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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Role of mitochondria in carcinogenesis. Tokarz P, Blasiak J. Acta Biochim Pol. 2014 Dec 11 VIEW
Role of Mind-Body Fitness in Obesity Alexios Batrakoulis1 Diseases 2022 Dec 21 VIEW
Role of meditation to improve children's health: Time to look at other strategies Nina A Wilson1,2, Maura A Kenny3, Alexia S Peña1,2 J Paediatr Child Health 2020 Nov 20 VIEW
Role of interoceptive fear and maladaptive attention and behaviors in the escalation of psychopathology - a network analysis Jana Gessner1, Jan-Ole Schulz1, Christiane A Melzig1,2, Christoph Benke1 Cogn Behav Ther 2024 Apr 9 VIEW
Role of interoceptive accuracy in topographical changes in emotion-induced bodily sensations. Jung WM1, Ryu Y2, Lee YS1, Wallraven C3, Chae Y1 PLoS One. 2017 Sep 6 VIEW
Role of Integrative Health on Neuropathic Pain Maya Kandah1, Candy Wilson2, Julie G Pilitsis3 Curr Pain Headache Rep 2023 Mar 2 VIEW
Role of exercise in the management of diabetes mellitus: the global scenario. Thent ZC, Das S, Henry LJ. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 13 VIEW
Role of complementary and alternative medicine to achieve fertility in uninsured patients. Perry TE, Hirshfeld-Cytron J. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2013 Apr VIEW
Role of collagen fibers in acupuncture analgesia therapy on rats. Yu X, Ding G, Huang H, Lin J, Yao W, Zhan R. Connect Tissue Res. 2009 VIEW
Role of Breathing Exercises in Asthma-Yoga and Pranayama Rashmi Ranjan Das1, Jhuma Sankar2, Sushil Kumar Kabra3 Indian J Pediatr 2021 Nov 23 VIEW
Role of brain-gut-muscle axis in human health and energy homeostasis Yunju Yin1,2, Qiuping Guo2, Xihong Zhou2, Yehui Duan2, Yuhuan Yang1,2, Saiming Gong1,2, Mengmeng Han2,3, Yating Liu1, Zhikang Yang1, Qinghua Chen1, Fengna Li2,3 Front Nutr 2022 Oct 6 VIEW
Role of Baduanjin exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in coronary heart disease after percutaneous coronary intervention: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Xingxing Li1, Quan Lin, Rongpeng Liu, Yang Wu, Zonging Fan Medicine (Baltimore) 2022 Dec 16 VIEW
Role of acupuncture in the management of diabetic painful neuropathy (DPN): a pilot RCT. Garrow AP1, Xing M, Vere J, Verrall B, Wang L, Jude EB. Acupunct Med. 2014 Mar 21 VIEW
Role of acupressure in symptom management in patients with end-stage renal disease: a systematic review. Kim KH, Lee MS, Won Kang K, Choi SM. J Palliat Med. 2010 Jul VIEW
Role of acid-base balance in the chemoreflex control of breathing. Duffin J1 J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Dec VIEW
Rogers' theory: research to practice Alligood Martha R Rogerian Nursing Science News 1990 VIEW
Rogerian view of drug abuse: implications for nursing Compton MA Nursing Science Quarterly 1989 VIEW
Robust measurement of telomere length in single cells. Wang F, Pan X, Kalmbach K, Seth-Smith ML, Ye X, Antumes DM, Yin Y, Liu L, Keefe DL, Weissman SM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 9 VIEW
RNA-binding proteins and post-transcriptional gene regulation. Glisovic T, Bachorik JL, Yong J, Dreyfuss G. FEBS Lett. 2008 Jun 18 VIEW
RNA silencing: Mechanism, biology and responses to environmental stress. Ferguson LR. Mutat Res. 2011 Sep 1 VIEW
RNA lights up. Mattick JS, Clark MB. Nat Biotechnol. 2011 Oct 13 VIEW
Rising to the Challenges of Evidence-Based Medicine: A Way Forward for Acupuncture. Godwin J. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 Sep 19 VIEW
Right and wrong of modern technology and mind-body science Nomura H J Mind-Body Science 2000 VIEW
Rhythms of the Heart, Echoes in the Brain: Exploring Interoception Sahib S Khalsa1 JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2023 Sep 21 VIEW
Rhythmic Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampus Miriam S Nokia1,2, Markku Penttonen1,2 Front Neural Circuits 2022 Apr 1 VIEW
Rhythmic Breathing: Immunological, Biochemical, and Physiological Effects on Health. Sharma P, Thapliyal A, Chandra T, Singh S, Baduni H, Waheed SM. Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Winter VIEW
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated by Qigong Combined with Herb Meals Xiaohai Y//Songxiang D The Practical Journal of Integrating Chinese with Modern Medicine 1997 VIEW
Rheumatoid arthritis treated by emitted qi Chen Jinghua 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Rheumatoid arthritis and mitochondrial homeostasis: The crossroads of metabolism and immunity Liu Cui1, Jing Weiyao1, Su Chenghong1, Liu Limei1, Zhang Xinghua2, Yuan Bo3, Du Xiaozheng1, Wang Haidong4 Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Sep 23 VIEW
Revisiting the mitogenetic effect of ultra-weak photon emission. Volodyaev I1, Beloussov LV1. Front Physiol. 2015 Sep 7 VIEW
Revisiting Burr and Northrop’s “The Electro-Dynamic Theory of Life” (1935) Levin, M Biol Theory 2020 VIEW
Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): extending the CONSORT statement. Macpherson H, Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Li Y, Wu T, White A, Moher D; on behalf of the STRICTA Revision Group. Acupunct Med 2010 Jun VIEW
Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): extending the CONSORT statement. MacPherson H, Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Youping L, Taixiang W, White A, Moher D; STRICTA Revision Group. Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct VIEW
Reviews on recent Korean works on Bonghan systems Soh Kwang-Sup J Intl Soc Life Info Sci 2005 VIEW
Reviewing the Effectiveness of Music Interventions in Treating Depression. Leubner D1, Hinterberger T1 Front Psychol. 2017 Jul 7 VIEW
Review: Weak radiofrequency radiation exposure from mobile phone radiation on plants. Halgamuge MN1 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Sep 20 VIEW
Review: Beyond conventional therapies: Complementary and alternative medicine in the management of hypertension: An evidence-based review. Wong AP1, Kassab YW2, Mohamed AL2, Abdul Qader AM1 Pak J Pharm Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
Review: Acupuncture reduces migraine frequency more than usual care, sham acupuncture, or prophylactic drugs. Chessman AW1 Ann Intern Med. 2016 Oct 18 VIEW
Review: Acupuncture Analgesia in Clinical Trials. Lin JG, Chen WL. Am J Chin Med. 2009 VIEW
Review on Recent Measurements of Anomalous Bio-Magnetic Fields Kokubo Hideyuki//Yamamoto Mikio//Hirasawa Masahiko//Kawano Kimiko//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
Review on experimental study and clinical application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound in inflammation Maosheng Xu1, Liang Wang1, Senmin Wu1, Yanyan Dong1, Xiu Chen1, Shijia Wang1, Xiuyun Li1, Chunpeng Zou1 Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021 Jan 1 VIEW
Review of yoga therapy during cancer treatment. Danhauer SC1, Addington EL2,3, Sohl SJ2, Chaoul A4, Cohen L4. Support Care Cancer. 2017 Jan 7 VIEW
Review of Under-Recognized Adjunctive Therapies for Cancer Mary E Money1,2, Carolyn M Matthews3,4, Jocelyn Tan-Shalaby5,6 Cancers (Basel) 2022 Sep 29 VIEW
Review of the randomized clinical stroke rehabilitation trials in 2009. Rabadi MH. Med Sci Monit. 2011 Feb 1 VIEW
Review of the Neural Oscillations Underlying Meditation. Lee DJ1, Kulubya E2, Goldin P3, Goodarzi A2, Girgis F2 Front Neurosci. 2018 Mar 26 VIEW
Review of the Evidence that Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment will be a Safe and Effective Therapeutic Against Alzheimer's Disease. Arendash GW J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 May 30 VIEW
Review of tai chi as an effective exercise on falls prevention in elderly. Schleicher MM, Wedam L, Wu G. Res Sports Med. 2012 Jan VIEW
Review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life in cancer survivors. Duncan M1, Moschopoulou E2, Herrington E3,4, Deane J1, Roylance R5, Jones L6, Bourke L7,8, Morgan A9, Chalder T10, Thaha MA3,4, Taylor SC11, Korszun A12, White PD12, Bhui K, SURECAN Investigators BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 28 VIEW
Review of studies of healing touch Wardell DW//Weymouth KF J Nurs Scholarsh 2004 VIEW
Review of Scientific Qigong Exploration by Lu Zuyin Chen, K Journal of Scientific Exploration 2002 VIEW
Review of possible modulation-dependent biological effects of radiofrequency fields. Juutilainen J, Höytö A, Kumlin T, Naarala J. Bioelectromagnetics. 2011 Apr 7 VIEW
Review of evidence suggesting that the fascia network could be the anatomical basis for acupoints and meridians in the human body. Bai Y, Wang J, Wu JP, Dai JX, Sha O, Tai Wai Yew D, Yuan L, Liang QN. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Review of electromagnetic techniques for breast cancer detection. Hassan AM, El-Shenawee M. IEEE Rev Biomed Eng. 2011 VIEW
Review of controlled clinical trials on acupuncture versus sham acupuncture in Germany. He W, Tong Y, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Ben H, Qin Q, Huang F, Rong P. J Tradit Chin Med. 2013 Jun VIEW
Review of Cochrane Reviews on Acupuncture: How Chinese Resources Contribute to Cochrane Reviews. Jiao S, Tsutani K, Haga N. J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb 14 VIEW
Review of Clinical Trials on the Effects of Tai Chi Practice on Primary Hypertension: The Current State of Study Design and Quality Control Yuke Teng1, Sha Yang1, Yuan Chen2, Yuyi Guo1, Yushi Hu3,4, Pan Zhang1, Jingya Cao1, Xinyue Zhang1, Yalan Chen1, Caili Jiang1, Tianyu Liu5, Fang Zeng1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2020 Dec 30 VIEW
Review of Baduanjin and resistance exercise for the mental health of patients with hematologic malignancies Ya-Zhou Shen1, Feng Chen1, Jia-Wen Yu1, Yan Zhang1, Ling-Xiang Lu1, Yong-Li Huo1, Si-Ting Chu1, Bing Cao1, Lei-Wen Tang2 World J Psychiatry 2024 Aug 19 VIEW
Review of Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats. Meyer RB. J S Afr Vet Assoc. 2012 Sep 10 VIEW
Review article: the role of the autonomic nervous system in the pathogenesis and therapy of IBD. Mogilevski T1,2,3, Burgell R3, Aziz Q1,2, Gibson PR3 Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Aug 16 VIEW
Review and outlook of qigong in china's aerospace medicine Wang Zhixiang//Guo Hongzhang 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Reversing Heart Disease Ornish, Dean 1990 VIEW
Reversal of the Detrimental Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Human Osteoblasts by Modified Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound. Zia Uddin SM, Hadjiargyrou M, Cheng J, Zhang S, Hu M, Qin YX. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Feb 27 VIEW
Revealing the Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Beneficial Effects of Tai Chi: A Neuroimaging Perspective. Yu AP1, Tam BT2, Lai CW3, Yu DS4, Woo J5, Chung KF6, Hui SS7, Liu JY8, Wei GX9, Siu PM1 Am J Chin Med. 2018 VIEW
REVEALING THE MYSTERY OF HUICHUN GONG Shen Xinyan 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Returning to a scientific approach to medicine Roy R 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Retrospective survey on therapeutic efficacy of Qigong in Korea Lee MS//Hong SS//Lim HJ//Kim HJ//// Am J Chin Med 2003 VIEW
Retrospective survey on therapeutic efficacy of Qigong in Korea Lee MS, Hong SS, Lim HJ, Kim HJ, Woo WH, Moon SR. Am J Chin Med 2003 VIEW
Retro-walking improves symptoms, pain, and function in primary knee osteoarthritis: a randomised control trial Arvin R Goonasegaran1, Anwar Suhaimi2, Abdul H Mokhtar3 J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
Retraining the Addicted Brain: A Review of Hypothesized Neurobiological Mechanisms of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention. Witkiewitz K, Lustyk MK, Bowen S. Psychol Addict Behav. 2012 Jul 9 VIEW
Retracted: Effects of Tai Chi Softball Exercises on Physical Fitness Level and Cardiovascular Health-Related Factors among Older Females Journal Of Healthcare Engineering J Healthc Eng 2023 Oct 11 VIEW
Rethinking general practice for the 21st century. The patient counts! Joachim P Sturmberg1, Carmel Martin, Leon Piterman Aust Fam Physician 2003 Dec 1 VIEW
Rethinking clinical trials of transcranial direct current stimulation: participant and assessor blinding is inadequate at intensities of 2mA. O'Connell NE, Cossar J, Marston L, Wand BM, Bunce D, Moseley GL, De Souza LH. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Retardation of coronary atherosclerosis with yoga lifestyle intervention Manchanda SC//Narang R//Reddy KS//Sachdeva U//// J Assoc Physicians India 2000 VIEW
Results of linearly polarized near-infrared irradiation therapy in patients with intractable anorectal pain. Mibu R//Hotokezaka M//Mihara S//Tanaka M Dis Colon Rectum 2003 VIEW
Results of a pilot investigation into a complex intervention for breathlessness in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): brief report. Farquhar M, Higginson IJ, Fagan P, Booth S. Palliat Support Care. 2010 Jun VIEW
Results from a person-centered music intervention for individuals living with dementia. Ihara ES1, Tompkins CJ1, Inoue M1, Sonneman S1 Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2018 Nov 20 VIEW
Restoring Balance for People with Cancer Through Integrative Oncology. Fulop JA1, Grimone A2, Victorson D3 Prim Care. 2017 Jun VIEW
Restorative Yoga in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Trial Cohen BE, Chang AA, Grady D, Kanaya AM Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2008 Aug 18 VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol 2008 Spring VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with ovarian or breast cancer: findings from a pilot study Danhauer SC, Tooze JA, Farmer DF, Campbell CR, McQuellon RP, Barrett R, Miller BE J Soc Integr Oncol. 2008 Spring VIEW
Restorative yoga for women with breast cancer: findings from a randomized pilot study. Danhauer SC, Mihalko SL, Russell GB, Campbell CR, Felder L, Daley K, Levine EA. Psychooncology. 2009 Feb 25 VIEW
Restorative yoga and metabolic risk factors: The Practicing Restorative Yoga vs. Stretching for the Metabolic Syndrome (PRYSMS) randomized trial. Kanaya AM1, Araneta MR2, Pawlowsky SB3, Barrett-Connor E2, Grady D3, Vittinghoff E3, Schembri M3, Chang A3, Carrion-Petersen ML2, Coggins T3, Tanori D2, Armas JM3, Cole RJ4. J Diabetes Complications. 2013 Dec 10 VIEW
Resting-State Neuronal Oscillatory Correlates of Working Memory Performance. Heister D, Diwakar M, Nichols S, Robb A, Angeles AM, Tal O, Harrington DL, Song T, Lee RR, Huang M. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 25 VIEW
Resting-state fMRI Functional Connectivity and Mindfulness in Clinical and Non-clinical Contexts: A Review and Synthesis Idil Sezer1, Diego A Pizzagalli2, Matthew D Sacchet3 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2022 Feb 21 VIEW
Resting-state "physiological networks" Jingyuan E Chen1, Laura D Lewis2, Catie Chang3, Qiyuan Tian4, Nina E Fultz5, Ned A Ohringer5, Bruce R Rosen6, Jonathan R Polimeni6 Neuroimage 2020 Jun 1 VIEW
Resting State Vagally-Mediated Heart Rate Variability Is Associated With Neural Activity During Explicit Emotion Regulation. Steinfurth ECK1, Wendt J1, Geisler F1, Hamm AO1, Thayer JF2, Koenig J2,3,4 Front Neurosci. 2018 Nov 5 VIEW
Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, Fallani Fde V, Blinowska K, Verrienti G, Frisoni G, Rossini PM. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 VIEW
Rességuier method and Qi Gong sequentially integrated in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Maddali Bongi S, Del Rosso A, Di Felice C, Calà M, Giambalvo Dal Ben G. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2012 Nov-Dec VIEW
Responsiveness of muscle size and strength to physical training in very elderly people: A systematic review. Stewart VH, Saunders DH, Greig CA. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2013 Oct 24 VIEW
Responsiveness of fibromyalgia clinical trial outcome measures Dunkl PR//Taylor AG//McConnell GG//Alfano AP//// J Rheumatol 2000 VIEW
Responsiveness and Minimally Important Differences for Four Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Short Forms: Physical Function, Pain Interference, Depression, and Anxiety in Knee Osteoarthritis. Lee AC1, Driban JB2, Price LL3, Harvey WF2, Rodday AM4, Wang C2 J Pain. 2017 May 10 VIEW
Responsive neurostimulation: Candidates and considerations. Ma BB1, Rao VR2 Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Oct 21 VIEW
Responses to the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration individual patient data meta-analysis. Vickers AJ, Maschino AC, Lewith G, Macpherson H, Sherman KJ, Witt CM; Aupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration. Acupunct Med. 2013 Mar VIEW
Responses to Mantram Repetition Program from Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a qualitative analysis. Bormann JE1, Hurst S, Kelly A. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2013 VIEW
Response variation as a result of tai chi on resting blood pressure in hypertensive adults: An aggregate data meta-analysis Joel Patrick Steadman Breit1, George A Kelley2 Complement Ther Clin Pract 2022 Jul 18 VIEW
Response to Letter to the Editor Regarding: "The Use of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Treat Respiratory Symptoms Associated With COVID-19: A Theoretical Hypothesis and Early Clinical Experience" Peter S Staats1,2, Robert Levy3 Neuromodulation 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
Response to "The Use of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Treat Respiratory Symptoms Associated with COVID-19: A Theoretical Hypothesis and Early Clinical Experience" Andreas M Burger1, Martina D'Agostini2 Neuromodulation 2020 Oct 1 VIEW
Response of bone mineral density and balance performance in post-burn patients with selected Qigong training: A single-blind randomized controlled trial Eman M Othman1, Rokaia A Toson2 Burns 2023 Mar 29 VIEW
Responding to COVID-19 Stress: Disseminating Mind-Body Resiliency Approaches Daniel L Hall1, Rachel A Millstein1, Christina M Luberto1, Giselle K Perez1, Elyse R Park1 Glob Adv Health Med 2020 Dec 1 VIEW
Respiratory, Physical, and Psychological Benefits of Breath-Focused Yoga for Adults with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A Brief Pilot Study Report. Silverthorne C, Khalsa SB, Gueth R, Deavilla N, Pansini J. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
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