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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18844 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Hathayogic exercise jalandharabandha in its effect on cardiovascular response to apnoea Lepicovska V//Dostalek C//Kovarova M Act Nerv Super (Praha) 1990 VIEW
Hatha yoga: improved vital capacity of college students Birkel DA//Edgren L Altern Ther Health Med 2000 VIEW
Hatha Yoga therapy management of urologic disorders Ripoll E//Mahowald D World J Urol 2002 VIEW
Hatha yoga practices: energy expenditure, respiratory changes and intensity of exercise. Ray US, Pathak A, Tomer OS. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011 VIEW
Hatha Yoga Practice Improves Attention and Processing Speed in Older Adults: Results from an 8-Week Randomized Control Trial. Gothe NP1, Kramer AF2, McAuley E3 J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Nov 3 VIEW
Hatha Yoga practice decreases menopause symptoms and improves quality of life: A randomized controlled trial. Jorge MP1, Santaella DF2, Pontes IM3, Shiramizu VK4, Nascimento EB5, Cabral A6, Lemos TM7, Silva RH8, Ribeiro AM9 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun VIEW
Hatha yoga for depression: critical review of the evidence for efficacy, plausible mechanisms of action, and directions for future research. Uebelacker LA, Epstein-Lubow G, Gaudiano BA, Tremont G, Battle CL, Miller IW. J Psychiatr Pract. 2010 Jan VIEW
Hatha yoga and vascular function: Results from cross-sectional and interventional studies. Hunter SD, Tarumi T, Dhindsa MS, Nualnim N, Tanaka H. J Bodyw Mov Ther 2013 Jul VIEW
Hatha yoga and meditation in patients with post-polio syndrome DeMayo W//Singh B//Duryea B//Riley D Altern Ther Health Med 2004 VIEW
Has the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies by U.S. Adults with Chronic Disease-Related Functional Limitations Changed from 2002 to 2007? Okoro CA, Zhao G, Li C, Balluz LS. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Oct 16 VIEW
Harvard Team Finds 43% Reduction in Use of Health Care Services via Mind-Body Intervention … plus more. Weeks J. Integr Med (Encinitas) 2015 Dec VIEW
Harnessing the power of the placebo effect and renaming it "remembered wellness" H Benson1, R Friedman Annu Rev Med 1996 Feb 19 VIEW
Harnessing the Power of Light to Treat Staphylococcal Infections Focusing on MRSA. Agrawal T, Avci P, Gupta GK, Rineh A, Lakshmanan S, Batwala V, Tegos GP, Hamblin MR1. Curr Pharm Des. 2015 Mar 9 VIEW
Harnessing the Four Elements for Mental Health Jerome Sarris1,2, Michael de Manincor1, Fiona Hargraves1, Jack Tsonis1,3 Front Psychiatry 2019 Apr 24 VIEW
Harnessing life's slings and arrows: The science and opportunities for mindfulness meditation during a global pandemic and beyond Eric B Loucks1, Melissa A Rosenkranz, J David Creswell Psychosom Med 2021 Jun 11 VIEW
Harnessing electromagnetic fields to assist bone tissue engineering Hongqi Zhao1, Chaoxu Liu1, Yang Liu1, Qing Ding1, Tianqi Wang1, Hao Li1, Hua Wu2, Tian Ma3 Stem Cell Res Ther 2023 Jan 11 VIEW
Harnessing Anesthesia and Brain Imaging for the Study of Human Consciousness. Långsjö JW, Revonsuo A, Scheinin H. Curr Pharm Des. 2013 Sep 10 VIEW
Harmonic sounds: complementary medicine for the critically ill Cardozo M Br J Nurs 2004 VIEW
Harmonic Motion Microwave Doppler Imaging method for breast tumor detection. Top CB, Tafreshi AK, Gencer NG. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014 Aug VIEW
Hardware and Software realization of EDSD for Acupuncture Research and Practice. Duchon F, Fico T, Dubravsky J. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2013 Oct 17 VIEW
Hardware and software design for a National Instrument-based magnetic induction tomography system for prospective biomedical applications. Wei HY, Soleimani M. Physiol Meas. 2012 May VIEW
Handwriting but not typewriting leads to widespread brain connectivity: a high-density EEG study with implications for the classroom F R Ruud Van der Weel1, Audrey L H Van der Meer1 Front Psychol 2024 Jan 26 VIEW
Hands on Healing Ruttenberg J Better Nutrition 2001 VIEW
Handbook of Manual Muscle Testing Cutter N//Kevorkian CG 1999 VIEW
Hand movements above the unshielded tail of a shielded rat induces differences in voltage inside the animal Nordenstrom Bjorn EW Am J. Acupuncture 1992 VIEW
Hand Gesture Qigong Form - New Result of Message Transmission from the Universe Tian Yuan 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Hand gesture and its effect in qigong Chai Jianyu 6th Int Sym on Qigong 1996 VIEW
Hallmarks of senescence and aging. Dodig S1, Čepelak I1, Pavić I2 Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2019 Oct 15 VIEW
Half a century of molecular bioenergetics. Junge W Biochem Soc Trans. 2013 Oct VIEW
Haemodynamic changes in the superior mesenteric artery induced by acupuncture stimulation on the lower limbs. Watanabe M, Takayama S, Yamamoto Y, Nagase S, Seki T, Yaegashi N. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Habitual walking and its correlation to better physical function: implications for prevention of physical disability in older persons Wong CH//Wong SF//Pang WS//Azizah MY//// J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2003 VIEW
Habitual self-control and the management of health behavior among heart patients Schroder KE//Schwarzer R Soc Sci Med 2005 VIEW
Habitual physical exercise has beneficial effects on telomere length in postmenopausal women. Kim JH, Ko JH, Lee DC, Lim I, Bang H. Menopause. 2012 Jun 4 VIEW
Habits of cell phone usage and sperm quality - does it warrant attention? Zilberlicht A1, Wiener-Megnazi Z2, Sheinfeld Y2, Grach B2, Lahav-Baratz S2, Dirnfeld M2. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun 18 VIEW
GYNEPATHIC DISEASES TREATED BY QIGONG Huang Xiaokuan//Cai Qijian//Zhang Shiyin 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES TREATED BY QIGONG He Tongsheng 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Gut-microbiome-brain axis: the crosstalk between the vagus nerve, alpha-synuclein and the brain in Parkinson's disease Júlio César Claudino Dos Santos1, Leandro Freitas Oliveira2, Felipe Micelli Noleto3, Camilla Teixeira Pinheiro Gusmão4, Gerly Anne de Castro Brito5, Glauce Socorro de Barros Viana6 Neural Regen Res 2023 Dec 1 VIEW
Gut-Brain-Microbiota Axis: Antibiotics and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Tarkan Karakan1, Ceren Ozkul2, Esra Küpeli Akkol3, Saniye Bilici4, Eduardo Sobarzo-Sánchez5,6, Raffaele Capasso7 Nutrients 2021 Jan 27 VIEW
Gut-brain communication and obesity: understanding functions of the vagus nerve Hans-Rudolf Berthoud1, Vance L Albaugh2, Winfried L Neuhuber3 J Clin Invest 2021 May 17 VIEW
Gut-brain axis: A cutting-edge approach to target neurological disorders and potential synbiotic application Sumel Ashique1, Sourav Mohanto2, Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed2, Neeraj Mishra3, Ashish Garg4, Dinesh Kumar Chellappan5, Timothy Omara6, Shabnoor Iqbal7, Ivan Kahwa8 Heliyon 2024 Jul 4 VIEW
Gut-Brain Axis a Key Player to Control Gut Dysbiosis in Neurological Diseases Ieshita Pan1, Praveen Kumar Issac2, Md Mostafizur Rahman3, Ajay Guru4, Jesu Arockiaraj5 Mol Neurobiol 2023 Oct 18 VIEW
Gut vagal sensory signaling regulates hippocampus function through multi-order pathways. Suarez AN1, Hsu TM2,3, Liu CM1,2, Noble EE1, Cortella AM1, Nakamoto EM2, Hahn JD4, de Lartigue G5,6, Kanoski SE7,8,9 Nat Commun. 2018 Jun 5 VIEW
Gut thinking: the gut microbiome and mental health beyond the head. Lucas G1 Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2018 Nov 30 VIEW
Gut microbiota, pathogenic proteins and neurodegenerative diseases Wei Wei1,2, Shixu Wang2, Chongchong Xu2, Xuemei Zhou2, Xinqing Lian2, Lin He1, Kuan Li2 Front Microbiol 2022 Nov 18 VIEW
Gut Microbiota Regulates Depression-Like Behavior in Rats Through the Neuroendocrine-Immune-Mitochondrial Pathway. Liu S1, Guo R2, Liu F3, Yuan Q4, Yu Y1, Ren F1 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2020 Mar 31 VIEW
Gut Microbiota Interaction with the Central Nervous System throughout Life Jorge Ojeda1, Ariel Ávila2, Pía M Vidal1 J Clin Med 2021 Mar 21 VIEW
Gut microbiota composition modulates inflammation and structure of the vagal afferent pathway J S Kim1, R A Kirkland1, S H Lee1, C R Cawthon1, K W Rzepka2, D M Minaya2, G de Lartigue3, K Czaja2, Cb de La Serre4 Physiol Behav 2020 Jul 16 VIEW
Gut Microbiota as a Mediator of Host Neuro-Immune Interactions: Implications in Neuroinflammatory Disorders Valentina Caputi1,2, Jelena Popov3, Maria Cecilia Giron4, Siobhain O Apos Mahony1,2 Mod Trends Psychiatry 2021 May 26 VIEW
Gut Microbiota and Its Role in Anti-aging Phenomenon: Evidence-Based Review Ruishan Li1, Rupak Roy2 Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2023 Mar 17 VIEW
Gut microbiome-mediated regulation of neuroinflammation John W Bostick1, Aubrey M Schonhoff2, Sarkis K Mazmanian3 Curr Opin Immunol 2022 Apr 21 VIEW
Gut microbiome in neuroendocrine and neuroimmune interactions: The case of genistein Tai L Guo1, Yingjia Chen2, Hannah Shibo Xu2, Callie M McDonough2, Guannan Huang3 Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2020 Jul 13 VIEW
Gut Microbes and Health: A Focus on the Mechanisms Linking Microbes, Obesity, and Related Disorders. Rastelli M1,2,3, Knauf C2,3,4,5, Cani PD1,2,3 Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 May VIEW
Gut Microbe to Brain Signaling: What Happens in Vagus…. Fülling C1, Dinan TG2, Cryan JF3 Neuron. 2019 Mar 20 VIEW
Gut liver brain axis in diseases: the implications for therapeutic interventions Mengyao Yan1, Shuli Man2, Benyue Sun1, Long Ma1, Lanping Guo3, Luqi Huang4, Wenyuan Gao5 Signal Transduct Target Ther 2023 Dec 6 VIEW
Gut Bacteria and Neurotransmitters Leon M T Dicks1 Microorganisms 2022 Sep 14 VIEW
Gut Bacteria and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Leon M T Dicks1, Diron Hurn1, Demi Hermanus1 Microorganisms 2021 Dec 14 VIEW
Guidelines for developing yoga interventions for randomized trials. Sherman KJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Guideline of neuropathic pain treatment and dilemma from neurological point of view. Yang CM, Chen NC, Shen HC, Chou CH, Yeh PS, Lin HJ, Chang CY, Cheng TJ, Lin KC. Acta Neurol Taiwan. 2012 Sep VIEW
Guideline for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Bateman ED//Feldman C//O'Brien J//Plit M//// S Afr Med J 2004 VIEW
Guided Waves in the Skull Héctor Estrada1,2, Daniel Razansky3,4 Adv Exp Med Biol 2022 May 9 VIEW
Guided visualization interventions on perceived stress, dyadic satisfaction and psychological symptoms in highly stressed couples. Rogers KR, Hertlein K, Rogers D, Cross CL. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2012 May VIEW
Guided Self-Help Works: Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial of Pacifica, a Mobile App Integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression. Moberg C1, Niles A2, Beermann D1 J Med Internet Res. 2019 Jun 8 VIEW
Guided Imagery, A psychoneuroimmunological intervention in holistic nursing practice Giedt JF J Holist Nurs 1997 VIEW
Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence Wynd CA J Nurs Scholarsh 2005 VIEW
Guest editorial: Special issue on noninvasive electromagnetic brain stimulation. Ktonas PY, Penzel T, Ruffini G. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2013 May VIEW
Guarding chromosomes from oxidative DNA damage to the very end. Tan R1, Lan L2 Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2016 May 12 VIEW
Growth of Integrative Medicine at Leading Cancer Centers Between 2009 and 2016: A Systematic Analysis of NCI-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Websites. Yun H1, Sun L1, Mao JJ1 J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2017 Nov 1 VIEW
Growth Hormone Improves Lean Body Mass, Physical Performance, and Quality of Life in Subjects With HIV-Associated Weight Loss or Wasting on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Serono 9037 Study Team J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2004 VIEW
Group-Based Relaxation Response Skills Training for Pharmacologically-Resistant Depressed and Anxious Patients. Truzoli R1, Rovetta C1, Viganò C1, Marinaccio PM1, Ba G1, Reed P2 Behav Cogn Psychother. 2016 Sep 27 VIEW
Group- plus home-based Tai Chi program improves functional health among patients with coronary heart disease: a randomized controlled trial Ting Liu1, Aileen Wai Kiu Chan1, Sek Ying Chair1 Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2022 Jan 11 VIEW
Group Yoga Effects on Cancer Patient and Caregiver Symptom Distress: Assessment of Self-reported Symptoms at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Lopez G1, Chaoul A1, Powers-James C1, Eddy CA1, Mallaiah S1, Gomez TI1, Williams JL1, Wei Q1, Bruera E1, Cohen L1 Integr Cancer Ther. 2018 Aug 31 VIEW
Group vs. Single Mindfulness Meditation: Exploring Avoidance, Impulsivity, and Weight Management in Two Separate Mindfulness Meditation Settings. Mantzios M1, Giannou K. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2014 Feb 28 VIEW
Group versus Individual Acupuncture (AP) for Cancer Pain: A Randomized Noninferiority Trial. Reed EN1, Landmann J2, Oberoi D1, Piedalue KL1, Faris P3, Carlson LE1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Apr 13 VIEW
Group treatment of fibromyalgia: a 6 month outpatient program Bennett RM//Burckhardt CS//Clark SR//O'Reilly CA//// J Rheumatol 1996 VIEW
Group tele-exercise for improving balance in elders. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health Wu, G. & Keyes, L. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health 2006 VIEW
Group Qigong for Adolescent Inpatients with Anorexia Nervosa: Incentives and Barriers. Gueguen J1,2, Piot MA2,3, Orri M1,2, Gutierre A3, Le Moan J3, Berthoz S1,3, Falissard B1,2, Godart N1,3 PLoS One. 2017 Feb 2 VIEW
Group observation and experimental research on the prevention and treatment of hypertension by qigong Li Ziran//Li Lixiang//Zhang Boli 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Group music therapy for severe mental illness: a randomized embedded-experimental mixed methods study. Grocke D, Bloch S, Castle D, Thompson G, Newton R, Stewart S, Gold C. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2013 Nov 21 VIEW
Group music therapy for patients with persistent post-traumatic stress disorder - an exploratory randomized controlled trial with mixed methods evaluation. Carr C, d'Ardenne P, Sloboda A, Scott C, Wang D, Priebe S. Psychol Psychother. 2012 Jun VIEW
Group music interventions for dementia-associated anxiety: A systematic review. Ing-Randolph AR1, Phillips LR2, Williams AB3. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015 Jul 17 VIEW
Group differences between practitioners and novices in hemispheric processing of attention and emotion before and after a session of Falun Gong qigong. Bendig BW1, Shapiro D2, Zaidel E3 Brain Cogn. 2019 Dec 4 VIEW
Group and home-based tai chi in elderly subjects with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial Brismee, J., Paige, R., Chyu, M., Boatright, J., Hagar, J. McCaleb, J., Quintela, M. Feng, D., Xu, K. & Shen, C. Clinical Rehabilitation 2007 VIEW
Group acupuncture for knee pain: evaluation of a cost-saving initiative in the health service. White A, Richardson M, Richmond P, Freedman J, Bevis M. Acupunct Med. 2012 Aug 20 VIEW
Grounding (earthing) as related to electromagnetic hygiene: An integrative review Isaac A Jamieson1 Biomed J 2022 Dec 7 VIEW
Ground reaction force characteristics of Tai Chi push hand. Chang YT1, Chang JH, Huang CF. J Sports Sci. 2014 May 13 VIEW
Ground contact characteristics of Tai Chi gait Wu G, Hitt J. Gait Posture 2005 Aug VIEW
Grey matter volume predicts improvement in geriatric depression in response to Tai Chi compared to Health Education Beatrix Krause-Sorio1, Prabha Siddarth1, Michaela M Milillo1, Lisa Kilpatrick1, Linda Ercoli1, Katherine L Narr2, Helen Lavretsky1 Int Psychogeriatr 2023 Dec 6 VIEW
GreenLight™ laser in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic enlargement. Antoniewicz AA, Alivizatos G, Zapała L, de Reijke TM. Expert Rev Med Devices. 2011 Mar VIEW
Green wireless body area nanonetworks: energy management and the game of survival. Misra S, Islam N, Mahapatro J, Rodrigues JJ. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2014 Mar VIEW
Green tea polyphenols supplementation and Tai Chi exercise for postmenopausal osteopenic women: safety and quality of life report Chwan-Li Shen1,2,3 , Ming-Chien Chyu1,4,5,6 , Barbara C Pence1 , James K Yeh7 , Yan Zhang2,8 , Carol K Felton9 , Susan Doctolero10 and Jia-Sheng Wang11 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2010 Dec 9 VIEW
Greater Mindfulness Associated With Lower Pain, Fatigue, and Psychological Distress in Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Zimmaro LA1, Carson JW2, Olsen MK3, Sanders LL4, Keefe FJ5, Porter LS5 Psychooncology. 2019 Sep 11 VIEW
Greater efficiency in attentional processing related to mindfulness meditation. van den Hurk PA, Giommi F, Gielen SC, Speckens AE, Barendregt HP. Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester). 2010 Jun VIEW
Greater Cortical Thickness in Elderly Female Yoga Practitioners-A Cross-Sectional Study. Afonso RF1, Balardin JB1, Lazar S2, Sato JR3, Igarashi N1, Santaella DF1,4, Lacerda SS1, Amaro E Jr1, Kozasa EH1 Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Jun 20 VIEW
Great leader jin mother of congenital internal dan tao and preliminary exploration of her internal dan gong Su Huaren//Yang Zhangjiang//Liu Yurong 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Graded and dispersed MRAC model of control system in internal environment of human body Hu Haichang//Hu Younong 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science 1990 VIEW
Got yoga?: A longitudinal analysis of thematic content and models' appearance-related attributes in advertisements spanning four decades of Yoga Journal. Vinoski E1, Webb JB2, Warren-Findlow J3, Brewer KA4, Kiffmeyer KA4 Body Image. 2017 Feb 16 VIEW
Good vibrations - effects of whole body vibration on attention in healthy individuals and individuals with ADHD. Fuermaier AB1, Tucha L1, Koerts J1, van Heuvelen MJ2, van der Zee EA3, Lange KW4, Tucha O1. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 28 VIEW
Golf qigong: the secret of the inner swing Andraes P 4th World Congress on Qigong & 4th American Qigong Assoc Conf 2001 VIEW
Glucocorticoid signaling and stress-related limbic susceptibility pathway: about receptors, transcription machinery and microRNA. de Kloet ER, Fitzsimons CP, Datson NA, Meijer OC, Vreugdenhil E. Brain Res. 2009 Mar 27 VIEW
Global trends of traditional Chinese exercises for musculoskeletal disorders treatment research from 2000 to 2022: A bibliometric analysis Chong Guan1, Yuanjia Gu1, Ziji Cheng1, Fangfang Xie1, Fei Yao1 Front Neurosci 2023 Feb 10 VIEW
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