Lehmann D, Kochi K, Pascual-Marqui RD. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 May 15 VIEW
Sleep quality, depression state, and health status of older adults after silver yoga exercises: cluster randomized trial. Chen KM, Chen MH, Chao HC, Hung HM, Lin HS, Li CH. Int J Nurs Stud. 2009 Feb VIEW
Sleep quality of obese workers of a teaching hospital: acupuncture as a complementary therapy. Haddad ML, Medeiros M, Marcon SS. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2012 Feb VIEW
Sleep quality of middle-aged Tai Chi practitioners. Lee LY1, Tam KW, Lee ML, Lau NY, Lau JC, Lam YM, Lam CH, Kwan WK, Chan D, Chan B, Chan PZ. Jpn J Nurs Sci. 2014 Aug 29 VIEW
Sleep moderates the effects of Tibetan yoga for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy Kelsey L Sinclair1, Emalee Kiser1, Chelsea G Ratcliff2,3, Alejandro Chaoul4, Martica H Hall5, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche6, Lorenzo Cohen7 Support Care Cancer 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Sleep EEG alterations: effects of pulsed magnetic fields versus pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Schmid MR, Murbach M, Lustenberger C, Maire M, Kuster N, Achermann P, Loughran SP. J Sleep Res. 2012 Jun 22 VIEW
Sleep Disturbance and Older Adults' Inflammatory Responses to Acute Stress. Heffner KL, Ng HM, Suhr JA, France CR, Marshall GD, Pigeon WR, Moynihan JA. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Feb 9 VIEW
Sleep ameliorating effects of acupuncture in a psychiatric population. Bosch P, van Luijtelaar G, van den Noort M, Lim S, Egger J, Coenen A. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Skin Temperature Changes of Receiver’s Hand in Remote Action Experiment Chen W 1,2//Kokubo H 1,2//Nakamura H 1,2//Tanaka M 1,2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Skin Temperature Changes of Receiver's Laogong on the Left Hand in Remote Action Experiment (II) Chen T 1,2//Kokubo H 1,2//Kokado T 1//Zhang T 1,2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Skin Temperature Changes of Receiver's Laogong on the Left Hand in Remote Action Experiment Chen W 12//Kokubo H 12//Kokado T 1//Zhang T/ 12/// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Skin Surface Temperature Changes of the Human Hand by Concentration Nakamura H 1,2//Haraguchi S 1,2//Chen W 1,2//Tanaka M 1,2//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2001 VIEW
Skin conductance at 24 source (yuan) acupoints in 8637 patients: influence of age, gender and time of day. Chamberlin S, Colbert AP, Larsen A. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Mar VIEW
Skin adhesive low-level light therapy for dysmenorrhoea: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial. Shin YI, Kim NG, Park KJ, Kim DW, Hong GY, Shin BC. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012 May 31 VIEW
Skeletal muscle as a regulator of the longevity protein, Klotho. Avin KG1, Coen PM2, Huang W3, Stolz DB4, Sowa GA3, Dubé JJ5, Goodpaster BH5, O'Doherty RM5, Ambrosio F6 Front Physiol. 2014 Jun 17 VIEW
Skeletal muscle as a regulator of the longevity protein, Klotho Keith G. Avin 1,2, Paul M. Coen 3,4, Wan Huang 1, Donna B. Stolz 5, Gwendolyn A. Sowa 1, John J. Dubé 3, Bret H. Goodpaster 3, Robert M. O'Doherty 3 and Fabrisia Ambrosio 1,6* Front. Physiol. 2014 Jun 17 VIEW
Skeletal interoception: an emerging area for musculoskeletal research Zhidao Xia1 Biomater Transl 2022 Dec 28 VIEW
Sixty Samples of Curing Deafness Through Emitted Qi Chen Guoguang//// 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Sixty Cases of Cervical Spondylosis Treated with Qigong Feng Z//Lei Z//Wang D//Yao Y//// Qigong & Health 1991 VIEW
Six-year positive effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on mindfulness, coping and well-being in medical and psychology students; Results from a randomized controlled trial. de Vibe M1, Solhaug I2,3, Rosenvinge JH3, Tyssen R4, Hanley A5,6, Garland E5,6 PLoS One. 2018 Apr 24 VIEW
Six pillars of energy medicine: clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm Feinstein D, Eden D. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008 Jan-Feb VIEW
Situation of 'Human Potential Science' and Its Societies Yamamoto M J Soc Life Info Sci 2003 VIEW
Sitting-Meditation Interventions Among Youth: A Review of Treatment Efficacy. Black DS, Milam J, Sussman S. Pediatrics 2009 Aug 24 VIEW
Sitting tai chi improves the balance control and muscle strength of community-dwelling persons with spinal cord injuries: a pilot study. Tsang WW1, Gao KL1, Chan KM2, Purves S1, Macfarlane DJ3, Fong SS3. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 VIEW
Site-specific organ-selective effect of epifascial acupuncture on cardiac and gastric autonomic functions. Minagawa M, Kurono Y, Ishigami T, Yamada A, Kakamu T, Akai R, Hayano J. Auton Neurosci. 2013 Apr 1 VIEW
Sit, breathe, smile: Effects of single and weekly seated Qigong on blood pressure and quality of life in long-term care. Freeman SR1, Hanik SA2, Littlejohn ML3, Malandruccolo AA4, Coughlin J5, Warren B6, McGowan CL7. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2014 Feb VIEW
SIRT3 functions in the nucleus in the control of stress-related gene expression. Iwahara T, Bonasio R, Narendra V, Reinberg D. Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Dec VIEW
Sino-European Transcontinental Basic and Clinical High-Tech Acupuncture Studies-Part 4: "Fire of Life" Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Acupuncture in Clinical Studies. Litscher G, Wang LP, Wang L, Liu CZ, Wang XM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Sino-European transcontinental basic and clinical high-tech acupuncture studies-part 2: acute stimulation effects on heart rate and its variability in patients with insomnia. Litscher G, Cheng G, Cheng W, Wang L, Niu Q, Feng X, Gaischek I, Kuang H. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Sino-European transcontinental basic and clinical high-tech acupuncture studies-part 1: auricular acupuncture increases heart rate variability in anesthetized rats. Gao XY, Liu K, Zhu B, Litscher G. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Singlet Oxygen Detection in Biological Systems: Uses and Limitations. Koh E1, Fluhr R1 Plant Signal Behav. 2016 May 27 VIEW
Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Proteins: Multiple Domains for Multiple Functions. Dickey TH, Altschuler SE, Wuttke DS. Structure. 2013 Jul 2 VIEW
Single-point acupuncture and physiotherapy for the treatment of painful shoulder: a multicentre randomized controlled trial Vas J, Ortega C, Olmo V, Perez-Fernandez F, Hernandez L, Medina I, Seminario JM, Herrera A, Luna F, Perea-Milla E, Mendez C, Madrazo F, Jimenez C, Ruiz MA, Aguilar I. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2008 Apr 10 VIEW
Single-molecule analysis of telomerase structure and function. Hengesbach M, Akiyama BM, Stone MD. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2011 Nov 4 VIEW
Single-interface bioelectronic medicines - concept, clinical applications and preclinical data Cristian Sevcencu1 J Neural Eng 2022 May 9 VIEW
Single-blind, randomized trial of pelvic floor muscle training, biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training, and electrical stimulation in the management of overactive bladder Wang AC//Wang YY//Chen MC Urology 2004 VIEW
Single-blind trial addressing the differential effects of two reflexology techniques versus rest, on ankle and foot oedema in late pregnancy Mollart L Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2003 VIEW
Single Slow-Paced Breathing Session at Six Cycles per Minute: Investigation of Dose-Response Relationship on Cardiac Vagal Activity Min You1, Sylvain Laborde2,3, Nina Zammit2, Maša Iskra2, Uirassu Borges2,4, Fabrice Dosseville5 Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Nov 26 VIEW
Singing for the Joy of it, Singing for Hope, Singing to Heal: Music and Song Improves Lives of Persons With Parkinson's Disease. Young-Mason J. Clin Nurse Spec. 2012 Nov VIEW
Singing at 0.1 Hz as a Resonance Frequency Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Stress Reactivity? Sandra Tanzmeister1, Christian Rominger1, Bernhard Weber1, Josef M Tatschl1, Andreas R Schwerdtfeger1 Front Psychiatry 2022 Apr 27 VIEW
Simultaneous perineal ultrasound and vaginal pressure measurement prove the action of electrical pudendal nerve stimulation in treating female stress incontinence. Wang S, Zhang S. BJU Int. 2012 Nov VIEW
Simultaneous measurement of neuronal activity and cortical hemodynamics by unshielded magnetoencephalography and near-infrared spectroscopy. Seki Y, Miyashita T, Kandori A, Maki A, Koizumi H. J Biomed Opt. 2012 Oct 25 VIEW
Simultaneous EEG Measurements of Both the Acupuncture Therapist and the Subject during Acupuncture Treatment Ueda Yoshihiro//Kashiba Hitoshi//Ishii Masaaki//Nakasuji Naoki//Yuan Cui J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1997 VIEW
Simultaneous CBF and BOLD Mapping of High Frequency Acupuncture Induced Brain Activity. Zhang Y, Glielmi CB, Jiang Y, Wang J, Wang X, Fang J, Cui C, Han J, Hu X, Zhang J. Neurosci Lett. 2012 Oct 3 VIEW
Simultaneous and Continuous Recording of Electroencephalogram and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Their Clinical Applications Anami K 1//Zhang T 3//Mori T 1//Kobayashi Y 1//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2003 VIEW
Simulation study of delivery of subnanosecond pulses to biological tissues with an impulse radiating antenna. Guo F, Yao C, Bajracharya C, Polisetty S, Schoenbach KH, Xiao S. Bioelectromagnetics. 2013 Nov 6 VIEW
Simulating homeostatic, allostatic and goal-directed forms of interoceptive control using active inference Alexander Tschantz1, Laura Barca2, Domenico Maisto3, Christopher L Buckley4, Anil K Seth5, Giovanni Pezzulo6 Biol Psychol 2022 Jan 17 VIEW
Simulated acupuncture and real acupuncture both reduced low back pain dysfunction and symptoms. Margo K. Evid Based Med 2009 Dec VIEW
Simplified Tai Chi Resistance Training versus Traditional Tai Chi in Slowing Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women. Wang H1, Yu B2, Chen W2, Lu Y3, Yu D4. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015 VIEW
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