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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Cardiac vagal control as a marker of emotion regulation in healthy adults: A review. Balzarotti S1, Biassoni F2, Colombo B3, Ciceri MR2 Biol Psychol. 2017 Dec VIEW
The role of cardiac vagal tone and inhibitory control in pre-schoolers' listening comprehension. Scrimin S1, Patron E2, Florit E1, Palomba D2, Mason L1 Dev Psychobiol. 2017 Dec VIEW
The effects of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation on static and dynamic postural stability in older individuals: a randomized double-blind sham-controlled study. Ehsani F1, Samaei A2, Zoghi M3, Hedayati R1, Jaberzadeh S4 Eur J Neurosci. 2017 Dec VIEW
Efficacy of rhythmic exercise and walking exercise in older adults' exercise participation rates and physical function outcomes. Park YS1,2, Koh K2, Yang JS3, Shim JK2,4,5,6 Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2017 Dec VIEW
Neural correlates of interoception: Effects of interoceptive focus and relationship to dimensional measures of body awareness. Stern ER1,2, Grimaldi SJ1, Muratore A3, Murrough J1,2, Leibu E1, Fleysher L2,4, Goodman WK5, Burdick KE1,2,6 Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 Dec VIEW
The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human. Russo MA1, Santarelli DM1, O'Rourke D1,2 Breathe (Sheff). 2017 Dec VIEW
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Older Adults: Differences between Baby Boomers and Pre-Boomers Sheryl R Groden1, Amanda Toler Woodward2, Linda M Chatters3, Robert Joseph Taylor3 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2017 Dec 1 VIEW
The Effects of Mindfulness on Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Wong WP1, Coles J1, Chambers R2, Wu DB3, Hassed C1 J Alzheimers Dis Rep. 2017 Dec 2 VIEW
Connecting the Mind-Body Split: Understanding the Relationship between Symptoms and Emotional Well-Being in Chronic Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. Caes L1, Orchard A2, Christie D3 Healthcare (Basel). 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Supriya R1, Yu AP2, Lee PH3, Lai CW1, Cheng KK1, Yau SY4, Chan LW1, Yung BY1, Siu PM2 Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Comparison of the effects of 1MHz and 3MHz therapeutic ultrasound on endothelium-dependent vasodilation of humans: a randomised clinical trial. Hauck M1, Noronha Martins C1, Borges Moraes M1, Aikawa P1, da Silva Paulitsch F1, Méa Plentz RD2, Teixeira da Costa S3, Vargas da Silva AM3, Signori LU4 Physiotherapy. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Effects of Acupuncture Treatment on Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Serotonin, and Substance P Levels: A Randomized Sham and Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Karatay S1, Okur SC2, Uzkeser H3, Yildirim K3, Akcay F4 Pain Med. 2017 Dec 6 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi Training in Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ren X1,2, Li Y1,2, Yang X1,2, Li J1,2, Li H3, Yuan Z4, Sun Y2, Shang H2, Xing Y1, Gao Y2 Front Physiol. 2017 Dec 7 VIEW
Tai Chi and Qigong for cancer-related symptoms and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis Wayne PM1, Lee MS2, Novakowski J3, Osypiuk K3, Ligibel J4, Carlson LE5, Song R6 J Cancer Surviv. 2017 Dec 8 VIEW
Are Exposures to Multiple Frequencies the Key to Future Radiofrequency Research? Sienkiewicz Z1, Calderón C1, Broom KA1, Addison D1, Gavard A1, Lundberg L1, Maslanyj M1 Front Public Health. 2017 Dec 8 VIEW
A Review Study on the Beneficial Effects of Baduanjin Zou L1,2,3, Pan Z4, Yeung A5, Talwar S4, Wang C6, Liu Y7, Shu Y2, Chen X2, Thomas GA5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Dec 11 VIEW
The theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the right PFC affects electroencephalogram oscillation during emotional processing. Cao D1, Li Y2, Niznikiewicz MA3, Tang Y4, Wang J5 Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2017 Dec 11 VIEW
TGF-β1-induced chondrogenesis of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is promoted by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound through the integrin-mTOR signaling pathway. Xia P1, Wang X1, Qu Y1, Lin Q1, Cheng K1, Gao M1, Ren S1, Zhang T1, Li X2 Stem Cell Res Ther. 2017 Dec 13 VIEW
Exercise in the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis. Wellsandt E1, Golightly Y2 Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and shortened telomere length: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Huang P1, Zhou J2, Chen S2, Zou C2, Zhao X1, Li J3 Sleep Med. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
Telomeres and aging. Shay JW1 Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2017 Dec 15 VIEW
[Music therapy as a non-pharmacological treatment in Alzheimer's disease. A systematic review]. Garcia-Casares N1,2, Moreno-Leiva RM1, Garcia-Arnes JA1 Rev Neurol. 2017 Dec 16 VIEW
[Contributions and challenges associated with bodily practices and meditation for health promotion in the public primary care system in the city of São Paulo, Brazil]. Galvanese ATC1, Barros NF2, d'Oliveira AFPL1 Cad Saude Publica. 2017 Dec 18 VIEW
The effect of whole-body vibration training on the lower extremity muscles' electromyographic activities in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Abbasi E1, Kahrizi S1, Razi M2, Faghihzadeh S3 Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2017 Dec 18 VIEW
Physical Activity Interventions in Preventing Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer-Type Dementia: A Systematic Review. Brasure M1, Desai P1, Davila H1, Nelson VA1, Calvert C1, Jutkowitz E1, Butler M1, Fink HA1, Ratner E1, Hemmy LS1, McCarten JR1, Barclay TR1, Kane RL1 Ann Intern Med. 2017 Dec 19 VIEW
A systematic review of psychoneuroimmunology-based interventions. Moraes LJ1,2, Miranda MB1,2, Loures LF3,2, Mainieri AG4,2, Mármora CHC1,3,2 Psychol Health Med. 2017 Dec 20 VIEW
Effects of mindfulness exercises as stand-alone intervention on symptoms of anxiety and depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Blanck P1, Perleth S2, Heidenreich T3, Kröger P2, Ditzen B4, Bents H2, Mander J5 Behav Res Ther. 2017 Dec 20 VIEW
Telomeres in cancer. Gunes C1, Avila AI2, Rudolph KL3 Differentiation. 2017 Dec 21 VIEW
Case Reports of Acupuncturists and Massage Therapists at Mayo Clinic: New Allies in Expediting Patient Diagnoses. Mallory MJ1, Hauschulz JL1, Do A1, Dreyer NE1, Bauer BA2 Explore (NY). 2017 Dec 21 VIEW
Building Sangha in the American Healthcare Setting for Persons With Chronic Disease. Chan RR1, Beaulieu J2, Pickering CEZ3 Explore (NY). 2017 Dec 21 VIEW
The Oxytocin-Vasopressin Pathway in the Context of Love and Fear. Carter CS1 Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2017 Dec 22 VIEW
UMass Medical School Creates New Division Focused on Mindfulness. Horrigan B Explore (NY). 2017 Dec 23 VIEW
Frequency-dependent functional connectivity of the nucleus accumbens during continuous transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in major depressive disorder. Wang Z1, Fang J2, Liu J2, Rong P3, Jorgenson K4, Park J4, Lang C4, Hong Y2, Zhu B5, Kong J6 J Psychiatr Res. 2017 Dec 28 VIEW
Acupuncture for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a randomized controlled trial. Jia Y1, Zhang X1, Yu J2, Han J1, Yu T1, Shi J1, Zhao L1, Nie K1 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Dec 29 VIEW
Effect of whole-body vibration exercise in preventing falls and fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Jepsen DB1,2, Thomsen K2,3, Hansen S2,4, Jørgensen NR5,6, Masud T1,2,7, Ryg J1,2 BMJ Open. 2017 Dec 29 VIEW
Dopamine Is Signaled by Mid-frequency Oscillations and Boosts Output Layers Visual Information in Visual Cortex. Zaldivar D1, Goense J2, Lowe SC3, Logothetis NK4, Panzeri S5 Curr Biol. 2017 Dec 30 VIEW
The Effects of a Tai Chi Training Program on Physical Fitness, Stress Response and Ego-resilience in Nursing Students Son, Jung Tae 1, Lee, Jin Ju 2 Journal of muscle and joint health 2017 Dec 31 VIEW
Hypothesis on interactions of macromolecules based on molecular vibration patterns in cells and tissues. Jaross W1 Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Use of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer. Jimenez H1, Blackman C1, Lesser G2, Debinski W3, Chan M4, Sharma S1, Watabe K5, Lo HW1, Thomas A2, Godwin D6, Blackstock W7, Mudry A8, Posey J9, O'Connor R10, Brezovich I11, Bonin K12, Kim-Shapiro D12, Barbault A13, Pasche B14 Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
New Nursing Faculty and Incivility: Applying Mindfulness-Based Strategies. Green C1 Holist Nurs Pract. 2018 Jan/Feb VIEW
Mindfulness-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of the treatment literature and neurobiological evidence. Boyd JE1, Lanius RA1, McKinnon MC1 J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2018 Jan VIEW
Specific Sensory Techniques and Sensory Environmental Modifications for Children and Youth With Sensory Integration Difficulties: A Systematic Review. Bodison SC1, Parham LD2 Am J Occup Ther. 2018 Jan/Feb VIEW
Review: Beyond conventional therapies: Complementary and alternative medicine in the management of hypertension: An evidence-based review. Wong AP1, Kassab YW2, Mohamed AL2, Abdul Qader AM1 Pak J Pharm Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
Tai Chi Improves Cognition and Plasma BDNF in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Sungkarat S1, Boripuntakul S1, Kumfu S1, Lord SR2, Chattipakorn N1 Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Affective Responses to Acute Bouts of Aerobic Exercise, Mindfulness Meditation, and Combinations of Exercise and Meditation: A Randomized Controlled Intervention. Edwards MK1, Loprinzi PD2 Psychol Rep. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Potential Cognitive Benefits From Playing Music Among Cognitively Intact Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Schneider CE1, Hunter EG1, Bardach SH1 J Appl Gerontol. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Scalp acupuncture plus low-frequency rTMS promotes repair of brain white matter tracts in stroke patients: A DTI study. Zhao N1,2, Zhang J3, Qiu M3, Wang C4, Xiang Y1,2, Wang H5, Xie J4, Liu S6, Wu J6 J Integr Neurosci. 2018 VIEW
The Transcendental Meditation Program's Impact on the Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder of Veterans: An Uncontrolled Pilot Study. Herron RE1, Rees B2 Mil Med. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Brain functional connectivity network studies of acupuncture: a systematic review on resting-state fMRI. Cai RL1, Shen GM2, Wang H3, Guan YY1 J Integr Med. 2018 Jan VIEW
The benefits of yoga in children. Nanthakumar C1 J Integr Med. 2018 Jan VIEW
Managing behavioral and psychological symptoms in Chinese elderly with dementia via group-based music intervention: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Ho RT1, Fong TC1, Sing CY2, Lee PH2, Leung AB3, Chung KS3, Kwok JK3 Dementia (London). 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Association Between Pain and Mindfulness in Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-sectional Survey. Senders A, Borgatti A, Hanes D, Shinto L Int J MS Care. 2018 Jan-Feb VIEW
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy on muscle tissue: the effects on healthy athletes. Notarnicola A1,2, Covelli I1,2, Maccagnano G1,2, Marvulli R3, Mastromauro L4, Ianieri G3, Boodhoo S3, Turitto A3, Petruzzella L2, Farì G1,2,3, Bianchi FP5, Tafuri S5, Moretti B1,2 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2018 Jan-Feb VIEW
Revealing the Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Beneficial Effects of Tai Chi: A Neuroimaging Perspective. Yu AP1, Tam BT2, Lai CW3, Yu DS4, Woo J5, Chung KF6, Hui SS7, Liu JY8, Wei GX9, Siu PM1 Am J Chin Med. 2018 VIEW
Effects of Reiki Versus Physiotherapy on Relieving Lower Back Pain and Improving Activities Daily Living of Patients With Intervertebral Disc Hernia. Jahantiqh F1, Abdollahimohammad A2, Firouzkouhi M2, Ebrahiminejad V3 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2018 Jan-Dec VIEW
The neurobiology of focus and distraction: The case for incorporating mindfulness into leadership. Mohapel P1 Healthc Manage Forum. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Minute Pulsed Electromagnetic Neurostimulation for Mixed Trauma Syndromes. Nelson DV1, Esty ML2 J Evid Based Integr Med. 2018 Jan-Dec VIEW
The biological impact of listening to music in clinical and nonclinical settings: A systematic review. Finn S1, Fancourt D2 Prog Brain Res. 2018 VIEW
A Tai Chi workout a day, keeps the doctor away. Xu L1,2,3, Feng F1,2,3, Li Z1,2,3, Wang Z1, Liu Q1,2,3 Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Biopsychosocial benefits of movement-based complementary and integrative health therapies for patients with chronic conditions. Bolton RE1,2, Fix GM1,3, VanDeusen Lukas C3,4, Elwy AR3,4, Bokhour BG1,3 Chronic Illn. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Sensory-motor training versus resistance training among patients with knee osteoarthritis: randomized single-blind controlled trial. Gomiero AB1, Kayo A2, Abraão M1, Peccin MS1, Grande AJ3, Trevisani VF4 Sao Paulo Med J. 2018 Jan-Feb VIEW
Effects of adding whole-body vibration to routine day activity program on physical functioning in elderly with mild or moderate dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Lam FMH1, Liao LR2, Kwok TCY3, Pang MYC1 Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Jan VIEW
Effects of 900-MHz electromagnetic fields exposure throughout middle/late adolescence on the kidney morphology and biochemistry of the female rat. Okatan DÖ1, Okatan AE2, Hancı H3, Demir S4, Yaman SÖ5, Çolakoğlu S6, Odacı E3 Toxicol Ind Health. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
Which Facets of Mindfulness Protect Individuals from the Negative Experiences of Obsessive Intrusive Thoughts? Emerson LM1, Heapy C1, Garcia-Soriano G2 Mindfulness (N Y). 2018 VIEW
Investigating the Specific Effects of an Online Mindfulness-Based Self-Help Intervention on Stress and Underlying Mechanisms. Gu J1, Cavanagh K1, Strauss C1,2 Mindfulness (N Y). 2018 VIEW
Somatosensory deficits. Klingner CM1, Witte OW2 Handb Clin Neurol. 2018 VIEW
Mobility, balance and balance confidence - correlations with daily living of individuals with and without mild proprioception deficits post-stroke. Rand D1 NeuroRehabilitation. 2018 VIEW
Whole-body vibration improves ankle spasticity, balance, and walking ability in individuals with incomplete cervical spinal cord injury. In T1, Jung K2, Lee MG3, Cho HY4 NeuroRehabilitation. 2018 VIEW
Patient-centered Approach in Closed Psychiatric Wards: The Curative Power of Relaxing Music Chosen by Patients. Bensimon M1, Shaul S1, Div S2, Sandler L2, Teitelbaum A2 Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2018 VIEW
The association between Tai Chi exercise and safe driving performance among older adults: An observational study. Miller S1,2, Taylor-Piliae RE2 J Sport Health Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
Survey on Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Function of the City Elderly in Different Regular Physical Activities in China. Chen L1, Wang S, Xu JC J Nutr Health Aging. 2018 VIEW
Low-Intensity Ultrasound Modulates Ca<sup>2+</sup> Dynamics in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Connexin 43 Hemichannel. Yoon CW1, Jung H1, Goo K1, Moon S1, Koo KM1, Lee NS1, Weitz AC1,2, Shung KK3 Ann Biomed Eng. 2018 Jan VIEW
Mind the Hype: A Critical Evaluation and Prescriptive Agenda for Research on Mindfulness and Meditation. Van Dam NT1,2, van Vugt MK3, Vago DR4, Schmalzl L5, Saron CD6, Olendzki A7, Meissner T8, Lazar SW9, Kerr CE10, Gorchov J11, Fox KCR12, Field BA13, Britton WB14, Brefczynski-Lewis JA15, Meyer DE16 Perspect Psychol Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Whole Body Vibration in Stroke Patients: A Meta-Analysis. Park YJ1, Park SW1, Lee HS2 Biomed Res Int. 2018 Jan 2 VIEW
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Whole Body Vibration in Stroke Patients: A Meta-Analysis. Park YJ1, Park SW1, Lee HS2 Biomed Res Int. 2018 Jan 2 VIEW
Altered topological patterns of brain functional networks in Crohn's disease. Liu P1,2, Li R3,4, Bao C5, Wei Y3,4, Fan Y3,4, Liu Y3,4, Wang G3,4, Wu H6, Qin W7,8 Brain Imaging Behav. 2018 Jan 3 VIEW
Electronic Transmission of Antibacterial Property Into Water at Extremely Low Frequency Range: A Preliminary Study. Rad I1, Jalali K1 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Jan 3 VIEW
The Effects of Qigong on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Meng D1, Chunyan W1, Xiaosheng D1, Xiangren Y2 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Jan 3 VIEW
Application of ultrasound treatment for improving the physicochemical, functional and rheological properties of myofibrillar proteins. Amiri A1, Sharifian P2, Soltanizadeh N2 Int J Biol Macromol. 2018 Jan 4 VIEW
The Effect of Tai Chi on Cardiorespiratory Fitness for Coronary Disease Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Yang YL1,2, Wang YH2, Wang SR2, Shi PS1,2, Wang C1,2 Front Physiol. 2018 Jan 4 VIEW
The physical postures of yoga practices may protect against depressive symptoms, even as life stressors increase: a moderation analysis. Franklin RA1, Butler MP2, Bentley JA1 Psychol Health Med. 2018 Jan 8 VIEW
Temporal Courses in EEG Theta and Alpha Activity in the Dynamic Health Qigong Techniques Wu Qin Xi and Liu Zi Jue. Henz D1, Schöllhorn WI1 Front Psychol. 2018 Jan 8 VIEW
[Effects of Health Qigong Baduanjin on diabetes related indexes in middle-aged obese women]. Liu T1, Bai S1, Zhang RC1 Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2018 Jan 8 VIEW
Understanding qi running in the meridians as interstitial fluid flowing via interstitial space of low hydraulic resistance. Zhang WB1,2, Jia DX1, Li HY2, Wei YL3, Yan H3, Zhao PN1, Gu FF1, Wang GJ2, Wang YP4 Chin J Integr Med. 2018 Jan 9 VIEW
The Effect of Physical Activity on PTSD. Oppizzi LM1, Umberger R2 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
A histopathological and biochemical evaluation of oxidative injury in the sciatic nerves of male rats exposed to a continuous 900-megahertz electromagnetic field throughout all periods of adolescence. Kerimoğlu G1, Güney C2, Ersöz Ş3, Odacı E2 J Chem Neuroanat. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
The health impact of residential retreats: a systematic review. Naidoo D1, Schembri A2, Cohen M3 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration on muscle strength, bone mineral content and density, and balance and body composition of children and adolescents with Down syndrome: a systematic review. Saquetto MB1,2, Pereira FF3, Queiroz RS3,4, da Silva CM5,3, Conceição CS5,3, Gomes Neto M5,3,6 Osteoporos Int. 2018 Jan 12 VIEW
Long term exposure to cell phone frequencies (900 and 1800 MHz) induces apoptosis, mitochondrial oxidative stress and TRPV1 channel activation in the hippocampus and dorsal root ganglion of rats. Ertilav K1, Uslusoy F2, Ataizi S3, Nazıroğlu M4 Metab Brain Dis. 2018 Jan 13 VIEW
Controlling the Temporal Structure of Brain Oscillations by Focused Attention Meditation. Irrmischer M1, Houtman SJ1, Mansvelder HD1, Tremmel M2, Ott U2, Linkenkaer-Hansen K1 Hum Brain Mapp. 2018 Jan 13 VIEW
Bioelectric signaling in regeneration: Mechanisms of ionic controls of growth and form. McLaughlin KA1, Levin M2 Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 15 VIEW
Bioelectric signaling in regeneration: Mechanisms of ionic controls of growth and form. McLaughlin KA1, Levin M2 Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 15 VIEW
The preliminary effect of whole-body vibration intervention on improving the skeletal muscle mass index, physical fitness, and quality of life among older people with sarcopenia. Chang SF1, Lin PC2, Yang RS3, Yang RJ4 BMC Geriatr. 2018 Jan 17 VIEW
Mindfulness vs psychoeducation in adult ADHD: a randomized controlled trial. Hoxhaj E1, Sadohara C1, Borel P1, D'Amelio R2, Sobanski E3,4, Müller H5, Feige B1, Matthies S1, Philipsen A6,7 Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
Effects of school-based mindfulness training on emotion processing and well-being in adolescents: evidence from event-related potentials. Sanger KL1,2, Thierry G2, Dorjee D2 Dev Sci. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields accelerates wound healing modulating MMP-9 and inflammatory cytokines. Patruno A1, Ferrone A1, Costantini E2, Franceschelli S1, Pesce M3, Speranza L1, Amerio P1, D'Angelo C2, Felaco M1, Grilli A3, Reale M2 Cell Prolif. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
The Application of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) for Bone Fracture Repair: Past and Perspective Findings. Daish C1,2, Blanchard R3, Fox K4, Pivonka P5, Pirogova E4 Ann Biomed Eng. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
Effects of a Kundalini Yoga Program on Elementary and Middle School Students' Stress, Affect, and Resilience. Sarkissian M1, Trent NL2, Huchting K1, Singh Khalsa SB2 J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
Exposure Duration Is a Determinant of the Effect of Sinusoidal Electromagnetic Fields on Peak Bone Mass of Young Rats. Zhu BY1,2, Yang ZD3, Chen XR4, Zhou J2, Gao YH2, Xian CJ5, Chen KM6 Calcif Tissue Int. 2018 Jan 23 VIEW
Predicting tipping points in complex environmental systems John C Moore1,2 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018 Jan 23 VIEW
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